• Published 8th Dec 2020
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If Wishes Were Ponies, Book II - tkepner

Harry Potter and the CMC are ready for their second year at Hogwarts. Tom Riddle is not pleased.

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Ch. 06. Once More, Into the Breach . . .

The Headmaster sighed, putting down the Daily Prophet. It could have been worse, he knew. All told, he was rather grateful the parchment had been so positive. The shopkeepers were ecstatic about their sales and profits from that day. The Equestrians easily had doubled the sales the shopkeepers had expected for this year.

Next year, based on what the Equestrian escorts had let slip in conversation, they expected to be a repeat of this year. The shopkeepers would be much better prepared. Most of the shopkeepers indicated that they would be hiring extra staff to handle the anticipated crowds.

The reporter had been surprised at how polite and respectful all the Equestrians were, despite their unusual hair colours. In the muggle world, only teenagers rebelling against their parents would colour their hair so outrageously, Albus knew. Rebellious teenagers were rarely polite.

The most astonishing part was that none of the adults, except their escorts, carried wands. An astounding number did, however, use silent, wandless magic. The reporter had been amazed to note that almost a third of them used their magic to pick something up rather than their hands!

The Equestrians had also admitted that every single one of them could transform into a pony animagus — even the children, who were happy to demonstrate, usually with a giggle. They also admitted that that each of them could trace their families back a thousand years or more. Several proudly claimed double or triple that. When asked about squibs, they had explained they had never heard of the concept before coming to England. Plus, to the best of their knowledge, there had never been an Equestrian who didn’t have magic, although a few of the adults thought it might be possible. Then they had shrugged and said, in an off-hand manner, that they expected that Princess Celestia would have taken care of the problem.

Oddly, the reporter said, they seemed to divide themselves into three tribes: unicorns, pegasi, and earth, based on their animagus forms.

The blockbuster question, though, had been when the reporter asked how their school in Equestria would fair with so many students going to Hogwarts instead. That had led to a discussion about how they had been chosen in a lottery of the best thousand volunteers out of forty thousand students of the right age. Which brought up the fact that there were six million Equestrians on the other side of their portal.

A separate article delved into the implications of an island with more magic users than in the entire rest of the world. An island where the ratio of witches-to-wizards was three-to-one.

That it had to be the lost island of Atlantis was without question, the parchment concluded, based on how many animals were common between their home and Europe.

He sighed and stroked his beard, reflecting on what he had learned over the summer.

The population for Equestria, the Atlantis of ancient legends, dwarfed that of wizarding England. The photos he had received of Manehattan, Fillydelphia, and Seaddle had left him gobsmacked. There were more unicorns in just one of those pictures than all the wizards in Britain. In fact, all the wizards in Europe and England would not amount to the unicorns in any one of those cities.

It was an unprecedented opportunity for someone bold enough to seize it.

While he had considered the possibility that the “portal” they used truly did go to another world, he had discarded that as unlikely. The commonality of soo many magical creatures, alone, indicated otherwise.

The ancients must have worked great and powerful magics to bury the island-nation of Atlantis under the sea, given that Plato’s account made it as large as Great Britain. Then they had expanded it into something that rivalled the continent of Australia, with its own oceans and islands! He knew that with powerful enough expansion spells, in theory, it was possible to contain a continent in an island under the sea.

If they had done so, it would also explain why they “manually” moved the sun and moon.

They needed an artificial magical sun to make up the difference between what would normally be sufficient sunlight for a large island and the amount required to cover an entire continent. Otherwise, the continent would be in a perpetual near-twilight as the sunlight that was brilliantly-bright on a winter day in England was stretched to cover a much bigger continent! A dilution of over thirty-five times he estimated. While overly bright for a room, it would be totally inadequate for your average farm. And the forests would be an almost impenetrable darkness, even at noon. Especially in the northern and southern sections of the expanded island.

