• Published 12th Nov 2020
  • 4,784 Views, 777 Comments

Mark My Words - Goldfur

Prince Mark Wells may now be an alicorn and the coruler of Equestria along with Twilight Sparkle and his wife, Trixie Lulamoon, but that doesn't mean that his life has gotten boring. Something always comes up, whether he wants it or not!

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A Week In The Life - Saturday

“No dawdling! We’ve got a big day ahead of us,” I reminded the family at the breakfast table.

While Yolanda’s graduation was not going to be held until this afternoon, we planned to make a full family day of the opportunity, and every minute wasted here was time we could not spend on Earth having fun. Only Allura, Lacewing, and Spotlight got to sleep in this morning because they weren’t coming with us. The Royal Kitchen had been advised that the rest of the family would be having an early meal to get the day started.

We didn’t rush eating but there wasn’t the usual amount of time-consuming chatter. Before long, a dozen of us headed for the private portal room to rendezvous with our Earthside friends. All my wives bar Loopy were accompanying us. My sixth herdmate had to beg off due to being in the throes of heat. In the past, Rarity and Trixie had tried to escape the insistent sexual urges by traveling to Earth, only to find that they were still excessively horny humans. As that would have been disruptive to the family day activities, the Lunar Alicorn had reluctantly decided to withdraw from the excursion.

Verdant frowned when I activated a different portal than the one we normally took to the Martine’s home. “This isn’t the way to Uncle Phil’s house.”

“That’s because we’re not going there,” I replied. “We’re going to rendezvous with them elsewhere.”

“Huh? Where?”

“You’ll see.”

Penny stepped through first as usual, making sure that everything was secure before the rest of us proceeded. Trixie was the next to go through, followed by Rarity, Chrysalis, and Celestia. Only then did I let my impatient son step through the portal. Gemini and Crystal Shield were next, followed by Gallus, Smolder, and Pearl.

“We won’t be due back until later this evening,” I told the portal room guards.

“Understood, Your Highness,” the sergeant in charge replied before I stepped through to Earth.

On the other side, I found Phil guiding new arrivals out of his office to make room for others who would be following. I told him I was the last, disabled the portal, and we headed out into the hallway with the rest of our families. Everyone exchanged hugs, although I noted with amusement that the hug between Verdant and Yolanda seemed a bit more ‘friendly’ than the others.

We were all dressed in our enchanted clothing, even Smolder who had indulged her curiosity about Earth once before. My ever-prepared wife, Rarity, had naturally taken the opportunity to take her measurements and had sewn outfits for the dragoness specifically for this eventuality. I had to admit that she made an impressive human. Like her natural form, she was tall and lean, but well-muscled. She was a fiery redhead with golden tan skin and no freckles. Yeah, I know redheads and tanning don’t mix well – tell that to the magic. She looked great. Gallus certainly appreciated his wife’s appearance, and she, his. For some reason, he had strong Nordic looks including blond hair. He could easily have been a Viking.

Every one of my family could pass for normal humans, with the possible exception of Celestia. She was the tallest among us and her hair was pink. That could be explained away as a dye job, but she was never going to be inconspicuous in a crowd.

Phil herded us into a conference room that had plenty of room for all of us including Rosa, Yolanda, and Miguel.

“For those who haven’t been here before, welcome to EVA – Electric Vehicle Aviation,” Phil announced.

“I thought you worked for Harmonic Composites?” Verdant said.

Phil replied, “That’s the business your Auntie Rosa and I started with your father. Before that, I worked with this company. I bought a share of EVA with some… finance that your dad provided. Rosa and I still work here half the time, so I arranged to have a portal mirror set up in my office so that I could readily travel between here and our other business.”

“So, this is where you make those airplanes you’ve talked about?”

“Yep. And because this place is normally closed on weekends, there’s nobody working, so we can guide you around the place and even get in some of the aircraft we’re building.”


Rosa said, “Primero, we’ll let you know our itinerary for today. After you’ve been shown around EVA, we will be heading over to the Sullenberger Aviation Museum which should be open by then. There, you will see a lot of the older types of planes. And because it’s right next to Charlotte Airport, you’ll be able to watch some of the current aircraft coming and going.”

“When we’re done there, we’ll do something a bit more fun. We’ve booked time at Mission Laser where we can have a few games as well as something to eat.”

“What’s Mission Laser?” Gemini asked.

“I know!” Pearl exclaimed. “It’s a game you play with laser guns in competition with several other players whom you’re trying to tag out while avoiding being eliminated by them. I’ve always wanted to play that!”

