• Published 16th Oct 2020
  • 741 Views, 5 Comments

Discord - AppleCider120

How do you turn a kind soul into a monster? What if the monster doesn't want to be this way?

  • ...

From Sun Up - Chapter 7

Discord shared an amazingly peaceful night with his old friend. While he still suffered from the voices, the warm embrace offered to him by Chrysalis in the old, stolen bed served to do him wonders. For the first night in many, he did not have any nightmares. He felt safe, for once in, what seemed to be, a lifetime. Perhaps it was actually lifetimes. Discord had definitely felt as if he had been alive long enough to live two generations of humans, but he had lost count. Maybe it wasn't as long, and he was psyching himself out.

But, he did not linger on those thoughts; instead, he focused on the surprisingly loving creature in the bed beside him. When he had first seen the Changeling species all those years ago, he could not begin to believe that they could harbor anything less than malice. For as he used to call them revenants, he believed they were vengeful spirits, that could be for nothing more than to haunt him. Then this outstanding specimen arrived, and turned his focus away. Of course, it took some talking with King Aspen to finally break it through to him they were, in fact, not the undead.

And while he loved nothing more than the close embrace of the queen, he had a bright, glaring yellow light in against his closed eyelids. He was ready to rise for the day, just to see if the either his ingredients, or anything important to him had made the trip back after watching Aspen and Fyr leave the day before. And so, he turned, hesitantly looking over the sleeping queen's face, before leaning in and kissing her forehead.

To his surprise, she hummed a bit as if she had been awake already, with a clear drowsiness in her voice. "My dear Discord, I do appreciate the morning snack."

Discord chuckled softly, nuzzling against her cheek, not really knowing if a human should do that. He had never really seen relationships between bipeds for eons; he had only seen the affections that the White Tail, and Errant would give him. He began to hope it wasn't too primitive, or strange to do so.

The queen seemed not to mind, returning the affection to him, kissing his forehead in retaliation. "I take it you're quite ready to get up out of bed, dear?"

Discord nodded. "If my queen would allow it, even though she may not wish it."

She gasped in a feigned shock. "Oh dear, working against the queen's own will! That is definitely quite daring of you! But, of course, we speak in jest. I am quite sure you will require some sustenance that we do not quite frankly have with us. Mother, my previous queen, said she had never heard of the Changelings eating anything other than love, so I might need to let you out to hunt for breakfast."

Discord just shrugged, sitting up as the Changeling reluctantly released her embrace from him. "If your soldiers brought back anything with them-- though I do not recall if I expressly asked them to-- then I should have no worries."

He stood up, stretching out his arms, letting them crackle as he looked around the room. "My queen?"

Chrysalis gave a soft hum in response.

"Do you and your hive happen to hold onto articles of clothing that you happen upon during your raids?" He asked, blushing a bit. "While I will not complain about your habits, us humans tend to enjoy consistent covering."

While he definitely wasn't naked, his clothes had been damaged from the fight he had participated in yesterday. Chrysalis couldn't help but laugh a little. Indeed, her hive never wore clothes in their kingdom; though, their bodies resembled more so silhouettes than their original human forms. It was almost as if they were wearing skin tight formed suits, though nothing was shown off, nothing was hidden.

"We do, my love," she answered. "After we get you stuffed, I will lead you to the chambers so you can look for something slightly more presentable."

He nodded, watching as she got out of the bed, and walked over to another room. "Follow me through here, to the main corridor. While it may be a bit confusing, there is a quicker path to the main throne room. Thus, it also leads to the hall we use for consuming our usual meals. Any foods my children have brought back will be stored there."

Discord nodded, following the queen through hallways of varying structure and height. While inconsistent, and uneven, it was large enough that more than a few individuals could fit in their halls. The lack of any external decorations was made up for in carvings in the walls. It wasn't a terribly long walk before they were making their way down a single staircase, into the rear of the main throne room; the doorway brought them out from behind her main throne.

"I will give my guards the command to construct you a seat beside me," she said. "If you are going to be here for the duration of our feeding, you will be with me at all possible times."

They arrived in the main meal hall after some more walking, and as Discord had hoped, there were a few bags of vegetation off to the side. It appeared the White Tail had shown them what he could eat, what he used for their growth, and even a few of his potion ingredients sat beside them.

"This is wonderful," he said, smiling. "I was right to trust the White Tail to do such a thing, even if I hadn't thought of it."

Chrysalis smiled, nodding. "Now please, get your fill, my dear Discord. I hope to meet you back in the throne room so we can get your new clothes; I will be trying to show you the grounds of the kingdom. This will also serve to let my children grow accustom to your appearance."

He nodded, gathering some of the fruits and vegetation, and mixing them together with some of his makeshift tools in a bag. He had learned how to make a form of ball from some of them; they were absolutely delightful, and did wonders to alleviate any of his hunger. He ate his meal happily, and soon made his way out to meet his queen. With a little bow, he smiles.

