• Published 7th Dec 2020
  • 658 Views, 22 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon III - Sunny Solaire

  • ...

A New Day


Pinkie approaches the pyre alone with a lit torch. The flame dances and snaps somewhat. She stops right in front of it and presses the flame to the wood. The entire thing catches fire almost immediately. Directly on top of the pyre is Jedi Master Maud Pie, fully clothed in her Jedi robes.

As her body is engulfed in the flames, Pinkie stands back and watches with the rest of you. Her lip quivers softly.

You've never attended a Jedi funeral before. It's a reverent experience. One would think that having it on the planet Mandalore is out of place, but this is a special occasion.

Maud had strong values, beliefs, and she stood up for them to the very end. She was a noble, stalwart example of how all Jedi should be.

Most of all though, she was a good friend.

Pinkie stands next to you and Sunset, along with her third sister, Jedi Knight Marble Pie. She has long dark hair that covers much of her face, except for one of her violet eyes. She's a shy, sweet girl who doesn't talk much. Even less than Fluttershy, incredibly. She and Pinkie hug and cry with each other as they watch Maud.

Rarity is at your side as well, along with Coco. She's been Rarity's shadow ever since you all got back, and has been eager to help in any way she can. She's looking forward to that job Rarity offered her.

Rainbow and Thunderlane are apparently very close with each other now. They watch the pyre silently and hold hands. They work well together, so hopefully their newfound relationship lasts.

On the opposite side of the pyre, your Republic friends are a bit more emotional. Chancellor Celestia and Grand Master Luna are sad, but they seem to be keeping it together well. Along with Shining Armor, Big Mac, and the other Jedi you don't know.

The same cannot be said for others. Twilight and Fluttershy are sniffling and crying more openly. Applejack is holding her hat in her hands and crying as well, but silently.

On your left, you hear some footsteps. You turn to see Limestone enter the room alone and look at the pyre. Pinkie turns to look at her as well.

Limestone makes eye contact with Pinkie for a moment before looking back at the fire. Pinkie walks over to her sister and stands in front of her for a moment, saying nothing.

Then, they embrace each other in a tight hug. Limestone's signature angry expression was trying hard to stay on her face, but her sadness was apparent. You notice that her eyes have lost their fiery red tint and now have a light green color to them. She closes them and hugs Pinkie tighter, tears of her own falling down her cheeks as she lets her emotions run free.

The Dark Side no longer controls her.

Marble Pie joins them a moment later, and the three of them hug and cry together. It's sweet to see, in a sad way. Maud is gone, but the rest of them are together and on the same side again. It's how families should be.

As they continue hugging, you look back at Maud's funeral pyre. Sunset gives you a sad smile and you reach over to hold her hand. She gives you a little squeeze.

"So what now?" She whispers.

You take a deep breath. "Well, some Sith escaped the battle against Tempest. We're going to work with the Republic to track them down and watch for them in case they decide to return."

She nods silently. "And us?"

You look at her and smile. "We move on. Together."

She looks at you and smiles back. "Forever and ever."

You just stare at each other for a few seconds before moving closer to hold her. You all continue watching the flames dance around on the pyre.


"So that's it?"

"Yup. No way I'm sticking around here with you."

You and Gilda are walking through the hangar doors towards her ship together. She's about to leave Mandalore for good.

You chuckle. "Fair enough... Still, for what it's worth, thanks for your help."

She shakes her head. "I didn't do it for you, Anon. If I had a better option, I would've taken it rather than help you, believe me."

"I know." You both stop walking once you reach the base of her ship and look at each other. "Still. I appreciate it."

You hold out your hand to her and offer to shake hers. She looks at it for a moment before scoffing and walking onto her ship, leaving you hanging.

"Don't get sappy on me, 'Mandalore'. I still hate you, and still fully intend to kill you." She says. "Not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday."

You smirk and drop your hand to your side. "I'll be ready for you."

"Good." She growls and looks down at you with a grin. "I love a good fight, and you always put up the best."

She presses a button and gives you a little wave. You glare at each other as the ramp to her ship raises up and closes. A few moments later, the Griffon roars to life and hovers off the ground. You take a step back as it pivots in the air and flies up to the atmosphere, leaving you behind.

"See you, Gilda."

You watch her fly away until she disappears and then turn around. Limestone is there, and watching Gilda fly away as well. She's alone.

"So." You place your hands on your hips. "What about you? Where are you going now?"

She looks at you and pauses. She's thinking. Finally, after a few seconds, she takes a breath. "I don't really know... All my life, I've had people telling me what to do and where to go. Now, for the first time, I'm my own master. I can do whatever I want... It's weird, but I like it."

"Gonna go back to the Jedi?" You ask.

She recoils slightly and scrunches her nose in disgust. "Hell no. Never again."

You laugh softly as you stand there. Newfound freedom like hers is extremely liberating, albeit a bit overwhelming at first. You don't blame her.

Then, an idea pops into your head.

"You ever thought about being a bounty hunter?" You ask. "It might suit you."

Limestone looks at you again for a moment. "Huh... Never considered that."

"Something to think about." You shrug and walk past her, patting her shoulder. "It'd be a shame to waste that ruthless personality of yours. The galaxy is full of bad guys."

She watches you as you walk away, clearly thinking about what you said as you leave her behind.

"Wait. Anonymous." You look back at her. "In case I never see you again, would you apologize to your fashionista friend on Cato Nemoidia for me? I'd do it myself, but she probably can't even be in the same room as me."

She's probably right. Not that you blame Rarity for feeling that way. What Limestone and Gilda did was unacceptable. Still, her apology seems genuine.

"You have my word." You reply.

"Thank you." Limestone smiles a little. "Goodbye, Mandalore."

"Goodbye, Limestone." You say. "Best of luck to you."

Limestone nods back at you and you turn around again, leaving her behind once and for all. Wherever she goes now, it doesn't matter. As long as she's not terrorizing you, or your friends, you don't care.

She'll be okay though. You aren't worried about her giving you trouble ever again.

You take a deep breath as you head out of the hangar and onto the street, smiling as you look around. Things are going back to normal already. Mandalorians are returning to their day-to-day lives across the sector, you and Sunset are engaged, Rainbow and Thunderlane are getting along well, and the galaxy has been saved.

You're even on good terms with the Republic. Not just you, but Mandalorians everywhere. There may be some squabbling in the future, sure, but for now, everything is okay. You're going to savor this and work to keep the peace as long as you can.

There's a lot of work to do, but for now, you'd say you've earned a rest. The galaxy will be fine for a little while, so you start walking toward home.

Sunset is there and waiting for you...

Author's Note: