• Published 4th Nov 2020
  • 230 Views, 7 Comments

A ship named necropolis - bones_of_a_brony

death is the end, or so we are told, what happens when one life ends and another begins dose the old life cease to exist? the ponies are about to find out that when things die they dont always stay dead

  • ...

what happens in the past

Celestia stood in an icy tundra looking over the battlefield below, her armor dented and battered from combat, her outward features a mask of stoic confidence and levelheadedness, on the inside however she was weeping, for her ponies, for the land, and most of all, for the enemy that they fight.

Now you may be wondering why would she weep for the enemy, it's simple just a few short months ago they weren't, no in fact they were friends like most creatures Celestia herself even had a brief relationship with one of their leaders. That all came crashing down the day they struck down one of her own in seemingly cold blood, and before the body was even cold wiped out an entire village, leading to this costly and bloody war, a war that had ravaged the land and caused this part of the world to be infested with windigos again turning it to a tundra.

She stood there watching this destruction, all this death and wasted life and land and she could only wonder, why. Why was the only question she had in her head, all of this had happened, and not once had she been able to ask why. Not a single messenger had been received from them and of the few she herself had sent none had returned. Her ears swiveled around as she heard the snow crunch behind her, she spun around to come face to face with the leader of their enemy, a tall pale creature that stood on two legs, devoid of hair except on its head, he wore a suit of armor unlike any ever seen before, made of black metal that seemed to suck in light, she knew this man well, she knew them better than anyone, after all, he was her ex-lover.

He spoke, though his voice came out kind of deeper and muffled in the way anyone in a helmet would sound.
" So here we are Celestia, two foes finally meet in battle on the edge of the world, ready to strike the other down without a second thought" * he paused and looked at her narrowing his eyes* "have thou anything to say for yourself before we trade blows, anything at all vile woman?"

Celestia looks at this man, this one that she once called a lover, she looks at them, and her heart aches.
" I do have words for you, sir, once I had called you lover, I had called you a friend, a confidant, I had considered you family. Then everything changed you grew cold, unfeeling, downright cruel even! But that is not what I am here to speak of, no I'm not here to speak of your atrocities, your feelings, way of doing things, NO what I want to know is one thing. Why? why after all that we had done together, why this? Why war and death what is it you hope to accomplish? What could have driven you and your people to this, this, this Genocide!

He stood there listening to her words as was customary for a leader to do before a battle and as she speaks he narrows his eyes. He looks upon her with utter contempt and disgustedness. Only once she is finished does he reply.
"So that is what you ask, you still don't get it it would seem, pathetic. You have the gall to ask me WHY we do what we do?! look around you Celestia all this death and destruction, all of it lies on your head and still you do not remember why we do this? Truly you are pathetic if you do not remember what you did to cause this then you deserve to die not knowing!"

With that the tall man in dark armor closed his visor and charged her with his weapon, Celestia bearly had time to react and block it. She rolled to the left and struck diagonally at him, nicking his armor as she knew the blindspot of his helmet, he growled at that and sent a wave of dark energy at her by slamming his sword into the ground causing her to teleport further away to dodge it. She was getting desperate, this battle had only started but she was already tired from the battlefield below, she knew that his people had superior stamina and unlike her ponies fought dirty if need be, she had to find a way to end this quickly if she stood any real chance of winning. She dodged as he charged her once more with an overhead strike, she blasted him back with a bit of magic. She keeps dodging or evading, occasionally blasting him back.

She mumbles to herself "Come on Celestia think what can I do, I've got limited magic and running out of energy, ok thing, maybe the environment has something, let's see, snow, ice, rocks, windigo's, wait, the windigos. This had better work or I'm dead"

Celestia blasted him further away and then drew on her reserves of magic and her unfortunately large pool of hate for this war and channeled it into her horn and let it out in a burst, the windigo's felt this and for just a moment fallowed this hate, supercharged by it they froze solid everything they passed, including the very magic in the air sapping it and rendering the area devoid of magic as they passed, the leader saw this and screamed in rage and charged her once more to stop her but it was too late, the wall of hate and ice passed him, instantly freezing him and the entire battlefield in a giant glacier.

