• Published 2nd Nov 2020
  • 1,235 Views, 35 Comments

Chrysalis trial. - Kingless knight

Chrysalis father takes her statue to be unfrozen and stand trial for the crimes of breaking multiple changeling codes, like revealing your existence to the world!

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Villains, heroes and gods

Twilight sighed, this was frustrating, then Starswirl had an idea. “A character reference, if we can convince them that the reformed Changelings are truly good they will be more lenient on their punishment or even a quit them.” Twilight perked up.

The court continued though Starswirl took the stage. “I would like to ask Queen Dopamina to the stand.”

The queen with stomach issues growled. “Only if that pink explosion of joy l-leaves the room.” They did as asked and she took to the stand.

“Queen Dopamina is your sister, morally imperfect.” He spoke trying to not use anything to be used against them later.

Dopamina sighed with relief, mostly because Pinky wasn’t there anymore. “Who is morally perfect? I mean you banished your friends into Limbo because you didn’t consider his feelings.” Starswirl looked shocked at the for-knowledge the queen had. “Even then my sister was always a bit mentally unstable. She’s ambitious and views the world as her candy bowl to take.” Chrysalis didn’t show any emotions, just paranoid shaking in what seemed to be a cold spell or worse.

Starswirl nodded. “I would like to have starlight glimmer to the stand” She took the stand after getting out of the elaborate lantern and then explained the situation, she took to the stand still looking around. “Can you confirm that you offered chrysalis to be reformed?” Mandibles interrupted.

Excuse me,May I inform the witness that this wouldn’t have any effect on chrysalis.” Archania nodded yet turned to the pony in question.

“You May continue starlight.”

“I did offer my hoof to accept her back to the reformed changelings.” Starlight spoke calmly. “As someone who has reformed and learned from my actions, I know how hard it can be. Even then I would have gladly helped her.” Vehemence nodded and so did the other Changeling queens.

Mandible sighed. “I would like to miss, apple jack on the stand.” She did and took her hat off.

“Now miss apple, did you trust the changelings before their reformation?” He smirked as both Starswirl and twilight looked worried, knowing applejack who sighed.

“No I didn’t.” Twilight sighed and Starswirl bit the bottom of his beard.

“Do you trust them now?” Twilight knew exactly why he was doing this and Applejack.

“Trust has to be earned. The only one I do trust is Ocellus, every other Changeling I trust as much as I trust my brother in a porcelain store filled with spiders, it took five months to get rid of that debt, I had to work at a maid coffee that the owners five managed.” Rainbow dash's wings flew up, like rockets.

Mandible nodded as twilight stood up and chose her next witness. “I want to question Spike the dragon.” Mandible gave a distant look and returned to his seat. “Spike, how would you describe thorax for me please.”

“Of Course twilight, Thorax is a kind, friendly, honest, a friend you would never want to lose, his sort of a pushover but his brother covers for his weaknesses and his a true leader.” Twilight looked at the Changeling queen only to see them all rather annoyed.

Mandible “I would like to call Cadence to the stand.” She walked to the stand and looked around. “Now could you tell how your experience with chrysalis changelings have been?” Mandible smiled.

“They invaded my wedding, kidnapped me, threw into a mine shaft, then attacked my family.” Mandible smiled again if he was just loving the description. “But now they’re all fine, they good Allie’s to crystal and empire and equestria.” Again the queens looked rathe annoyed, if they knew some else.

“Now I ask, is this entirely visual?” Now the queen's interests peaked. “Is that Equestria simply judged by the biases of the appearances, over the many crimes and that because chrysalis didn’t accept the Enlightenment of friendship. They blame all the crimes of the hive on CHRYSALIS?!” Multiple muttering came from the courtroom and Starswirl and Twilight panicked. They tried to object but a silencing spell covered their mouths “From the many villains that attacked Equestria in the last years only two were invasions by armies. One the storm king and the other, Chrysalis hive. Yet they’re attempting to push all the crimes on to one singular entity instead of punishing the hive, who could have opposed this yet whole heartedly joined.” Mandible sat down.

Chrysalis started screaming and was scratching her hoofs as if there was something crawling underneath it. “Recess now!” She flew toward Chrysalis and teleported away.

Twilight and Starswirl got thorax to question him. “PLEASE for love of Celestia, please tell me all of the changelings didn’t agree to incase Canterlot!”

Thorax gulped. “It was only me and another. Everyone else agreed completely.”

Starswirl sighed. “What about the other one?”

“He was eaten by the rest when he let his opinion out.”

Spindle stepped behind him. “I wonder how juicy he was.” Thorax jumped behind Twilight terrified of the giant of a queen.

“Why do you want to eat him?” Twilight asked, confused. “I mean you would be cannibalizing your nephew.” Spindle sniffer at Thorax.

“No, I don’t smell any relation to me or my siblings.”

“What?” Starswirl asked. “So you can’t trace even a small amount of relation to you?” Spindle shaked her Head at the wizard. “How much do you share with ants?”

