• Member Since 30th Jun, 2013
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Coronet the lesser

"Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead." ~Gene Fowler


After Twilight's coronation, Spike notices that Twilight is overwhelmed by her new duties.

He decides to do something about it, by reminding her what is truly important.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

I utterly adored this. Spike was always at his best when he was looking out for Twilight, being her snarky little voice of reason. I loved the detail about Shining Armor telling Spike it was his job to look after Twilight now. That sort for sibling vibe between the three is my favorite thing even.

Great job, seriously! :ajsmug:

Honestly Twilight and Spike’s relationship is easily one of the most fun to write in FIM because of how Interdependent they are on each other. Makes for good dynamic.

So glad you enjoyed the story! Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

As much as I love the story. Methinks Twilight had plenty of time to do all of what Spike suggested (no one tells the Princess what to do), but she deliberately avoided doing them. For one simple reason.

They would make her face the truth that she abandoned Ponyville and her friends. All for some stupid idea that she should rule from Canterlot, and basically spit on the town and ponies who made her who she is today.

Hasbro didn't even have her try and justify it either. Twilight just did it, and nopony said anything apparently.

Sorry for the vent. But her and Spike moving back to Canterlot, of everything that came out of the Last Problem, I HATE the most. Still love the story though.


I mean... she didn't abandon her friends?

To be honest, I've only seen The Last Problem once—I want to wait for the HD version on Netflix before I rewatch S9—but I'm pretty sure I remember that they were all still best friends. They just hadn't seen each other in a while, which is perfectly normal. I live in Texas, and my best friend in the world lives in Florida, simply because that's' where our lives took us.

As for justification... Canterlot is the center of Government for the whole country. Of course she'd move there. Did you want her to rule from Ponyville? That'd be like a new U.S. president getting elected and moving the White House and Congress to Bumfuck, Wisconsin because he doesn't want to leave his friends. Now, there could be an argument made on whether Twilight actually wanted to become Princess or it was thrust upon her by Tia and Luna, but to claim she should have uprooted the seat of power for over a thousand years because she didn't want to miss weekly tea parties is a bit silly.

IMHO, I think the unspoken issue at hand in this fic was that Twilight wasn't delegating. Being the OCD nerd she is, she seems to be trying to run the country all by her lonesome. Again, a point could be made that she learned this lesson in Between Dark and Dawn, but that's a different issue.


I believe Twilight could handle the princess's duties and her friends well.
In The Last Problem, Twilight promised they would meet every month. So she won't abandon her friends, she was the best Princess of Friendship.

Just like parenting, you need to keep those contacts up or you'll find yourself singing Cat's in the Cradle to yourself in the dark empty house.


Ah yes the darkest of alternate timelines!

Twilight needs Spike, Spike only thinks he needs Twilight. These are not the same.

Eh, the government would probably run better with the princess out of everyone's hair.


I disagree. I think they would both be fine without each other albeit they would be much changed and probably less happy. Twilight would be less social and more aloof and Spike probably would be less attached to his role within Equestria and to ponies in general. Spike relies a lot on his relationship with Twilight to define who he is.

Like Celestia and Luna they both work best as a team, making up for their own faults.

In my middle age, I have never said to myself "I wish I had worked harder". It's one of life's lessons that only experience can help with.

Pretty sure Celestia did her best work on her own, and that her performance began to slip after Luna's return. The results (a thousand years of peace versus half a dozen coups and invasions over less than a decade) speak for themselves.

I know this comment is old but this is such a bizarre take. Literally all the villains would have happened regardless of whether or not Luna was a Princesses. Excluding nightmare moon of course.

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