• Member Since 19th Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I'm mostly into dark/horror stories during the night. Luna is my favorite Princess. Spike is my favorite Dragon that deserves better. Reading and writing stories based on him is fun.


Comments ( 116 )

Well, well PonyJoel this is a hella good start of the sequel for the main 6 counterparts, and with Applebloom creepy habit to hack the camera system surveillance records of what happens to Sunset and the bitch princess Twilight using the guilt trip on sunset head to bring her back to Equestria. I'm intrigued. :moustache:🍺

I'll wait for the next chapter of this sequel spin-off series and also I'll wait for the next exciting chapter of Spike the Fairy.:moustache:👆
until then Peace.:moustache:👆

Thanks. Remember, this story from this chapter has 5 remaining. Apple Bloom visits a dark website. She didn't hack.

Oh, that's my bad. :twilightblush: Anyway how did Applebloom able to got the idea to go the dark web to have access to the camera system in the first place just spy on her big sister Applejack. that's plain straight-up creepy, I've got chill down my spine and I like it. Oh of course she is lonely. The damn first chapter is a good start, can wait for chapter 2 on this early horror month to see what's unfolding suspense tale with a twist of horror. :raritydespair: 🔪:pinkiecrazy:

Thanks. I wonder if you can guess which movie I'm inspired by for Sunset's adventure.

Ah men that's a tough one, well I'm getting a vibe from an old 90's suspense with a slice of Horror of the "NET" I did watch it on the plane flight back from a trip from Costa Rica. Or maybe some inspiration from the TV hit series The X-Files from the 90's to the early 2000s. Those are my guess as well I could be wrong.🍺🤔

What's the death tag for?

Applejack sighs. "Don't worry; I will. Sorry that I chose to spend more of my time with my friends than you, Apple Bloom. I didn't know it would lead you into this nasty habit. So, is there a camera that we can look at?"

Yeah, no. I'm pretty sure Applebloom's actions are illegal and instead of feeling bad for committing a crime she's just all like "Spend more time with me and I won't have to do it" and Applejack is the one to feel guilt and apologize like she's the one in the wrong instead on scolding and punishing her. I also don't care if this whole fic is a reference to something I still stand by this.

"Be glad I only watched you whenever you are with your friends. Be glad I'm not using the site for other sick ideas," Apple Bloom retorts.

No, you little brat you are committing a crime and need to be punished for your lack of care for other's privacy.

"Thank Apple Bloom for her disturbing habit. Otherwise, we wouldn't know what went down. Girls, we need to include the Career Making Crusaders during our time to hang out. We can't leave them hanging after hearing what Princess Twilight and her friends did to their Spike."

Yeah be grateful she committed a crime because it helped you learned what happened to your friend. Seriously, you have done things that have annoyed me, but I think this is the worst one yet. I'm only sticking around to get some answers, since I still don't buy your reasoning for having Sunset stay and am hoping this fic has good answers for that.


I have to agree with you right there. Hope PonyJoel look into that.

I doubt he will. Every time I brought up some valid concerns he always brushes them off and continues to write how he writes things to be. Normally, despite my issues that is fine. He can write how he sees fit and all I can do is critique them how I see fit, but this example with Applebloom is more horrible than usual, since the whole point of the main fic is Twilight and the gang being punished for their crimes against Spike and yet Applebloom gets away for her crime and even has the gull to criticize Twilight for hers. I know Twilight's crimes are worse, but still. It's like Joel needed a reason for the human mane 6 to know what happened and instead of them being with Sunset at the time, which would have worked much better, he just had Applebloom commit a crime and downplay how horrible it is, by only calling it a nasty habbit and not punishing her for it, despite again the main point of the main fic being to punish Twilight and the girl's for their abuse of Spike.


That's frickin hypocritical at worst!!! And a author should read, listen, and comment on the comment section.

Since this fic will be tackling the whole thing with human sunset and how equestria Sunset is actually affecting her life and all that Might as well lay out my issues with that idea and other things here in the hopes they get addressed in this fic

"It doesn't matter whose fault it was. What you did is vile, unforgivable. How dare you, the Princess of Friendship, put a baby dragon through all that trauma while preaching what friendship is supposed to be. How dare you!? " Sunset yells at Twilight. "How dare you watch idly while your baby dragon was nearly drowning in a freezing lake!? How dare you make him clean an entire castle all by himself without any help!? HOW DARE YOU REDUCE SPIKE'S LIFE INTO SLAVERY!? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, PRINCESS OF FRIENDSHIP?!"

