• Published 8th Oct 2020
  • 2,373 Views, 129 Comments

Unfriendship: Pony Gods - littleman001

When Twilight falls to the dark side, Celestia summons help from another world that never suffered the same tragedies as hers.

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Chapter 4: Queen Chrysalis

It didn't take long for the news about the doppelgängers of high ranking Regime members like Applejack and Rainbow Dash to spread across their ranks. Since those reports originated from Ponyville, Regimers doubled their numbers in the town in order to find them. Another carriage of troops just arrived from Canterlot, receiving instructions on their new assignment as they left the transport vehicle before it's doors closed and it moved out.

"Alright, everypony! You know your job!" the commander of the unit barked. "Move out and find those impostors! Strong Shield, Longbow, you're with me! Iron Heart, you go and join the unit sweeping through the lower section of the city! They reported clashes with insurgent forces! They'll need all the help they can get!" The ponies saluted and went to carry out their orders. Private Iron Heart walked away from the spot and looked around to see if the coast was clear, before transforming from a grey unicorn to the changeling queen, Chrysalis. She chuckled darkly to herself as she walked on.

"I'm afraid, Private Iron Heart won't be joining any operation in the future, commander. Almost a shame for such a fine young colt, he even had a wife with a foal well on the way. Oh, well, that only made his love all the sweeter." she said, walking deeper into the town. She didn't like to admit it, but she wasn't sure what she should do. From what she gathered, she was in a completely different world where Twilight ruled Equestria with an iron hoof and she was dead. Well, her counterpart was anyway. She supposed maybe she should try to seek out her changelings since she won't be able to do much by herself. Even survival will be tricky in this world.

She looked around the town. It was dead silent. She was surprised that even during the night no ponies were out. Maybe Regime Twilight also instituted some sort of curfew. Not that she was complaining. It made it easier for her to move around undetected.

"Gotta give it to Twilight, she cleaned this place up nicely. Too bad it apparently took her killing me to become a proper ruler." she mused. "So, what should we do now? I can't stay anywhere for too long with Twilight's soldiers patrolling everywhere. The changelings of this world probably need a good leader, since their Chrysalis is dead. But how could I find them? I can sense a few of them nearby, but they probably won't reveal themselves with so many pony guards around." she suddenly stopped her emotion scanning and narrowed her eyes as she noticed something."

"And I can feel something else too. It's getting closer... It feels like..." she turned around and blasted Princess Celestia in the muzzle with her strongest spell. The alicorn princess flew backwards and crashed into the trash containers next to the wall. "... a nosy princess snooping around."

Celestia groaned in pain as she tried to get up. She had been following Chrysalis ever since she managed to get away from the guards who have been chasing her since they arrived into this strange world, but she had to wait for the right moment to strike since from what she gathered from a few locals aiding the Insurgency who helped her evade her pursuers, she was the most wanted 'criminal' in the country. These locals have told her of the unfortunate events that transpired in this world. She was shocked of course, but her main concern was Chrysalis. This world's Chrysalis had already caused unimaginable suffering and chaos here once. She can't let hers do the same.

And she thought that maybe once she was done with the changeling queen, she could help this world's ponies too. She learned that her counterpart is the leader of the resistance effort against Twilight, also some of the ponies from her world also ended here. Together, they could liberate this world easily. But for now, she had a love sucking parasite to deal with.

"Sneaking up on me, Celestia? I expected more from you." Chrysalis chuckled. Celestia just glared in response.

"This may not be my world, but that doesn't mean I'll just let you spread your evil here in when it's already so full of misery." she was about to walk over to the changeling to finally deal with her, but she ended up collapsing from the pain she felt in her forehoof and her wing. She apparently twisted them upon impact when Chrysalis blasted her away.

"Oh, poor little pwincess hurt her hoofsie?" Chrysalis cooed mockingly, before her expression changed into a vicious snarl. "Let's see how much more of it you can take." Celestia tried to back away from her, but due to her injured hoof, she could barely move and with her hurt wing, flying away won't be an option either. So she tried to simply blast her away. But Chrysalis was just too fit compared to the princess. She teleported behind Celestia and easily subdued her. She forced her onto her back and crawled over her.