Phil said, “Pearl is right. It should be fun. Anyway, afterward, we’ll be heading to Yolanda’s college for her graduation. After the ceremony, we’ll be going to a steakhouse for dinner. Later, I thought we’d take in a movie.”

My first wife spoke up. “It sounds like a great and powerful day – Trixie approves. Shall we get started? I’m curious about these aircraft of yours.”

Rosa and Phil led the way into the factory proper where several models of airplanes were in various stages of assembly. Because Equestrian aircraft were mostly of the dirigible type, albeit superior to Earth’s, everyone found these fascinating. Phil explained some of the design elements behind their construction including the lightweight but very strong materials used, several of which were being sourced from Harmonic Composites. Rosa showed off the battery technology and motors that were revolutionizing the field. Sadly, they had to decline a request for a joy flight in one of the completed test models as neither had a pilot’s license.

“We’ll try to arrange that for another time,” Rosa promised.

Celestia found the aircraft of particular interest. “These are so much faster than the airships that Equestria currently uses. Do you plan to introduce these to our world anytime soon?”

“Funny you should mention that,” Phil replied. “We see Equestria as a potentially large market as these aircraft won’t have any direct competition as they would on Earth. There’s a certain amount of infrastructure that must be in place to accommodate them though. We reckon that by the time EVA is ready to put the most suitable models for your needs into full production, those facilities will be completed at several optimum sites. Hopefully, our worlds will have made formal contact by then and we can do business openly.”

Chrysalis said, “Come by the Department of Development & Infrastructure and I will have Diligent Design show you what has been planned.”

Smolder asked, “Should this be one of the subjects that I will need to focus on when we begin negotiations?”

I nodded. “Yes, so it would pay to study up on all the aspects. Plenty of time for that yet though.”

The factory tour was eventually completed. We tracked down Verdant and Yolanda who was giving my son a “personal tour”. Yoyo was more than familiar with her parents’ business, so she did not need to stick around with the rest of the group, and it seemed Verd was more interested in her presentation than Phil and Rosa’s. I wonder why…?

We all headed out into the car park where a minibus awaited us. With a seating capacity of twenty, the rental vehicle was more than big enough to shuttle us all around. Rosa had a commercial driver’s license which meant we could all talk freely in the vehicle. It was only a short trip to the air museum as it was located just a bit further up the perimeter of the airport from where EVA was located. After Rosa had paid for admission for our entire group, we headed inside.

The museum floor included a variety of aircraft on display from smaller prop-driven ones to jet fighters and helicopters. There was an old biplane and a seaplane too, but the one that caused the most curiosity was a large passenger aircraft that was battered and damaged in contrast to all the fully intact and restored ones. A partially destroyed jet engine was on exhibit next to it.

“Why’s that one so messed up, Dad?” Gallus asked as soon as he saw it.

“Read the floor stand for the details,” I replied, “but it’s why this museum has the name it does. That’s the plane Captain Sullenberger managed to safely land in the Hudson River after both of its engines were disabled by birds crashing into them. No magic here to save them and an unpowered plane like that can only glide for a very short time. They couldn’t get back to the airport or anywhere else suitable, and it’s also densely built up in the New York area, so the river was the only option left. Worse yet, there were bridges over the river to contend with. Add to that, a water ditch landing with a commercial jet aircraft had never been successfully done before. Sully managed a supremely skillful feat of flight to bring that aircraft in for a perfect emergency landing with zero loss of life. They later salvaged the plane and brought it here to Charlotte, which was its original destination.”

“Wow! I’m amazed those things fly at all, but to do that without power is boggling. I’m glad I have my own wings… er… usually.” Gallus looked at the display panel that gave the details of US Airways Flight 1549 that departed New York’s LaGuardia Airport on January 15, 2009, captained by C.B. “Sully” Sullenberger. “Anyway, how did you know all that?”

I shrugged. “Saw the movie they made of the incident and looked into the details later on the internet.”

Gallus chuckled. “I should have known.”

Everyone found lots to grab their interest and outside, we also got to see passenger craft taxiing to the runway.

Pearl held her hands over her ears as the engines ramped up to begin their take-off. “They’re so loud!”

“That’s one advantage that our electric aircraft will have over these,” Phil said. “They’re a lot quieter as well as cleaner.”

“Yeah, we noticed the smell,” Gemini commented with a wrinkled nose.

