• Published 5th Dec 2020
  • 271 Views, 5 Comments

The Ballad of Fire and Stone - SkyStrike__

A Song of Ice and Fire style kingdom with changelings

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Introduction: An Unexpected Encounter

Author's Note:

Sky was illiterate for most of his foalhood, and only learned from his friends in the mines. Please help him correct any spelling mistakes he might have made before he sends it off.

Greetings. I am Sky Quake Strike, and I'm writing this book in hopes that it makes its way into the Great Library of Darith. I believe that in order to understand the events in a greater light I should give a matter of context to whomever reads this. These events occur in the Changeling Queendom, a nation spanning most of the northwestern continent of Eqim. It is a nation of ponies ruled by ten competing Changeling dynasties ruling over each province with an eleventh family acting as the 'High King or Queen'. After the conquest of Chrysalis the Great 553 years before the events of this story began , it became customary for the heir of one of the ruling families to seek a spouse from the lesser pony nobility once they reach the age of 22. The pony the prince or princess chooses and their family will then be given great privileges often eclipsing most changeling nobility. Yet there is the rare occurrence that the heir chooses a common pony as their spouse despite their status. Most commoners chosen have a distinct quality that makes for a good noble, but few are chosen today due to the changeling nobility inheriting the ponies' arrogance and ego.

The primary religion on Eqim is known as Tarainism. The parts of the faith's teachings relevant to this story is the belief that spouses should never outlive each other. This is quite an issue for the immortal Changeling Queens because once their mortal spouses die, they must drink 'the tear of the lover' a special poison that kills one as they sleep. This teaching has always been a slight to the changeling nobility as this rule prevents them from gaining magic over the years.

With all of these factors, this is where I come in. The one loophole to the faith's rule is for a young queen to marry an alicorn stallion such as myself. Alicorn ponies are the rarest subspecies of pony. So rare are we that I am the first to be born in over two thousand years. We are the pony equivalent of a changeling queen, powerful, intelligent, regal, and most importantly we have the gift of eternal life. If an alicorn pony would wed a changeling queen, they could outlive even the alicorns of Equim's past. It made my discovery by the rest of the kingdom caused quite a commotion amongst the royal class.

An Unexpected Encounter

For six years I've been ruling my province as queen, and today is the day I'll meet the pony that in one month I'll choose to be my husband. My uncle had chosen today for the maiden gala, where the lesser nobles from across the land will send suitors for my hoof in marriage. However, my late mother and I have an unorthodox view on marriage. My mother chose my father because of his sense of duty and his genuine love for her. I was looking at myself in the mirror reciting my name and titles in my head. "I am Fire Strike of house Heart, fourth of my name, Queen of the Silver Mountain, and Lady of Dralai" and during this, maids were helping me prepare for the gala. It was almost completely silent until one of my maids accidentally pulled a knot in my mane. "Ow!"

"I-I'm sorry your highness. I should've been more careful." She quickly apologized.

"Don't worry about it. Even a changeling's mane can be. Ow. Problematic. If anything, it means you're being thorough. You knew my mother, right?"

"Yes, I did, your majesty. She was a wonderful mare, and if I may voice my own opinion, the best queen from your house." She replied.

"She died when I was six, so I don't really remember what she was like. The only stories I have are from my uncle and aunt. What was she like?" I lowered my head so that the hoops in my mane could be fixed and my tiara put in place.

"She was wise, firm, and skilled with words. She and your father made a good pair covering for each other's flaws." She and the others finished their work. "Are you satisfied your highness?"

Looking at my reflection, I nodded. "Yes, you've all done a wonderful job. You may all go, and Pearl."

The unicorn named Amber Pearl looks back. "Yes, your majesty?"

"Thank you for the pleasant conversation." She nods and closes the door behind her.

Later that night, I'm in the ballroom of the castle, as the maiden's gala was beginning. The first suitor to present himself was a twenty one year old stallion from house Belvar. "I am honored to be here your majesty, and that you've taken time from your surely busy schedule to allow me to visit." As he said this I thought to myself, "Flattery won't get you anywhere, Belvar." I kept up appearances and returned. "Indeed, thank you for attending." He bows and steps away to allow the next suitor to step up. Though sixteen suitors presented themselves, I was already striking some of them off of a mental list, and by the end of the night I'd narrowed it down to three of them. Yet none of them were a perfect match, and now I understand why I have a month by tradition to choose.