"The idea of being able to feast on divine, alicorn love..." Chrysalis purred sickeningly as she sniffed at Celestia's mane. "You have so many ponies to love, so much love to give. It's so unfair that only ponies get to experience it." she was about to suck Celestia for all she was worth, but as she started taking in the emotions around her, she felt something else. Something far less tasty. A few sources of negative emotions were approaching fast. Chrysalis scowled. "I hate it when they interrupt my meal." she snarled, before turning back to the princess, giving her a knock on the head to make sure she stays down. "Looks like we'll have to postpone our little dinner date. Don't worry, I'm saving a seat just for you." she said, before skulking away to hide in the alleyways. Celestia was about to get up too, but before she could, she found herself pinned down to the ground by a net.

"Well, well, well." mused Regime Applejack, holding a net gun over her shoulder. "We come down here all the way from Canterlot to catch us some copyponies and we end up baggin' the big cheese herself. Quite a feat in under one day's work if ye ask me." Celestia struggled to get out of the net, but her efforts were in vain. Regime Applejack chuckled.

"No use in strugglin'. The Empress' weapons are designed to drain magic from our targets. The stonger the magic is, the more effective they are." she then turned to another figure next to her, whom Celestia recognized as this universe's version of Spitfire and a couple of other Wonderbolts. "Take her to the nearest prison camp. I'll notify the Empress." she instructed as she took out a comm crystal as the Regime Wonderbolts carried the alicorn off.

Regime Twilight was on her way back to the throne room from the dungeons after she was finished with Regime Tirek. Her mind control spell was working even better than she expected. She was already planning her trip to the Regime's prison to use her new 'recruitment' method on a few prisoners they captured from the Insurgency's ranks, but she was interrupted by her comm crystal beeping. She took it out and saw the image of Regime Applejack appear.

"What is it? Have you found those doppelgängers already?" she asked. The image of Regime Applejack in front of her smiled brightly.

"Even better. We captured none other than Celestia herself!" this caught Regime Twilight by surprise.

"Where is she?"

"Spitfire is takin' her to our Ponyville Prison as we talk." Regime Applejack answered. Regime Twilight narrowed her eyes. This was something she had to see for herself.

"Join Spitfire and keep her there! I'll be there in an hour." she ordered. Regime Applejack bowed and the image faded. Regime Twilight thought deeply about what the earth pony just told her. The former Princess Celestia, the most powerful and resourceful pony in existence captured by a simple patrol unit equipped with only net guns? This simply wasn't possible. There has to be something more behind this. Was a Celestia doppelgänger also running around in Equestria? Her new 'recruits' will have to wait. This matter required her immediate attention.

Back in Ponyville, Chrysalis watched from the shadows as the regimers took away Celestia and left. Once she was sure the coast was clear, she turned around and walked deeper into the alley.

"Leave it to Celestia to screw things up for me even worse than they already are! No doubt even more of Twilight's goons are already on their way here. How am I supposed to get out of here now?!"

"I might be able to help with that." Chrysalis heard a voice coming from behind her. She turned around to see the outlines of a changeling slowly emerging from the shadows. He was completely unremarkable, resembling a simple drone, but somehow, Chrysalis still managed to recognize him.

"Thorax?" she asked in surprise, wondering what he was doing there.

"Actually, it's King Thorax, Leader of the Changeling Resistance now. At your service." he replied with a slight bow. Chrysalis didn't look impressed.

"Wow, try to fit that on a business card." she said flatly. "How is it that I die and a grub like you sits on my throne?" Insurgency Thorax's expression turned into a frown when he heard that question.

"We don't really have a throne anymore. After the destruction of Canterlot, changelings were hunnted everywhere and killed on sight. The survivors had to come together and create resistance cells to survive." he explained.

"I came here because my scouts reported seeing a changeling who infiltrated the Regime's ranks. Twilight had cast a spell on major Equestrian cities that reveals changeling disguises. Only a queen could be powerful enough to resist it. I've also heard the reports of the Regime dobblegangers, so it didn't take long to connect the dots. So tell me, what is the Queen Chrysalis of a mirror universe doing here?"

Chrysalis thought long and clear about how should she reply. She had to get out of this world as quickly as possible, but with Twilight keeping such a strong hold on this Equestria, she won't be able to survive long enough to find a way. But maybe with the help of this world's changelings, she might just accomplish it. With a plan formed in her mind, she turned back to Insurgency Thorax.

