• Published 28th Oct 2020
  • 13,731 Views, 28 Comments

Even Princesses Have Wants - Pinkiebro

Celestia's intrusive thoughts have been bugging her. Anon of course steps up to help any way he can.

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Celestia's Bad Thoughts

“Mommy look!” A little orange filly says worriedly running up to her mother as she perused the Castle Gardens. Celestia opened up the massive field of sprawling flowers and statues to the public every Sunday, it helped boost overall morale and it gave Celestia more time to mingle with her subjects. She’s acquired a lot more free time on her hooves since passing down the Elements of Harmony.

The mother matches her child’s worried expression when she sees the poor injured baby bird in the filly’s hooves, “Oh no! Quick, let’s get that poor baby to the Princess.”

Princess Celestia sat sipping her tea and munching on cucumber sandwiches as she pony-watched her citizens browse the gardens. Thanks to good old fashioned magic they were able to keep things fresh every week with the hedge art, and ever since Discord broke out the children had such fun making their own conspiracies as to which statue would pop to life next.

Oh, the children, Celestia thinks longfully to herself.

She watched them frolic and play in the gardens every week, and recently, this feeling of longing gets worse every time. When she was working alone for the past 1000 years, she was far too busy to even entertain such thoughts. When her sister returned literally half of her workload evaporated from her life, and while she could busy herself with extracurricular activities it still left her with ample time to be alone with her thoughts.

Then Twilight and her friends became willing and able to do her public relations work outside of Canterlot under the guise of it being “friendship lessons”.

That really gutted her schedule.

“Princess, Princess!” The young filly says urgently, pulling the Princess from her stupor, “This little birdie is hurt, can you help him?”

The filly’s watery eyes and quivery lip pierce through the Princess’ heart. The dull ache she was feeling all morning had fired up to full blown heartburn, and her usually regal composure was shaken to say the least.

“Oh you poor baby!” she says caressing the young one, “You just take that little birdie to that nice guard pony right there and he’ll make sure it’s right as rain!”

“Really?” The filly says with bright tearless eyes, “Oh thank you Princess!”

The alicorn gives a very warm, very wide smile to the filly, “Oh it’s no problem at all my little one!” And she wraps the little one in a big tight hug.

Seconds pass. Too many seconds. Oh but who cared, the feeling of her little filly in her hooves made her feel so happy!

“Um, Princess? We should really be on our way,” the real mother of the filly says to her nervously.

Realizing her own uncouth behaviour her ears pin down and a furious blush adorns her face. Letting the child go it runs off waving the Princess a happy goodbye in her naivety, but the mother trots off shooting her a puzzled look.

“Jeez Princess, did Luna spike your tea again?” A voice says behind her.

She gives a heavy sigh as she slumps her head on the table, “No, but I sorely wish it was now, Anonymous.”

Anonymous was the resident human--and only human at that--of Equestria, and his debut was a hot topic of contention. Discord swears it wasn’t him and instead it was Twilight’s fault and Twilight swears the opposite. The argument became too frustrating to entertain after a while, and Celestia decided the hows and the whys were irrelevant since Anon posed no danger to anypony whatsoever.

But Anon became one of Celestia’s special side projects, getting a complete alien of a creature acclimated to the customs and culture of Equestria was bound to be something that could take a lot of her time! Turns out he got acclimated a lot more quickly than she expected, and once again she was out of an activity to keep the intrusive thoughts at bay. He didn’t mind sticking around the palace regardless though, and admittedly he made for good company besides running her more menial errands.

He was… rough around the edges, but honestly it came as a breath of fresh air. Everypony was so on eggshells around her, and she didn’t know whether to feel good or bad about the fact that besides her sister an alien from another universe was the only one that can speak to her like an actual pony and not some deity that would vaporize them for the slightest transgression.

“Hey, I know what’ll cheer you up,” Anon says leaning on his rake, “Our little wager about Midnight Bristle? Just had a little chat with her.”

This makes Celestia perk up a bit and she lifts her head turning to him, “And?”

A little purse of bits clinks and clanks as he drops it on the table, “You were on the money, she’s got a bun in the oven. Maverick’s a lucky stallion.”

“Hooray!” Celestia says springing back to life as she claps her hooves like a little school-filly, “Oh I’m so happy for them!”

Anon gives a satisfied chuckle to this, “I knew that’d lighten you up Celly.”

