• Published 31st Oct 2020
  • 1,447 Views, 17 Comments

Sunset at Freddie’s - Madforce Entertainment

Sunset Shimmer takes a job as the new night guard at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza.

  • ...

The Only Night

Author's Note:

Happy Nightmare Night!
This story has two endings.
Sunset fate Is in you hands.

Freddy Fazbear's Pizza:


11:50 pm

Sunset Shimmer had just arrived for her new part time job as the night guard at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, and she was wearing her new, cute security uniform, which she had chosen herself.

(Random Flashback)

Sunset picked her uniform off the hook and hugged it to her chest. “I like this one, it’s cute!” She said like a giddy child with an adorable smile.

(Flashback Ends)

She had taken the job as a way to gain some extra money over the summer. “Plus, it’s the night shift. How hard can it be?” She said confidently to herself.

She walked up to the main entrance, just in time for the previous night guard to meet her and hand over the keys to the restaurant.

“OK, so I’m taking over from you for the next five nights, huh?” She asked. “Anything I should know before you leave?”

The man gave her a very serious look. “OK, listen,” He said in a firm, yet nervous sounding voice, “once you get in there, lock the main doors and head straight to the security room. I’ve already checked the perimeter, it’s locked up tight, just go straight to the security room. Don’t stop for anything, just go straight there, and whatever you do, stay away from the animatronics. I cannot stress that enough, OK, stay away from those things!”

This sudden outburst left Sunset very confused, and a little bit creeped out. However, she relaxed when she thought to herself, “Oh, I know what this is. This must be some kind of silly little initiation ritual or something. Freak out the new girl.” With that thought, she smiled as she said, “OK, sure, I understand.”

“Oh, and there's one more thing,” The man continued, “Once you reach the security room, you’ll receive a phone call. Don’t ignore it, you must answer it. It’s important.”

“Alright, sure,” Sunset said, still smiling.

“All you have to do is make it through till 6 am,” The man said, “and before I go, let me just say, good luck kid.” With that, and a nod, the man turned and walked away.

As she watched him leave, Sunset rolled her eyes. “Really, good luck?” She said with a nonchalant shrug. “I won’t need luck. This job will be a piece of cake.” With that, she finally stepped inside the restaurant.
Soon enough, she found the security room. It was a small, cramped space, with a single office chair, a desk with a monitor and a desk fan on it, as well as an old fashioned landline phone.

“Oh, my god, it’s a banana phone,” she said, “How out of date is this place?” She looked around the whole space and sighed. It was really quite dingy. “So, this is home for the next 6 hours.” She then sat down in the chair and immediately let out a groan. “OK, I think I now know what he meant by good luck. This is going to be murder on my butt.” Just at that moment, the phone began to ring, making her jump. “Eep!” she squeaked. Recovering from her little jolt, she reached for the phone and held it up to her ear. “Uh, hello?”

“Hey, welcome to your first night at Freddy Fazbear’s!” Said an overly enthusiastic voice. “Now, you’ve probably been here before as a little kid. Y’know, like for birthday parties and such get-togethers. But,” The voice suddenly became very serious, taking Sunset off guard, “OK, you know what? Screw it! This is only a recording so what does it matter!”

“This is only a recording?” Sunset said, the abrupt change of tone having taken her off guard again, not to mention creeping her out a bit. She was expecting an actual person to call her, not a recording.

“I’m not going to sugarcoat this, so here it is,” The person in the recording said. “You need to stay in the security room all night. You have to watch how much power you're using, as you only have a limited supply. Keep an eye on your usage level, because the higher the usage level, the more power you use up.”

“You have two buttons on each side, simply labeled as Light and Door. The Light button will light up the hallway, and the Door button will bring down the shutters. Everything you do involving these will use up your power.”

“You have a small tablet in front of you. This tablet is connected to all the security cameras in the building. Now, each camera has a sensor, which will go off when it detects movement in a room.”

The voice began to take on a more frantic tone as it continued. “Now, when those animatronics come near either of those doors, you slam those shutters down! You might think those are harmless animatronics, but trust me, they’re not! If you don’t protect yourself, they will attack you, they will kill you, and they will stuff your body into a suit! This has happened more than once!”