“I dunno,” Smolder said, “I quite like it. It’s… tangy.”

“Trust a dragon to like it,” Verdant grumbled.

That comment garnered a curious look from a nearby visitor.

“Watch your words,” I reminded him quietly.

“Sorry, Dad.”

The time flew by without incident and we had to reluctantly move on to our next destination. We piled into the minibus and headed into downtown Charlotte to Mission Laser.

Our party of sixteen qualified for two “Private Missions” with a Party Room. That meant everyone got instructions from the staff on how to use the equipment and play the game. Phil and I looked over the options and chose Team Domination for the first game. Each team earned points for tagging targets on the field while tagging other players was of secondary importance. Getting hit meant you earned a thirty-second timeout before rejoining. This proved to be a great icebreaker and let everyone get used to the game field and the weapons.

The eight youngest players declared it to be a contest between the “Rookies of the Year” versus “The Grizzled Ancients.” Much to their dismay, they faced mostly veterans who fought against the combined might of Grogar’s forces – yes, even Chrysalis. The outcome was a decisive win for Team Arthritis and Denture Cream because we locked down two-thirds of the play area. The supervising employee hadn’t missed our use of military tactics and jargon. She asked if our group came from the nearby Air National Guard base. Rarity laughed and gave the teenager a few suggestions for altering the company attire to fit her form better. I loved how my second wife looked sexy even while brandishing a laser gun.

The biggest surprise was Miguel. Being the youngest, the adults started out taking it easy on him. His agility, small size, and fearless attacks forced us to change tactics or risk being overrun in the first minute of the game. He was the high scorer on his team which earned him high-fives from every player plus the staff.

The second game was Free For All Fire. In this variation, shooting three people in a row without getting tagged gave you a rapid-fire bonus until you got tagged. What developed was an unwritten rule that when two players earned rapid-fire, they headed toward the source of the sound to face off. Other players ignored them until the champion was decided … after which they were unceremoniously annihilated from all directions.

Everyone took a break for soda and pizza (cheese, double pepperoni, and veggie supreme). The youngsters wolfed down their lunch and immediately headed back for more games in the public arena. The sensible adults kicked back and took the opportunity to relax. Phil and I attempted to convince Penny that she shouldn’t take too much stock in her top score. After all, the two best players spent the majority of their time canceling each other out. That earned both of us a toothy grin and a condescending pat on the head, thus proving she didn’t have to speak to get in the last word.

An hour later, the kids (I still think of them that way) tramped into the Party Room while talking incessantly. They vacuumed up the remaining pizza and soda practically without breaking stride. The adults had to remind them to hang up their vests and laser guns before we left the establishment. They continued their discussions while we drove to the next destination. Looked like I’d have to wait to get a rundown of their latest adventure.

I sat beside Penumbra in the van and saw her trading text messages with someone. That jump-started my brain into wondering what I had overlooked. It didn’t take long to reach the proper destination.

I talked softly into her ear, “Ivana Kalchik …” After a bit more thought, I added, “… and her father.”

Penny nodded. “It’s been taken care of.”


She showed me her toothiest smile. “You know that Ivana transferred to a private school in November. Didn’t want to face her peers after her Halloween social network meltdown. Today, by wondrous coincidence, Ivana’s favorite media influencer is in Greensboro, eighty minutes away. She scored tickets to the VIP event and has better things to do than hang out with ‘a bunch of losers’.”

“And her father?”

“Has not made any attempt to interact with the Martines. It’s almost as if he wants to pretend the entire incident never happened. And if it ever does, the improved video security at their residence and places of business will make that a bad idea.”

I kissed her cheek. “Thanks, dear. Once again, I did not plan out the ‘what ifs’ sufficiently.”

She chuckled. “All of us have your back. That’s the best way to protect what’s in front!”

Soon we arrived at the Charlotte Harbor Event Center. Phil gathered up programs and guided us to the grand ballroom. Over a thousand folding chairs were set out in neat rows in front of the raised stage. Yolanda gave all of us hugs before leaving at a run for the changing area where she would pick up her robe.

We found our seats, Chrysalis on my left and Trixie on my right. My bug queen held her emerald pendant in one hand. All of us wore some type of enchanted jewelry that served the same purpose – obscuring our voices from outsiders. I laid my hand across the diamond in the gold band on my left ring finger. “Do you have a question, dear?”

“Indeed. This ceremony. Explain its social purpose, please.”