Celestia feels a nice warmness spread throughout her body at the news, that will certainly tide her over the rest of the day.

As Anon ventures off to work elsewhere Celestia calls out to him, “Are we still on for tonight?”

Anon waves to her without turning as he continues on, “Like every other Sunday!”


Another bottle of wine makes its way to the slaughter as Anon pours another two glasses for himself and the Princess. Celestia grew so fond of Anon’s company that she invited him over for tea one Sunday, which turned into an evening stroll another Sunday, and eventually they found themselves habitually hanging out like this every Sunday as a sort of friendly tradition. They usually shared a half bottle of wine and chatted on some comfy bean bag chairs, but tonight a half bottle wasn’t nearly enough to fill the pit in Celestia’s stomach.

“Well, at least somepony can enjoy a good drink,” the Princess sighs contentedly as she magically floats her eighth glass to her lips.

“And somepony is hitting it a little hard tonight,” Anon says as he takes a sip from his second glass, “Something the matter?”

Celestia runs her hoof pensively around the rim of the glass, the friction between it and the crystal making a soft resonance.

“It’s… nothing really. Just another stressful day of dealing with the nobles.”

Anon chuffs at this, “No, when you’re pissed off at the nobles we usually have a stronger drink than this. Wine is your sad drink Celly, don’t try and tell me otherwise.”

Celestia playfully prods his shoulder with an obviously fake laugh, “I’m serious! Perhaps you’ve just encouraged me to cut a bit more loose.”

“Loose drinking and sad drinking are on opposite sides of a very fine line, and trust me, I know both of ‘em pretty well.”

Celestia can’t manage to meet his eyes and chooses to analyze the floor instead. Marble. Marble. Oh, granite! Wait, that’s also marble.

Anon grabs one of her hooves and squeezes it, “Seriously Celly, I’m worried about you.”

The Princess groans loudly as she slides deeper and deeper into her bean bag chair until she’s in a sullen slump.

“Why can’t you just let me suffer in silence for once?” She groans.

“Because people and ponies don’t sort out their problems by doing nothing about them,” Anon says authoritatively, “And since you're my friend I want to help you out with your problems.”

Celestia can’t help but smile at his persistence, but her smile quickly returns to a frown as she fights to come up with the right words to describe her dilemma.

“I’m just so… bored!” She says frustratedly after a moment.

Anon raises a brow to this, “Bored?”

“I--yes?” Celestia says rubbing her eyes to try and make her alcohol-soaked brain think properly, “I don’t know, I guess a better word would be unfulfilled? Unsatisfied?”

She looks to him for help with her thought processes, but he just looks at her expectantly and waves her on to continue.

“It’s just now that I’m nowhere near as busy as I used to be I keep finding myself wanting… something to do. To make something more of myself.” Celestia’s ears fold back nervously once more, and she shyly twiddles her hooves as she knows exactly what the real issue is but is too ashamed to speak of it.

“What, like a boyfriend? Listen Celly if you’re nervous about that lemme tell ya I’ve beaten enough weirdos away to know you should have no issues on that front.”

“No, not that…exactly…” The Princess says quietly as her embarrassed blush overshadows her inebriated one now.

“Well what Celly? C’mon, spit it out.” Anon says agitated.

Celestia puffs out her cheeks and scrunches her snout as she shakes with the effort it takes to force herself to confess, “Oh--Well--!”

“What?” Anon asks once more.

Celestia can’t take it anymore and shouts in one sudden burst, “I think I want a baby!”

Anon’s eyes grow wide in surprise and he coughs as his last swallow of wine also freezes in shock in his throat. Celestia lightly pats his back as he hacks and wheezes until a large burp sets him straight.

Composing himself, Anon can only slump backwards in his own chair and give a solitary “Oh.”

“I-Is that bad?” Celestia asks quietly.

“No! No, I mean--Every lady wants a baby eventually.”

“Oh I know that!” Celestia says with a furrowed brow, “But I just feel so… selfish. I don’t know the first thing about being a parent and I just want to be one because I have nothing better to do with my time now! The fact that I already know that just shows I’d be a terrible mother.”

Anon scratches the back of his head as he tries to come up with a good answer “Well if it makes you feel any better, most kids are made by accident, so a lot of parents have to go in blind either way.”