Well, then, if you had to have an artificial sun, then you must have an artificial moon, too, wouldn’t you? Stars would be needed, as well, or it would be immediately obvious that they lived in a cave under the sea, an uncomfortable situation for most people.

Supporting his conclusions were the statements that in ancient times teams of unicorns were needed to move the sun, moon, and stars. The numbers varied from a mere ten to a hundred or more, depending on how old the legend was, with the smaller numbers coming from more recent authorities. The older legends also said that many of the team members died early deaths from magical exhaustion. The very fact that those histories existed proved that Equestria had to be a construction, a hidden undersea continent. Otherwise, how could that world have existed before there were unicorns to move the sun?

Then there were the maps. The Equestrians clearly had the ability to map their entire world, and they had. Except those maps showed their world to be round! How could that be possible and still have Celestia and Luna move the Sun, Moon, and stars? Not to mention being in a cavern! If the world were round, the world would rotate and remove the need for Celestia to do anything — making her a fraud.

Yet, all his sources confirmed that Celestia routinely made the sun rise and set, as Luna did the moon and stars. The variations in time between sunrise and sunset did not progress evenly and smoothly, as they would if Atlantis were a separate, rotating, world orbiting a sun. Not to mention the time she had shown-off to him her control of the Sun, making it dip and move about in ways that would be impossible for a planet orbiting a sun.

Atlantis, therefore, was flat! Magic made it appear as a globe, just as his world had been thought to be flat by many when it was really a globe. It would take a lot of magical power to warp light to give a semblance of a horizon to everyone, no matter where they stood, but not too tremendous an amount of magic. For Poseidon, an ancient god, it was probably a trivial exercise.

As for the “edges” of the giant cavern that held the island? Wizard-repelling-style charms could handle that, easily! It should even be possible to construct a spell on the inside of the cavern’s walls that would act as a portkey. Should someone attempt to go around the world to prove it round, the portkey would activate on touch to send that person to the exact opposite side of the cavern. Combined with a confundus and the proper illusions, they would never suspect they hadn’t gone around the world!

Merlin! Leave off the wizard-repelling charms and there could even be a town at the cavern’s edge that was actually split to opposite sides of it. The inhabitants would never notice!

As far as the inhabitants of Atlantis were concerned, by everything they could perceive and measure, they lived on a separate world, far from Earth.

Clearly, Poseidon had done this. What Albus had seen and heard about the one they called the God of Chaos when he had visited Equestria had shown just how powerful that ancient being was. The histories in the books about the Princesses’ conflicts with him merely backed up that fact.

That the two were the same being had been proven to him during that one Royal Equestrian Ball he had attended. It was possible that Poseidon had had the help of some of the other ancient “gods” in creating Equus, but, still, he appeared more than powerful enough to do it himself. The other gods were probably still in Equestria, but not as visible to the inhabitants for various reasons.

Which, in turn, gave a clue as to why there were no muggles or non-magical plants and animals. The powerful magics needed for the continent’s creation and continued existence permeated the land, sea, and air in vast quantities. There was so much magic that non-magicals would turn into magicals after only a generation or two!

Which brought him back to his new students.

That so many were girls would pique the interest of the old families with unmarried heirs. The Atlanteans might be foreigners, but they were all from families with a pedigree that stretched back well for over one or two thousand years. Poseidon had implied that it might be as far as six thousand years ago! That would dwarf the conservative families’ own lineage. And with nary a trace of a squib!

That they would all have animagus forms, already, would enhance the conservatives’ interest greatly. Yes, it would be quite interesting to see how those old families dealt with the possibility of adding such a magical heritage to their own. They would have to revise, severely, their pure-blood pretensions when they were the ones who would be considered half-bloods! Especially as every pure-blood family in England had more than one squib in their family tree, unlike the Atlanteans.