I pursed my lips as I considered. “Well, completing high school is a great accomplishment worth celebrating. Also, according to the cultural norms of this country, the graduates are now adults and able to make their way in the world. They might choose to go on to a university or college for further study or strike out into the workplace.”

“Ah!” Chrysalis brightened. “A coming-of-age ceremony.” I noticed the adults around us likewise had casually placed their hands on their respective jewels. “We have … we had much the same ceremony in my old hive.”

“Surely it differed in some ways.”

She ran her free hand through her jet-black hair with blue highlights. “Of course. When a changeling completed their final molt, they left the hive. They would stalk a suitable pony or griffon, getting to know their every mannerism and acquaintance. Within a month, they would subdue their target, pod them, and place them under the floorboards or in the attic of their abode. Much like your young adults, they could now act independently. It seems our cultures are not so different after all.”

I waited for her to continue or offer some qualifications. Instead, she let her hand slip from the pendant.

I narrowed my eyes and cleared my throat. After she had grasped the pendant again, I said, “That does not line up with what you told me long ago. That replacing a pony was a very calculated risk, not a rite of passage for thousands of drones.”

“Oh, my apologies. I was referring to my equals – the Hive Princesses in my mother’s Crystal Hive. I thought we were talking about those that were expected to act independently. Infiltrator drones could do so to an extent, but not that extent. Despite their comprehensive training, they were rarely allowed to take such a risk. They would only replace a pony under the supervision and orders of a princess.”

She sighed. “Such operations were dangerous in many ways. I was fed royal jelly only because one of my older sisters did not return from her first excursion. Then there was my sister Flagellum who chose to leave the hive rather than fight me for its leadership. She fell in love with an earth pony stallion; I suspect it was her target. Perhaps she even revealed her true form to the pony before making this decision.”

I said, “Do you like how we do things in the Canterlot Hive better?”

Chrysalis smiled and hugged me from the side. “Infinitely.”

Before I could enquire further, our herd’s lead mare elbowed me from the other side. I looked up to the stage and saw the professors begin their trek across the stage to their seating.

“Showtime,” said Trixie.

I can’t say I remember much from the presentation. The school district superintendent was boring as was the aging sports star who gave the keynote speech. I suppose you can only say “you guys are great” and “believe in yourself” in so many ways before it all sounds the same.

Latisha Tyson gave a quick speech as the school valedictorian. Her Summa Cum Laude gold braid marked her as one of the top performers at the school. She finished by pulling her phone and a Bluetooth speaker out from under her robes and had all the graduates dancing in the aisles with a techno version of the school fight song. Our cheering section and many of the gathered adults joined in.

After the ceremony finished, Yolanda brought Latisha to our group and I met and congratulated her parents. That’s when we all learned Latisha’s future plans: she had earned a full-ride scholarship at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. She had taken the first steps to become a veterinarian. Where she would choose to apply those skills remained to be seen.

Yolanda, sporting a Magna Cum Laude silver braid, had a two-year scholarship lined up with Duke University. I understood from Phil and Rosa that she might take a year deferral to explore finding her place in the world in a different world entirely. Of course, her extended family offered our unconditional support whatever she chose.

From there, we returned to the minibus. Phil and I argued that our current attire was perfectly acceptable for a steakhouse. Charlotte was a dress-casual city and a little sweat and confetti on our clothes just meant we were in a festive mood. Rarity laughed out loud, declaring that she would have had everyone properly attired before the graduation if there had been sufficient time. There was no way she would allow poor fashion sense to leave a bad taste for the rest of the evening. Rosa settled the matter by declaring that as the only person licensed to drive the minibus, it was her decision alone.

Guess whose side she took?

After ten minutes at Electric Vehicle Aviation, the men looked as good as we ever would. An hour afterward, the ladies joined us. I had to admit that Rarity’s creations suited everyone perfectly and the time spent produced stunning results. Maybe I could arrange for a vacation in a private mountain chalet with my wives in their human forms. With that very distracting thought in mind, we headed off once more.

After dropping off the minibus at a parking lot near the Chima Steakhouse, we walked to the restaurant. We had timed it nicely so that we arrived soon after they had opened for dinner. Because Phil had booked ahead, our group was able to be seated immediately.

Although we were all presently humans and therefore capable of eating meat, some among us were not keen on a steak dinner. Fortunately, the restaurant also had a huge salad bar. Trixie and Rarity were quick to take advantage of that.

