• Member Since 14th Jul, 2012
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Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...


A new story or fragment or edit from every day in October 2020. Honest.

Be aware that certain sections in here are DRAFTS and may be later finished up for publication in the upcoming 1940 Equestria sequel, The Mare in the Moon - Equestria 1969, or The Substitute Librarian, or a Harry Potter crossover, or other such places. If so, I’ll snip them out of here and put in a link for later viewers. Brace yourself. This may be rough sailing. At least 2020 is nearly over.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

Ye gads. 20k of writing in a month. That's about 1/5 of National Novel Writing Month's supposed goal, which there's no way in the world I'd ever reach. Maybe I just need a November with 150 days. No, I don't think so. 2020 isn't going to be over fast enough as is.

So many interesting tidbits I eagerly look forward to more

Wow, this is massive!

It's a very good thing Emerald did not take cover inside the piano.

You really enjoy the Equestria 1940/1945/1969 universe don’t you? I hope you do more full stories in it. Although it looks like Elon Musk will not found Space X in that universe because Equestria will have fulfilled his dreams in that department.

As for the Star Wars crossover I want more. It would have such a following that it would always get featured when you posted a chapter.

Where to begin?

All told, a wonderful read, also an incredible tease on a massive scale!
You are sending us into the dark depths of winter with only faint hope of having any news of the tales you have let us glimpse.

My imagination is no match for yours. I can only wait. And while I wait, wonder what Luna would do if provoked in this manner.

Of one thing I am certain, you will be on the Naughty List until amends have been made to all of your faithful readers.
Written this day, Sunday November 1st, 2020.

P.S. I want these stories. ALL of these stories.


So was that Cadance or Flurry Heart being taken on the Apollo missions?

... Whelp... Time to finally pick up that 1940 story I haven't been avoiding because of my usual aversion to humanity involvement... God damn it I thought I'd get away a bit longer with that!

Georg #9 · Nov 2nd, 2020 · · 1 ·

10511244 Hey, any story where the main character is riding a dragon after blowing up a secret Nazi atomic weapons facility while at the same time another dragon is dive-bombing anti-aircraft guns while quoting Tolkien....

10510861 Flurry Heart. She's in that rebellious teen phase that alicorns get from watching too much Japanese anime. She really thinks she can be a teen pop idol astronaut Wonderbolt and broadcast a first, a concert from the moon.

10510675 Heck, I'm barely able to make updates on the stories I've got in the hopper now.

10510624 Yeah, but he's going to be positive that he's going to be blamed for it. And he loses a hat.

...... Well then... I've got three quotes in mind Georg... I pray that it's one of them.

“Temporary job at the Bureau of Event Verification of Individual Liberations

Bureau of EVIL?

10513726 It *is* a government bureau, after all.

10516288 Um, he's a convenient writing template, to be honest, since he's a generally all-around goofball and smart guy, kind of an anti-author insert. The Traveling Tutor was about the only thing I thought he'd be in, but I needed a pre-school teacher for Letters From a Little Princess Monster, and Mr-Unphased-By-About-Anything-Non-Matrimonial got to meet his greatest foe. From "Hello, Twilight" to preening Luna and getting married to Trixie in one day. That REALLY was going to be it, but I had somebody ask how GG would behave in an Estee world (since he had an extraordinarily small bit part in one) and came to the conclusion that to fit in that world, he would have to never meet her, much like Captain Kirk and Khan in Star Trek II. (the good one) So I doodled out a chapter as a writing exercise, and since literally everything I do is for practice, a little more came out, and a little more. He's never going to be canon in Estee's Continuum, but he's so much fun writing just a half-step outside that I'm tempted to keep it up as long as I'm pushing keys instead of daisies.

And then I was writing the Equestria - 1940 story and found an extraordinary spot to give him a bit part. Oh, and the M-rated Naughty Bits has an extension on that.

So four.

Although I may kill him off in Letters. I've got the perfect opportunity.

To her intense relief, the pile of bound ponies to one side out of the way of the fight contained the scroungy green coat of Trixie’s husband as the first thing she saw, even if it was covered in frost and chunks of rounded ice. She practically slammed into his side, gasping for breath with a quick glance backward at where the huge Windigo was holding still while it was monologuing. That was an extremely stupid thing for a proper monster to do, and she had not believed Fizzy at first when she said that was how the fight was going to start, but on second thought it was how Nightmare Moon had acted, and how Dark Feather had confronted Mayor Marigold Mare, so maybe smarter monsters were required by some rule to handicap their intelligence with unintelligent action and posturing speech.

It was a question for later. She nudged Green Grass instead and bit him gently on the ear where Trixie had said was the best spot.

“Eek!” Greenie shook off whatever was paralyzing his mind and looked back at her with panicked blue eyes nearly the size of saucers. “Twilight!” he gasped. “What… I mean…” Ever so slowly, his eyes lifted up to the larger griffon who was looming over the both of them. “Twilight Sparkle,” he continued in an extremely calm and leveled voice, “I’d like to introduce you to a good friend of mine in the griffon aerie. This is Gilda, the Wingmaster’s daughter and third… No, second griffon in line to inherit the Big Perch now that her half-brother is dead.”

Gilda said nothing, but continued to stare at the both of them with cold blue eyes.

A bit much for me to give my usual running commentary, but fantastic stuff throughout. Thank you for this massive pile of horsewords.

So, no Flurry Heart in the 60’s, then? Would have thought there would be at LEAST five Alicorns counting her, and I highly doubt that the royal couple could stop at only one foal.

10564276 yes Flurry, Princess of the pop charts and future Astro mare.

Wait, so does that mean that something happened to Cadance then? Or did you mean to say FIVE Alicorns?

10564314 Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, Flurry... Oh, yeah. I better change that when it gets expanded into Equestria - 1969.

So most of these are snippets of coming attractions to look forward to, right?

10615659 Some of them. And some are probably doomed to remain snippets, because for example I don't think I'll ever get a narrative string set up for Pumpkin Spice. There may be a collection for Equestria 1940 snippets, as well as the 1969 Mare on the Moon snippets, the section on Substitute Librarian will be finished and put into same, etc...

I love all of these :)

Well, I'm hooked! Of particular interest to me is Eclipse's story, but each of these teased works would be worth a full read-through.

The Last Nightguard is up to 20 chapters now, probably finishing at 25 or so I’m writing, I’m writing

“No,” said Celestia, then turned the newspaper page to where ‘Candid photos of Princess Celestia from her years of education’ was profiled. “Yes,” she added. “Something big, with sharp teeth.”

Luna reached with dread to the cupboard next to her, their common stash of breakfast cereals and implements. She found a row of Oatie-Os boxes there, all unmolested, all pristine .. and all with the new Sunlander Racing Cart picture on them, not the Most Important Spy Pony Sigil that she was searching for. "It will be big, it will have sharp teeth." she intoned, and then with a pause that made Celestia lower the now smouldering newspaper and gaze at her sister, ".. and it shall exude the most dreadful smelling ooze that will take weeks to get out of fur and scale."

I could try and comment on all (or least some) of the entries, but there's really good stuff in here. In particular I enjoyed the one with Green Mountain (I think that's the Equestria 1940 one?) but you've already written more than enough of Twilight's interactions with... other ponies that also happen to have "Green" in their name, no need to make yet another fic like it (but you won't hear me complaining if you do).

In short: I had a blast reading these. They're all superb quality.

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