Of course, that the Atlanteans had no problems with polygamy would draw interest even from the Heads of families, not to mention their Heirs! It might require a minor adjustment in Wizarding society, but with the magical heritages at stake? The mother or father might be a squib, but the grandchildren? Ha! Those would make the changes imperative. The Wizengamot would fall all over themselves making it not only legal, but expected!

He wondered, would spending part of a pregnancy in Atlantis be able to prevent a squib? Would it boost the power of what would be a wizard or witch? Would it be better to spend the first few months there, or would the last few be sufficient? Should they try to conceive there? With aide of a fertility potion, a honeymoon in Atlantis would always end with a pregnancy. Would that be a sufficient boost?

Some experimentation would be required, and careful study of the results.

He would leave a few hints to Sirius that he should build an exclusive resort in Atlantis to cater to pure-bloods who wanted to take advantage of that possibility. It would also expose them to the innovations the Atlanteans were adopting from the muggles. Spending a few weeks immersed in a society that mixed technology with magic would go a long way towards lessening their objections to adopting some of the same advances the muggles were making.

With everything happening in Hogwarts, he would have unprecedented control over the future of the United Kingdom’s wizarding world. Every pure-blood family, whether Light, Dark, or in between, would have to follow his lead or worry about being frozen out of access to the Atlanteans. With a few words, he could cast doubt on any family and steer the impressionable young Atlanteans in the direction he wanted.

However that turned out, getting closer ties between England and Atlantis would be a long-term boon to England’s prestige. Not to mention trade, which would enormously benefit the economy. Businesses in Diagon Alley, and a few other, were already seeing vast sums of galleons being spent.

England would, once more, be the country to whom the entire world looked for leadership and knowledge. And, because he led England, they would be turning to him. He would be in the history books as the one who had led the wizarding world into a new era of prosperity and peace. His name would be ranked right beside Merlin’s. He smiled happily at the thought.

Yes, the coming school year was going to be quite interesting. He quite looked forward to it. The First Years’ Sorting would be . . . interesting.


After their experiences last year with the Weasleys, the herd made the sensible decision to travel with the other Equestrians from the Embassy to King’s Cross Station on September First. Ambassador Blueblood had engaged a bus transport with sufficient room for the students and escorts. The students said their tearful goodbyes as they boarded, with many promises to write on both sides. The children wouldn’t be seeing their parents until Hearth’s Warming vacation in Equestria.

Harry had discovered there was a reason for not simply flooing or teleporting to Hogwarts. The spells that protected the castle needed time to adjust to the sudden influx of hundreds and hundreds of students. The students being on the magical train, the train’s magical links and approach to the castle, and the students then taking carriages or boats to Hogwarts, allowed the spells a chance to process the returning and new students without being overloaded.

It was an eye-opening experience that morning for the students to see London getting so much bigger as they approached. While they had been taken on short excursions in Little Whinging, those had been in smaller groups and on foot. Even seeing the pictures on the television and in magazines couldn’t prepare them for the reality. Knowing that a city has a population of six million, the same as all of Equestria, and actually seeing it were two different situations entirely.

Plus, the ride drove home just how big this world was, in terms of population, and how the humans had conquered distance with machines that made everything they knew out of date. The bus, certainly, was much more luxurious than any trains or carriages back home! It rode smoother, faster, and travelled a road crowded with other vehicles. With multiple lanes each way, no less! A truly eye-opening experience for the students and parents, alike.

His mum, in her role as Princess Sparkle, had given them a pep talk before they had left, which basically boiled down to: “We’re proud of you! We know you’ll work hard, but don’t forget to play. There are counsellors available for you if you need somepony to talk to, or help with any problems. Make lots of friends, and have fun learning magic!”

The ride itself was noisy as the students moved around constantly, too excited to stay in one seat for more than a few minutes. Or the same form. They couldn’t help wondering if Hogwarts would match up to their expectations. Just from what they had seen so far, magic spells didn’t just meet those, but exceeded them!