The voice then took a deep breath, before continuing in a calmer, but still serious tone. “Alright, I’ve explained the basics, but we’re going to get cut off at any moment now, and once that’s happened, you will be completely on your own. This phone will no longer work, and neither will your cell phone. You will be completely isolated for the next 6 hours.”

“And one more thing. If you have either of the shutters down, and you happen to run out of power, there’s a safety mechanism that automatically opens them again. If this happens, and it’s still before 6 o’clock, you will be completely defenseless. So follow the instructions I've given you, and maybe you’ll make it through this night. Good luck. And by the way, for the record, they don’t pay you enough to do this shit.” Once these last words had been said, the phone went dead.

12: AM

Sunset, now starting to feel a bit unnerved, held the phone out in front of her, staring at it. “If this is meant to be an initiation, they are sure going all out with it,” she said quietly. Just to be safe, she pulled out her cellphone to check her reception. To her shock, she had no signal at all. “What the hell? This can’t be right! I had full bars when I got here,” she muttered under breath.

She was thinking about heading back outside to see if that would solve the problem, when she froze in her seat as she heard what sounded like a deep, distant laugh. “What the fuck was that?” she muttered, her eyes going wide in sudden fear. She quickly grabbed the tablet and began checking between the security cameras, while saying under her breath, “It’s just a prank. It’s all just a prank. It’s just the other security people messing with me, that’s all.”

As she looked at each of the feeds from the cameras, which covered every room in the building, she saw nothing out of place. This gave her a brief moment of relief, until she jumped again as the tablet made a beeping sound. She quickly looked at it again, as it told her something had moved on the stage. She pulled up the camera covering the stage. At first, it seemed that nothing was out of place. All the animatronic characters were where they were supposed to be... until she noticed that one was missing. “W-wait?” She said, her voice quivering slightly. “W-wasn’t there a bunny on the stage before?”

She then got another notification about movement being detected in the play area. She tapped on the feed for that camera… and saw the animatronic bunny staring right into it, as if it was staring right at her! “WHAT THE FUCK?!!” she screamed in fright, dropping the tablet. The tablet beeped again, warning her of more movement, and She frantically grabbed it up again. This time, there was movement at the stage again. With trembling fingers, she pressed the icon for the feed. Another animatronic was missing.

“The duck? The duck’s gone now? Where’s the duck?!” Then the tablet indicated movement in the kitchen. Selecting the feed, she got her answer. Her blood ran cold when she saw the duck standing at the counter, sharpening a large meat cleaver. She then almost jumped out of her skin as the duck turned it’s old mechanical face toward the camera, holding up the cleaver threateningly! She nearly dropped the tablet again, as her heart pounded in her chest, and she began hyperventilating. “Oh... my... god!” She wheezed. “Why is… she... sharpening… a… meat cleaver?!”

Then, there was yet another movement alert, this time coming from corridor 2B. “C-corridor 2B?” She switched cameras and saw the bunny animatronic, realising that it was getting closer to her. “How are these things moving so fast?! It’s like some messed up game of Red Light Green Light!” She then heard a noise, like heavy footsteps… coming from the left door! With shaking, sweaty hands, she hit the left hand light button, illuminating the corridor… and saw the bunny standing there, staring creepily at her!

“Wanna play?” It asked in a goofy, but glitchy, distorted voice, like the recording had degraded with age.

Sunset screamed in horror as she desperately hit the left door button. She hit it so hard, it actually hurt her hand. The steel door came slamming down. She heard the heavy footsteps of the bunny as it walked up to the door and swung it’s heavy metal fists into it with a juddering thud. Sunset’s whole body quaked in terror, as she cradled her aching hand, her breathing became heavy and frantic, her heart pounding loudly in her ears, as cold sweat dripped down her face. She jolted in her seat as she heard the bunny banging it’s metal fist into the door again. “This… can’t be… just... a prank! No way… would they go… this far… just for that. That’s a thick steel door. If that was just someone in a suit, they could seriously hurt themselves banging their fist like that.”