"Why, I've come to help you and your Changeling Resistance of course. I couldn't just sit tight in my world and allow changelings to go extinct here or in any other world." she told him, praying he will buy it. She was lucky, because Insurgency Thorax's face lit up bright when he heard this.

"That's wonderful! Chrysalis is still considered to be a hero and a martyr by many of us! Oh, maybe we might even fabricate some kind of story about how you miraculously survived Twilight's attack! It would bring us some much needed cheer and joy to finally hear some good news!" Chrysalis smiled smugly. This will be easier than she thought.

"Then let's not waste any time! Take me to them!" she ordered.

Later that night, Empress Twilight Sparkle had arrived to the Regime's Poniville prison camp, accompanied by Regime Rainbow Dash. The guards stationed outside all bowed before them as they entered the facility. Inside, Regime Spitfire was waiting for them. Regime Twilight ordered her to escort her to the cell where Celestia was being held.

Inside said cell, Regime Applejack was standing guard, waiting for the empress to arrive. In the middle of the cell was lying the Princess Celestia in chains, still struggling in vain to break the chains with her magic. The door of the cell opened and the Empress entered followed by Regime Rainbow Dash. When Regime Spitfire was about to enter, Regime Twilight raised a hoof in front of her.

"You are no longer needed here, Spitfire. Return to your mission and aid the search for the doppelgängers." Regime Spitfire had to use every bit of her mental willpower not to glare at the empress for the dismissive and disrespectful tone she spoke to her with and just left with a slight bow. Regime Twilight walked up to Celestia. The alicorn of the sun looked up at the alternate version of her student and she was not pleased with what she saw. If this was her Twilight all grown up to alicorn size and ready to take over from her as the ruler of Equestria after all those years of hard studies and incredible magical feats, she would have been impressed and proud. But it wasn't. Gone was the loving and caring young Princess of Friendship and in her place was a cold and malicious Empress who was ruling her Equestria with an iron hoof and every part of her was reeking with darkness and ruthlessness. And Celestia was both disgusted and terrified.

After a few seconds of looking her over, the Empress turned back towards Regime Applajack, who instantly grew nervous as she could see in the eyes of her empress that she wasn't pleased.

"This is not her." Regime Twilight stated simply. Regime Applejack just stared dumbfounded at Twilight and surprisingly, Regime Rainbow Dash had the same expression.

"Wha... What do ya mean?! Changelings can't disguise themselves around Ponyville and nopony would be insane enough to shapeshift into the most wanted pony in yer police state! Who else could this be but Celestia?!" Regime Applejack complained. Regime Rainbow Dash actually had to elbow her in the side to calm her down. She shot her a look to remind her just whom she was speaking to before she said something she might regret. Regime Applejack realized this and quickly backed down, but luckily for her, the Empress didn't seem to care about her tone.

"It IS Celestia, but not the Celestia we're looking for. Her magic feels different and I feel she's five years younger. Not to mention my guards reported her eye have been badly wounded during a previous skirmish not too long ago. There's no way my Celestia could have healed that so quickly on the weakened state she's in." Regime Twilight then returned her attention to the white alicorn on the floor. "You must be one of those doppelgängers I've been hearing so much about." The main universe's Celestia just looked up at her with a blank expression.

"I may not be your Celestia, but I believe I share her disappointment with you and your actions." she answered. Regime Twilight scowled.

"Well, you certainly share her ability to condescend, I'll give you that."

"But one thing we do not share is our teaching skills. Your Celestia obviously hadn't taught you well if you weren't able surpess your dark urges for vengeance." Celestia lectured. Empress Twilight narrowed her eyes, then turned back to Regime Applejack and Regime Rainbow Dash.

"Leave us." she ordered. The two bowed and left the cell. Regime Twilight then turned back to Celestia.

"I already tried justifying my actions to my Celestia and it fell on deaf ears. I'm not going to bother repeating myself. Let's get down to business. Why did you and your companions come here?" she demanded, lighting up her horn. Celestia's expression remained stoic. Her arrival to this world was a mystery to her as well, but even if she knew anything, this Twilight wouldn't get anything out of her.

"I made it clear where I stand concerning your violent takeover of this Equestria and your cruel oppression of it's little ponies. Beyond that, I have nothing more to say to you." Regime Twilight leaned closer.