I mean Starlight's actions with the whole time travel fiasco was actually much worse and she was forgiven easily and before you point out it was undone it doesn't change how harmful her actions were and could have been. Again beating a dead horse in having someone else scold Twilight when it has been done enough times and every other time was after her doing something new that's bad. Also replaying a scene from the main fic in detail instead of summarizing it, seems a little unnecessary and feels more like padding, but you do you.

"You decided to live someone else's life by coming here. Ruining that Sunset Shimmer on achieving her goals and dreams because someone here is exactly like her. The truth hurts, Sunset. It's time to come home."

Again how is she when they have never met and human Sunset most likely doesn't know about her and should have been living her normal life?

"That fucking bitch," Applejack and Apple Bloom said in unison. They couldn't believe that Princess Twilight Sparkle gave Sunset Shimmer a guilty conscience for her to go back to Equestria. They watch Sunset cry her eyes out.

Still don't understand this. If Sunset was actually doing harm to human Sunset than it's a good thing for Twilight to bring it up, so why is everyone acting like it's wrong for her to do it, when the main fic is acting like it's for the best she returns to Equestria. You can't have it both ways.

Canterlot High is back in session as summer break comes to an end. Sunset Shimmer comes out of the portal happier than ever. However, they have eyes on this Sunset and decides to initiate their plans.

They are the ultimate butt pull to justified Sunset returning to Equestria and why she is harming human Sunset. Seriously, though hoping you actually explain and give good answers for my questions about Sunset's situation. I think's that's everything relevant so far. I will bring up other issues when they come up in later chapters.

😨.......... What The Hell is going on? anyway, this is getting good, and starting fearing for the other's awareness as well.😨

This is good and cranking up my Heart rate up the chapter, Only 4 more to go.😨

I feel like the movie vibe from "US" or "Body Snatchers" or something.😨

:twilightoops: what in the name of all the Norse gods is going on?!? is this some sort of SCP thing?!?

SCP, nope. Hehehahahahahaha



What happened!? The normal series isn’t this dark yet this!? This screams “HORROR MOVIE/GAME” to me!? Oh for the love of Harmony, don’t let this be another US situation!

Oh, you'll see.


:twilightoops: sweet .................... Easter .........................

"The Princess of Friendship guilt-trip me into thinking I'm robbing the life of Sunset Shimmer in this world. The idea of literal identity theft never came to my mind. The possibility I could be robbing her is downright horrible, and that's something I don't want in my conscience. So, I'm here for one week to be with my friends so I can have a proper farewell. I didn't say by when I left."

Again double standard. Apparently it's true but it's wrong of Twilight to bring it up. I hate having to repeat the point so moving on.

"I used a dark website to find out what happened to you when you didn't respond to Twilight about a family BBQ at the beach. I used the dark website to find out about your disappearing act and how the Princess was vile with Spike. After showing my sister and her friends..," Apple Bloom sighs heavily. "I confessed my dirty habit to my family, and they weren't happy with me. I was taken to court cause of my serious crimes, and I received two options, jail time or community service and therapy. I chose community service and therapy. Eight months of community service, eight months of therapy. When Granny told Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, I got sentenced to six months of detention and to do janitorial work. It's to show me how serious my crime was. It sucks but I gotta do the time for my years of spying on my sister. As for my classes, I gotta attend to the after school program and Saturday school."

Ok that problem solved thank you.

"Long story short, everything is fine. Princess Twilight lied to me about the law but made a convincing fact about identity theft. So, I'm here to be with you girls one more week before I go back to Equestria for good."

How is it convincing. Not like they ran into any issues between the two and it it hasn't happened yet what are the chances it will now. Not to mention that is an easy fix, legally changing your name.

"I can't stay here for good. There is another Sunset Shimmer out here, and me being here is robbing her life and dreams. I didn't tell you girls about my problem a while ago because I know deep down you'll do whatever you can to persuade me to stay."

Again don't see how. There haven't been any issues, so there better be a good reason revealed soon.

"You stole my life."

Great, have to wait for any answers and I hope they are actually good. Also hope everyone that has been killed or harmed stays that way. Hoping for there to actually be consequences for events and magically undoing them will make it pointless, but we'll see.

Now I know what movie this is based off It is ‘Us’

Identity Theft has consequences.

So can we expect a similar surprise twist at the end similar to the movie? eg the Sunset we know is the clone and the one with the clones is the one from Equestria?

It's a little similar and you'll know why in the next chapter.