Celestia takes a long greedy pull from her ninth glass, emptying it once more.

“Great, so I’d only be as good as the average parent, that makes me feel so much better.”

Anon sputters in disbelief at this, “Hey don’t get mad at me! I’m just tryin’ to help you.”

“But I don’t want to just be average, if I ever became a mother I’d want to be the best one!”

“Well every parent wants to be the best one, but it’s stupid to think you’ll be able to actually be the perfect parent.”

“See! I’m stupid for wanting to be a mother so why can’t I stop--”

“Celestia!” Anon shouts exasperatedly. Celestia’s emotional tirade is cut short by Anon’s use of her full name. Anon has only ever referred to her by the moniker ‘Celly’ since he learned her name, so needless to say she found herself at full attention.

“First of all,” Anon starts after a pregnant pause, “I think you’re cut off for the night. Secondly, you’re not stupid for wanting to be a mom. You’re stupid for wanting to be the perfect one. A kid is their own person and is gonna behave in their own special way, there’s no way you’ll be able to prepare for what a kid gets up to. Especially if they’re too smart for their own good, and knowing your genes any kid of yours’ll have that in spades.”

Celestia’s head droops down and she says quietly, “I understand Anon, I have been quite silly haven’t I?”

“You have, but that’s not my entire point. Even with the fact that no person or pony’ll ever be the perfect parent…” Anon adjusts awkwardly in his seat as his speech trails off, “I think you’ll still be one of the best damn moms in Equestria.”

Celestia’s ears flick to and fro when she hears this, “Really?”

Anon shrugs at this, “Well, yeah! You don’t? I mean you did a pretty good job with Twilight seein’ as she’s a celebrity now, and before that you were in charge of a whole continent for literally a thousand years. I think you’re more than qualified to handle a little rascal,” and giving a smirk to Celestia Anon jokes, “Two might be a bit much though.”

Celestia giggles at this, and gingerly she sets her drained glass aside.

“Thank you Anon, really,” She says meeting his eyes, “Any other pony, including my sister, would be so bent over backwards to make me feel better that it would just make me feel worse for becoming a burden on them. But you aren’t afraid to tell me ‘like it is’, even if it’s not what I want to hear.”

“No problem Celly. Just ‘cause you’re a princess doesn’t mean you can’t have at least one friend to talk about this kind of stuff with. And friends don’t let friends be ‘silly’ if they can help it.”

“I just don’t want to bring a filly or colt into this world and mess things up royally when I can’t handle it,” Celestia thinks out loud.

“Well that’s why there’s always two parents, Celly, when one parent starts to fall the other helps them up and they work together. A kid is a thing that comes from love between two creatures and it’s a labor of love in and of itself.”

The cogs start turning in Celestia’s head as she absorbs those words, and as the centuries-old machinery begins to come to life once more within her, a particularly old furnace roars to life. Her eyelids grow heavy as lust-filled thoughts drown the rest of her brain that wasn’t already taken by the wine, and slowly she rises from her comfortable position and leans in close to Anon.

“You know Anon,” The Princess says getting ever so close to him, “Since you’re such a kind and… honest friend of mine, do you think I’m pretty?”

Anon’s eyebrows raise in surprise at the sudden turn of the conversation and with a shaky cough-laugh he musters out, “Well, you certainly give a lot of other mares a run for their money…”

“And just what would you do with me?~” she purrs.

“I-I mean I wouldn’t think twice about taking you out on the town…”

“You really think so?” Celestia says playfully biting her lip, “Well it’s nice to know I’ve kept up some looks these past years, but I want to give these looks to a more… deserving male, one who can treat me like a real lover and not just a princess.”

Her obvious choice of saying ‘male’ instead of ‘stallion’ isn’t missed by Anon, “Whoa now Celly, I think you’re doing something you don’t have the right mind for right now…”

“Oh come onnnn Anon,” The Princess groans huskily, “If you think I can be a good mother, maybe we can make some kind of arrangement…”

“I think we can arrange for you to get in bed.”

“Oh! Good idea~” Celestia says trotting to her large mattress thinking she heard a double entendre, splaying out awkwardly as she climbs onto the satin sheets. Celestia’s eyelids grew heavier and heavier as she beckoned the human into her loving hooves. A blackness clouds her vision as she awaits her bedmate.

