• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 2,926 Views, 72 Comments

In the Twilight Hour - Autum Breeze

Twilight Sparkle finds herself facing on odd task. She is now caring for her Princess Pony counterpart... who is a baby pony?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


Twilight just stared down at the small equine, her brain failing to fully process what she was seeing.

A horn? Wings? Ponies don’t have horns and they certainly don’t have wings.

That’s stuff you’d find in fairytales. This… this had to be someone’s weird idea of a joke, right?

She blinked, before sighing and glanced around. “Okay. Very funny, guys. Who is it? You got me.”

This had to be a prank by one of her fellow students from Crystal Prep. They took a baby pony, painted it her skin tone and stuck fake wings and a horn on…

Twilight blinked again, before disgust came over her face.

“Okay, no. Seriously what in the world is wrong with you all? Guys, that’s really messed up.”

She bent down, picking up the infant equine and holding it in her arms, seeing it was a female.

“You poor thing. I’m so sorry for what the students of my school did to you.”

She closed the door and turned, heading for the kitchen.

“I cannot believe those people sometimes,” Twilight grumbled as she turn on the tapes, filling up the sink. “Don’t worry. I’ll wash off what I can of the dye. Then we’ll see if we can find anywhere that’s reported a stolen foal.”

Was it her imagination or did the foal look… annoyed by that last statement?

Regardless, Twilight went upstairs, grabbing some shampoo, hoping it would be okay for an infant pony and added it to the water and waited til the sink was full.

“Okay, little one,” she said playfully, lowing the foal into the water, getting what she could swear was a slightly annoyed pout from the pony, “let’s get you clean.”

The foal didn’t seem to want to be bathed at first, but it eventually seemed to resign itself to its fate and let her wash it, Spike all the while sitting at Twilight’s feet, panting and wagging his tail excitedly.

“You’re pretty small, even for a foal,” Twilight commented as she scrubbed the little pony. “An average foal is at least a hundred pounds, but you don’t even look like you’re half that. Were you born premature? That’s even more messed up. I’m gonna have to talk to Dean Cadance about this at school on Monday.”

The infant seemed to stiffen briefly when she mentioned her sister-in-law/dean’s name, but Twilight brushed that off as coincidence. She’d probably just don’t something the foal didn’t like.

“Wait… what the…?” Twilight paused, a hand on what she’d thought was a fake wing she’d intended to remove… but it wasn’t fake. she could feel bones and muscles, connecting all the way to where the wings met the side of the pony’s body.

She went to the other wing end… yes. Yes, it was real too! This was a real winged pony!

Twilight pulled back, staring. “A… you’re a Pegasus? How? Those are only myths and legends and… huh?”

The foal was reacting as if it had not only understood her, but could respond. It was now covered in bubbles, its mane plastered against its head.

It was making babbling sounds more akin to a human baby than an equine and it was pointing with both hooves to its head.

Twilight’s gaze followed, only to land on the fake horn atop the baby’s head.

Wait. If the wings were real then, maybe…

Twilight lifted a hand and touched the fake horn… to find it didn’t feel fake. It felt hard, somewhat like bone, but not.

“This… this doesn’t make any sense,” Twilight took several steps back, shaking her head. “How did…?”

What happened next… Twilight never could’ve guessed would happen.

The foal folded it forelegs and glared at her.

Twilight’s brain halted, sponge in hand.

What? Pony couldn’t do that. That required elbow joints and equine did not possess the kinds to bend their legs like that… but she was seeing it, right before her very eyes.

Whatever this pony was, it not only had real feathered wings, but it sounded like a human baby and could fold its forelegs as if they were arms.

This… there was no scientific explanation she could come up with.

This defied everything she’d ever know about science.


Twilight blinked, before her expression became one of disgusted horror.

This foal was some kind of experiment! It had to be! Some sick, twisted person had forced a pony to breed with a bird of some kind and this foal was the result. The horn-like thing on its head must’ve been a defect from its birth.

And that person had just dumped it on her family’s doorstep? What the fuck?

Wait, no. the bird and pony would explain the wings and being a foal, but not the folded forelimbs… unless…

Twilight felt like she was going to be sick. The scientist had added their own DNA into the mix as well. How, it was better not to speculate. It was the fact someone had tried to merge human, pony and bird DNA all together that was the more worrying issues… as well as the fact they might know where she lived.