"Then I'll look into it myself. I've not perfected my mind reading spell yet, so it's gonna be painful, especially if you resist. Which I know you're gonna do anyway. Also, I hope you don't mind if I pretend you're my Celestia. It's gonna make this much sweeter." Regime Twilight then pressed her horn against Celestia's and the only thing that could be heard throughout the prison camp for the next hour were the screams of the alicorn princess.

Chrysalis was more than a little surprised when Insurgency Thorax teleported her right to Canterlot, the capital of Equestria and the center of the Regime's operations. Not only that, but right next to the rebuilt Canterlot Castle, into the statue garden.

Insurgency Thorax explained to her that while Twilight's magical barriers made it impossible for changelings to disguise themselves and infiltrate the ranks of the Regime, this was a double edged sword as the ponies spent so much time and effort into finding disguised Changeling spies, that they paid almost no mind whatsoever to finding undisguised changelings in hiding. Of which there were still many left. They have been hiding right under Regime Twilight's nose and she never even noticed. Chrysalis was impressed. She now understood how Insurgency Thorax became King.

She was even more impressed how easily he convinced these Changelings of his tale about her being their Chrysalis. They were currently celebrating with her being in the middle of the garden, surrounded by Insurgency Thorax and his subjects who were all clapping and cheering for her. For the first time since she arrived in this world, she finally felt like things were going her way.

"My dear subjects, I am happy to make my return and help you through these difficult times. I admire the work King Thorax has done during the time of my recovery. He played those Regime idiots like instruments when he was hiding you and his guerilla tactics are more than efficient. But I believe it's time to up our game to the next level." she then pulled out the alicorn pill she took from Insurgency Thorax when he wasn't looking.

"From what Thorax told me, Twilight made this pill for her troops. And Celestia's insurgents also got their hooves on some and now we have them too. If we take these, all four of the alicorn princesses could blast us with all their might and the worst we'll get is a tan." she then swallowed the pill as the changelings around her cheered. Except for Insurgency Thorax, who looked a little nervous.

"Hey, I did tell her about that, but I don't remember giving her one..." he said to himself, but the changelings around him quickly shushed him. Chrysalis continued.

"And now, we can continue where we left off. Changelings will once again be the hunters, never the hunted! It's the return of our pride, our identity! It's the return of QUEEN Chrysalis!" all the changelings around her once again exploded with cheer, except for Insurgency Thorax who was now more than a little concerned.

"Okay, I definitely didn't tell her that. This isn't what we agreed on." he was about to go over to Chrysalis and talk with her, but before he could, the speech was interrupted by a large group of ponies breaking through the hedges with spears and started attacking the changelings. Insurgency Thorax jumped in surprise.

"Damn! I knew we won't be able to stay hidden forever!" he then turned to one of his changelings. "Go get Celestia!" the changeling nodded and flew off. Insurgency Thorax ran up to Chrysalis, who was already busy fighting one of the guards. She managed to disarm him and take his spear, but in doing so, she left an opening to a unicorn guard who ran up to her and blasted her with a powerful spell. To his surprise, Chrysalis barely stumbled.

"Well, what do you know? These pills are really just what the doctor ordered!" she laughed before plunging her spear into the unfortunate unicorn. But her triumph was short lived as a yellow streak flew in and carried her off into the air. Insurgency Thorax was about to follow them and help her, but he was interrupted by a blast from a young alicorn filly.

Regime Flurry Heart walked into the garden and found herself surrounded by three changelings who naturally saw her as easy pray, but Regime Flurry immediately proved them wrong by blasting all three of them away at the same time with three energy blasts from her horn. She smirked. They should have known better than to take on the Empress' student.

Meanwhile Chrysalis was being held in the air by Regime Spitfire. The Pegasus was on duty back in Ponyville as Regime Twilight ordered, but she got a comm crystal call from Regime Flurry Heart that a group of changelings have been spotted in the capital and she ordered her to help her investigate. As if Regime Twilight didn't give her enough crap to deal with, now she was ordered around by a foal. Way to add insult to injury.

"Back from the dead, are we? That takes some nerve with a whole world never wanting to see your chitinned hide again." Regime Spitfire snarled. Chrysalis just smirked.

"Hide isn't good for you? How about horn then?" she asked, blasting Regime Spitfire away and landing on the ground safely. Regime Spitfire turned back to her.