Within a week, I removed another of the suitors from my mental list, and I was contemplating who to choose headed for a large mining town for a religious ceremony. The previous day I'd heard rumors of an alicorn having emerged in this town, but it was one of many such rumors coming from across the continent. Yet for a few breath taking seconds I saw an alicorn, but then he disappeared into the streets of the town. I looked to Uncle Blaze, an aging pegasus pony who acted as regent during my minority. He's the pony I trust the most, "Uncle?"

"What is it dear?" He smiled. "You were staring out the window for quite some time."

"The rumored alicorn here. I just saw him."

"Are you sure? There hasn't been an alicorn in Equim for over two millennia. The rumored return of the alicorn are just tales old ponies like me tell to our grandchildren."

"I'm sure of it. After the ceremony I'd like to see if we could meet him."

He sighs. "Alright. I'll look into it while you're performing the ceremony. What did he look like?"

"Red mane, brown eyes, and cream coat." I quickly replied as the carriage came to a stop. Uncle Blaze took to the air to where I'd seen him.

Sky Quake hoped that whomever was in that carraige didn't see him. Word spreads fast, and he was sure that the nobility had caught on and were investigating by now.

"So much for keeping a low profile." I'd turned into a small alley and gone into the small set of rooms I called home. I left the produce I'd bought on a counter and started getting ready for the long day of working in the mines which included a pair of saddlebags I used to hide my wings that I'd forgotten this morning. I was about to leave when I heard a knock at the door. When I opened it, there was an aging stallion. "Why hello. Can I help you sir?"

"Why yes. I was wondering if I could talk to you, Mr. Alicorn." He smiled.

"Oh.....kay. Wait, how did you know?"

"I've heard rumors lately, and I saw you earlier. I simply wished to know if the old tales were true."

Seeing no harm in it, and having some time to burn I let him inside. "You seem exhausted. I'll make you some tea."

"Thank you, but I assure you that it isn't necessary." He sat down at the table.

"I insist. My mother told me that a little hospitality goes a long way in this world."

"That's very kind of you. Have you heard of the prophecy the high priest gave twenty two years ago?"

"About the alicorns returning? Well, so far I'm the only one I know of and I was born months before that was declared. To be completely honest I'm trying to lay low, because the queen of Dralai is searching for a husband, and I don't want to be dragged in just because I don't age." I didn't care that he was a stranger. It was just nice to talk to somepony in private and not be afraid of others listening.

"I can understand. You don't want to be used as a political tool. I can assure you my niece is nothing like...." He stopped himself, but he'd already revealed his identity.

"I...." My brain shut down as I realized this was the queen's uncle. I bowed so quickly my head smashed into the floor with an audible Wham! "I am honored!"
He sighed and stood me up. "Relax colt. I wasn't lying when I told you I wished to confirm the rumors. I simply wish to know more about you. Treat me as you would any other guest, and we can talk over a cup of tea." I'm still sweating and couldn't find words, so I went back to preparing that cup of tea. I'd like to think did my best, but both me and Prince Blaze felt awkward after his slip of the tongue as we spoke.

He asked me many things, but most of the questions were about me as an individual. My name, my job, hobbies, and other parts of my personality. I was quite curious about why he was asking so much about me yet I didn't see what he was really doing. After a while he begged his leave, "Thank you for your hospitality, but I must be going. My niece is likely done with the religious ceremony she came here to perform. If you could come with me to meet her, and I'm sure she'd love to meet you."

I nodded but gave a polite decline. "I apologize my lord, but I'm borrowing time as it is and my boss at the silver mines is likely losing it because I'm late."

He just smiled. "I'm sure he'd understand if you responded to royal summons. Please, I insist you come with me."

I sighed. "Very well. Lead the way my lord."