Finally spent Celestia collapsed to the ground and wept, for she had ended the entire war in one fell swoop, but in doing so had also wiped out an entire species, she shrieked into the heavens in her grief and it is said that on that day the sky blackened and the very heavens themselves wept with her.

Eventually, after much time, she had recovered and in a bid to help heal the world had that part of the planet sealed away from the rest, as a monument to those that lost their lives, she had erected a great mountain range to separate that tundra from elsewhere. Eventually, the world forgot about the grate glacier and the war, and even the species that started it and Celestia did her best to suppress the memory but never outright block it, no shed never allow that , she could never let herself forget.

And so it was that what lay beyond the mountains at the edge of everything was forgotten by the world and those that lived in it. Time, however, time never forgets.

as an untold amount of time later in a place long forgotten where the only sound was wind there was a new sound in the ice.


Author's Note:

hey, this was something that I had thought up a while ago but never actually made, so I thought why not let's see how it goes over, I do hope you like it, and if not oh well, I do this for fun mostly, if you don't like it then please give me feedback on how to improve it so that I can make an enjoyable story.

Comments ( 7 )

Her ears swiveled around as she heard the snow crunch behind her, she spun around to come face to face with the leader of their enemy, a tall pale creature that stood on two legs, devoid of hair except on its head, he wore a suit of armor unlike any ever seen before, made of black metal that seemed to suck in light, she knew this man well, she knew them better than anyone, after all, he was her ex-lover.

Wait, did she fight an army of humans?

She rolled to the left and struck diagonally at him, nicking his armor as she knew the blindspot of his helmet, he growled at that and sent a wave of dark energy at her by slamming his sword into the ground causing her to teleport further away to dodge it.

And that’s why I would probably never wear a helmet in battle.

She was getting desperate, this battle had only started but she was already tired from the battlefield below, she knew that his people had superior stamina and unlike her ponies fought dirty if need be, she had to find a way to end this quickly if she stood any real chance of winning.

Was she expecting a fair fight? Also, what does she mean by “need be”?

Celestia blasted him further away and then drew on her reserves of magic and her unfortunately large pool of hate for this war and channeled it into her horn and let it out in a burst, the windigo's felt this and for just a moment fallowed this hate, supercharged by it they froze solid everything they passed, including the very magic in the air sapping it and rendering the area devoid of magic as they passed, the leader saw this and screamed in rage and charged her once more to stop her but it was too late, the wall of hate and ice passed him, instantly freezing him and the entire battlefield in a giant glacier.

Wait, what did she do?

thanks for your comment, now to answer your questions, it is implied that they are humans but as it is only the first chapter it is meant to be vague in certain spots to sow intrigue and want people to keep reading to piece together more. As for the "need be" that was written as a way of saying basically when they fight that they won't fight dirty from the get-go but if it looks like they are losing or in a tight spot they will resort to fighting dirty. And your last question what did Celestia do? well, my friend, you'll just have to wait for the rest of the story to find out. thanks for voicing your questions, I love feedback from my readers.

What I meant by “what did she do?” I meant, what did she do that resulted in him being frozen?

oh well windigo's feed on hatred to grow stronger, so what he did was send out a massive wave of magic mixed with her hatred for the death and war, the windigos got supercharged by it making everything colder and they fallowed the hate freezing everything they passed, I missed that off that I saw in the hearts warming episode when they did the play about the founding of Equestria

Fallowed? You mean Followed?

A wonderful first chapter, a few spelling mistakes and punctuation errors here and there, but those are to be expected.
My only real criticism is that the pacing felt a bit rushed, especially towards the end, but for a first chapter it is quite impressive.
Cheers, and keep up the good work.

I this this story a 10 out of 60

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