• Published 19th Oct 2020
  • 1,498 Views, 19 Comments

Don't Waste Your Wishes - Closer-To-The-Sun

The Cutie Mark Crusaders come across a strange object that can grant them wishes, but at a price.

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Chapter 3: Joy Ride

“This is so bad! I can’t believe my wish ruined Rarity’s store!” Sweetie Belle panicked, “I didn’t mean for that to happen!”

“Maybe you can make a wish to undo all of that bad stuff,” Apple Bloom suggested as she placed a comforting hoof on her unicorn friend.

“Not a chance!” Scootaloo interrupted, “we all agreed that we each get a wish from the chicken talon, and no pony gets two wishes.”

Apple Bloom began to object, “But Scootaloo….”

“No, she’s right, Apple Bloom. We all get to make a wish,” Sweetie Belle said, “Besides, what are the odds that what happened to Rarity was actually my wish? Maybe my wish is going to happen later for her?”

The pegasus filly smirked as she picked up the chicken talon from the table top, “Alright, time to make my own wish!”

“Does it strike any of y’all strange about how the wish sorta came out….strangely?” Apple Bloom thought aloud.

“I will admit, it is pretty weird how that wish went down,“ a nod came from Scootaloo as she looked down at the talon in her hoof. Two of the claws pointed upward while one of the claws was curled and pointing down to the remainder of the talon. “Do you think this talon has something up with it?”

Sweetie Belle tilted her head curiously, “Like what?”

“I don’t know, maybe we need to be exact with our wording?” Scootaloo asked.

“That’s actually a good thought. Ya didn’t give exact details about the wish, Sweetie Belle. Ya jus’ said ya wanted Rarity to have more free time, not exactly how she got it,” the earth pony gave her thoughts about how the wish unfolded.

“So, the wording has to be exactly right?” the unicorn filly pondered, “That would make some sense.”

“Though ah feel this chicken talon thingy could have come with some instructions,” Apple Bloom said with a hint of bitterness.

“Right?!” Sweetie Belle was quick to agree.

“Alright, alright, I think I can make this thing work,” Scootaloo proclaimed as she positioned herself in what the fillies would possibly call their wish-making stance, “I wish to be able to fly exactly like Rainbow Dash!”

As Scootaloo finished speaking her wish, the chicken talon began to shake violently in her grasp. The pegasus was expecting it after watching what happened during Sweetie Belle’s wish. She kept her hold on the talon. All three of the fillies watched as another claw on the talon curled up, leaving one claw sticking upward.

“Goodness, it did it again!”

“The talon moved on it’s own!”

“That’s so creepy!”

After the chorus of comments from the fillies, the chicken talon stopped moving. All three of them exchanged glances at one another as they waited for the fulfillment.

“Did it work?” Sweetie Belle asked.

No sooner than the question was asked, a shining light appeared upon Scootaloo’s body. The glare caused all three ponies to shield their eyes. Once it disappeared, they all looked to see what remained. Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had looks of astonishment while Scootaloo had a large and excited smile: Scootaloo had a new pair of blue wings.

“Whoa….” was all Apple Bloom was able to say at first.

“Are they….are they real?” Sweetie Belle leaned in to get a closer look.

Throwing the chicken talon aside on the table, Scootaloo opened the wings up and inspected her new anatomy, “These are so cool!”

“Wait a minute,” Apple Bloom spoke up, “is it me or do those wings look familiar. Ah mean, they’re blue wings.”

Sweetie Belle agreed, “Yeah, they’re blue.”

“Of course they are,” Scootaloo said with a hint of pride, “I said I wanted to fly just like Rainbow Dash, so the wings gotta look the part, ya know?” She flapped her wings a couple times to stretch them out. They were large in comparison to the size of Scootaloo and appeared to be that of a grown pegasi pony.

With a bored glare, Sweetie Belle asked, “So you really wished to fly like Rainbow Dash?”

“Duh!” the pegasus answered “I want to be just like her!”

“Ya coulda also wished for some sort of power or something,” Apple Bloom suggested.

“Power? Pfft, as if. If I wanted to be a sociopath and go mad with power, I would of become a lawyer,” Scootaloo waved her hoof at the idea. “Besides, now I can fly with Rainbow Dash!”

“I get that’s what you wanted to do for your wish, but don’t you have to learn to fly with those wings?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yeah, don’t ya have to learn all over again?” the earth pony concurred, “Ah know ah don’t fully understand how flyin’ works fer pegasi ponies, but aren’t a pony’s wings supposed to be in relation to the size of their body?”

Scootaloo did pause for a moment to think, “Well, that is something that Miss Cheerilee mentioned in class once, but I don’t really remember.” She again began to flap the new wings again, “Besides, who cares about that? I got to try these new wings out!”


The orange filly was stretching out her body as athletic pegasus ponies would do before any sort of competition or incredible feat. She stretched out her hooves and limbs as well as the new blue wings that were attached the orange ones once were.

