• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 687 Views, 26 Comments

Rainbow Dash's Vision - MLPkillers

Rainbow Dash, a blue Pegasus, who've tried to get into the Wonder bolt academy; has a vision of cupcakes before the event takes place; so when things seem to follow up with her dreams; she knows... It's time to get out of the oven.

  • ...

Avoid the Cupcake-Avoid Death

Rainbow awoke in a cold sweat; was the dream real? She sounded so stupid. She got up on two hoofs and patted herself from the chest-abdomen.

(”What was... That dream!?”)

Both hoofs descended to the ground. She paced around the white, fluffy cloud; recollecting herself. She recalls Pinkie Pie requesting if she could come over and make...!

Rainbow began to pant intensely. It must have been the thoughts before bed; the excitement she felt, helping her friend make cupcakes. She began to fly; heading to Sugar Cube Corner.

(”Should I invite somepony to join me to assist with the cupcakes?”)

Her thoughts were brooding; she couldn’t get that nightmare out of her head. She also had thought it could be a foresight; this concept only increases the tension. The breeze soaring beneath her wings helped ease the tension, only a little. She decided not to invite anypony, because if the events would take place like her nightmare, then she would confront her. She felt a little scared to even set foot in the shop, but she not going to let a fiction nightmare stop her; she was stubborn.

She arrived at the bakery, looking at the door with hesitation to open it. She pushed the door open; heart racing while pushing the door. She walked inside, the door closing behind her.

“Pinkie Pie... Are... You...”

She gulped; shaking a little.


She expected a response from the party pony; she again, got one.

“Oh, goodie, you’re here, now we can begin!”

Rainbow blood ran cold. It was the exact words she spoke from the nightmare.

“You know I’m... A disastrous baker right, remember the...”

She was lost in words; mind fogged by anxiety. Her voice was tight.




“O... Kay?”

Don’t worry Rainbow Dash, you won’t be baking.


Sweat started to emit from Rainbow Dash’s face; her tone wobbly.

“What do I helping with?”


She pulled out a familiar cupcake.

“I made this one especially for you, let me know what you think?”

Rainbow’s heart was racing; it felt like it was beating out of her chest. She thought of ways to avoid eating the cupcake.

(”I’m not eating that cupcake!”)

“Pinkie, I attended a restaurant with Twilight; the soup was extremely hot when I took a sip and... Well...?”

“You don’t want to try my cupcake? I made it just for you...

Pinkie’s ears slumped back; the sad look pricked at Rainbow Dash; if this was the nightmare she dreamed about, then it was nothing to the torture she was going to exhibit.

“I’ll help you bake, Will you give me lessons?”

Rainbow smiled at the pink mare; fear was behind the smile. The Pegasus’s tone seemed honeyed.

“But you’re a Wonder Bolt, not a baker silly.”

Giggles escaped Pinkie pie’s mouth. Rainbow remained calm; aware if she doesn’t eat that cupcake, she would live with all her appendages unimpaired.

“I never said it was my passion Pinkie, just want to ampler my baking skill.”

Rainbow walked over to the oven and grabbed the cupcake trays; it a good thing she picked up mittens before grasping the tray. Pinkie really wanted her friend to eat that cupcake she worked so hard on; something fishy’s going on. Rainbow put the next batch in the oven; she started cleaning the baking counter; there was chocolate everywhere; it was about to leak into the oven.

“Would a little taste hurt?”

Rainbow turned to Pinkie Pie; hatching an idea. She smiled generously at her friend.

“I might be able to ease through the pain? If we consume it together?”

“Um... It’s just for you, not me...”

But, why not?

“Um... Fine, I’ll take a portion.”

Pinkie was annoyed, Rainbow Dash could tell by her tone. The party pony put the cupcake on the counter where Rainbow Dash was present. She began cutting the cupcake in half.

“Actually, I want a smaller piece; sorry about that.”9

“It’s fine.”

Pinkie wanted to rip that blasted tongue out. If she gets the chance, she will. She cut the half into a smaller serving. Talk about fractions: 1/4. She handed it to Rainbow Dash.

“You first.”

She must’ve forgotten what Rainbow Dash said.

“I thought we were going to eat it at the same time?”

She gave her friend a confused look.

“Oopsie, I forgot. Tehe!”

She grabbed her portion along with Rainbow Dash; they both stared at each other before munching the cupcake down. They both felt sleepy; Pinkie collapsed to the ground. Rainbow felt the fatigue approaching; she plans against this.

- - -

Rainbow Dash was making her way to the bakery; thinking about how she could eat the cupcake and not fall unconscious.

(”It’s very rude to fall asleep on the host when the invite you!...”)

The slap in the face halted the fatigue. This gave Rainbow an idea to try.

- - -

She ran over to the sink in turned on the hot water, letting it reach its maximum temperature. She put a hoof under it; feeling the hoof be scorch, the skin blistered a bit; she placed the hoof on her face; the water wasn’t scolding, but it was still sufficient enough to cause the mind to feel less fatigue and more focus on the pain; It had served its purpose.

(”Good thing I ditched out a less portion... Otherwise, I didn’t think it would work.”)

One question remained for Rainbow Dash; what to do with Pinkie Pie? Tell the others maybe? Alert Celestia for the transgressions Pinkie had perpetrated? She was lost; she knew she can’t let her walk off free and inflict pain on the other ponies. She searched for the basement; She checked by the front door, left and right; moving the pastries on their selves and not finding what she wanted; she paced around the bakery; searching and moving items from their places; she started to doubt her nightmare; all this lead up just like the nightmare; how could it be wrong? I mean... If she hadn’t tricked Pinkie in such a way and let her eat half of the cupcake, why, she be down in the basement getting her appendages tortuously tore off; She decided to alert Twilight first; once she finds the...

(”Found it”)

Rainbow had lifted the rug; revealing the Basement doors; she opened them and stepped down in the basement stairwell; she felt shivers go down her spine; she continued to make her way to the basement; her hoofs touched the hard ground.

(”Just has dark as my nightmare.”)

Rainbow seemed brave; anypony who was able to sense emotion, or particularly fear, knew she wanted to run and hide from this place. She can’t report it to anypony without evidence. She felt around for the lights; feeling a switch and flickering it; the lights came on and...

(”I Can’t believe this!?”)

If her expression wasn’t the definition of fear and anxiety, then what was?

She flicked the light switch off and Blasted her way upstairs as fast as possible; she shut the basement hatches, put the rug back on the hatch, and left the bakery.

Author's Note:

Facing nightmares is scary. Especially if it turning out to be real.