• Published 26th Nov 2020
  • 1,496 Views, 14 Comments

Ponyronpa V3:Returning Harmony - Blueelectric

Shuichi Saihara woke up to find his friends alive and in a strange new world.

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Chapter 1

Shuichi's POV:
I look back at the ruins of The Ultimate Academy For The Gifted Juveniles one last time before leaving. I sighed remembering the students that we lost. I look at the two other survivors beside of me; Himiko Yumeno the Ultimate Magician and Maki Harukawa the Ultimate Assassin or the Ultimate Child Caregiver.

We each exchanged a knowing look and I grabbed each of their hands reassuringly before we made our way towards the hole.

Then everything went black.

I slowly blinked opened my eyes and thought I caught a glimpse of purple hair. What? I must be seeing things. I opened my eyes to a familiar boy with purple hair and a black and white checkered scarf. "Moooorning, Sleepyheead! You're finally up Shumai!"

My eyes went wide. "Kokichi?" I asked in confusement. I slowly got up and find I was on the ground. I looked around and found all the students all alive and well.

I gasped as I spotted a glimsed of blonde hair. I stand up and watch as she walked over to me with her pink eyes full of kindness. She gave hug.

"Hey Shuchi." She greeted. I hugged her back. "Kaede? You're alive? How?" I asked.

She pulled away with a confused look. "That's what I'm wondering too." She said. I look around and saw my other friends. Kaito Momota, Tenko Chabashira, Korekiyo Shinguji, Kirumi Tojo, Angie Yonaga, Ryoma Hoshi, Rantaro Amami, Gonta Gokuhara, Kiibo, and last but not least, Tsumugi Shirogane.

Himiko gasped and ran towards Tenko giving her a hug. The Ultimate Aikido Master smiled and hugged her friend, while Maki Harukawa almost tackled Kaito.

"Whoa there, Makiroll. I didn't know you missed me that much!" Kaito laughed. Maki scowled and punched his shoulder.

I look around at were we are. It looks like we woken up in a middle of a field. A more colorful field.

"Wow! This place is so colorful! Atua told me he likes it!" Said Angie joyfully.

"But where are we?" Asked Ryoma. Rantaro and Tsumugi shrugged.

Kiibo looked around. He walked a little ways from the others. "I found a dirt road and a sign!" He started to jog ahead.

We all gave each other a confused look and chased after the robot. "Wait up Keeboy!" Hollered Kokichi. Kiibo was right. There was a road but it was made of dirt not concrete. The Ultimate Robot was reading a sign.

I ran up to see what it said.

Ponyville: 12 miles ahead

Canterlot: 20 miles ahead.

"What the fuck? Ponyville? What kind of place is that?" Asked Miu while Kokichi laughed. Korekiyo look on thoughtfully. "Perhaps it's a town full of horse breeders." He guessed.

"We should see where this road go." Suggest Kaede, looking towards the direction the sign pointed. Rantaro nodded. "And if there's a town, there's got to be people." I forgot how deep his voice is.

We agree and. Decided to walk to the direction the sign point out with Kaede in the lead. I smiled as I walk beside her. I forgot how confident my friend can be. I missed her.

I missed everyone who died in the game. Even Kokichi.

Even if he lies alot, he doesn't deserved to be crushed under the hydrolic pressure like he did. I glanced back at him and watched as he teased Kiibo. I smiled a little.


Soon all of us starting to get tired and thirsty as we trekked along the dirt path. Even though Kokichi tried to hide it, I can tell he's tired as well.

I spotted a pond up ahead. I geastured it to Kaede who nodded in agreement. We walked away from the path and settled down by the water.

I scooped up a handful of water and stared at it with caution. I was worried it might be contaminated or something. I then took a sip and my eyes went wide.

This is the freshest tasting water I ever drink and it's from a random pond. I greedly scoop out some more unil I had my fill and sat down to rest.

Ryoma wiped his mouth. "That is the best tasting water I ever had." He commented. The other's nodded in agreement.

"Even better than the one you drowned in?" Asked Kokichi, jokingly. The small man glared at the purple haired leader.

Kokichi just grinned and put his hands behind his head. He glanced at me and smirked comming over to sit by me. I stared at him ith caution.