“You poor, poor creature,” Twilight moved back to the sink, picking up the foal, who was giving her what she guessed could’ve been a confused look. “You’re just the product of a failed experiment by some lunatic… though you seem to be okay for the most part.”

She studied the infant’s body.

“It does explain your size, I guess. Though, despite your size, you seem to have developed okay.” She was puzzled. “In fact, if it wasn’t obvious you’re a failed genetics experiment, I’d say you look like you’re okay. Your wings seem to be fine and your body doesn’t seem to have any issues. If you weren’t a flawed experiment, I’d say you were a healthy baby.”

A whimper from below and a paw rubbing against her leg made Twilight glance down to Spike, who was looking up at her in worry.

She cocked an eyebrow. Why was he worried? Spike was a smart dog, but there was no way he could understand how serious this was. He wouldn’t understand what a flawed genetic experiment…

Wait. He wasn’t looking at her. He was still looking at the infant pony and… he was now backing away, looking scared?

Confused, Twilight turned to look back at the foal, only for fear and confusion to slam her at the same time, causing her to freeze in place as she tried to process what she was seeing.

The foal’s eyes were narrowed in a glare, said eyes having somehow gone pure white. Not only that, but there was some kind of purple glow around the horn-like growth on her head.

A wail louder than any Twilight had ever heard in her entire life filled the air, a shockwave of some kind sending the lavender girl flying back, slamming to the floor, her glasses falling off and going she had no clue where.

Her vision no longer as clear, she could make out the foal seemed to somehow be floating in the air, her whole baby now surrounded by the same weird glow that had been around its horn seconds ago.

To Twilight’s combined horror and bewilderment, other things in the room started becoming surrounded by the same kind of glow, before they started flying around the room!


She noticed something purple and green out of the corner of her eye rush past her, towards the infant.

“Spike, no!” she cried, holding out a hand.

Spike leaped into the air, reaching the foal, only to make sounds of confused panic as he too seemed to be covered in the glow.

Just as suddenly as it happened, it all stopped. The glow around everything vanished and fell, the foal plopping into the sink, making sound that Twilight might’ve considered concerned… if she wasn’t more worried about her dog as she dropped to the floor.

Twilight bent down, picking him up and holding him. “Are you okay, Spike?”

“Um… I think so,” he said, looking up to her.

Twilight sighed with relief.

A second past, before exactly what just happened clicked.

The two cried out in alarm, Twilight dropping Spike and quickly backing away until she hit the wall.

“Why’re you backing away?” Spike asked, concerned.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Twilight said, her breathing quick. “Maybe it has something to do with the glowing pony, that also has wings. Or everything flying around the room like there’s a ghost or something. Or my talking dog!”

“Yeah,” Spike said calmly, scratching behind an ear. “Weird, right?”

Twilight slowly got up, approaching Spike tentatively, before kneeling down and putting hand under his chin. “Are you okay? How do you feel? What happened?”

Spike stopped her with a quick lick to the cheek. “Hey, one question at a time. This is pretty new to me too.”

Twilgith gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry.”

Spike seemed to think for a moment. “I dunno what happened. The baby was sad and angry at you for calling it an experiment, I tried to get to her so I could calm her down when everything started going crazy and next thing I know, I’m in your arms and I could talk.”

Twilight indicated for him to go on.

“I don’t really understand why I couldn’t before,” Spike frowned in thought, before smirking. “I mean, it’s so easy.”

A babbling sound caused them both to look to the foal, who was looking at them, more specifically Spike, with worry.

“No worries, Princess,” he replied casually, but reassuringly. “I’m okay. You didn’t hurt me at all.”

The foal looked relieved.

Twilight blinked, glancing between the foal and her dog. “Wait. Can you understand her?”

“Um, not entirely,” Spike said, rubbing his chin with a paw. “Her words are kinda disjointed. Like, she knows what she’s trying to say, but can’t.”

“Okay…” Twilight said slowly, squinting to try and see the foal better. She really was blind without her glasses. Plus, this was definitely the weirdest thing that had ever happened in her life. “So… why was she so upset about my calling her a flawed experiment?”

The foal reacted angrily, babbling something at Twilight in a way that made Twilight wonder if she actually wanted Spike to translate or not.

“Yeesh. Yeah, better not to say that again,” Spike said, looking uncertain. “Twilight really doesn’t like it.”

Twilgiht cocked an eyebrow at him. “Well, you may be able to speak now, but your grammar needs some work.”

