• Member Since 31st Aug, 2015
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Arcanum -Phantasy

Greetings, I do fanfiction reviews on my YouTube channel. Here's the link. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNK9gN2LzWpCek5pPHcV24w Check it out if you want.


Comments ( 97 )

Strike me as curious. I want to see how you can turn a Hate sink in to a loved character

One thousand and one ways to attempt suicide then? Why not, I'm in a macabre mood.

Were I an evil soul I'd teach her the trick of earth pony magic by way of the poppy seed. Opium is a gift that soothes all sorrows...

This will be interesting. And it seems she hasn't learned her lesson yet.

Huh, not bad. I've seen worse, but as far as knives and poisons go she was fairly creative. Unfortunately she did get somewhat carried away, understandable enthusiasm over discovering a torturer's holy grail and all, she accidentally inflicted mind-death. But, gold seems to have been brought back from that as well, Discord's curse reaching beyond the merely physical perhaps?

After all, what's the point of suffering if the victim isn't aware to properly appreciate it?

It's also interesting that Stone has been left to her own devices here, either there's no monitoring, or Discord's more of a sadist than I might have thought.

Part of it is because he's helping Pinkie train while the rest is a lack of interest at the time. Discord is not omnipotent (at least not in this universe) and likely didn't think Gold would end up in this kind of situation.

In a way, she's lucky Stone wanted her as a trophy and didn't decide to put real thought and effort into getting rid of her. While she may not be able to die, if she was fitted with cement shoes and thrown in the ocean, or buried in molten slag there would have been no coming back.

Actually, she still would've come back. All that would've happened is that she would've kept regenerating (molten slag) until she eventually found a way to get out. As for the drowning attempt, she would've continued drowning until the rope tying her to the cement blocks rotted away and she floated to the surface. Neither would've been fun for her, but the curse would keep her alive all the same. Discord didn't give her true immortality. He simply made it so she couldn't die. At all.


Such poor technique. The proper way to apply cement shoes is to sink the victim's feet in a tub of cement, and then wrap the entire assemblage tightly in chicken wire. This keeps the body in one piece and non-buoyant while still allowing the fish and crabs to do their buisness.

Eurgh, that doesn't bear thinking about in this paradigm. Even the old Greeks would be put off by a fate like that.

Oh, great.
She somehow found her way to Sweet Apple Acres.
She better not hurt the family.
That'd REALLY bring the Royals down on her worthless head.

"How to make a revenant 101". Pure unicorn genius right here. So she can't kill anything then? Inconvenient that.

Only slightly less inconvenient is the fact that she accidentally cleaned up for Stone, as between the fire and the recovery of her bones there's no evidence left.


Wait. Fire? She didn't light anything up. What are you smoking?

Oh, wait. You're talking about the previous chapter, right? Yeah. That does complicate things, doesn't it. :trixieshiftright:

A lovely Virginia-burley blend, Captain Black if you care to know. Very nice brand of pipe tobacco.

Sounds a little pricey to me. Hope you're enjoying it with a fine drink to match.:twilightsmile:

Not really, it's the number one seller. Quite affordable.

Its better to say she has a form of regenerative immortality. General it comes in two froms as I have seen. This from the most common where the body just heals from the damage. Depending on how it could also do the whole drowning and such death while others can’t. The rarest I have seen gives the dead a brand new body. This would have been a problem for moon. Since that body is also no longer bound to anything and at full health and endurance

I believe he was talking about the cleaning moonstone did before this chapter. That destroyed any evidence in the cell and the only other evidence of Golden like her Removed bones she took with her

Desperate, she turned her head towards the tree and weeping like a foal begged, "Please...help me."

It's a well-known fact that a bit of delirium can be of great help when starting out in a career in druidism.

Most folk opt for exotic mushrooms though...

There was more than one cell though, and likely with more than one occupant. Moonstone doesn't strike me as a pony who would settle with just one toy to play with, or to keep just one souvenir of her victims.

Uh-huh, purely professionalism in taking extra time to study big mac. You keep telling yourself that, Gold. :trollestia:

What kind of pony is she? Applejack thought, taking a swig of her juice. Ah can't get a good read on her!

Well anyone who carries their skeleton around in a sack on their back is going to be a little odd in the head, don't let it worry you too much.

It seems to me that this one's been systemically programmed with a host of societal expectations and reactions, to the point where she drops into a subservient state of mind the moment she finds herself in a lower "caste". In a way she hasn't had an original though in her mind for a very long time now, and the attempts on Derpy were little more than the reflexive twitching of a vegetive invalid.

Or perhaps experiencing torture enough to kill a thousand ponies has driven her mad, and her madness looks like the sanity of the conventional world.

Great story so far. Added to my read list.

Hoo boy, the countdown to applejack finding Gold's literal skeleton in her sack, and all the conclusions to draw from it, has started.

Ah, yes, Nightmare Night. If Luna visits, Golden is going to be hiding as best as she can. Even if Luna is really more likely to be horrified at what Golden has gone through.

"While the old you is dead, that doesn't mean that she should be forgotten. Use your darkness to protect your new light."

Imbue my spare set of bones with necromantic enchantment so as to create an undying protector of this orchard, got it.

