• Published 14th Dec 2020
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Splatoon: Main Six - Robert Emerald Fountain

The Main Six become inklings and must help Callie

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Recovering the Great Zapfish and rescuing Marie

Arriving in the Octarian Headquarters, everyone noticed they were on a gantry above where all of the kettles were. This area was flooded completely, and all six kettles were completely submerged.

"Looks like this area's going to be a wet one from start to finish.", Agent 4 said as everyone closed their diving helmets.

"You said it, Four.", Eight replied.

Entering the first kettle, the Main Six found what looked like giant paintbrushes. Callie excitedly introduced them to this new weapon herself.

"This is the Hero Brush.", she said as she pulled hers out and showed how it worked.

They grabbed one brush each and followed her lead. These lairs were the hardest ones yet. Octarians attacked from all angles. The Main Six had great practice with all of their weapons, and everyone came close at least once to running out of ink.

A submarine rose up from the water with the boss kettle on top and the kettle opened up.

"This is it. We've been working our way up to this one.", Twilight said to everyone.

Everyone held hands and then jumped into the kettle. The submarine descended under the surface, and everyone eventually found themselves in what looked like a giant underground/underwater arena. They spotted Marie hanging upside down on the back of some kind of structure. She was gagged and had passed out, and her hands were tied behind her back. She was awoken when she heard the sounds of something powering up. Everyone else saw the structure rise up and pull the Great Zapfish inside. For a brief second, Fluttershy saw how much bigger this one was in comparison to the others. When the light came on inside the machine, everyone saw who was piloting it. It was an Octarian with discs sitting in front of him and wearing dark sunglasses. Clauds primed her Hero Shot and Callie began to snarl at him as Agent 3 explained who this was.

"His name is DJ Octavio. He is the bastard that brainwashed Callie and was beaten by Agent 4 a few years ago. Two years before that happened, I defeated him when only the Zapfish went missing."

"Your cousin must love you very much to be brave enough to sacrifice herself for you.", Octavio said to Callie.

"I will not work with you again! If you want me to be brainwashed again, you have to kill everyone with me and defeat me as well. I'm not going down without a fight.", Callie spat back at the DJ.

Octavio raised his ship higher and began launching bombs and mechanical punches. Everyone had readied their weapons and began either swinging rollers and brushes or shooting guns. Three times, they reached a point when Octavio was knocked out of his seat and fell to the ground. After each time, everyone went to town slamming Octavio with their weapons and then threw him back into his seat. After the third time, Callie dealt the final blow and threw Octavio back so hard that he was knocked out and the Great Zapfish was dislodged, and the craft came crashing to the floor. They didn't know it yet, but Octavio had also used the Zapfish's power to charge a backup battery. Agents 3, 4, and 8 blasted Marie's bindings all at once until the ropes snapped and she fell free. Not wanting her to fall on her head, Callie rushed over and caught Marie after she was broken loose. Marie cut the gag out of her mouth and quickly recovered from her dizziness before Clauds crushed her in a hug. After helping to load the Great Zapfish onto the submarine, Marie became confused upon noticing that Callie was sniffling and holding back tears.

"What's wrong, Callie?"

With a shaking hand, Callie pointed towards the rear of the submarine. Marie walked back and her eyes fell upon Captain Cuttlefish, who was lying motionless. She put two fingers to Cuttlefish's throat but felt no pulse. Realizing that her grandfather was dead, Marie felt a lump building in her throat. As her eyes began clouding with tears, she turned to face Callie, who was now crying again.

"What happened to him?", Marie asked between sniffles.

"He got hit with poisonous ink.", Callie choked out.

Marie burst into tears. She ran to Callie and the two cousins threw their arms around each other. Everyone else bowed their heads in muted sorrow as Callie and Marie buried their eyes in each other's shoulders and cried their hearts out. Two minutes later, once the Squid Sisters had cheered up and dried their tears, the group prepared to leave. Everyone fastened their seatbelts, Callie took the yoke, Marie started the propellers, and the submarine began moving away from Octavio's lair.