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♀️ -- Based and Wallypilled™ |Patreon!

Comments ( 52 )

Honestly, you really would see the big tits before you started looking at any further details. Don't lie.

Milkers and self-harm. Sounds like my kinda game.

This is the kind of emotional stuff I wish I could pull off in writing. You should be shamelessly indulgent more often because this is a great little story with a wonderful message.

Awesome job.

Posh #5 · Sep 24th, 2022 · · 7 ·

I'll never understand why Sunset Shimmer loves me.

You’re green, and she’s a horse. It’s animal instinct.

What works for me here is how Wallflower’s self-consciousness plays out in her narration. She’s self-aware to a toxic degree, analyzing everything from her word choice to her intonation to reinforce her image of herself as whiny, stupid, and otherwise a waste. It’s like she attended mindfulness therapy, but like, fucked-up and evil mindfulness therapy, and she learned to use self-awareness to tear herself down.

This is a really good portrait of somebody who lives in her own mind, and has to slog through her own issues without break. That she ends the story having made progress in that slog makes it all the better. Not to overextend my metaphor, but even if the slog never ends, the water’s not quite as high as it used to be. Up to her ankles instead of her thighs. And there are fewer mosquitos.

I’d criticize the story on one significant spot, though. Mind you, this is less of a flaw with the story and how it’s written, and moreso a reality of first-person narration.

Sunset kinda... feels flawless. Perfect girlfriend, perfect lover. That she accepts Wallflower’s body, and all the scars she’s self-conscious about, without hesitation isn’t a problem at all; that’s the whole point of the story after all.

It’s that Wallflower takes the time to acknowledge her girlfriend’s personality flaws, accepting that they’re there, but she doesn’t elaborate on them. Nor does Sunset do anything to indicate what those flaws might be. She doesn’t express her imperfections; she doesn’t show them through word or deed.

Maybe that’s a feature, not a bug. I would be curious to read a take on this story from Sunset’s perspective.

11373592 hey, shut the fuck up! :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by YetAnotherTweenEdgelord deleted Sep 24th, 2022

I'm never going to be able to read the title without laughing.

I was really happy to see this was finally out after how much I heard of the WIPs and summary -- and of course, the cute cover art. It's always a little funky when I read stories touching explicitly (lmao) on sexual topics here because I generally have to pass over a lot, but the way you had Wally's POV and the dialogue with her and Sunny gave an interesting rhythm through reading the middle, because the pacing didn't miss anything when I went back to reading the rest through. I can only think of a few M-rated stories with sexual content on (or previously on) the site that did that, and I'm pretty sure that you had a hand in most of them.

Fun fact: the word "boobs" only appears in here six times. I honestly hadn't expected that.

Milkers and self-harm. Sounds like my kinda game.

It would have cost you 0.00 in whatever currency you want to not say something utterly deranged. You're definitely the kind of person this story is intended to offer a subversion to, and you probably got the fastest block on the site after that comment.
I saw the freckles first 'cause they're adorable.


I'm never going to be able to read the title without laughing.

I am stupidly proud of the title ngl

Fun fact: the word "boobs" only appears in here six times.

True, but the number of times "breast" appears is probably more than double that lol

you probably got the fastest block on the site after that comment.

Yeahhh, I don't like blocking people but the deleted comment had a pretty nasty slur in it and that's a no-no 👏


It’s like she attended mindfulness therapy, but like, fucked-up and evil mindfulness therapy, and she learned to use self-awareness to tear herself down.

It's really interesting that you point this out, cuz it's absolutely a phase I went through after I had mindfulness therapy (specifically DBT). The danger of dialectics is that they can just as easily be used to justify and fuel unhealthy behaviors as healthy ones—that's where the concepts of willingness and willfulness come in.

Sunset kinda... feels flawless. Perfect girlfriend, perfect lover. That she accepts Wallflower’s body, and all the scars she’s self-conscious about, without hesitation isn’t a problem at all; that’s the whole point of the story after all.

Yeah, while I was writing this I was pretty constantly asking myself what Sunset must be thinking and feeling, both to be able to write her actions/dialogue and more subtle things like her goals for the long-term direction of her relationship. I think beneath the surface, she's very obviously aware that Wally is self-conscious of her scars, considers how best to act in a way that would dissuade those fears, and then she acts accordingly. She's acting like the perfect girlfriend, and in a way she is, but not by pure instinct and nature. It's her empathy and ability to know exactly how her actions and words will be perceived by Wally that lets her come across as the perfect girlfriend for Wally.

"And also boobs."

But mostly boobs. That cover art is a dead giveaway.

Posh #11 · Sep 25th, 2022 · · 1 ·


The danger of dialectics is that they can just as easily be used to justify and fuel unhealthy behaviors as healthy ones


I am stupidly proud of the title ngl

Naw, it's worth being regular proud of. Distinct titles can he hard.

True, but the number of times "breast" appears is probably more than double that lol

"Boob" is admittedly funnier and appeals to the inner 12-year-old within us all in the same way that "bonkers for her honkers" does.

Yeahhh, I don't like blocking people but the deleted comment had a pretty nasty slur in it and that's a no-no

Uh, what? They came here in your comment section to do that? If every comment section is a potluck, they did the equivalent of showing up with nothing and shitting in the mashed potatoes only to be surprised when they're asked to leave. Just Fimfiction Things™

Finally some representation

Beautiful story. I love every single word.

I emerge from hibernation to say this:
A pleasant dose of heartwarming with a heavy pinch of heart-racing. Several pinches, actually. With both hands. Well done!

Now, please excuse me while i return to my cave.