“Are ya sure ya want to test out yer new wings now?” Apple Bloom asked her friend from the nearby table.

“Duh! How can I wait any longer?” Scootaoo said as she hopped up and down in place to prepare her body.

“I do have to agree with Apple Bloom on this,” Sweetie Belle joined in, “Do you really think it’s a good idea to try and speed through the sky right away? Maybe you should try something easier? Like hovering?”

Scootaloo scoffed at her friend’s concern, “I already could hover! I want to break some records already! I get you’re both concerned and all, but these wings are gonna be awesome!”

Finishing her stretching and warming up, Scootaloo crouched down and narrowed her eyes at the sky above. “Watch out, Wonderbolts, I’m gonna be making history!” The orange pegasus opened up her large blue wings and began flapping them. However, the power of the wings were a bit too much for the filly’s body and she rocketed upward into the sky.

Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle widened their eyes in concern as their friend accidentally launched herself into the air with a scream.

“Oh mah gosh!”

“Whoa, Scootaloo!”

A terrified screech was coming from Scootaloo as she climbed into the sky. Doing everything she could, Scootaloo attempted to steer herself around the sky but to no avail. She flew into a number of clouds, causing them to dissipate upon her speedy impact with them. Scootaloo’s cries for help were heard all over as she zoomed across the sky and all over Ponyville.

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom continued to watch from the table, their heads following the orange blur across the sky.

“She really should have tried to start small with hovering,” the unicorn stated.

The earth pony nodded in agreement, “Uh-huh. Ah had a feelin’ those wings were too much fer her body.”

Shortly after their exchange, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle watched as Scootaloo attempted to come in for a landing nearby. The pegasus flew low to the ground at a high speed, still shrieking in terror. Her hooves were stretched out in an attempt to land properly. However, upon contact with the ground, Scootaloo face-planted into the ground and her body took the full force of the inertia as she tumbled onto the ground. She stood back up onto her hooves despite her body being both dirty and sore from the landing, but she was at least on the ground now. The expression on Scootaloo’s face was irritated and weary.

Sweetie Belle gave a smirk as she watched the orange pony trot back to them, “So….how was it flying with those wings?”

“Shut up.”

“What? Ah thought you would enjoy yer flight,” Apple Bloom also joined in.

“I said shut it!” Scootaloo demanded.

Both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom began to laugh as Scootaloo started brushing off the dirt from her rough landing. Despite Scootaloo glaring daggers at her friends, they didn’t stop. Not long after did a familiar face trotted up to them, that of Scootaloo’s idol Rainbow Dash.

“Hiya, Miss Rainbow Dash!” Apple Bloom waved.

Scootaloo’s ears perked up at the mention of the blue pegasus, “Hey Rainbow Dash!”

She trotted closer and gave a weak wave, “Hey, squirts.” Rainbow looked a bit out of it. It was quite obvious of why upon closer look: both of her wings were gone. “I know this sounds weird but….have you seen my wings?”

“Yer wings?” Apple Bloom asked in confusion.

“You’re missing your wings? How’s that possible?” Sweetie Belle added.

Scootaloo was about to ask a question as well, but stopped short as her mind pieced a puzzle together in her mind. She gave a guilty side-glance at the blue wings that were attached to her back.

Rainbow Dash nodded, “Yeah, they’re just gone, like poof! It was so weird. One moment, I’m relaxing on a cloud for my afternoon nap, and the next thing I know, I’m falling to the ground! If I didn’t land into a hay bale at Sweet Apple Acres, things could have been a whole lot worse!”

“Goodness, that’s awfully scary ta think about!” the earth pony said.

“Do you know what could have happened to them?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“No idea,” Rainbow shook her head, “I’m going to see if I can’t find Twilight to see if she knows something about this. Maybe it’s something with that jerk Discord.”

Scootaloo’s eyes peeked over at the chicken talon that rested on the nearby tabletop. Two of the claws were curled up.

“Oh Scootaloo, what’cha got there on your back?” Rainbow Dash stretched her neck to take a look at the blue wings that were attached to the orange filly’s body.

“Uh….it’s a part of a cosplay!” Scootaloo quickly panicked. “Yeah, I’m working on a cosplay to look just like you!” She tried her best to lie behind her smile.

“Really? That’s pretty cool,” Rainbow Dash said. “Anyway, I’d like to stay to chat and all, but I really should look for my wings. I kinda feel naked without them.”

The wingless Rainbow Dash trotted off into the farmer’s market, leaving the three fillies alone.

Scootaloo was the first to speak, “So, are we all thinking that….”

Sweetie Belle interjected with the answer, “Yup, your wish somehow stole Rainbow Dash’s wings.”

“At least you didn’t take her livelihood like Sweetie Belle did ta her sister,” Apple Bloom said before correcting herself, “Wait, wait no, ya did. Nevermind.”

Both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle glared a scowl to the earth pony.