She then came to a sudden, chilling conclusion. “That guy on the phone. He really wasn’t kidding around with me. These things… If I let them get into this room… they really will kill me!” She then heard more noises… from the right hand door. She turned to look… and screamed as she saw the duck standing right outside the door, cleaver in hand!

“Hiya! Let’s eat!” It said in a similarly goofy, but glitchy voice, like the bunny. Frantically, Sunset hit the right door button hard! The door came rushing down, just in time for the duck to catch it with it’s mechanical hand. Sunset sat, stiff with fright, as she mentaly begged for the door to close all the way. The door strained as she heard the whirring of old motors and gears as the duck struggled to lift it up again so it could get to her. “The food’s almost ready! Aren’t ya hungry?” It said in that same, aged, broken voice.

But then, finally, the duck’s hand slipped away, and the door slammed down, shutting it out. Sunset placed her hand over her heart, breathing deeply, trying to calm herself. She had never been so frightened in her entire life. “What the fuck is going on this crazy, fucked up place?! Who in their right mind would take a job where they don’t know if they’ll come home alive or not?!” She shouted in a mix of horror and indignant anger. Then, she realised something else. “Wait a minute. They never told me about any of this when they hired me! Only the last night guard and the guy on the phone gave me any warning at all!” She then screwed up her face in rage and yelled, “THOSE BASTARDS!!”

1: AM

Sunset sat stiffly in the office chair, with her legs pulled up into the foetal position, as she wrapped her arms around her legs, and rested her head on her knees. She was still trying to process everything about the frightening situation she was in. She looked nervously between the two heavy doors, which were still both closed. She had been keeping an eye on the power she had left, which had now dropped from 100% - 50%. Keeping both doors shut was draining the power fast, and she knew she would have to open them again, even though she really didn’t want to. What if those murderous metal monsters were still out there? If she opened the doors, what would stop them charging in? But if she didn’t open them, she would use up all her power, causing them to open on their own, and she would be defenseless. She had to preserve what power she still had.

She took a deep breath to calm herself, and checked the feeds from the cameras to see where the bunny and the duck now were. To her surprise, they had returned to the stage and were standing in their original positions next to Freddy, completely still, like statues. She sighed in immense relief, before pressing both door buttons, reopening both doors. Now, all she had to do was preserve her power until 6: AM, which was easier said than done.

“Come on, Sunset. You’ve got this. All you have to do is make it through until morning and you can get the fuck out of here and get as far away from this hellhole as possible, and then sue the people who hired you for knowingly and willing putting your life in danger!” she said to herself, trying to sound encouraging, but it sounded very forced. She didn’t feel nearly as confident as she tried to sound.

She then decided to take another quick look at the cameras. She flicked through them, and paused when she came to the camera labeled Pirate Cove. There was a sign in front of a tall circular curtain, which read ‘Sorry! Out Of Order’. Just at that moment, she saw movement from behind the curtain, and then she saw what looked like a hook poke it’s way out from inside it. Then, something jumped out from behind the curtain, and dashed out of sight. The movement alerts suddenly came thick and fast, and with dread, she realised that they were heading straight toward her, and she could hear fast, heavy footsteps in the hallway outside the room, along with the sound of loud, cackling laughter, like that of a pirate. Whatever was behind that curtain was coming to get her, and fast!

In a blind panic, she hit the left hand door button as hard as she could! The heavy door came down just in time, as the mechanical monster slammed into it with an almighty bang. Sunset held her breath, as she heard the scraping of metal on metal, as the animatronic nightmare dragged it’s hook across the door. She then heard it let out an enraged, ear splitting scream, before hearing it’s metallic footsteps dashing away again.