Spindle scratched her chin. “Well I have to say fifty percent. Our structure is similar and so is some of our hierarchy.

Starswirl nodded. “Does your sisters show the same appetite for your children?” Twilight looked at Swtarswirl with concern.

"Ofcourse not, my sisters wouldn’t dare have the to urge eat my children. They’re all my blood and flesh I lay them hatch them and raise them.”

“WAIT, that’s not how our colony works, usually chrysalis laid a clutch while other females produced as they pleased.”

Spindle looked absolutely disgusted. "You breed with in your own hive?" At moment Thorax nodded and she took a step back easily to see she was disgusted. "No wonder I want to rip and tear you apart. To us you look like a rival hive and don't tell anyone else they just throw this out of the courtroom and banish them to the sun. I mean purge them from existence." Spindle left and starswirl sighed hoping to have found a loophole.

“We need to figure out how to get out of the mess, our only option is trial by combat.” They all looked shocked. “Or we call a different Judge.”

Vehemence held Chrysalis close as she continued to go through her withdrawals. “Please listen to me.” Chrysalis shook, screaming as the room moved around her and demonic voices cursed her. “Don’t listen, follow my voice. There is no one here but me and you. Breathe in and out slowly.” For Once in her life she followed her mother’s orders. “There, it’s just desire withdrawals. I told you, no matter what, I love you my little cricket.” Chrysalis cried into her mother’s chests as if hiding from a hundred demons screaming at her.

Vehemence left and locked the door only leaving a stress ball. “Mother is she alright?” Emilia asked, actually worried.

The empress shook her head. “No, she’s terrified, I mean I have thrown creatures off cliffs and made them unable to use magic and this kind of terrors never has happened.” Chrysalis screamed like a banshee in a cave.

Vehemence jaw clenched as she heard her little grub in pain and absolute suffering. They opened the room to find tha she entirely shed her skin and was now in an actual chrysalis. “Well this is not what I expected.” Emilia looked at her mother for advice. “The heightened stress and low resources caused her to molt and adapt.” Emilia just looked confused. “She reverted back to her chrysalis so she can take on a more advantages form.”

Emilia oohed realizing. “So what will be an actual love bug instead of a heartless desire eating demon?” Vehemence just looked at her daughter disappointed. “Sorry, what really happened now?” Vehemence sighed.

“She either dies or gets out of her shell and finally takes her place as the queens of the crystal empires hive.”

Emilia nodded. “Is it bad if I imagine a lot of modals and stocking shops?”

Vehemence sighed. “No, I did the same. Also infiltrating, replacing dead family members, starting a speed dating group, just turning into beautiful ponies and flirting with the most desperate ponies in Equestria. Companionship is also a form of love, Emilia.”

The Changeling queen shrugged. “I know, why do you think my nymphs infiltrate schools, I mean seriously exam week is my autumn harvest. Especially that purple princess, anxiety is one potent meal.” She did a chef's kiss.

The waiters all seemed different as they didn’t look like changelings. More or less they looked like ponies except from their eyes and darker shade of coat color they exactly looked like ponies. “Today we will be serving tofu steak with mushroom sauce and a side of rice.” Said one Changeling wearing shades. One bite and they were already hooked but they noticed unlike the other changelings they had irises. Twilight just continued observing them.

Starswirl was hesitant at first until taking the first bite. How hasn’t he never tasted such paradise before, oh by the ancients this was true paradise in his mouth.

After having the meals only gods of a different world could enjoy. The pillars and main six met up. “What are we going to do?” Spike asked as twilight was thinking.

Dash groaned in frustration. “Usually we just take the elements, friendship or some other harmony’s thing and done! We are saved. Why can’t we do that?”

Apple decided to add her two cents. “Because rainbow dash, we can’t use our friend rainbow blasts on all of Equestria! I mean we saw millions of them! They would overpower us in a day!”

Starswirl drought about it. “Maybe if convinced them to a certain type of punished.” They got closer as Mandible started to look suspicious at their next steps.

All queens waited. “We already have our verdict. Do you have anything else to say?” Twilight and spoke the words on the last page.

“I wish the formless to judge them!” All the Changeling gulped as their eyes turned black and they screamed light escaping from them as it formed a sphere of black meanwhile in The Peaks of Peril the same happed the Kirins first turning into niriks and then their fire flying toward the prime hive burning through the walls as all over Equestria the changelings screams falling unconscious, those outside their hives fainted yet still in their pony forms.

Vehemence fought back, biting back against the powers attempting to escape. “You fool! You doomed yourself.“ A massive light erupted out of the empress like a bullet out of a gun.

The ponies all closed their eyes as a black fire finished taking in every Changeling and Kirins power as the one known as the entity took its form with eyes of swirling rainbow colors, mane of onyx fire and a body of stars constantly moving if attempting to escape. “You dare summon the formless.” It spoke with a voice made out of millions of voices in unison.

Author's Note:

Well twilight does the wrong things when desperate. We’re coming to the end game, now you just have to wait another year and it will be done, possible, if I don’t start writing a interlude between the next chapters.