"Oh, I'm not complaining. You have no idea how much I wanted this chance. After Twilight took over, I was stripped of my rank as commander of the Wonderbolts, along with many other high ranking officers in every organization for not being able to prevent Canterlot or save more lives. I was relegated to nothing more than a grunt in Twilight's Regime, scorned and dismissed by all of my superiors. But now I have a chance for some payback." Chrysalis was growing tired of this and did a mock yawn.

"Are you done? Sorry, but when did I indicate that I'm interested in your sob story?" Regime Spitfire's eyes narrowed.

"You're gonna be the one sobbing, Chrysalis! Twilight already had her turn in killing you. I'm sure she won't mind if I'll take mine!" she then flew at Chrysalis, but the changeling raised an energy barrier around herself. Regime Spitfire ended up crashing into it and sliding down on it to the ground. Chrysalis licked her lips, anticipating a nice meal, but Regime Spitfire wasn't done yet.

She flew up, grabbing Chrysalis in the process, then turned around and slammed her into the ground. She then punched her across the face repeatedly, before Chrysalis caught her hoof and blasted her off of her, right into a tree. She then used her magic to wrap Regime Spitfire up in the vines hanging from the tree and walked up to her.

"Love is sweet, but hate is spicy. And I have to admit, once in a while, I do enjoy a spicy meal." she mused as she was about to suck Regime Spitfire dry, before she was interrupted by a fast, white blur that carried her up into the air and then kicked her into the ground. Regime Flurry Heart blasted at Chrysalis, but she intercepted with a blast of her own before standing up. She stared at Regime Flurry Heart for a few moments before recognizing her.

"Hey, you're Shining Armor's and Cadence's brat. Does your mother know that you're out fighting changelings past your bedtime?" she asked mockingly. Regime Flurry glared.

"Cadence is as worhtles as a mother as she is as a ruler. I fight alongside Twilight to keep Equestria safe from scum like you." Regime Flurry then blasted at Chrysalis again, only to have the blast just bounce off of the changeling. Taking advantage of her opponent's momentary shock over this. Chrysalis flew at her and punched in the jaw, sending her back several meters.

Regime Flurry got up and charged at Chrysalis. Right when she got close to her, she flew down on the ground and slid through between Chrysalis' legs to get behind her before jumping on her back.

"Let's see how well you fly without your wings!" she snarled, grabbing Chrysalis' wings and pulling on them as hard as she could. The changeling struggled to get her off her back, but no matter how hard she jumped around and bucked, the kid was stronger then she looked. And she was still small enough that Chrysalis couldn't lean her head back far enough to blast her off.

The changeling queen was only saved by a golden yellow blast that knocked Regime Flurry off her back and rendered her unconscious. Regime Spitfire - who was still literally wrapped up but was more than happy to watch Regime Flurry tear Chrysalis apart from her seat - looked into the direction where the blast came from and saw that the battle had new participants in the image of Insurgents Celestia and the doppelgängers from the other world. This was getting out of hoof. Even if she could wake Regime Flurry, the two of them wouldn't be enough to fight the alicorn of the sun off, even in her weakened state. She managed to get free of the hold of the vines and flew over to pick up Regime Flurry and fly away with her. Who knows, maybe the fact that she saved the insufferable brat would be enough to win back some favor with Regime Twilight. Chrysalis, who was about to devour Regime Flurry's love watched as the pegasus flew off with her meal and growled. She lost count on how many times they interrupted her meal today.

With the help of Insurgency Celestia and the main world ponies, the battle was over quickly. The guards who ambushed the changeling meeting have all been rounded up, with a few exceptions that were killed.

Insurgency Celestia walked up to Insurgency Thorax who just finished tying up a brown pegasus. "Thanks for showing up so fast, princess. We were getting our flanks handed to us." Insurgency Celestia nodded.

"I would have come sooner, but it took some convincing to get my companions not to kill your messenger." the ponies from the main world looked down in embarrassment.

"I still can't believe you work with changelings." Rainbow Dash said, eyeing the insectoids with suspicion and slight disgust.

"Me and Thorax are in the same situation, Rainbow Dash." Insurgency Celestia explained. "Leading a resistance against the same enemy that threatens the very survival of our followers. An alliance was logical."