Scampy #16 · Sep 25th, 2022 · · 1 ·



This brings back some old memories. Warm ones. The story and the topics in the comments. Thank you. You've made my night.

The point is that the first thing you'd notice is your cute girlfriend. The details get filled in afterwards, and not necessarily with what was actually there (human brains secretly kind of suck at their job, as Wallflower abundantly proves with her mental and physical self-harm).


your cute girlfriend

This is where I fulfill my quota to pull the “lol but I’m gay” joke out. You’re welcome.

We've hit peak lesbianism, folks. Pack it up and go home.

Which would explain why you noticed the freckles and not the thing people who are into women notice first. :twilightsmile:


Wow, that's not even fair. You can't write something that sweet yet that sexy at the same time, it's too good. This is a perfect set up. Luring people in with that title and image, hitting them hard in the feels, then dragging them into the bedroom. (I can't say gutter because that scene was way too loving for that). It is such a good portrayal of a healthy, loving relationship. Sunset's patience, Wallflower's growth, where that can lead if they both are open to it. Just amazing. Really shows how lusty love can be, and how loving lust can be. Easy call, liked and faved. Congrats on the feature and I hope it stays on the top for a month.


Oh my gosh that was so adorable! It is so hard to write not only good sex fics, but also emotionally fulfilling ones. This is absolutely amazing, and a textbook example on how sex can be used as a plot device to further flesh out characters, and more importantly, show how characters grow. 100/10.

"Healthy, loving relationship" all of a sudden this fic isn't very relatable. All of my relationships have been grueling hell that make me wonder why I even bother dating, or ended very very sourly kinda tainting my whole view of them

I saw the title and I snorted, then I saw it was you and snorted louder H O R N Y J A I L


Uh, what? They came here in your comment section to do that? If every comment section is a potluck, they did the equivalent of showing up with nothing and shitting in the mashed potatoes only to be surprised when they're asked to leave. Just Fimfiction Things™

Sorry, but unfortunately we never had the copyright to foul-mouthed jerks. everywhere on the internet, they are free to use as people please.
Also, that metaphor of yours made me feel disgusted by mashed potatoes so have a hate.:trixieshiftright:

The fic itself is quite nice, and I like their dynamic a lot. Self-loathing during sex is something I could imagine and you pulled it off smoothly. Thanks for the work!

What a beautiful story about accepting that you need to love yourself despite what flaws and imperfections you think you have.

If only I could ignore my own lumpy misshapen weird body long enough to enjoy it. :derpytongue2:


I hope the place doesn't have thin walls, or passing other people in the laundry room might be awkward.

This was comforting, emotional, hot, and beautiful all wrapped up in one Great story, Thank you for posting this.

Always looking forward to your works and here's to hoping for more in the future.


You can't write something that sweet yet that sexy at the same time, it's too good. This is a perfect set up. Luring people in with that title and image, hitting them hard in the feels, then dragging them into the bedroom.

My intended goal with this story was to bait people in with Big Booblers and then blindside them with a message about emotional health and self-worth. Pranked, y'all \o/

Also writing wholesome gay sex is fun 😎

Yes it was so good, like I said you set it up perfectly. A masterful manipulation. How dare you trick me into reading something wholesome :raritywink:. The message I get, if you'll pardon my interpretation, is that there's always someone out there who will see more good about you even if all you can see is bad. What I loved the most about this story is how Sunset couldn't have focused on her scars even if she tried. Thanks again for such a wonderful story.

Gonna read it but tell your friend that thier art is really nice.

Ah, yes.

Wholesome Horny is my favorite kind of horny.

Shallow smut is nice for a good wank, but sometimes I want porn for my heart, y'know? Sex and love needn't be separate. Thank you for this.

Those milkers look heavy. Let me hold them for you.



technically you served twice cuz the story has 10 chapters


This is the best thing I ever read. 10/10 spot on... such a masterpiece. So, much feeling for the characters best job!!!!! keep it up.

Does your friend have an account they post their art to anywhere?

So I got this new fanfic plot. Basically, there's this high school girl, except she's got HUGE boobs. I mean some serious honkers. A real set of badonkers. Packin' some dobonhonkeros. Massive dohoonkabhankoloos. Big old tonhongerekoogers.

What happens next? Transfer student named Twilight Sparkle shows up one day with even bigger bonkhonagahoogs. Humongous hungolomghnonoloughongous.

Some of the best erotica I've ever read.

Thank you dear 🙏🙏🙏

If you liked this, you should definitely go read this fic by my girlfriend, it's similar in a lot of ways and one of my favorite things ever \o/

[Adult story embed hidden]

This was beautiful.
Makes me wish that all the Wallflowers out there may eventually find their Sunsets.

I recognize a lot of her behavior. We have eight billion people walking around. Which, surprisingly, makes it harder to connect to any of them. It's a matter of compatibility, amongst other things. People are complicated. I appreciate the harmony they share, because they found each other. It's fictional, of course. Whatever that's supposed to mean. But... I don't know. It's still... a spark of hope, I guess? Maybe?
I'm rambling and I'm probably not making a lot of sense. Sorry for that.

It's a really beautiful tale.

Thank you for writing!

I feel grateful, not guilty. I think I finally get the difference.

That's what it means to let myself be loved.

For all intents and purposes, the story made its point here and exactly here -- excellent. The fluff after wasn't all that necessary. (But who cares! It was delicious fluff! And, um, served as follow-through on that point by way of demonstration!)

I don't have much to add that others have not already expressed. You've written a beautiful scene which makes me happy.

I should have read this much sooner.

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