Somehow, even though she's opened up to the Apple family now, I doubt she'll open enough to reveal how she got to where she is now, considering her crimes were quite heinous.

Meanwhile, in a hut in the Everfree, a zebra shivers. "These shivers I feel run down my spine, I dearly hope they are not a sign."

An interesting time with Applebloom and Zecora followed by a cute moment at the end. Good work.

Looks like Gold's floramancy can work on timberwolves ... :ajbemused:

That, or she proved to the spirits of Everfree that her desire to repent is strong enough by getting eaten a couple of times.

Gaia Everfree as a timber wolf, interesting.
Wonder who the abandoning Apple was...

Sounds like they would be from the generation of Granny Smith's parents.

In a calm clear voice, she asked, "What did Discord do to you?"

Everything that could ever be done to a mortal soul, for death offers no release.

Did I miss the part where Discord mentioned Gold Vine to Fluttershy, or in a different way, can Fluttershy recognize Discord's chaos magic like Gaia Everfree?

She did say it was easy to notice if you know where to look.

Given how much time she spends with Discord, Fluttershy would be able to spot chaos magic sooner than others.
So she's met Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy, and seen Rainbow Dash and Pinkie. Hope AJ doesnt let slip, that she's friends with Twilight, an alicorn royal, otherwise Hold Bine might freak out.

With blood like that, it's no wonder her Talent was so deeply rooted in the earth. Indeed, she's probably stronger now than she was before in the exact same arts, once she gets past the mental block.

The moment Granny said her sister was a unicorn, I had a feeling she was related to Gold, which means Gold is an Apple, and 2nd cousin to the Apple siblings.

Though I have to say, Human Fluttershy is an angel compared to how Gold was.

"My marefriend was the same way. She...was involved in something that almost killed one of her friends. When she found out what was happening, she tried everything she could think of to make it right. She wouldn't stop blaming herself for what happened and for a long time, was afraid of hurting her friends. She thought she was a monster too. It took a lot of work to help her get back on her hooves and to not be afraid again."

Wait a minute😲 Fluttershy have a marefriend!!!!!

Human Fluttershy in the other stories Seven Saviors and The Gaps in Friendship

Oh, this was a fun read! Loved the twist at the end too!

"Manchineel Apple."

I must ask though... couldn't they have picked a, well, nicer name for the poor thing?

Dagnabit, and they just got that room painted...

"Because I will bring nothing, but pain for them," she spat, anger and misery mingling in her tone. "This means that The Apple Family has a tie to The Vine Family. Should this make it to The Stones, it will drag them into a shadow war they have no place in! The fact that they are Earth Ponies will only make things worse for them, given the outdated views that family lives by!"

Dragging the Apples into their little shadow war? The family that has held Princess Celestia's favour for decades? And which currently holds the favour of all the Princesses on account of one of them being an Element of Harmony? An Element of Harmony meaning that dragging the Apples into their shadow war will lead to all the Elements of Harmony being dragged into the shadow war, making it all but certain the Princesses will get involved and put down multiple alicorn sized hooves on the Stones?

I kinda want to see them try now.

"If you kill them, could you please do so off of the property?" Gold coldly asked. "I would rather not have Applebloom be exposed to such carnage if it can be avoided."

I love how much Gold cares about the Apples, especially Applebloom.

So Gold has met Pinkie Pie, which means (if I recall correctly) she only has to meet Rainbow.

Well it's not like Gold's in any particular danger, no? Stick her out in the middle of the badlands with a month's supplies, "leak" her location, wait for Moonstone to show up, and have Celestia glass the entire site. All you'll have to do afterwards is dig Gold out of the slag and everyone can get on with their lives.

And the truth comes out.
I would've figured since the Apples realized Gold Vine turned over a new leaf, they'd be more accepting of her past misdeeds, especially after the horror and torture she went through.
With Starlight present, I would gauge we've gone past First Star of Twilight at this point if that story ends with the Friendship Games or at least a little time afterwards.
And funny, I thought, in her fit of rage, Gold killed Moonstone. Oh right, she can't kill anyone, can she?

That would depend on how Discord set that up, she might still be able to kill someone by accident (physics being a :fluttershbad:), like arranging somepony to fall off a cliff or be under a heavy object that is falling ...

Methinks the Sisters need to do a little purging of Canterlot's nobility if they believe having little shadow wars in the middle of the nation's capitol is in any way acceptable.

And goodness me, it looks like Moonstone is going after the Apples. Ain't that just about the worst mistake she could possibly make.

amazing chapter dude, keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!

I assume you were responding to me.
To quote Discord is Chapter 20 of Gaps in Friendship:

"I want you to live the rest of your days as an Earth Pony. You will live for as long as I see fit with no assistance from your previous life. You will be unable to take your own life. You will not be able to harm others beyond what is needed for self defense. This is your personal Tartarus Gold Vine, and I'll be the most vicious Cerberus I can be to keep you there for as long as possible."

It's unclear, but she'll be able to defend herself. I think it's up to the Princesses or the guards to neutralize or eliminate Moonstone.
Makes me wonder if Twilight is gonna try tracking down Gold Vine, not knowing she's been under her muzzle, hiding in plain sight just outside of Ponyville.

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