At least, Harry reflected, they had a much better idea of what they were getting into than he and his three herd-mates had had a year ago. It was also so much safer, too. His mum had made sure of that. She had also confided in him this morning that there were three heavily armed EUP squads camping in the forest, just in case. And made sure he and his herd-mates all had a communication crystal. But they weren’t supposed to mention that to anyone, it was a secret.

King’s Cross Station was much busier than the previous year, when it had been a Sunday instead of Tuesday, a workday. As a result, no one batted an eye at the large group of children being shepherded through the terminal by a dozen adults. To avoid the non-magicals notice, they had temporarily cast colour charms on their hair. They didn’t want anyone asking questions about why so many Equestrians were at the station, nor where the children were going in such a large group. Especially as this would be the first time Equestrian children had been seen in public outside of Little Whinging. That they were carrying their shrunken trunks in their pockets helped. They would restore them to normal size with a wand-tap once they had a cabin in the train. They had all been told that their trunks would be taken to the dormitories when the train arrived at Hogwarts.

The crowd of students formed a barrier around the entrance to Platform Nine and Three-quarters, making it easy for the students to cross without being observed. The notice-me-not spells on the area prevented any overt reactions from the muggles. As the group got smaller, six of the Guards formed a loose screen — the other six were already across keeping the students there under control.

Harry, his herd-mates, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Myrtle decided to wait until last. They planned to go straight to the last car and avoid the crush that had formed at the first few cars last year, and was sure to form again this year. That they had arrived an hour early helped.

There was some confusion when Harry tried to transit the platform gate, as it suddenly was solid, causing him to crash into the barrier. His herd-mates were also unable to cross the gate. That it was only those six was confusing until Hermione made the connection that they were the only ones out of the entire bus that had had a run in with Discord. Why that should be a problem now and not last year made no sense. After that thought, it took only a few moments to teleport the group to the other side. Harry, Hermione, and Sweetie Belle did it, and took the others as passengers. If anyone noticed and complained, they would just claim a Guard had side-along apparated them. Two of the guards stayed outside to warn the other Weasleys and the Quidditch team animagi of the problem. The Guards would teleport them.

Being so early made it easy for their escorts to check the train and help the Equestrians settle into their cabins. There was some discussion as to whether they should pack them all into one carriage, which normally seated forty-eight in eight cabins of six, or spread out a bit more to meet their fellow students. They decided to take over two carriages with three students per cabin. Hopefully, that would get a few others to sit with them, jump-starting their friendships.

Not that Harry or the Guards expected the students to stay in those cabins. The new ponies were already exploring the train in twos and threes, comparing it to the coach they had taken to London, and the trains in Equestria. Several had reverted to their pony forms and were exploring the exterior of the train and the station, itself. The annoyed Guards had their hooves full chasing down the curious Equestrian students and herding them back to their “assigned” cabins. Unfortunately, there were more doors and windows to the carriages than there were Guards. As fast as they returned one wayward filly into the train, another snuck off elsewhere. The parents were of only marginal assistance, being nearly as curious as well as proud of the fillies and colts getting such a privileged education.

It reminded Harry a great deal of Mrs. Figg’s complaints about herding kneazles, and was highly amusing.

Unfortunately, Harry and the others’ plan to take a cabin in the last carriage didn’t pan out. Their escorts had other ideas. The Guards put them in the middle of the second carriage. Harry and his herd-mates were not about to split up, though. Fortunately, because they were still small children, they had plenty of room instead of being crowded. Scootaloo wanting to hover as a pegasus just made things roomier.

On the other hoof, it was also entertaining to watch the arriving regular students come through the barrier and trip over their own feet at the scene they saw. The older students expected to see the normal chaotic mess of children and pets running around, and families exchanging their goodbyes. To see ponies running and flitting around the train station with adult ponies, and humans with outrageous hair colours, chasing them back into the train was . . . unique. Their astonished parents at first thought they were seeing pets until they saw them change into humans, and vice versa. For wizards and witches who had only ever seen Professor McGonagall change into an animagus, the sight of so many students doing the same was down-right amazing.

