• Member Since 18th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I like women


Comments ( 19 )

Where's the cover image from?

2241511 on derpibooru by Scorpdk

Thanks for the fic!

Twilight looked like she wanted to cry. It was all she could do to not to simply declare the contest over and try to see if she could ravish that beautiful body right then and there. “That was- good.”

At this point I was expecting something more along the lines of her getting overwhelmed with the emotions of kissing all three of them and finally breaking down because she thinks she can't have any of them followed by them realizing that Twilight thinks that they're toying with her followed by an explanation that they're serious leading into the sexual stuff. But that's just me enjoying a bit of drama rather than Cadance suddenly snapping because she's sexually frustrated.

I came away from this one frustrated more than anything else. I like the buildup more than the payoff.

Yeah, this one just felt off from a lot of the other fics you've written. Don't get me wrong it's still a decent fic it just....... (Can't think of another way of explaining it) it's like playing through a video game and watching everything kind of lag around you, if that makes any sort of sense. I liked it but it just didn't feel right.

Blame depression. It's what I do.

I also think I let it get too long, which doesn't help. Something about this one just never came out right and it kills me. I am so sorry.

Believe me I have seen worse on here. Way, way worse. This one does have a good story to it it's written well and while it started to feel a little forced halfway through chapter 2, at least you're spelling everything right and getting your grammar correct. I've come across people who just throw stuff up and admit that it's bad and don't even bother trying to fix it. And then you get a lot of headaches trying to read it. So it's still good but it's different.

It won't always happen, at least. The circumstances behind this one were uniquely difficult.

Well I hope you get to feeling better.

I mean today this story has about 50 upvotes sooooooo.........

Oh, it was a throwaway joke. I've had issues with getting tons of downvotes early on in a story's lifespan.

I see, still if anything I’m interested in this little series you’ve got going here.

This was definitely a nice concept.

But that's the concept.

Reading the actual execution, I can really feel the frustration you describe from when you wrote it. Things get very bogged down and blocky and just hard to parse, almost kind of mechanical word salad at some points. Some interactions got multiple paragraphs instead of lines, and some short phrases ended up as entire lines. There was a rare but very real overload of adverbs and adjectives and descriptors, especially since a lot of them were generic and didn't actually help paint the picture or set the scene.

These two chapters were about 25,000 words and probably should have been closer to 10-15k. Just a real dull thudding brick, sorry to say.

It was more or less forced out, and came at a time I was struggling to write things out. Just an example of blunt-forcing a writer's block.


Twilight, you gotta get that lust outta you! Good thing Cady and the rest were there for you :D

Very good story. A lot of passion there, and I love how all the princesses — except maybe Twilight — were so casual and mature about sharing one another. Even though girl-on-girl isn’t my usual favorite, this was more than hot enough to make up for it.

Two complaints only:
A) Yeah … it was kind of evident that you’d gotten burned out by the end and were kind of just rushing to get through it. That’s especially a shame because the end was when you finally let them have a proper foursome instead of continually separating them into pairs of two.
B) Despite all of the purple prose, we don’t get very much description of their bodies, not really. Only vague ideas and generalities. Some details would be highly appreciated. Like, are they all completely shaven, or do some of them still have a patch of fluff? Celestia seems to have the biggest breasts, but maybe Cadance’s are nearly as big while being firmer and more perky? Perhaps one of them has inverted nipples that only come out to play when coaxed and teased? Who has smaller or larger nipples? Whose are more brown or more pink? Twilight and Luna’s breasts get especially little attention. And the rest of their bodies as well. Luna is more muscular — we got that and that’s a nice detail — but more like that would be nice. Is Twilight petite? Does Cadance have legs for days? Does Luna have lovely grooves of her abs showing? Does Celestia have the slightest hint of a belly, thanks to too much cake? With the immense word count and flowery description of a story like this, there should be more than enough room for that sort of thing. Paying more attention to their clothing would also help. The process of taking it off could be a highly erotic tease … but this story treats it as an inconvenience to be dispensed with as quickly as possible. Twilight should also have had way more of a reaction to seeing them nude in the hot tub for the first time!

Well … that comment went on for a bit too long. But it’s only because I really enjoyed the story … which makes me wish that it had lived up to its full potential. Still, though, thanks for toughing it out and finishing the thing! I’m glad I got the chance to read it!

Trust me, I try to forget this one.

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