• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

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Comments ( 251 )

going to have to reread uncommom ground :)


Wow, right when I was rereading Uncommon Ground the sequel drops. Nice

So AWESOME to see the story we created be continued! Xd

How long as it been since the war?

Can't be longer than four years, with Smith still being president!

Edit: He coulda been re-elected, silly me.

Well well well, either Discord is a lot more careful, or this is the real Grogar and he isn't going to be taking undue risks with his new pawns.

With Tirek draining all the magic, and Grogar casting Aegis Shield constantly, amongst others, someone going to put an order in for Tactical Bear Traps?:trixieshiftright:

wow this is a blast from the past story..
grate to see somepony has picked this up.:pinkiehappy:

The story is 10 hours old and already 4 people disliked it!

How dare they!!!

A new story and if the original is any indication - a lively comment section to go with it ?

Top job cobber!
A good storyteller generates discussion and you had that at every chapter.

Onward !

Interesting. At the time I felt Uncommon Ground had rather neatly wrapped things up, but at the time we didn't know about Grogar.

Regarding currency, start minting more Sacagawea gold dollars!

Go check out the end of the final chapter of Uncommon Ground.

And we will never even know why.

Oh yeah, I had forgotten the final paragraph.

Well I am quite curious about the new threat. I suspect this Grogan isn't really Discord here.

We otter see more of the Lutrai!

Hell yeah so glad to finally see the sequel. Loved the first on and I'm sure I'll love this one.

this just showed up in my feed it took me a few seconds to realize it was a sequel to uncommon ground cant wait for the next chapter!

Tirek huffed softly at being used as cover. "Be that as it may, you've made noises about a 'pony solution', but I have yet to see a hint of it."

Let's hope it's not a final solution.

scout wait! its the unknown!

"uhh, h-hello?
i-is this thing on???
my name is W-William Traunty II, and i'm the lead operator for BBC London, located in Big Ben, its currently *STATIC* and it seem's the entire country has ben transported along with Europe, (and the most populated parts of russia and africa) have been transported here to this...*STATIC*
well *STATIC*-tossed up world.
i am currently seeing ice along the channel, and people are making their way in barges across the ice filled channel with the help of some of our smaller navy ships to try and re-establish contact with the French

i will keep broadcasting from my nest and hopefully get in touch with other operators in Moscow, Nuremburg and Venic to try and get some more news on the outside world

this is OA -

signing off"

If someone wanted to write the travels of another segment of the world (or patronize me into doing it), I'd be completely alright with that.

this is translated from a station outside of Vladivostok

"i repeat, is anyone out there.

It has been 10 hours since the event, and i already have established contact with Romania and Ukraine, but the Baltics are out of power due to blackouts, Britain and Spain are dark and Italy is currently undergoing an exipidition to their south to try to get to establish contact with Lybia and hopefully America.

But me and a couple of other radio operators are going on a road trip to try to get to one of the checkpoints from Russia to Poland, and hopefully to the International Telecommunications Array at Warsaw.

We've havent heard anything from the Balkans though since the wild fire in Belgrade.
God, I hope my cousin and uncle are ok.

the bus is ready.
we're going.

this is Alexandrov Romanov signing off, Vladivostok Radio Station."

Heh, kind of a misleading chapter title there.

I'm quite grateful to see a sequel, kind of felt the last story ended a little abruptly. No offense.

Particularly with Grogar...I've mixed feelings on that 'ram.' So long as a certain factor doesn't come into play (ahem: Discord), Grogar can actually present something far more insidious than Chrysalis' war.

BUT. If you can find a way to make that factor more interesting, I'm all for it.

To be frank, it would not make sense for Discord to do what he did in canon in this timeline, given what he literally just did and said.

Oh, well in that case, anticipation is now over 9000!!

Needless to say I was more than a little disappointed with Grogar's finale.

Ha ha! I loved that you had Paul pull a gun. Also, this bit:

Held captive by competent enemies, he could be fleeced for all sorts of vital knowledge. At the hands of a psychotic changeling queen, he was worthless.

Good stuff.

Nice new chapter.

Swift Swim certainly has the aggression of a human...Not sure that's a good thing....

Soon-to-be-former President Smith, already? Well he's certainly handling that better than others... *Ahem* Very clever in possibly turning America into the premier space travelers with their cute, somewhat naïve allies eager to join in.

As for Paul and Chrysalis, excellent moment. Chrysie is petty as ever and it may put her in hot water with Grogar.

America and the EFC should hopefully be on the lookout for her now that it's obvious she survived.

And let's not forget, she orchestrated the TSDI-EFC War. I can't wait to see Grogar's little brotherhood will do. I honestly don't know all that much about him except he's a ram of great magical power. That's it.

Wait, I thought Chrysalis already knew Paul was a reformed changeling from when they used him as bait to find her. Why's she acting like it's a surprise?

Resurfaced old wounds that she hasn't gotten over, and probably never will.

it has been to long i had forgot the Paul is a changeling.

Held captive by competent enemies, he could be fleeced for all sorts of vital knowledge. At the hands of a psychotic changeling queen, he was worthless.