"To control the populous into her liking, she needed the perfect specimen to replicate a living person. When reports about two identical people, living in the same town, and on documentation, no such file of two exact people in their records; they heard one with magic power and the other as fragile as any other."

Ok, why? Why would that make them pick her out of countless other humans? I don't see the connection from point A, Sunset staying in human world to point B, the government's plan. It sounds like it would have happened regardless, but with someone else. Hoping for more answers other than vague evil clone plot that was abandoned, leading to human Sunset to unleashed this horror plot. Not to mention even though Twilight was right, Sunset deciding to stay in Equestria actually won't do anything to help. It seems to be too late for human Sunset, so Equestria Sunset can stay in the human world if she wants to. Yeah, you just proved to me the opposite of what I assume you set out to do in this fic. Well, one of the things, oops.

Sunset of Equestria and Sunset of the EQG in the same city at the same time would be the ideal component to start creating clones. The government sees that if two of the exact people can walk among them, why not control their creation and disregard everyone else. I'm going for a darker take. If Sunset Shimmer never came to the human world, the idea wouldn't have happened.

Well, R.I.P. Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy your sacrifices won't be in vain. ;_;7 Things are looking grim for EG including Sunset that goes to the rest of the entire town in ruins Damn.:pinkiesad2:

Well, whom of thought the Government was involved in the first place to kidnapped the original Sunset EG for the Unholy experiments that she endure. Boy, I do despise princesses of Friendship when she was right about taking someone's life, what a piece of garbage filth. And like you said before stealing someone's identity has dire consequences.

Well, 4 down 2 more to go on this horror fest. this is getting good. :moustache:🥘🍺


Sunset of Equestria and Sunset of the EQG in the same city at the same time would be the ideal component to start creating clones.
The government sees that if two of the exact people can walk among them, why not control their creation and disregard everyone else. If Sunset Shimmer never came to the human world, the idea wouldn't have happened.

The way human Sunset phrased it made it seem like Chrysalis came up with the idea then they noticed two Sunsets. You should have been clearer that she came up with it after. I still stand by Sunset staying or leaving won't make a difference, since if Human Sunset hadn't escape she would have likely still be trapped in the government facility.

Chrysalis and the government made the idea when they found out about two Sunsets being in the same city. Sunset's phrasing is correct.


"I'll tell you my tale. The horrors I experienced," Sunset gets comfortable on the couch chair. "A few years ago, Madam President Chrysalis thought the country would be prospering better with a more controlled populous. It takes one mind and wicked people to create an operation that'll wind up being their downfall."

"Wh-What did Madam President Chrysalis do to you..?" Fluttershy nervously asks. She sees her counterpart tightening her grip on the black pair of scissors.

"To control the populous into her liking, she needed the perfect specimen to replicate a living person. When reports about two identical people, living in the same town, and on documentation, no such file of two exact people in their records; they heard one with magic power and the other as fragile as any other."

"The Fall Formal..," Sunset remembers her demonic form when she tried to enslave everyone.

"While I was on my way to school, and this was before entering the eighth grade, two people, all in black, approached me and took me away to an underground facility where the Equestrian Government conducted their experiment. So, their purpose was to use my genetic makeup to create more copies to replicate every citizen in our country. They called the project, The Changeling. However, there was a major flaw in their works. They created the body, the aspects of the person. But, they weren't able to replicate a soul. The duplicates were then tethered to their opposites, mimicking their everyday lives. With further study, they deemed their project worthless. They abandoned their work and left me behind to rot."

Absolutely nothing about that gives the indication that she came up with it when she noticed two Sunsets. Reading through it again makes me think she had the idea in mind then she noticed the Sunsets, despite knowing better. Yeah, her Phrasing isn't the best, though it might just be me. We'll let everyone else decide for themselves.

I was not expecting this

Why go from Fairy Tail, to the horror movie: Us??!! And why the heck does most of the human Mane Six die??!! Why!!!! How would Discord, Pony Mane Five, Union Seven, and even Spike/Fairy Tail feel about this dark f*** up mess in the human world??!!

I just hope they punish the government for this.

You'll have to wait and see.


Shining Armor you magnificent bastard, Well Lock and Load main three bring the war of hell to Them.😎 One more to go. :rainbowdetermined2: nicely done on this chapter, I hope the last one is going to be good.🔫:pinkiecrazy:

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter.

Hope the last chapter will be good, so Happy Early Holloween. :pinkiecrazy:🔪🎃

And Nightmare Night.


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