• Published 30th Nov 2020
  • 162 Views, 0 Comments

A Friendly Time - Leo967

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Chapter One

A Friendly Time

By Leo967

Chapter 1

Michael "Mike" Benson is your average everyday man. He likes his privacy and creature comforts. He is a educated man that that didn't like his routine ruined. As a veteran paramedic in Brockton Bay, his day is simple. Someone gets hurt, he and his partner, Doug, get them to the Hospital (hopefully still alive), end of story. That wasn't happening here...

"I am telling you, that I am fine." Claimed the only conscious victim of head-on collision car crash. "Your friend, Mr. Doug, diagnosed me. I have a steady pulse and breath. My pupils are not dilated. Also, while I have some bruising, I can-" The patient are listing how she is in good health.

"Look, if you Stretcher Jockeys are done, can we go. She gave her report. Even if she signed it weird." One of the reporting police officers cut into the conversation.

"SHE SIGNED IT WITH HER MOUTH! SHE MOST LIKELY HAS HEAD TRAUMA!" Mike exclaimed loudly. "Look Mike, at least let the barneys go home." Doug started to massage his forehead, try to stave off the headache that was forming.

"I think she just showing off Mike. With oral skills like that you might want to book her service after work." A female officer with red hair, who was finishing taking photos of the crash outside, crassly said in a teasing tone.

"Excuse me?" The patient said in a growling tone. "Shut it Barbs." Mike told the officer outside. "Look Mrs. Hebert, I can't accept the waiver in good conscious, let's just get you to the hospital. Get that noggin scanned."

"I am sorry, but I believe that is unnecessary. I am perfectly fine. And please, call me Twilight." The patient, Twilight Sparkle Hebert requested.

"Oh, that sounds like her working name." The one dubbed as Barbs said. "SHUT UP BARBS!" The two paramedics and the other police officer yelled.

"I know when I am not wanted. Tom, I'll be in the car." Barbs left in a over exaggerated huff, and started to returned to the patrol car. "I am sorry for her rude behavior." The remaining officer name Tom apologized for his partner.

"That's okay." Twilight replied. Twilight was hopeful she could resolve this before Danny gets here. "Yo, Lady! You husband and kid are here!"

Oh ponyfeathers, Twilight mentally cursed.

Sometime later...

The Hebert Family finally back in Danny's Red C-120 Travelette, dubbed the Hebertmobile by Taylor, ready to go home. Though they were being held up by Taylor hugging her mother from the back seat, and not buckling up for the drive home.

"Honey, please buckle up. We are going home." Danny asked her. "I am sorry I worried you My Little Pony." Twilight said as she gently pat Taylor's arms.

"I wasn't worried. I just missed you, that's all." Taylor replied as she sat back down correctly, buckling up. "How about I'll read you a story?" Twilight said as she held up a large leather bound book.

"Nope" Danny quickly snatched the book and deposited in the back seat, next to Taylor. "DANNY!" Twilight cried out. "Oh My Gosh, Is this The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien, First Edition from Hungary. The Red Book from Westmarch!" Taylor started to rub her cheek against the leather bound book. "Yep that's the Bilbo Diary Book edition." Twilight all but happily chirped to her daughter.

As her father started up the truck, Taylor's eyes glowed a soft dark hue and the book floated up and gently opened up. "Honey, no magic in public. Read that book like normal." Danny told his daughter.

"But Dad, it's super expensive and rare. I can't get skin oil on these pages." Taylor said, not taking her eyes of the page she was reading. "How expensive?" Danny asked.

"127...," was Twilight's reply. "That's not so bad." Danny thought it would be much higher. "Yes, $127,000 on BetaBooks.com." Taylor absentmindedly spoke as she continue to read the high price book.

"Again Twilight." Twilight cringed. Danny was calling Twilight instead of Twi, so there was going to be a long argument at home. "I used the money from my royalties to-" Twilight started when a red dressed criminal in a Mario kart drove by. A second later, another followed, but this time in green.

As the sounds of police sirens in distance reached their eyes. "I should go and stop them." Twilight said. Danny took a deep breathe, and then exhaled, letting up the building frustration out. "Go get them Twi." He leaned towards his wife as she lean towards him. They shared a nice deep kiss, ignoring the "Gross," comment that their daughter said in the back seat.

"We'll continue this conversation later." Twilight gave Danny a smoky look that promise more tonight. Then Twilight glowed all over her body and then she was suddenly dressed in her Mare-Do-Well Costume. Then in a flash, she was gone, teleporting away to catch Leet and Uber.

Some Distance Away...

Uber knew he was screwed. Everything was going good, Leet and he were out pacing the police, they had there a good bag of loot from the Jewelry store, and no heroes in sight. It was suppose to be smooth sail from here. Then he saw her.

That iconic purple long brim hat. That dark purple mask with blue lenses that seem to be glowing. That long flowing cape, that always seems to be blowing dramatically behind her, even when there no wind or the wind is blowing in a different direction. That purple body suit with a symbol of a black mare splashed across her chest. Her arms her were crossed, but he could see the purple hand wraps that covers her fist, making Uber wonder if those the same pair that she used to punch out Jack Slash. And finally, planted on the hood of his kart, her purple combat boots, sticking to his hood no matter how hard he tried to shake her off.

"Uber, what are we going to do?" He heard Leet through his head-set radio. That when Mare-Do-Well's lenses changed to purple as both his and Leet's Kart stopped and floated upward, hovering above the ground.

"The Shell! SHELL HER!" Uber screamed out. Leet tossed a blue shell that flew up and hovered above Mare-Do-Well, before to tried to smash down on the Heroine. It bounced off a purple shield that suddenly appeared, and the shell fell harmless on to the street below. "Anymore?"

Leet, who had pulled out a green shell look sheepish, and just let that shell drop to the street too. This was a complete nightmare, were the thoughts that going Uber head. "Look at it like this, Uber," Leet started while secretly signally the Snitch to return to base, "At least your favorite Heroine was the one that caught us."

That caught Mare-Do-Well off guard. "You're fan?" The Heroine looked down at the captured villain. Uber shot Leet a glare, before turning back to the Heroine. "Yep, I even do fanart and web comics of you. Maybe let us go.."

"Not happening... wait. You never posted anything on Rule 34 or 4-Chan did you?" Mare-Do-Well hated the art depictions of her on those sites. How can so many people envision her in such a way, preforming those deprave acts.

"I... um... I plead the fifth." Uber really wonder where those cops are right now. He'll like to go into custody right now, or maybe disappear from those now glaring eyes behind those lenses. Oh God, why could he feel that glare from eyes he couldn't see.

Author's Note:

Author Notes: Sorry this took to long. I am new to writing here and my writing skills are rusty. I wasn't happy with what I made, and kept re-doing it. Also not happy with this, but I figured I at least post this. Now, I am trying a different writing style again, cause the last one wasn't good as several of you comment. Is this style better. Any of the other authors have tips for me.

I thank you for reading, and hope that you enjoy.