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A whole year has passed since the incident at camp everfree and one girl has had her mind on the one "person" her friend's asked her about............Anon a Miss. This word has been clouding her mind ever since Camp Everfree and now she wants answer's to the all important question who is Anon a Miss? A person, some sort of magical a creature who somehow got into their world, or some sort of legend from the human world? One thing's for sure she will get her answers one way or another.

The official sequel to Anon a Mystery is finally here:pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )
Comment posted by darkman deleted Dec 23rd, 2020

Ok going tot ry an redo my comment.


ALoneWolf i have a sequel or next chapter idea.
Perhaps with Princess Celestia and Sunset reuniting, but now how it normally would have been.

The 5/6 girls mad at Celestia for how she treated twilight over Sunset because Princess Celestia clearly saw she was antagonizing Sunset by being a better mentor to Twilight when she should have treated them both Equally but hey fuck a doodle do this version of Princess Celestia cares about Twilight more than Sunset, in which Sunset in my opinion deserves to at least talk to Principal Celestia about what happened, maybe add that Principal Celestia became Sunset's guardian/mother and had a talk with the princess, and by a talk i mean an argument.

I'm actually upset and intrigued at the same time. There's no way you haven't seen the comments, the people calling out how morally reprehensible it was to keep her memories locked away, to trick her into thinking that nothing ever happened. Comment after comment with a noticeable increase in dislikes to back up how a good amount of people felt. However, you chose to ignore it and tell your own story. I can actually respect you for that. Most authors would bend under the pressure of their outspoken audience and change their vision to better suite the will of their viewers, but you didn't. You had a plan, you wrote it, and you published it despite knowing that people would disagree with this and, best case scenario drop the story and the worst case being disliking it and adding it to groups for bad fan fictions. I respect that you held on to your own ideas, and while I find the morals questionable and the characters unlikable, they're yours and I can't judge you too harshly for that. I also can't take the morals of your characters as your morals since there is some separation between a creator and their creation. Maybe you understand how morally dark it is to actively keep a person's memories suppressed, or maybe you truly believe that it was alright for them to keep her mind locked away so that she could be the perfect doll in their house of cards. Either way, I can't sympathize with the cast for choosing this path to take. I will always respect authors who write what they want to, and while I don't like this story, I'm sure someone else will be able to appreciate it where I can't.

Not at all what expect to happen. But I love it:pinkiehappy: Awesome work.

Then maybe you have celestia erase Sunset's memories of what happen and she be the perfect little dolly dolly pony and make everyone/pony else forget what happen and keep her locked up in her room forever and ever.

that's a bit far don't ya think?

I'll be honest...I was going easy on that comment.

Look. I do get it, it has shed some light on Sunset a little, why she reacted so badly and why she was even violent after Anon A Miss.
I'm glad she felt bad, but I get it.
she felt once again abandoned, betrayed and discarded, and after she thought she was forgiven.

But fact is fact Sunset memory got erased and they USED IT as a means to get her back in a inapporite manner!
WORST YET is Flash the so call Good guy knw about it and took advantage of it to get back together with her. WTF
Yes he did yes he did, he could gone down a different route but he copied what the girls did and used the incident to get back together with her.
it's a relationship built on lies.

that bad enough, but you have Sunset excuse everyone from what happen by stating it ALL HER FAULT!
She basically said she deserved to be blamed to be framed to be treated as garbage at the time, and to have her memories erased and that used as a cheap means to get back together again.

Again seriously.........

Look I'm not asking for Sunset to go on a rampage and because a I'm the Punisher prepare to be destroyed aftermath.
But anything is better then if you did a bad thing even if you tried to make up for it, it doesn't matter if something bad happens to you and even if your loved oen doing it for the wrong reason it ok.
Because you were a bad person and you know it better this way just accept it.
Sunset did some terrible things, but she trying to make up for it, and she will never truly forgive herself, she already got the girls to remind her every single time No offense bits.

Wow thank you for your kind and honest word's my friend:twilightsmile: And also I did read all the comment's from the predecessor and I completely understand that people didn't like the idea of having her memory erased just to have thing's go back to normal. But you see I believe in forgiveness and second chance's cause like I said in my first story there have been many dark Anon a Miss endings where she doesn't forgive them right away or only forgives Fluttershy and Pinkie and honestly i get sad knowing that the girl's possibly lost sunset forever and I just couldn't write that in my story cause it would just be too sad for me to handle even though I'm the one writing it. And honestly I dont like bad endings because it's kinda like video games that have multiple endings I always try my best to get certain parts of the story right so I can avoid seeing the protagonist or his comrades suffer (even though the bad ending sometimes isnt canon ) Just because I want to see a happy ending for the protagonist and his friend's. I respect honest critisisms of both this story and it's sequel and like I said im still learning from writing Fic's and hopefully when my next story comes i'll better improve myself and have a story that makes everyone happy:pinkiehappy:. But I thank you for your comment my friend:twilightsmile:

If the story gets enough feedback I might make an epilogue spin off where Sunset confront's the CMC and Flash. And Also maybe a mini side story where she reunites with Celestia to have a long talk about the past.

Thank you Mpony1:pinkiehappy:

I believe in forgiveness as well, but when it earn not cheated like it was.
Again i will s ate it every single time.

You had Sunset forgive them for the WRONG reasons, AGAIN you had her blame herself for what happened.
Saying it ALL her fault this happened, which is the biggest HORSE SHIT i ever read.

There's a difference between second chances and choosing to stay in an abusive relationship. What you've portrayed the Rainbooms as doing is abusive, and realistically so. Magical memory erasing stones don't exist, but gaslighting does and that's what they've done.

When a victim stands up to their abuser, the abuser will often apologize, promise to never do something like that again, admit to being terrible, and generally act like the Rainbooms do here. If the victim forgives them and gives them a "second chance" the abuse will continue.

[There was a thing here about someone I care about who stayed in an abusive relationship because of this kind of "second chance", but I realized I shouldn't have shared that, especially when it would be so easy to learn her identity from what I said, so I've deleted it.]

Let it be known that you've portrayed abuse extremely well in these four stories. Credit where it's due: you've got this stuff down. I might quibble with other aspects of your writing, but you're bang on the money in this respect.

ok. I'm depressed now.

You should be yelling at us, telling us what horrible people we are, saying that you never want to see us again but you forgive us..........WHY?????!!!!!!!! "

well part of it is because you already did that for her

"No amount of parties I would throw right now will make this all go away, I'm terrible and I don't blame you for hating my guts" Pinkie replied sobbing quietly.

Wait, fucking what?


Wait, now who's the damn asshole whose disliking these comments?

"If I ever fuck up like this again your welcome to punch me square in the jaw" Dash said not bothering to hide her tear's of joy.

Woah, chillax there Rainbow Usain Bolt.

No they didn't.

If they really did, they would given her the benefit of a doubt, or stood up for her when she was being attacked, isntead of standing by doing nothing.


I meant the way they insulted themselves whilst apologizing. Said more about them then sunset ever could

Aaahhh ok. Makes more sense.

Me gustó, ahora tengo una idea para ti, quiero que creas una historia donde alguien encuentra la piedra y alguien líbera la parte de odio de sunset y quiere venganza

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