Harry could see more than one parent casting an evaluating eye on the ponies and then on their own child. Several corralled their children and he could see orders being issued. Almost always, these were the parents with aloof attitudes and tailored clothes that bespoke wealth and privilege.

He couldn’t help but smirk. This year, his status as The-Boy-Who-Lived would take second-place to the attentions drawn by the other Equestrians. He was all for that.

Just as funny was seeing the same students’ expressions as they walked past cabin after cabin half-filled with students with brightly coloured hair, and realizing that the ones they had seen outside the train were only a few of the ones present.

The First-year muggle-borns were instantly curious and asked if they were Equestrians. Getting a “yes” answer saw them quickly taking the opportunity to sit with them — and the chance to talk with the aliens from another world. Before long, Harry knew, the Equestrians who weren’t already showing off their pony forms would be doing so in the cabins, and proudly showing off their cutie marks, if they had them yet.

Last year, the Cutie Mark Crusaders hadn’t had any cutie marks. Fortunately, everyone in their compartment had been shown the Crusaders’ cutie marks earlier in the month. If they hadn’t, he had no doubts that they would be shoving their flanks in people’s faces to show them off. Or, more likely, lifting their dresses and dropping their pants.

Just thinking about it made him shake his head. They hadn’t been home in Equestria all that long before they became embroiled in schoolhouse politics and helping a friend get elected school student president. That he had been running against Diamond Tiara merely made them more determined to win.


“We did! We did it! We did it!” The three Cutie Mark Crusaders carolled as they danced in front of the school. Harry sat quietly, at first, but then the Harmony song drew him into the celebration as it made its way through town, getting the attention of their sisters.

It had taken them years of hard work, but they had finally succeeded in getting their cutie marks. The ironic part of the whole thing was that they got their marks after helping their perennial enemy, Diamond Tiara, defy her tyrannical mother, and not their friend who won the election. With their help she had asserted what she wanted to do! Their success had shown them that their talent was to help others get their cutie marks — to help them succeed in life!

All three cutie marks featured a shield split vertically into three colours — red, pink, and purple — to match their manes. Apple Bloom’s had the silhouette of an apple with a heart inside it. Sweetie Belle’s had the silhouette of a five-point star with a musical eighth-note inside it. Following the theme, Scootaloo had a silhouetted wing with a lightning bolt in it.

The next day, Pinkie Pie threw a cute-ceñera that lasted almost all day. With Harmony songs. And another filly getting her cutie mark! Helping others get their cutie marks had taken most of the fours’ attention the rest of the hols.

Harry thought that all the cutie marks on his herd-mates were rather predictable.

The best part was that they ended up with far fewer incidents of being restricted to home for their disruptive antics. Harry appreciated that.


The older Hogwarts’ students also noticed the large number of firsties, and the smarter ones took quick advantage of meeting the new Atlantean students. They hoped to convince them to join their Houses, so that Gryffindor couldn’t continue their monopoly on pony-petting! Or, at least, get in on the ground floor of making connections for the future. While they might be too old — a fifteen-year-old courting an eleven-year-old? Ugh. — many had younger siblings. Better to plan now then scramble later.

The wizards and witches also noticed that the Atlantean students were taller than their eleven-year-old human equivalents by nearly a head. They were closer to third-year or fourth-year students in size. A few seemed actually to have rather curvaceous figures! On the other hand, the adult Equestrians were all taller than the adult wizards and witches, and generously built, too, so maybe it was an Atlantean trait . . ..

Of course, they didn’t realize they were dealing with Equestrian eleven-year-olds, all of whom were more like thirteen or fourteen years old in outlook. Many of the older students would find themselves caught flat-footed when the eleven-year-old Equestrians started chasing them!