"I am quite ready, my dear," he said happily, giving her a soft kiss on her hand.

Chrysalis smiled gleefully, and took his hand in hers, walking with him down into a lower section of the palace. Discord was exposed to many of the castles designs down below; and there was a sort of museum, or trophy room, where they kept major artifacts taken from the human caravans over the years.

"If you do not mind me asking," Discord started, "how long ago was this structure conceived?"

Chrysalis nodded. "I believe we started the day or two following the attack on the thieve's caravan. I know it was many years before the main throne room, and my living quarters was finished."

Discord nodded. "Indeed. Perhaps while I'm here, if I could be allowed to help gather some wood and things, I could assist in helping plan the layout of future sections a bit more consistently."

She looked to him, raising what was likely an eyebrow.

"I mean," Discord answered her silent question, "I can likely set the wood up, with measurements, so that you can make more consistent walls, and sizes in your palace. So, you wouldn't have to duck through one door every few rooms."

The queen nodded, thinking. "As you bring that up, it now amazes me that we had never borrowed from you human's buildings we had seen in paintings, and the old empire. If you would not mind doing that, whenever we plan to expand, I would allow it."

Discord nods happily, smiling. He would at least get to do some work; and he could focus on something to distract him from the damned voices. They pair reached the intended room after a few minutes of walking. They hadn't rushed, opting to simply hold each others hands, and walk almost shoulder-to-shoulder. They would have made an interesting site if either the early humans, or Changelings ever laid an eye on them. And clothes, they did have. Discord had anticipated that the hive wouldn't have kept too many of the clothing, being that they never needed it; but, the collection would rival those of the old the theaters. There were clothes upon clothes in the room, and Chrysalis let his hand go, smiling.

"Well," she said expectantly, "go ahead and pick your poison, my dear Discord. Though, do not plan to wear them just yet; I would like you to wash up in a nearby spring. While I do love your company, you smell worse than Changeling larvae."

Discord blinked. "I hope you don't intend to show me that analogy."

Chrysalis giggled, watching him as he soon turned his attention back to the clothes, sorting the clothes according to their specified wearers gender. "Not yet. I would like you to get used to the hive, before I show you the portions a human might find a bit revolting."

He just nodded, trying to focus on clothes that would be comfortable, but sensible. One of the first items he lay eyes upon with a simple pair of pants with a tie string in the middle. A bit of modesty was to be appreciated, though he could find nothing in a color more dull than the brown. His next choice was a dulled white shirt with buttons along the front. Classy, but still quite comfortable to wear in the relative cold. He did finally make note that the snow hadn't been as bad in the kingdom as it was in the surrounding lands, accepting that it may have been Mother protecting the Changelings; they didn't seem to hold their heat in too well. To accent his clothing, he found a long, luxurious fur coat in a stunning red. No doubt made from a collection of fox furs, he would have otherwise been revolted at the thought. But, it was still cold, and though he may work, it would keep him warm. And last, he happened upon a worn pair of leather shoes. Nothing to show that they were worn by anyone higher than the old peasants, but more comfortable than the lack of shoes he had now.

Once he made his picks, he came over to his queen, who had been observing the clothing of the ladies and mistresses he had set aside while sorting. Discord smiled softly, chuckling.

"I bet you would look amazing in a few of those. Though, the brighter colors would be the best option to match your body."

Chrysalis nodded, smiling a bit. "I am surprised how calm you are acting about taking clothes from the deceased. But, yes, they do look rather lavish."

Discord thought about what she had just noted, nodding slowly. "Well, of course I'm not too worried. They weren't..."

He stopped in mid sentence, just realizing what he was about to say. He was about to hint that the only reason he wasn't bothered by it was they it wasn't him. Had he really fallen to the point now, that he could rationalize profiting from his own kind's misfortune by playing the game of chance?

"They weren't what, Discord?" Chrysalis asked, sensing the near immediate change in his aura.

"They weren't," he tried to continue, resorting to lying to the very one he thought he would always be truthful with. "Well, they couldn't have all been very good individuals. So, allocating their good to my advantage shouldn't be too bad of an idea."

The queen, nodded, still not convinced, but happy that he was talking again. "Very well, let us head out to the spring. I can let you pick out a gown for me later. Perhaps my Changelings would like the change of pace."

Discord smiled, imagining the black skinned queen in a beautiful dress, before shaking his head. "Yes, let's go get me clean. It should be a fantastic way to start the day."

He followed her once more, trying to make sense of landmarks in the palace to try and learn the pathways. The different shades of lack, grey, and even some nearly transparent walls were accented with long-burning torches, it seemed. It did allow him to see enough, but he would decide that it would be in his best interest to make some form of a map. This time, it did not take as long to find the spring as it had the previous few locations, and Discord sighed happily, setting his assortment of clothes aside.