Sunset released the breath she had been holding, her hand over heart. “Holy shit! That was way too close!” She exclaimed. She didn't know how much more of this living nightmare she could take. “I mean, this is supposed to just be a pizzeria! A family restaurant, mostly aimed at little kids! How the fuck can a little, kid friendly place like this have animatronics, meant to entertain the guests while they eat, that want me dead?!” She started to become hysterical as she continued her rant. “Better question, why do they want me dead in the first place?! I’m just a cute average high school girl! What have I done to deserve this?! I mean, what even is this?! Some cheesy slasher movie where a bunch of stupid asshole teens all get killed by some masked freaked, mostly because they keep doing stupid things which get them killed, except for the only girl who survives because she’s smart?!” She paused, before gasping loudly. “Oh, my god! I’m the final girl!” She paused and gasped again. “No wait, I’m the only girl!” She then paused one last time, before slapping herself across the face. “Get a grip, Sunset!” She told herself firmly. “This isn't some moronic horror movie. This is real life, and you don’t have time to be freaking out like this. Right now, you only have one thing to worry about. Getting out of here alive!”

She then checked to see how much power she had left, and was shocked by what she saw. “What the fuck? How has it dropped so much?” Indeed, while the level had been 50%, it was now only 30%. It was then she realised, “Wait a minute. Is it because of the one from behind the curtain?”

For some reason, she suddenly felt the urge to push the right hand light button. She pressed it, illuminating the corridor… and shrieked at what she saw! There stood the duck, cleaver still in hand. “Hungry yet?” It asked in the same broken voice.

Sunset quickly hit the right hand door button, shutting it once more. “Oh, god, these things are relentless!” She shouted, her eye twitching.

Then, she remembered the phone call. “Wait, they said that this had happened more than once!” She reached for the desk and began searching desperately for something, anything, that would help her to survive the rest of the night.

2: AM

She pulled open a drawer and searched through it frantically, until she found something which might be useful. It was a slightly battered notebook. She opened it, and flipped through the pages, until she came across what seemed to be notes on all the animatronics. “Paydirt!” She said in triumph. She began to read through the notes very carefully. “Any small detail could prove to be vital.”

The first set of notes were on the bunny animatronic. “Bonnie The Bunny? Really?” She said with a raised eyebrow. “Well, I guess they are made to entertain little kids.” She then shuddered. She couldn’t imagine those creepy looking things entertaining anyone, nevermind kids. “Bonnie hangs around the play area to get to you, and always comes at you from the left.”

She then read the next part, which spoke about the duck. “Hm, so the duck’s called Chica. Chica always goes through the kitchen first, where I’ve seen her sharpening knives, and comes at you from the right. Bonnie from the left, Chica from the right. Got it.”

On the next page, the notes spoke about the fox. “Foxxy The Pirate. Usually stays inside Pirate Cove, and uses his hook to open the curtain, before making a mad dash toward the security room. As he’s dashing, he’s known to give out a pirate-like laugh. If he does this, you only have seconds to protect yourself. He only comes at you from the left. He is also easily angered. Be careful.” Sunset shuddered again, as she remembered the close call she’d had with the hook wielding fox, before she continued reading. “But this is a tactic shared between him and Bonnie, which makes you concentrate more on your left, so Chica can sneak up on you from the right. When he hits the door, he drains a good amount of your power. Not sure how.”

Sunset then looked across to the next page, which showed a drawing of the namesake of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza himself. “And finally, the main attraction, Freddy Fazbear. Feddy does not do anything until you have run out of power. But if that happens, at first, you see his eyes flickering in the darkness, and then he plays this song, like a lullaby. Once that lullaby ends, you’re dead. But there is a very slim chance you can still survive. Either, you make it to 6 AM before the song ends, or, if it’s not near 6 AM, run. JUST RUN! For some reason, the other animatronics don’t do anything while the song is playing, so that’s how long you’ve got to get the hell out of there and reach the outside door.”

Sunset then turned the page to see if there was any more information, before reading, “Oh, and one more thing. You’ll find this weird, but time seems to go faster in this place at night. On top of that, the only times you see on any clock are just the hours, not the minutes. One moment, It could be 1: AM, and then, after what feels like just a few minutes, it’s already 3: AM.”

Bewildered by this development, Sunset checked the time on the tablet. “Whoa, he’s right. The time just says 3: AM. No minutes and no seconds. And the second and minute hands on the clock aren’t moving,” She said, before sighing heavily. “Just when I thought this place couldn’t get any frekier.”

