• Member Since 26th Jan, 2017
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Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...


Comments ( 130 )

Yes yes yes YES

Damn!! Just, damn!!

Oh yes. I was hoping to see more of this slutty Lil Cheese.
Wonderful ^^

Fucking damn it for one day I see foalcon in my feed I’ll rip you a new anus to be ripped apart no more of this stuff I’ll just report every single fiction I see like this and get it removed because I’m tired of you fucking fictional characters excuses for fucking Christ sakes. I’m not listening to anyone bullshit stance on this literally crap.

Foalcon doesn't violate the Fimfiction TOS so you shouldn't report it. You'll be wasting the time of the moderators.

You already wasted a second of my life fuck off. I don’t have time to bigotry this. You think I tolerate this I shore damn fucking don’t care about your fucking excuses in front of me. I don’t want to hear anymore of anyone’s say.

I didn't defend or excuse anything. I just told you not to harass the moderators by abusing the "report" feature.

If you're underage or emotionally unstable, you shouldn't be viewing M content at all. Leave the mature filter on.

I’m 21 fucking . Just this month. I’ll let this fucking slide only or twice I’m not having this next. Foalcon enabler fuckers.

Anon's the big G A Y
da balls touched too, so its humongous G A Y

Yes, the sequel i was hoping for


I’m 21 fucking . Just this month. I’ll let this fucking slide only or twice I’m not having this next.

Damn, for being 21, not only do you not act like it, but also you can't even formulate a sentence without having a mental breakdown within the sentence.

I'm not a fan of foalcon, because it's basically child-fucking under a guise, but I'm not going to raise a ruckus over it because the site has already declared their stance on it. If you don't like it, don't view it.


I'm not a fan of foalcon, because it's basically child-fucking under a guise,

Yep. Couldn't agree more.

That’s it all of you get blocked and muted off my feeds have a nice evening. I don’t give two shits about it anymore better to block and mute notifications completely.

10527397throws middle finger fuck you then.

a silent treatment that's what ill do for now.

this is meant to be a review. The grammar seems ok I give it at least 7/10.
story wise.. 6/10... for the details and atmosphere 7.5/10... in total overall 8/10 for me.

The irony is this "Mare of nightmares" fellow was an active consumer(and producer?) of stuff with foalcon up until about July 20th of this year, Seemingly wiping the palette clean after a friend got found out to be a child molester. Maybe his hatred is a result of the fear of becoming one himself, perhaps?
But that's usually how it goes, isn't it? the most vocal haters are typically guilty themselves.

“So, Big Bro, I was wondering about you not having a marefriend…” Cheese muttered, reaching over and pushing the dividing arm between them up and out of the way.

Makes me wonder a bit if besides Cheese wanting to be his "marefriend", if Cheese is contemplating bringing a third female member in on the action in the future - possibly his mom Pinkie or perhaps redirecting the passion of a filly who has some sort of crush on Cheese.

Marker #23 · Nov 12th, 2020 · · 1 ·

Thank god.

Comment posted by ThatBadGuy deleted Nov 12th, 2020

don't worry he isn't under 18 he just has extreme dwarfism

Annnnd Cheesy isn't human or anthro.

run on sentence.

Can someone just block mare of nightmares or somehthing? He's being real rude.

What I find to be quite odd about "backlash" in these that, firstly, it is super toxic and immediate, while other foalcon fics, mostly f/m, ones do not get NEARLY as much toxicity in there. Not that I am in any way shape of form advocating for that.
Admittely, the sample size I have looked through is small, but I do find it peculiar that the most horrid comments are directed at M/M foalcon, while under the guise of "this is pedophilia in real life".

Just something I noticed, I may be wrong.

No, you're dead on the money. M/M foalcon typically gets shit on far harder than M/F foalcon.

Honestly, the vitriol and contempt does little to dissuade me.

Wonderful to hear. Just so you know, I love the sense passion and steaminess you put out in every fic you do. Keep doing what you do best.

That's a great attitude to have. Not my thing personally (but I can still admit this is well-written) but write what makes you happy as long as you're not going out of your way to hurt someone else.