Spike cocked his head. “Huh?”

“You just said “Twilight really doesn’t like it”,” she pointed out. “I think what you meant was “Twilight, she really doesn’t like it”.”

Spike shook his head. “No, I was just saying what Twilight said.”

“What do you mean what I said?” Now Twilight was even more confused.

Spike pointed to the foal. “That’s her name.”

Twilight blinked, before glancing to the foal, who nodded.

“She and I have the same name?” she eventually asked, looking to her dog.

He shook his head. “Not just your name, either. She even sounds like you.”

Twilight deadpanned. “Come again?”

The baby babbled at her.

Twilight looked at her for several moments, before frowning, rubbing her chin. She repeated the babbling, only to blink.

She did sound the same. Not just the sounds, but the tone, the pitch, it was identical.

“Okay…” Twilight said slowly, looking from the baby to her dog. “So, what is she? If she’s not an experiment merging human, bird and pony DNA together, what is she?”

Pony Twilight babbled a bit.

Spike walked a bit towards her, before turning to face his owner and doing a flourishing motion. “I present to you, Princess Twilight Sparkle. The Princess of Friendship.”

Twilight deadpanned at the baby. “Seriously?”

Spike and the baby nodded in unison. “Seriously.”

Twilight sighed, rubbing her temple. “Okay. I’ll run with it, I guess. What else is there? Where does she come from? How did she wind up on our doorstep?”

Princess Twilight started babbling for a few moments before Spike was able to translate.

“Well, she says she’s something called an Alicorn, whatever those are,” Spike began slowly, as if trying to figure out what to say. “She comes from some place called Equestria but doesn’t know how she got here or why she’s a baby.”

Twilight blinked. “Wait. Run that last part by me again.” She looked to the infant. “What do you mean you don’t know why you’re a baby?”

“That’s all she can say about it,” Spike translate the babbling. “Her memory seems to have become scattered. She remembers some things, but not everything.”

“Well, that’s helpful,” Twilight muttered sarcastically, before shaking her head. “Is there anyone who can help her? Like, someone she knows here? I dunno where this Equestria is, but maybe she’s visited before?”

“She says… she has friends here in Canterlot… but can’t remember their names,” Spike said, shaking his head. “All she remembers is the name Sunset.”

“Sunset,” Twilight rubbed her chin. “Well, there can’t be too many Sunsets in Canterlot. Let’s just hope we’ll be able to find them. I… don’t suppose you remember what they look like?” she asked.

The baby shook her head, looking dejected.

Twilight sighed, getting up and walked over to the infant, picking her up and began drying her. “Well, there’s nothing we can do tonight. Let’s all get some sleep and we’ll figure out what to do in the morning.”

“Sounds good,” Spike gave a loud yawn, which Baby Twilight followed suit in.

After a quick snack for all, Baby Twilight having some peas after Twilight mashed them up, Twilight brushed her teeth and three went to her room and to bed.

Twilight couldn’t help smiling at how cute the baby Alicorn was, snuggled up next to Spike as the two slept.

Author's Note:

Bet none of you saw this update coming.

Yeah, as i mentioned last chapter, the rollercoaster that was the on again off again 6 day state-wide lockdown, my head's been all over the place, so i took yesterday and today off work, as my brain had already set up mentally to handle to do non-paid workdays where i'd be stuck at home at, with how sudden the end to the lockdown happened, i just wasn't mentally there to go to work yesterday or today.

i will be going to work tomorrow, but, again, that's because it was in my mindset from the end of work last week.

So, since yesterday i'd gotten an idea for how i wanted to make this chapter go, but didn't have to the time due to needing to do some shopping for new shoes and then had to go to a birthday dinner for my mum, i didn't exactly have a lot of time to sit and write, so i'm doing it today. or did it, anyway.

whatever the case, i've managed to at least get the chapter done, so it's out there now.

So, what did you think? Now Spike's speaking sooner and he can somewhat translate Princess Twilight for her human counterpart.

I say somewhat because, she is a baby, her words aren't exactly clear.

So, how will things work out? With Twilight and Spike be able to figure out who Sunset is? Will they be able to find her? How will they figure out how to change Twilight back into an adult? will they be able to get her back to Equestria?

and how will this effect the friendship games?

You'll have to wait and see.

Hope you all enjoyed this and, til next time, stay safe, stay clean and later everybody