‘Oooh, blindfolding so early? What a daring one,’ she thinks excitedly to herself as she… as she…

“Sister? Hello? Thou were supposed to raise the sun four hours ago!”

Celestia is shocked out of slumber and falls out of bed as she scrambles to untangle herself from her matted sheets.

“Sister calm yourself!” Luna says helping her sister free herself, “We raised it for thou. What in the world happened last night?”

Just as Celestia begins to fully wake and regain her faculties, her splitting hangover is roused from its slumber as well.

“I may have had… a bit too much to drink last night,” Celestia says rubbing her tired throbbing eyes.

“We would certainly say so,” Luna says, kicking aside one of the myriad of empty bottles, “We have never seen thou put away so much wine.”

“I was just indulging more than usual, and… oh no,” Celestia says with a sudden look of horror.

“What?” Luna asks.

Celestia adjusts her lopsided tiara and trots off hurriedly down the halls past her sister with a panicked expression. Her mind races faster than her body as she hopes and prays nothing happened last night that would ruin her relationship with Anon.

Arriving at his living quarters Celestia hesitates for a moment, but timidly she taps on his door in hopes of a response. And moments later Anon opens the door adorned in pajama pants and a plain tshirt with a sandwich in hand, his classic day off apparel.

“Hello Celly, feeling better?” He asks nonchalantly, taking a bite of his sandwich.

“Yes Anon… much better. I just came by to see… to make sure… did we--?”

“No, we didn’t.”

A grateful sigh of relief passes through her lips, “Oh thank goodness, I’m just glad--”

“But you did try to seduce me, and then proceeded to flash your teats and pussy at me before passing out,” He notes, still nonchalant.

From chin to horn Celestia turns fiery red, and she lets out a whimper of shame as her wings instinctively wrap around to hide her face.

“Yeah, wasn’t your best night,” Anon adds.

“I’m sorry…” she says, “Oh you must hate me so much…”

“Nah, it’s cool.”

“Wh-what?” Celestia says peeking out through her feathers.

“Like I said, you were going through a rough time, and you’re just lucky I’m not the kinda guy to take advantage.”

Celestia composes herself and clears her throat awkwardly, “I see. So… where does this leave us?”

“Well, were you being serious last night?” He asks.

“About what?”

“You know, wanting to, uh, give those ‘looks’ of yours to somebody…”

Celestia’s blush rises to the surface once more, but only to make her cheeks rosier, “W-well, I stopped the whole courtship thing years ago, I wouldn’t be somepony worth wasting the time on…”

“So is that a no about being serious?”

“No! I mean, I was, but you don’t have to--”

“Well then why don’t we go out?”


“I mean you got me to admit that I wouldn’t think twice about takin’ you out, and if you’re actually serious about being into me too we should just run with it.”

Celestia’s mouth can only open and close wordlessly like a fish gasping for air. She came here expecting to be justifiably rebuked, but instead is met with the most unabashed offer of courtship she’s ever witnessed. But where her conscious thoughts fail her instinct takes over.

“I--yes!” She manages to breathe out.

“Cool, I’ll stop by your place at 8,” Anon says, and shuts the door.

Celestia would go on to stand frozen in place for another solid five minutes before the shock wore off and the hangover began to burn her brain once more, forcing her to go nurse it. Anon would slump against the other side of his door and slide down to the floor in anxious exhaustion.

Celestia would soon set the sun, and seated in front of her luxurious vanity she found it hard to put any makeup on due to her persistent worried expression, and so she elected to just go with a simple mascara and eyeshadow.

What does she even wear, the princess worries to herself as she ties up her mane into a ponytail. The polonaise? Too much. The flowery blouse? This isn’t a picnic it’s a dinner date, come on Celestia get yourself together! She chooses to meet in the middle. The simple yet elegant white blouse had a deep v-neck that made her chest floof protrude proudly, and the hem was lined with a sparkling gold trim. She decides to abandon her tiara and keep her gold shoes, she didn’t want to be too underdressed. Or was she overdressed? Oh no--!


Too late, Anon is already at the door. Opening it slowly she peeks around the corner and her jaw drops at what’s on the other side.

Anon was rough both figuratively and physically, which meant he always had bed-mane that he elected to hide under a cap and those scraggly facial whiskers of his, not to mention Celestia only ever saw him in his work clothes or very casual wear.

