• Published 28th Oct 2020
  • 1,351 Views, 23 Comments

Eveline in Equestria - Northguard

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Chapter 2

A few weeks had come and gone since Eveline came to Equestria and so far she had no reason to give anyone a "gift". Cheerilee had treated her like a real daughter and told her everything she asked about (except for the 'where do babies come from' question). Eveline had gotten multiple tours of Ponyville, as well as a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party from Pinkie Pie. The only problem so far was that nobody really knew what her cutie mark meant. Although, things changed when Eveline saw two other fillies bullying a group of three other fillies for their blank flanks during lunch break.

"Why are you being so mean towards them?" Eveline said as she stood between them.

"That's none of your business. Go away." Diamond Tiara said and gestured for Eveline to leave.

"No! Tell me! Why?! What did they do?" Eveline shouted while stomping the ground angrily.

"They're blank flanks, okay?! They don't have a cutie mark like the rest of us. Are you satisfied now?" Silver Spoon said in a frustrated voice.

Eveline didn't answer at first as she stood in silence while looking down at the ground.

"You're being mean to them because they don't have their cutie marks yet?! If there is one thing mom has told me is that bullying is bad!" Eveline shouted in anger and on impulse she slapped Diamond Tiara.

This quickly erupted into a short fight between the two fillies. Note keyword "short" as Diamond Tiara landed a kick in Eveline's stomach, which made Eveline start to cough and soon the coughing turned to gagging noises. Then without warning Eveline began to projectile vomit a mold like substance which ended up coming into contact with Diamond Tiara. A better explanation is that Diamond Tiara was hit point-blank by the mold vomit and when it stopped she was a stinking mess covered in the goo. Most students that saw this were disgusted by the view, but soon some began to laugh at it. Silver Spoon almost threw up herself, Diamond Tiara began to cry and ran for the schoolhouse, while the Cutie Mark Crusaders stared in shock.

Eveline coughed for a few moments as she got her breath back and looked at the three dumbstruck crusaders.

"Are you okay?" she asked, hoping they wouldn't run away from her in fear of what just happened.

The three fillies sat in silence for a few seconds before they managed to get their vocal chords working again.

"First of all, ew! Second of all, how did you do that?!" the white unicorn, Sweetie Belle asked.

Eveline scratched her head as she tried to think of an excuse.

"I'm just....umm.....You know what, I really don't know." she half-lied.

Before they could say anything else they heard Cheerilee shouting from the schoolhouse.

"Eveline! Come here at once!" Cheerilee's voice sounded from the school's main door.

Eveline's ears fell immediately as she began to make her way towards the little building. She walked slowly and didn't lift her hooves much as she went. Upon reaching the door she carefully pushed it open to see Cheerilee sitting by her desk with Diamond Tiara there as well, visibly wet as she was most likely just washed clean.

"Diamond Tiara here has said that you threw up directly at her, may I ask why you didn't tell me that you were sick and why you threw up at somepony?" she said sternly.

"I wasn't sick! It happened because she kicked me in the stomach!" Eveline said and pointed at Diamond Tiara.

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "Is that true?" she asked looking at Diamond Tiara.

"Yes..." The high-class filly couldn't get herself out of this one and she knew it, but there was one thing she had on Eveline. "But she started it!"

Cheerilee looked towards her newly adopted daughter.

Eveline's ears fell as she gave her answer. "It's true, mom..." she let her head hang for a few seconds before looking up again. "I slapped her, because she was bullying three other girls."

Cheerilee couldn't help but let out an annoyed grunt. "Diamond Tiara, I have lost count of how many times you've been reported for bullying and somehow you get out of it every time." She stood up from behind her desk and opened one of the windows to the classroom.

"Apple Bloom! Scootaloo! Sweetie Belle! Come here please!" Cheerilee shouted and soon the three fillies were standing by the window.

"Yes miss Cheerilee?" Sweetie Belle wondered.

"Eveline claims that she started a fight with Diamond Tiara because the latter was bullying you. Is that true?" the teacher asked kindly.

"Yes, miss Cheerilee. She wanted to know why Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were bullyin' us, and when they told her it was because of our blank flanks she got all upset. She slapped Tiara and the two got into a fight." Apple Bloom confirmed.

"Thank you." Cheerilee said before closing the window and turning to the two fillies by her desk. "I'm not happy with either of you and I will act accordingly." she said as she looked at Eveline first.

"Eveline, you are grounded. I hope this will teach you a lesson that violence is never the answer." Cheerilee said before she turned towards Diamond Tiara. "You have managed to sneak away from punishment every single time, but not this time. In addition to all the other reports of bullying you'll be in detention every day for three weeks. I will also have to tell your parents about this."

Both fillies let out groans, with Diamond Tiara's being slightly louder for obvious reasons.

"Now, one thing I'll have you both do is to apologize to each other." Cheerilee said as she eyed both fillies with a stern look.

This time the two fillies murmured angrily to themselves before looking at each other.

"I'm sorry I kicked you, and hit you." Diamond Tiara said trying her best to make it sound genuine.

"I'm sorry I slapped you and threw up in your face." Eveline said with a slightly bitter undertone.

"Good, you may both go now. I hope things will be better from now on."

Neither of the two girls said anything as they walked to the door, but when they got out Eveline felt something. A small little tingle coming from Diamond Tiara. The same feeling she felt when she had given her gift to someone. A small mischievous grin spread across her face.

"Oh trust me. Everything is going to be just fine." Eveline whispered to herself with a small chuckle.

Comments ( 7 )

Neither of the two girls said anything as they walked to the door, but when they got out Eveline felt something. A small little tingle coming from Diamond Tiara. The same feeling she felt when she had given her gift to someone. A small mischievous grin spread across her face.

"Oh trust me. Everything is going to be just fine." Eveline whispered to herself with a small chuckle.

Someone call Ethan and Mia, we're about to have a mold problem.

Oh wow this is something new haven't seen someone use her before hey good luck on this story I hope to see more chapters soon this is good

Hmmmm man, I'm can't wait what comes up next.:applecry:
Ps: love your story.

Welp someone get some fire ready that mold needs to burn

Well looks like we got are two affected all ready

Curious on if this will continue.(finally read this after discovering it about a few years ago I think, I think in 2020 or 2021)
Looks like the infection has started.

Hoping I can actually finish RE7 someday(once I get a new Xbox console since my previous one was stolen)

Wonder whats gonna happen with Spike in this?

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