Fire Strike was admiring the stained glass windows depicting the town's history when she heard her uncle come in and introduced her. "I present to you, Fire Strike of House Heart, the fourth of her name, Queen of the Silver Mountain and Lady of Dralai."

I saw the look on his face as he came in as my uncle acted as a herald. "Uncle, if your intentions are to increase how nervous he was. I'm afraid you've succeeded." I still felt his tension, so I changed the subject to try and help him approach me. "Could you possibly help me understand the depictions of these stained glass windows? I always found that common ponies best understood the history of their own cities, and not the historians who try to glorify my family." I saw a window I haven't seen before. "I haven't seen this one before. Could you describe it to me?"

The alicorn nervously came closer and began telling the tale. “Well, early on in history. Ponies would spread all over Equim in search of wealth. This town started out as a small trading outpost between the more civilized south and The Silver Mountain in the north. At the top of the image is The Silver Mountain, and below are the cities of the south including Northrun, the city your castle is in. The five ponies you see here were a group of close friends who ran this outpost. They uncovered a massive silver deposit second only to The Silver Mountain. After that Miracle Point grew into the small city it is today. This window is an homage to that discovery.”
I found myself in awe, I knew each stained glass window I viewed had a story, but not even my tutors could decipher this much from a single window. “Amazing. Ponies are such fantastic artists, to be able to catch so much information in a single image.”

“It is inspiring your majesty. I’ve always loved it here in Miracle Point. Even if I don’t have much, ponies here are often polite and kind. It’s likely why the rumors of my existence are still just rumors.... I guess it doesn’t really matter now. Word is going to get out soon.” He sighs and looks away shyly.
“I was actually wondering if we could talk more. My guards and I have a little tradition of disguising as ponies and eating at a local restaurant. Perhaps you could join us. I’d like to get to know you better. You do look quite hungry."

"I..." he nervously spoke, "I may be an alicorn, but beyond that I'm just a silver miner. I'm sorry your majesty, but I don't feel like I should be there." He refused to make eye contact with me, and he had a guilty look on his face. "F-forgive me, I did not have the chance to wash up before meeting with you."

"It's quite alright. My uncle is a kind stallion, but he can often rush into things without thinking... You know, for a silver miner you are quite well off."

"The mine overseer has kept me well. My powers as an alicorn focus on the ground. I revealed myself to a few coworkers when we were trapped by a cave in. I used my powers to save us. The overseer gave me a home and a greater pay so I use my powers to help the company. I've gotten to know a lot of them and I'd like to think they think of me as a friend."

"Thank you, but I believe I've taken up enough of your time. You may leave." I watched as he bowed and left. Uncle Blaze came up to me, and I spoke my mind. "I can't tell if he's humbling himself or has little to no self esteem. What do you think Uncle?"

"I think he's a bit of both. Please excuse me." he then left the hall.

"Nice job Fire Strike." I scolded myself aloud. "You overdid it again and scared him off."

One of my bodyguards and close friend, Carapace, came up. "I hope you aren't getting one of your crazy plans." I could have sworn she almost giggled at the thought.

I smiled. "Oh, Carapace. You know me too well." I immediately shift my mood. "But that can wait."

Carapace stuttered at my shift, "You aren't going to chase after another love interest?

"Please Carapace, I'm an adult now. This isn't eight years ago. Besides, he seems afraid and I still have 3 weeks to decide. I'm just worried that word will spread to my cousins."

"Why is that? Only Lamia and Chrysalis are your a- ooh."

"Yeah, specifically Chryssi. Then again Miracle Point is far from the capital, and the rumors were just rumors until today." I sigh and prepare for the rest of my day.

Comments ( 5 )

Not having read A Song of Ice and Fire, I have to ask: Is 22 really considered that young in-universe?

A king/queen's minority ends at age 16
Same in this world.

I reviewed this chapter on my blog here. :)

I'd like to ask your opinion on how I've been switching the point of view.

I did find the interstitials between POV scenes a little clunky - I didn't realize initially that they were supposed to act as establishing transitions between characters. A nice idea, but the transitions themselves don't really do much for the story in my opinion. That kind of thing works better in a visual format.

Personally I think you would be fine with the classic method of just heading the section with the name of the viewpoint character.

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