But the Anon that stood before her was impeccably clean shaven and groomed, and sported a black turtleneck nestled underneath a beige blazer with matching pants and spotless loafers.

“Oh my…” Celestia says weakly.

“Clean up pretty well don’t I?” He says proudly.

The walk through and out of the castle is a blur, and so is the subsequent walk through the bustling streets of nighttime Canterlot for Celestia. They talked of inane things, like work and the usual gossip as they traveled. Celestia felt dozens of eyes on her as the citizens saw their leader for the first time in a casual setting at all, let alone on what was obviously a date. She isn’t given time to dwell on it because she’s walking into the restaurant with Anon and met with a very excited waiter.

“R-right this way you two!” the waiter says excitedly leading the two of you to a table, one completely centered in the restaurant. Perfect for everypony to stare at you equally, Celestia thinks to herself as her anxiety starts to spike. But as she’s being seated she looks to and fro and notices that… nopony else is there besides the staff.

“I figured that it would get annoying pretty quick if everyone else was talkin’ and staring,” Anon says, “So I rented out the place for a bit. You can relax.”

Celestia’s wings and ears unpin themselves and she smiles as her tense withers fall into a more relaxed state as their food arrives.

“Honestly Anonymous, you didn’t have to do all this for me,” she says.

“Nah it’s no biggie, my bits would just be being hoarded like they always do otherwise,” he says, “The mares at the beauty parlor got their money’s worth outta me though.”

Celestia chuckles at this, “I was a little surprised about how good looking of a stallion was hiding under there.”

“Really?” He asks coyly.

“All I’m saying is maybe if you shaved and brushed your mane more you wouldn’t have any need to beat away suitors looking as you do now.” She responds equally coy.

“Geez Celly, you’re getting bold even without the sauce.”

Celestia laughs at this with a blush, “I’m the one being bold? Look who’s talking, courting a lady so suddenly.”

“Well, my life’s a lot different now to be fair,” Anon chuckles, “New perspective changes people I guess.”

“What do you mean?” Celestia asks curiously.

“Dating game was a lot rougher back in my world,” Anon says, “Got burned so many times I kinda just gave up after a while. You get so used to being alone that you stop feeling lonely after a while.”

“I can… relate to that,” Celestia says with a hint of sorrow, “I guess I was so distracted by all my duties that when they all went away I wasn’t able to escape it anymore. Hence the increased drinking and the… well you know.”

“And I forgave you because I understood that Celly. But what I’m trying to get at is I showed up here after being alone for so long, and if there’s anything you ponies can’t abide by is letting someone be alone. Time heals all wounds I suppose, and I got the thought eventually that maybe I could give it one more go. And if that failed I was honestly okay with going the rest of my life alone.”

Looking into Anon’s eyes she asks, “Then why choose somepony like me of all ponies?”

“Well that one’s simple, you’re pretty much my best friend Celly. We get along for more reasons than just the fact that we’re the only ones of our kind basically, but I figured since we are both alone… we should be alone together. The fact that you told me you wanted to be with me in some capacity was what finally made me get the courage to follow through.”

Celestia takes a moment to reflect on Anon’s words. She couldn’t agree more with him honestly, she always loved candor with her when it came to her personal life, his support may have been brutal at times, but his stubbornness about being there for her whenever she needed it was unwavering nonetheless. He treated her like anypony else, and it made her feel appreciated. But…

“Anon,” She says deciding her next words carefully, “I so… very much want to be alone with you as well, but I’ve chosen this life of solitude for more reasons than just my work dictating my life all of these years.”

“And that is?”

“Well, you do know how old I am right?” She asks incredulously, “It’s not because I’m in charge of the sun either, anypony can become adept enough to do it with time. My sister and I were born alicorns, and we are already long lived creatures to begin with. But being tied to the Elements for so long has changed my sister and I in mysterious ways, the biggest being that our age has slowed more than it already was. I had feared that the same would happen to Twilight and her friends, but thankfully they seemed to be spared of this ailment.”

Anon had his head rested on his folded hands as he absorbed her reasoning.

“Well, I don’t see the issue here,” He says frankly.

Celestia balks at this, “How could you not? I do care about you Anonymous, but because of that you should really commit to somepony who you can… g-grow old with.”

“Well what if I want to grow old with you?” He retorts nonplussed.