Hahahahah! Oh thats good, real good. This was an amazing chapter. Of course the buggy queen is still a threat, but she's a little more threatening than a medieval pickpocket. Can't wait to see how she rages when she finds out how much of a threat she is, that is not an actual threat heh.

well its true grogar IS a ram with great power, grogar was also a mlp generation 1 villain whos full title was grogar the necromancer meaning he had the power to raise and control the dead to do his bidding . now it remains to be seen if he has the same powers as his g1 predecessor......or this grogar and his g1 counterpart are one in the same. which could be cool if the one who commisioned this sequel wants to go down that route or even mention megan or for that matter having her in this fic at all which would make things interesting one possible thing they could go with megan knew about everything from the beginning who people thought her experiences was all the imagination of a young girl who disappeared for awhile only to people to realize hey wait maybe megan is not crazy and. i a confronation with princess twilight and megan who maybe was thought to crazy is locked up somewhere and after say some humans and ponies find out about several baddies being freed from pony hell twilight mentions one of them being called tirek now this rings some alarm bells of a case in the late 80s about a missing persons report who after showing back up out of nowhere after so long and rumored paranormal activity in the same area which would be an subplot of megan after being set free from a mental intuition who was wrongfully set there and told several people what she experienced and she is pretty much like i told you so and everything i told everyone and warned you all of what could happen but you chose not to listen to me so all those deaths are on your heads cause you thought i was crazy and locked me up for my own safety. if you had just listened those deaths could have been avoided

Swift swim? .....wait the human hippogriff hybrid? Well that's a nice suprise seeing her. Xd
satyrs? Why is she called that? From what I can remember in the last story she was basically an anthro hippogriff with some human features.[coughBoobscough]

She's a human with hooves. Satyr. Her feathery ears are not enough to make her not a satyr in most eyes.

Ahh, Chrysalis, a finer combination of extreme competence utterly hamstrung by extreme arrogance you'd be hard pressed to find.

I'll admit, my first reaction to America monopolizing space was to roll my eyes, but then I remembered that Equestria thrives on different species specializing in different fields, and sharing the resulting expertise.

Not really how I pictured them. :applecry:
But if that's how you want it. [Shrugs]

Nobody has given me counter ideas?


You're really all that surprised, it's human nature is it not? Besides, Equestria sometimes happens to step into things humans had been working on for a while with the frame of "we're friends, sharing is caring." Rather innocently insensitive. Although, sometimes, I can't help but wonder.

I will say, whatever happens here, I'm hoping they don't come in on the tail-end again after America, the Lutrai and even the Seaquestrians suffered under the EFC protection pact during the War which they didn't contribute much to but the Minotaurs were quick to run to them for protection when they came.

I do wonder if Grogar is aiming for a resurgence of Nightmare Moon or even Daybreaker; God knows Celestia has almost reached her breaking point twice. Third time's the charm...Looking back, Grogar's seems to be going for a civil war amongst the EFC, but it's Equestria, who happens to have 3 seats on the EFC council, who will be the aggressors. I honestly wonder how that's supposed to play out.

Satyr works for me.

And so in a somewhat ironic twist for a pony story, Samuel Colt made them equals.

Counter ideas?
Well I said anthro, I'm pretty sure I mentioned that back then. :rainbowhuh:
kinda like this https://www.deviantart.com/ambris/art/Anthro-Twilight-Sparkle-523389204
Thou if ya really wanna spice things up, could always go with a taur https://www.deviantart.com/rozga-chan/art/Trade-with-Crecious-660059279


Paul knew many things, but, ultimately, he was... an American. He had fallen so far into his role, he was a terrible changeling.

But he was an American.

Chrysalis staggered back a step, her charge aborted. "What?" she hissed, surprise clear on her face. She staggered back, crashing to her haunches. "What did you just do?"

I'm of course terribly biased, but this was the best part by far and I will admit to a hearty chuckle at it.

I mean fighting against an oppressive monarch with firearms, well that is just damn near the most American thing you can do.

I think the ramification of the War would have on the world. I think that Celestia would want to get back to prewar numbers as fast a possible. Not only her of course so there look towerds both mundane and magical solutions.

"You didn't break America, and you won't break me."

*Eagle cries in the background*

día 16,

Salimos de Madrid hace 10 días y
estuvimos finalmente aquí, Varsovia Telecom Array.

Ha sido un largo viaje a través de varias situaciones ... puestos de control, bandidos y una maldita guerra civil en Italia.

pero prevalecimos. llegamos aquí a las 3:00 de la mañana. dormido. siguió.

Ayer nos reunimos con Alexandrov Romanov y su gran grupo de culo, lo reconozco de Vladivostok, hombre, tardó más de 6 días en llegar e incluso tiene un nuevo amigo, un japonés llamado tutsza amani, dice que estaba en Kiev cuando bajó. De todos modos, cuando llegamos a la matriz de telecomunicaciones estaba ... bueno. "un festival de mierda" como lo llaman los estadounidenses. la gente con uniformes civiles, científicos y militares corría por todas partes, un caos total. luego esta mujer polaca se acercó a nosotros. no la entendimos, pero alexandrov y tutsza nos tradujeron. aparentemente ella nos estaba buscando, necesitaban radiomen para una fuerza de invasión para intentar recuperar Dinamarca de ... algo.

y perdieron el contacto con Noruega y Suecia hace algún tiempo.

este día ha sido duro.

nos vemos en el diario de mañana.

Alehandro Gevara el 18

It's so nice to dig into past characters and future ramifications. Which past characters do you want to see more of?

Hmm, Alaska and the Crystal Empire kind of fell to the wayside once the immediate first contact crisis was settled. It'd be interesting to learn how those two have faired together.

Space power is so old, that when NASA wanted to show off the idea again recently, they dragged out the stuff they demonstrated and mothballed back in the 80s.

Its a microwave link. We not only have solid state microwavegenerators these days,its called Bluetooth and Wifi,but we have direct down conversion to optical frequencies in the labs.

Im waiting for the simple solar sail style etched coating stripline absorber converter emmiter in the square kilometer range.

Other techniques are also useful and also already patented.

Some of the combinations look like things done with magic.

Wow! And so Grogar is proving his potential to be far more world-shaking in his malevolence than the Mean 3 and even canon "Grogar" combined, and this is just a sneak preview.

There it is...Hopefully Swift isn't on the way towards a downward spiral...

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