Thank you both, I will. A fair number of my pieces are commissions, trades, or collabs, so not everything is my idea - that being said, I take pride in writing things to the best of my ability, whether they're up my alley or not. As I've said before, I consider my stuff on here like a Lewd Buffet™ - people can pick and choose what they like.

Do I expect everyone to like everything I write? No, of course not
Do I hope that folks will enjoy a few of my pieces? Yes

I learned a lot about vitriol over the years from writing a lot of Spike and love triangle/cheating stories, but like you said, we can't let hate and downvotes prevent us from doing our best and being happy with our creative projects. I respect your outlook, my friend.

Keep up the great work!

Right back at ya, buddy :twilightsmile:

"I'll give them the silent treatment! That'll show them."

Uh, we're standing right here. We can still hear you. This is literally the opposite of the silent treatment. You accidentally said the thing in front of everypony instead of doing the thing you said.

Well, yeah. It was obvious she was into foalcon from the beginning of her tirade. Cognitive dissonance and binging/purging isn't a fun way to live, but it's one Tartarus of a motivating factor. I hope she finds peace soon, and turns the mature filter on until she has time to grow up.

Okay, I'm legitimately curious. I know people can peek at stories they're not interested in, obviously. For me, I haven't read hardly any stories on Fimfiction, zero for years now—and only one fic so far to completion that had porn in it, though wasn't a "porn" story—in large part because reading is difficult for me (writing is easier).

That said, somehow you both ended up in the comments of this story. The image of Li'l Cheese is difficult to mistake, at least for me. If you're not interested in foalcon, how and why did you end up adding to the dialogue here?

This isn't meant to be accusatory, I'm just curious.

Comment posted by Calex Winteridge deleted Nov 12th, 2020

So you openly admit to breaking the TOS of the site?

Huh. Don't take this the wrong way, but that doesn't make a lot of sense. If you're a bully and you came here for the sole reason of bullying people, it's pretty weird that you haven't bullied anypony yet.

You can be mean to me if it makes you feel better, though! :pinkiesmile: I'm pretty much used to it by now.

Is it so wrong to have fun? I mean I'm not annoying you am I?

You said I was bullying. I just said I don't like Foalcon.

fun sure, but being a dick just to get under peoples skin? That my young friend is not acceptable in any culture.

Comment posted by Calex Winteridge deleted Nov 12th, 2020

How about you fuck off stop assumptions of me when you standing right here there saying I like foalcon is a completely wrong answer because I’m calling you out anyways. I call out people that support this shit.

I don’t. Telling me to be mature and allowed this behavior not going pal.

Ha ha I’m laughing because your doing something I hate .

I don’t support anything foalcon and stop thinking this is ok doing this to underage characters.

Fictional character excuses arnt cutting it still.

I’m saying this once I wasn’t never into foalcon because I don’t like people using this fetish to get away with enabling this kind of stories to say just let it be would you nooo that’s not happening.

I’m not going to be silent about it I’ll still call people out on this. I hope you have a better explaining about this besides sitting there looking at me as a bad person nah.

Not have enough to convince me overwinter. Critizing this fic not optional to me.

Also for your information don’t call me he it’s a she . Misgendering.

I won’t find anything peace because I’m not that way on any site.


Is there a way we could have a meaningful, rational, level-headed discussion on foalcon, in the comments of a foalcon story, without the same tired non-arguments coming out every single time? I could practically write the script to these arguments at this point, and I say that as a criticism of people on both sides of the issue.

For the purposes of this site, foalcon isn't going anywhere any time soon, but I'm sure there's something that could be discussed beyond one side shouting everyone down out of moral outrage and the other side just citing site policy as a response.

And if I'm wrong, could the alternative be that we simply let the other side speak its mind, and don't engage at all? Not every time someone says "I don't like a thing" is an obligation to make them like the thing.

Fine then I’ll listen to this beyond fuck up idea of this.

Couldn't have said it better myself, thank you.

I just personally believe that Foalcon, is it Gateway into child pronography. If you're getting off to the character being underage, or even close to being a toddler or infant, then that can easily effect someones moral standing in real life. Even if the character isn't real. Because to a certain extent you're okay with this sex object being a child.

Stop being coom brain. The kids don't want your cock.

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