Kokichi leaned his head against my shoulder with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Missed me Saihara~chan?" He chirped. I just shrugged him off and ignored him.

I then caught something in the corner of my eye. What look like a brown rabbit hopped towards the pond and as it got closer I saw that it got antlers? What? The others warched it in disbelief.

It cocked it's head at us curiously and sniffed at us. "Nyeh, rabbits don't have antlers do they?" Asked Himiko with confusion.

"Hey Gonta! You grew up in the wild, right?" I asked the large male. He shooked his head. "The rabbits Gonta met don't have antlers." He said.

We watched as the antlered rabbit hopped down to the water and take a sip. Then we heard Kiibo gasped. "Look up in the sky!"

We turn to the robot who was watching the sky with wide eyes. As we follow his gaze, I couldn't belive what I saw.

In the sky what looks like a small gray horse with blonde mane and tail, golden eyes with one looked crooked and wings. It was also wearing a post office uniform and caring a mail bag. It I mean she paused in mid air and look down at us with wide eyes.

"That look like a pegasus." Commented Korekiyo "An ancient greek mythology."

Okay the pegasus then flew down and landed in front of us. She look at us curiously and spoke. "I never saw creatures like you before."

We all took step back in shock. "What the fuck?" Exclaimed Miu. Kaede glanced at us and took a step forward to the pegasus.

"You can talk?" The pegasus nodded her head. She then lifted her wings and started to hover around us with one hoof on her head thoughtfully.

"You all seem harmless enough, so I'll introduce myself." The pegasus said. "I'm Derpy Hooves." She introduced. As she got closer to me, I noticed she got a picture of bubbles on her flank. "What are you guys, anyways?" She asked.

"We're humans." Kaede explained. "I'm Kaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate Pianist." She introduced. She motion us to do the same.

I went first. "I'm Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Detective."

"I'm Rantaro Amami, The Ultimate Survivalist." Rantaro said next.

"Neeheehee. Derpy Hooves is a funny name and anyways I'm Kokichi Oma the Ultimate Supreme Leader. " Kokichi said. Derpy cocked her head.

"What organization do you lead?" She asked. Kokichi put a finger up to his lips and smiled.

"I can't tell you that. It's a secret organization with ten thousand members." He said as we all groan in annoyance. I put my hand to my forehead.

Derpy on the other hand seem to buy it. "Wow! That's alot of members!" Tenko walked up and pushed him away.

"Don't listen to that degenerate male, that's obviously a lie! Anyways I'm Tenko Chabashira the Ultimate Aikido Master. " She motion Himiko forward.

"And this cutie is Himiko Yumeno the Ultimate Mage. But they officaly called her the Ultimate Magician."

"You can use magic like a unicorn?" Asked Derpy.

Himiko's eyes widened. "They're unicorns here?"

Derpy nodded. "My daughter Dinky is a unicorn. There's also regular earth ponies. This place is Equestria, after all."

My eyes widened. "Wait! That means we're not in Japan?!" I said flabbergasted.

Tsumugi walked up. "So that means this place is populated by magical ponies. I'm Tsumugi Shirogane the Ultimate Cosplayer, by the way."

The others soon also introduced themselves.

Derpy tapped her chin with her hooves thoughtfully. "You keep saying Ultimates alot. What does that mean?"

"It's a title we get when we are very good at something." Kaede explained.

"Oh. So like a cutie mark." Derpy said pointed at her flank. "Us ponies get them when we discover our special talent. We get them when we are foals. My Dinky doesn't have hers yet."

"I better get going. I got mail to deliver." She added. "Oh, by the way, when you get to Ponyville, stop by The Golden Oaks Library. There's a pony there who might help you." She then waved at us and flew off."

We just stand by the lake, processing the information we learned. But one thing for sure, we are not in Japan anymore.

"So we're in a diffrent country, perhaps in a diffrent world." I said thoughtfully.

"I guess. We should get going." Kaede explained. I nodded in agreement as we left the pond and continued on our way.


It was almost nightfall before we made our way to the outskirt of Ponyville and we paused looking at the town before us. It look like an old timey village with houses with hay for the roofs.

There were ponies everywhere. Pegasi, Unicorns, Earth ponies. And all in all sorts of colors too.

"That pond water must of been tainted with LSD." Commented Miu, rubbing her eyes in disbelief.