The restaurant served meat Brazilian rodizio-style. The wait staff periodically came by with a skewer of one of several rotisserie meats including lamb, salmon, pork, chicken, sausage, and of course, several cuts of steak. Penny, Crystal Shield, Smolder, and Gallus ate the most servings of meat. I was curious about Celly because, although it wasn’t her first trip to Earth, we had not gone to a restaurant like this together before.

“This is nothing new for me. I’ve dined with griffons frequently in the past,” she confided to me when she noticed me watching her. “Tastes better as a human though,” she added before tucking into another juicy mouthful of beef.

Toward the end of the meal, Crystal Shield asked to talk to one of the chefs who manned the large vertical rotisserie ovens. When an apron-clan man complete with a white, pleated chef’s hat stopped by the table, Crystal recommended marinating the pork in the marinade used for the chicken, but with double the white wine vinegar. The pork chops should then be served with the chimichurri sauce that came with the Angus Pichanha. The chef promised to give that a try and asked if Crystal was a chef himself.

“Not really my special talent, but you never know what the future will bring!”

Crystal Shield didn’t expect to get an offer for a summer job on the spot. While he politely declined, Gemini promised the chef that she would “see what she could do” to get her boyfriend ‘Chris’ to see reason … or at least for long enough to learn the salmon recipe.

The meal was a great success, even if we had to remind some of the kids about dining etiquette on Earth. And while we didn’t rush, we did not dawdle either because we had one more destination before we went home.

One popular family activity was movie night in Canterlot Castle’s private home cinema. With access to Earth’s video technology and media, we were pretty up to date with the latest hit movies. However, the newest film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe had just hit the theaters and Rosa booked tickets for a showing at a nearby location. I’m sure that Allura and Lacewing were going to be annoyed when they found out that they had missed seeing it with us. On the other hand, I wonder how much Verdant and Yolanda saw of it. Penny had given me a nudge during a quiet moment during the movie and inclined her head in their direction. Let’s just say that the action on the screen wasn’t what was engrossing them.

All good things come to an end and it was time to head home. We went back to EVA to use that portal although Phil and Rosa’s home was closer. It would have been a bit awkward for them to explain to any nosy neighbors what happened to a dozen people who went into their house but never came out again. Yolanda asked for and received permission to stay overnight in Equestria. I had a feeling that the young adult would not be bothering to ask for much longer. I hung back while everyone but Penny had gone through the portal before grinning at my two best Earth friends.

“So, how long before they tell us the obvious?” I asked. I did not need to clarify whom I meant.

Rosa laughed. “When they figure out which one of them is supposed to be doing the asking!”

I understood what she meant. While on Earth the man traditionally proposed to the woman, it was backward in Equestria.

“I will have some words with our son,” Penny said with a smirk. “Some Earth traditions work well enough back home, and I approve of Yolanda as a mate for him.”

As both mothers seemed to be in agreement, I saw that as a good sign. I hugged Penny and said, “Now that Verd is all grown up, you think it’s time for us to have another foal?”

For once, I managed to surprise my batpony mate. “You want another with me?”

“Why not? Our son turned out quite well, so how about trying for a daughter this time?”

Penny gave me a flat look. “You don’t have enough foals already?”

“I’m dad to hundreds of offspring and it has not proved to be a burden. In fact, they are a joy to me. You are a joy to me. I need more bats in my life.”

My mate snorted but I noticed a blush. “I will… consider it.”

“Good enough. Anyway, time to join the others. Phil, Rosa – it’s been a great day. We have to do something like this again sometime soon.”

My Earth friends hugged us and said their goodbyes before we returned to Equestria. Penny and I caught up to everyone in the living room where they were telling Spotlight, Allura, and Lacewing about everything that they had done. Chrysalis had already dismissed the changeling minders that she had left in charge. Trixie had ordered the maid to provide refreshments for us, so we settled down and watched our youngest son’s reaction as he realized how much fun he had missed out on. I had guessed this would happen, but Spotlight had to learn the hard way that small sacrifices were sometimes necessary to get the best outcomes. He would not be so quick to beg off a trip to Earth next time. I also did not want to see again the colors he turned when he was this miserable.

Not long after Spotlight was put to bed, Yolanda and Verdant quietly left together. No one said anything but we all knew what was happening. There were no innocents in this room.

There was always a little juggling for position in the royal bed when so many of my mates were together, although Trixie most often was the little spoon to me. Unusually, it was Penny who lay down behind me this night. When everyone was settled and the light magically extinguished, I prepared to sleep. Then the batpony whispered in my ear.


Well… that was quick!

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