She then sat back in the chair, and sighed again. “3: AM. Halfway there. But do I have enough power to last 3 hours?” She checked how much power she had left, and grimaced. “If Foxxy comes out again, it’ll be a disaster. No way I have enough to get through another visit from him.”

4 :AM

“It’s quiet,” Sunset whispered to herself, keeping her ears open for even the slightest noise from either of the corridors, as She had once again reopened both of the doors to save power. “Too quiet. Bonnie has gone back to the play area and isn’t moving, Chica is in the kitchen again, also not moving, and Foxxy’s still behind his curtain. And as for Freddy…” She paused, as she took another look at the stage, where the restaurant’s mascot still stood, all alone. “He’s still there on the stage. He hasn't moved once all night.” The silence and the stillness were beginning to unnerve her. “Something about this doesn't feel right. Why are they all so still, now? What are they planning?”

As she kept on looking at the motionless form of Freddy… He suddenly moved, turning his head to look straight at the camera! Sunset’s eyes went wide in shock and fright, as she watched Freddy stare at her through the camera, before his metal lips began to move in slow motions as he raised his paw and pointed at her. She then heard the same eerie, deep laughter, echoing all around her, like it had when she first arrived. Freddy was… laughing! Laughing at her! She then scowled in irritation, as Freddy continued to mock her. “Cocky mechanical bastard,” She muttered bitterly.

Her eyes then suddenly widened, before she quickly checked the time. “5: AM. Oh, shit! It's almost morning, so they’re about to make they’re move!” She pressed the right hand light button and yelped in fright as she saw Chica in the corridor. She turned off the light and hit the button to close the right hand door. “Wait a second?” She said. “How did Chica sneak up on me without setting off the alarms? They must have done something to the security systems.” She then realised something else. “Could it have been when Foxxy came for me the first time? With that hook, he could have damaged anything, and it could have been the motion sensors.” She growled in frustration. “Great! Without the motion sensors, I won’t be able to track them!”

At that moment, without Sunset knowing, the cameras showed Foxxy dashing out from behind his curtain. She was only altered to this when she heard familiar, fast, metallic footsteps charging down the left hand corridor, along with that loud, drawn out cackle!

“Foxxy!” She cried. Acting fast, she hit the left hand door button as hard as she could. The door came down just in time, as the hook wielding fox slammed into it. Like before, she heard him scraping his hook against the door before banging his metal fist against it.

Sunset then realised what they were doing. They attacked at the same time to drain the last of her power! These weren't just animatronics following their programming, they were smarter than they seemed.

She checked how much power she had left and her face went pale. She was now under 10%! Her only hope was that it held out until 6 o’clock. She knew that having both doors shut at the same time drained a lot of power. However, She also knew Foxxy would be gone by now, so she opened the left hand door. Just to be safe, she turned on the right hand light… and saw Bonnie standing there!

“You can’t stay in there forever,” The metal bunny said in it’s glitchy voice.

Sunset quickly turned off the light, and closed the door again. She was now trapped, and it was clear they were going to stay out there, so she had to keep both doors closed, so she would use up all her power. The last of her power. All she could do was sit there and watch as her power drained away, counting down to her demise.

9%... Her eyes widened.

8%... Her pupils dilated.

7%... Her grip tightened on the tablet.

6%... Her legs began to twitch.

5%... She gritted her teeth.

4%... Her blood ran cold.

3%... Her heart pounded like a jackhammer.

2%... She whimpered slightly as her eyes became moist.

1%... She shut her eyes tightly, as tears gently flowed down her face.

0%... Everything went pitch black as the lights died, and with a whoosh, both doors reopened, never to close again.

For a moment, Sunset sat in the darkness, shaking like a leaf. Then, her eyes snapped open, as a haunting tune reached her ears, like it was being played from an out of tune music box.

“Freddy,” She whispered.

She slowly looked toward the left hand door… and saw a pair of eyes and a huge grin flickering in the darkness.

And then… You decide!