Celestia gets more frustrated in return, “You would be the only one growing old! You would be wasting the precious time you have with me!”

“Well what if I freakin’ love your stubborn ass and I want to give you my ‘precious’ time regardless?”

A collective gasp comes from the kitchen window, and Anon snaps his neck to give a pointed look to the staff, who quickly disappear in turn. But as Anon turns back to Celestia he is scared half to death by what he sees. Tears welling up in her eyes, and biting her lip to hold back her any sobs fighting to escape her throat. She’s quick to rise from her seat and trot out of the restaurant, and Anon follows her as quickly as he can as his panic makes his legs jelly and unwieldy.

Celestia takes flight the moment she gets outside however and despite Anon’s yelling after her she doesn’t even look back. Anon rushes back to the castle and through the halls to Celestia’s room and unsurprisingly it’s locked tight.

Anon didn’t knock, but Celestia shouts for him to go away knowing he was there.

“Celly I’m sorry!” You plead, “I came on too strong and I freaked you out, and I’m sorry!”

“Just leave me be!” Celestia yells.

Anon presses his forehead against the door, “Come on Celly talk to me, I don’t want to lose you like this. Not when I’ve put everything out on the table like this.”

There’s no response for a while, but Anon feels a soft *thud* on the door from the other side as Celestia had come to rest her head on it as well.

The two would sit there for a good few minutes before Celestia breaks the silence, “You just had to go and do that thing you always do, didn’t you?”

“What thing?”

“The thing where we get into some silly argument and you hit me with something that I can’t possibly argue against.”

“And like I said I’m sorry for coming on so strong, I didn’t mean--”

“I don’t want you to be sorry,” Celestia says, cutting him off, “I just… couldn’t accept the fact that you wanted to give yourself to me so deeply. Every other suitor I’ve ever had almost immediately turned away when they found out I would inevitably outlive them.”

“Well that’s politics Celly, I’m sure you know all those royals just see romance as a game. But for me, I never got the chance to get as close with anybody like I have with you. Like I said, if I failed tonight I would have been fine living the rest of my life alone. But if I succeeded I would have been more than happy to give the rest of my life to somepony like you in return for what you’ve given me these past couple years.”

The hall was dead silent once more, and Anon stood there awkwardly outside her door for what felt like an hour. Eventually though a teary-eyed and bloodshot Celestia opens the door, and Anon stares back at her at a loss for words. Celestia beats him to the punch though, by literally punching him in the shoulder.

“Ow! Those shoes are metal you know! What was that for?”

With a scowl she answers, “That is for talking to me about being stubborn when you deliberately ignored every one of my attempts to turn you away for your own good!”

Before Anon can respond to that, Celestia had already darted forward and locked her lips onto his. After the initial moment of confusion fades he responds in kind, turning his head to better interlock his mouth with hers, and running a hand lovingly down her chin as she moves in closer to him.

As the kiss separates, Anon can only ask softly, “Wh-what was that for?”

Celestia chuckles as she nuzzles her head under his chin while weakly hitting him on the chest, “That is for succeeding in being so stubborn about wanting to give me the rest of your life, you stubborn, stubborn mule.”

“Mommy called you a mule!?”

The exasperated question came from an Earth pony filly sitting on Anon’s lap as they relaxed on the living room couch. She had an off-white colored coat and a long lime mane that hung in a loose ponytail at her side. Misty Lime was the name of the little one who stared at her father expectantly with wide jade eyes.

Anon laughs, “She sure did kiddo, and she said it again at our wedding too. But it was a lot nicer that time.”

“Oh, are you telling Misty that old story?” Celestia asks warmly coming into the room. Her stomach hung heavy and firmly round as she was in the later stages of pregnancy, a second bundle of joy on the way.

Celestia frowns suddenly however, “You didn’t tell her about--”

“Don’t worry hon, I did the kid-friendly translation,” Anon says, raising his hands up defensively.

“What did you tell Daddy at the wedding Mommy?”

The gold ring on Celestia’s horn twinkles as she fondly remembers the day, “Well, I didn’t call him a mule in my vows, that’s for sure.”

Snuggling up to Anon and Misty on the couch she recites, “I said that while I’ve known the sun for over a thousand years, your father was my true ray of sunshine. He was unwavering in his conviction and cut through all of my darkness to brighten up my life forever.”

“Aww!” The filly coos as she dives in and gets comfy in the parent sandwich.