The older Ravenclaw students, and a few from other Houses, observed the number of students with such brightly coloured hair. It didn’t take a genius to see that the incoming class was much larger than any in recent memory, which would have a great impact on the school. Not to mention the rest of their society in the not-too-distant future if the numbers stayed the same for following years.

The fact that the Equestrians had all arrived so early in the morning, compared to the others, had another effect, too. All the older students, who traditionally liked to congregate in the front carriages, were displaced. Having three firsties in your favourite cabin meant you had to move on. One upper-year couldn’t force three other students out of their cabin, that was bullying, plain and simple.

So many adults wandering around was a deterrent for the more brazen students.

Malfoy, with his two boyfriends, might have done it, but by the time his and their families arrived, the first four carriages, not including the carriage for the Prefects, were nearly full. And as the morning went on, the rest of the train rapidly filled.

Harry had noticed on the train ride home at the beginning of summer hols that many students visited between the cabins, saying goodbye to friends and arranging meetups for the summer. The train ride to the castle was similar, except friends were bragging about what they had done over the hols.

He was surprised at the number of students who dropped by their cabin to say hello. There were quite a few from the upper years, such as Bole and Derrick, the Slytherin Quidditch team Beaters. Many he barely recognized. He definitely didn’t remember most of their names. But they all said hello, made some small talk, and then asked why there were so many students from “Atlantis.”

He explained that the Princesses wanted to learn more about magic and had asked for volunteers. Out of the many thousands, these were the ones selected. With both adults, as Professorial Aides, and children learning the magic, the Princesses hoped to have an adequate understanding of wanded magic and how to teach it back in Equestria. Which meant these students were almost universally the absolute best students in Equestria, and definitely not just the richest or most influential. Which was unlike the witchery world, where it wasn’t your skill, but who your parents were that determined if you got a promotion or job.

He didn’t say it, but he expected that the Equestrians would dominate all the test scores at the end of the year. Which would either infuriate the conservative wizards, or drive them to be more determined than ever to add that prowess to their families.

Hermione had to clue him in that they were fishing for information on the new students, such as who was rich, or who had powerful parents. Yes, any Equestrian might enrich the family lineage, but it was just as easy to fall in love with a rich person as a poor person! So why not make sure you hang around with the rich ones? Only if none of them seemed worth your while should you consider one outside the group.

It put a big damper on his mood and they finally just locked the door and refused to answer until the trolley lady stopped by. Still, by the time they played a few games of gobstones he had restored his good humour.


Author's Note:

The Earth receives about 49,000 to 98,000 lumens per square meter from the Sun, depending on the time of the year, at thirty degrees latitude (outside the Gates of Hercules). Great Britain is about 209 thousand square kilometres, the estimated size of Plato’s Atlantis. If the Headmaster’s suppositions are correct, then Australia, at just under seven and a half million square kilometres, is about thirty-five times larger (which would include the oceans and islands around Equestria, like Griffonstone, Dragon’s Lair, and lands we haven’t seen in the official maps. From the show, Equestria, alone, isn’t nearly as big as Australia, based on the travel times between the coasts of country).

Cutting the sunlight reaching any given square meter of the enlarged island by thirty-five gives 1,400-2,800 lumens per square meter at the Atlantean equator (remember, there are seasons at thirty degrees latitude), less to the north and south of the island where there’s ice. For growing indoor plants, by comparison, it’s recommended that you use 20,000 lumens per square meter as the minimum, with 70,000 lumens considered optimal.

With tree leaves blocking up to 78% of the light in a forest, it would be too dark for undergrowth, except moss.

So . . . kinda really dim without an artificial sun embedded in the ceiling and dragged around by Celestia on pre-set tracks. These would be the same tracks that Luna uses to move around the moon and stars.

If Equestria is an island under the sea, that is. Given Dumbledore’s suppositions, how would you prove him wrong without resorting to space travel? And the wizards would probably discount that, anyway.

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