To his surprise, though, Chrysalis made her way ahead of him, dipping her body slowly into the crystal clear waters of the spring. He was quite hesitant to continue with her, until she assured him that she had seen countless bare humans in her time as queen.

"Where do you think the clothes came from?" she said, in a matter-of-fact tone.

Discord battled with himself mentally for a few moments, before deciding that it wouldn't matter, and removed his clothing as well. After a few moments, he dipped his toes in the water, slowly lowering as he joined the queen for his bath. He was still quite nervous, and was sure she could sense it; but, he didn't focus on that, he just focused on relaxing in the water.

"I have a few springs back in my cave," he said to her. "One is so hot that I have to use my heat resistance tonics to bathe in it; I would not doubt if some sort of lava pool wasn't too far from it. It steams enough that an actual fog can form in the cave under the right conditions."

Chrysalis nodded, smiling. "That is not uncommon in the Everfree. I do believe there is likely a source underneath the surface, as there are a few caves around with similar atmospheres. I have even witness a sort of rainfall during the moderately cool months. I assume you keep it warm enough that the water can't return to the ground."

Discord nodded. "Probably the fires and natural vents. I did have one surprise with a light drizzle, but that didn't last long when the heat of the entrance bonfire filled it."

The unusual couple continued to talk in banter about the things they had witnessed with the springs, and Discord began to wonder.

"I often will perform most of my tonic and elixir experiments in the cave," he said. "Perhaps maybe fumes, runoff, or similar has tainted the hot spring. Maybe that could also explain my abilities to read someone's mind."

Chrysalis nodded in agreement. "Magic, as I have come to think of it, does seem to have some polluting properties if it is left to accumulate in a single place. Many of us blame this event on the creation of those Poison Joke flowers."

Discord shrugged. "I do know Mother created them, but perhaps that pollution can cause them to grow in exposed regions."

After a moment, he lay his head back to continue relaxing; as much as he could, anyway, until he felt a pair of hands began to work a substance into his hair. He opened his eyes, looking up to see Chrysalis in front of him, spitting a substance out of her hand, and spreading it into his long hair. He hadn't even realized how long his hair had become. Or how white it was, now. While definitely a bit nervous of having the queen so near to him in his current condition, he let her continue, curious as to what she was using.

Chrysalis smiled, sensing the silent inquiry. "This particular substance is a special gel that only I can generally produce. A few years back, I learned that it is very good for cleaning the horridly thin hairs on my head; I often wonder if that's what it's even for, but I'm testing to see if it works for you. Hopefully this beautiful white mane of yours doesn't fall away."

Discord chuckled, rolling his eyes. "So, I'm your little experiment right now? Very well, it does feel very good how you are massaging it into my head."

Chrysalis nodded, smiling as she continue to bathe his head with her gel, which was just as green as anything else they produced. How they could tell the difference in what they made was a mystery to all but their maker, and the occasional genius who tries to explain everything. Discord, for one, did not complain. Her hands were a magic of their own, and were a relaxing, but firm comfort.

"My queen?" he asked softly, as she began to rinse his hair clean with the spring water. Upon hearing her hum in response, he continued. "I am sure you sensed it, but I didn't tell you the truth back in the clothing room. I had originally had the thought come to mind that 'it wasn't me' that those clothes had come from, and it disturbed me greatly that I have come that far."

Chrysalis nodded, initially going to let him continue. When he did not, she spoke up. "From what you have told me, this is likely one step of many in the direction that your Mother is wanting you to go in."

He nods, sighing, clearly a bit angry, but settling down almost immediately. "Mother's plan is coming to fruition in time, I just have to work with it. I will concede to that should it happen."

Chrysalis nodded, soon starting to rub another substance into his upper abdomen and chest, making him open one eye to watch her.

"Do not worry, I will only cleanse your upper half, Discord," she said, smiling. Though, the human before her wasn't a physically impressive specimen like many she had seen before, she didn't particularly care. She was almost worried for him, with how thin he was; but, she had also learned in short time that humans came in so many sizes, it wouldn't matter one way or another.

After giving him a good scrub down on his torso, Chrysalis moved out of the water, helping him out of the spring as she resorted to letting the air dry her off. Discord would do the same, though not as comfortably, as he would lay on a nearby patch of dried moss with her. After drying off, he began to assemble his new suit of clothes, and was quite impressed that the brown didn't clash too harshly with the rest of his clothes. Where this sudden urge to match came from, he did not know, but he definitely felt like he was ready to take on the day for a change.

Or, at least long enough to meet the rest of the hive.

Author's Note:

You should be proud of me. At least according to spell check, I only got about six words wrong.

I want it to be clear that there is going to me a focus on mostly platonic love, with these two. For the canon of this story, while they are indeed a pairing, they are biologically incapable of anything; even though, yes, Chrysalis could change her form if she wanted.

While I would love to go further in the relationship, I want this story to be accessible to all(hence as to my plan to erase all these notes once the story is complete).