Celestia rests her head on Anon’s chest contentedly, and Misty Lime hugs her mother’s stomach.

“I guess I just got one more thing to ask about,” the filly says.

“What’s that pumpkin?” Celestia asks.

“How did me and my brother get in here in the first place?” She asks, tapping her mother’s stomach.

Anon and Celestia’s eyes go wide in surprise.

“You’re turn for storytime Ma,” Anon says jokingly, and Celestia lightly slaps his chest with an unamused face.

Author's Note:

Just some Celly fluff I felt like writing in between working on the main fic.
As always I hope you all enjoy!

Comments ( 28 )

This was a cute treat, thank you.

Anon's "sleeve" is such an interesting color and shape in the image there. :trollestia:

This was an enjoyable read. Thank you.


Blessings on the hand of women!
Fathers, sons, and daughters cry,
And the sacred song is mingled
With the worship in the sky—
Mingles where no tempest darkens,
Rainbows evermore are hurled;
For the hand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that rules the world.

To all of you wonderful people reading and commenting on this, I just wanna say you guys have made me so happy with the overwhelming response this little fic of mine has gotten.
I honestly didn't think it was my best work when I posted it but I couldn't be more glad you guys have proved me wrong.
Stay awesome you guys, I can't wait to write more for you! :pinkiesmile:

Bloody brilliant read mate, cheers for that! Lightened my day right up!

This was incredible! You are an amazing author. Any plans to continue this?

The fluffiness...it consumes me.

Thank you very much!
No, I don't think this particular series will continue, but I am planning on doing more stories like these based off of the Doing Loving Things images.

Cute. Very nice.

Well said, couldn’t agree more

After a long day at work I needed this.:twilightsmile:

Thanks for this Story you make buddy,,,
Vanilla in my heart

I adored that. And Momlestia in the end? Pitch Perfect!

> Every other suitor I’ve ever had almost immediately turned away when they found out I would inevitably outlive them

So she's only been courted by idiots and people from very long ago. I wonder if there was some other cause.

Aww that was so sweet!
I'm just gonna assume there was some magic involved, either a transmogrification spell or something to make those two genetically compatible to reproduce.

I'm honestly glad someone pointed it out, and I'm definitely considering rewriting that exchange a bit to make it better sounding as a whole.
I usually write these at 2AM so I'm bound to make small errors like these.

Absolutely heartwarming. I do have a minor nitpick, though. It's an issue that came up throughout the story

The hall was dead silent once more, and Anon stood there awkwardly outside her door for what felt like an hour. Eventually though a teary-eyed and bloodshot Celestia opens the door, and Anon stares back at her at a loss for words. Celestia beats him to the punch though, by literally punching him in the shoulder.

The thing I noticed was how you mixed past and present tense. In most stories people stick to past tense for most narration, as if someone was telling the story of something that happened in the past. They'd use 'said' rather than 'says,' for instance. You used present tense for most of this tale.
The problem was that I think you intuitively feel that past tense 'sounds right,' and you end up using even when you've been using present tense everywhere else.
In this paragraph you initially say anon 'stood' outside her door, but then Celestia 'opens' the door. It should probably be either 'stands' and 'opens,' or (as I would write it) 'stood' and 'opened.'

I have no issues with this story. It's a great read. What I do have an issue with is the rating. You explicitly mentioned private parts. Example:

“But you did try to seduce me, and then proceeded to flash your teats and pussy at me before passing out,” He notes, still nonchalant.

I think that T would be the proper rating for this story rather than E. Other than that, good job.

Thanks for pointing that out, probably because I was also working on a first person POV story at the time.


Honestly, thisnwas some cute Celestia fluff. It's pacing was rough at a few parts, and word repetition rampant, but over all enjoyable. Also, probably the best part:

“Well what if I freakin’ love your stubborn ass and I want to give you my ‘precious’ time regardless?”

That was solid, and made me laugh, but also just felt... genuine.


“Oh you poor baby!” she says caressing the young one, “You just take that little birdie to that nice guard pony right there and he’ll make sure it’s right as rain!”

Nice little wholesome story. Well done oneshot :twilightsmile:

“You know Anon,” The Princess says getting ever so close to him, “Since you’re such a kind and… honest friend of mine, do you think I’m pretty?”

Well that escalated quickly.

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