"How's that for strange bedfellows?" Shining Armor quipped to himself. Just then, Insurgency Thorax's brother, Insurgency Pharynx walked up to the group.

"I told you the statue garden was a bad pick for a hideout." he scolded his brother. Insurgency Thorax looked down.

"I know. I made a mistake. I let myself believe that I could stay hidden right under the nose of my enemies and many paid for my mistake. I promise I'll find a way to fix it."

"You might already have." Chrysalis mused as she joined the conversation, looking over the hostages they have taken. "These ponies should be enough to keep your changelings going for a few weeks." Insurgency Thorax found himself on the receiving end of several glares from the main world ponies.

"What is she doing here?!" Rainbow Dash yelled, flying at Chrysalis and shoving her to the ground.

"That is actually a fairly good question, Rainbow Dash." Insurgency Celestia added looking over at Insurgency Thorax. "Would you mind explaining this?"

"I met her in Ponyville and I thought she could help us. Many changelings stoll hold her in high regard for sacraficing her life to break Twilight and harmony to leave Equestria vulnerable for us. Even if it backfired spectacularly." Insurgency Thorax explained. Shining and Cadence glared at him before turning to Insurgency Celestia.

"Do you really need their help?" Shining asked. To his shock, Insurgency Celestia nodded.

"Yes. Besides them, all I have is the handful of guards who stayed loyal to me and refused to follow Twilight, the remaining members of the Apple clan and a few Wonderbolts defectors. And even with the changelings we're still badly outnumbered. Without them our situation would be pretty much hopeless." Insurgency Thorax and Insurgency Pharynx gave a triumphant smirk to the glaring main world ponies.

"However, Chrysalis is someone I definitely don't need or want around. And I don't remember bringing her over." Insurgency Celestia added as she turned to glare at the queen. Cadence suddenly realized something.

"Wait a second. If she is here, that means our Celestia has probably come over too!" she realized with horror. Insurgency Celestia's eyes widened.

"Oh, Faust! This is an oversight I did not anticipate. That would explain the reports of my scouts about Celestia being arrested by The Regime!"

"Well, then what are we waitin' for?" Applejack panicked. "If our Celestia is captured, we'll have to save her!" Chrysalis saw this as an opportunity to save face.

"I was there when she was captured." she said. "I could help you find her." the ponies were not having any of it.

"You will do nothing, but stay put and silent unless you want me to deliver you to the Regime myself." this instantly made Chrysalis shut up. "If we complete our mission to overthrow Twilight, your Celestia will be freed as well." Insurgency Celestia told the others.

"Is there a mission I wasn't told about?" Insurgency Thorax asked enthusiastically. "Private King Thorax reporting for duty." he said with a bright smile and salute. Insurgency Celestia couldn't help but chuckle.

"I appreciate your spirit, Thorax, but I will have to refuse. Now that Twilight knows your changelings have been hiding here the whole time, she will no doubt come down on you harder than ever before. Your duty is to your subjects now. Take them to safety." she then turned to Chrysalis." As for you, you are too dangerous to be walking around." she motioned for Rainbow Dash to move aside and she took Chrysalis into her custody. "Wait for me at the entrance of the Everfree Forest. I will meet you there." she told the main world ponies as she lead Chrysalis away. "I have a nice, cozy cell at the Insurgency's Headquarters where I can keep my eyes on you."

"Oh, can we have a slumber party?" Chrysalis asked sarcastically, earning a shove to the back of the head.

Insurgency Sombra was just returning to his Canterlot mansion from the meeting with the insurgents and he was escorted from the gates to the door by two guards. He turned to them as he reached the door.

"Thank you, gentlecolts, but I need no assistance to find my keys." he told them as he entered the door and closed it. "These guards are a real pain in the flank." he signed to himself as he walked into his living room. He really wished Regime Twilight would loosen his leash a little. It took him a body double and an Insurgency ambush to slip away unnoticed to meet his Celestia and the main world ponies.

"Look on the bright side. At least they were so focused on you that they never noticed me sneaking in here." Insurgency Sombra jumped in surprise and turned to see Insurgency Sunset Shimmer chilling on his couch. He narrowed his eyes.

"Sunset! What are you doing here?" he demanded. Insurgency Sunset scoffed.

"I thought you'd be happier to see me. After all, you have been trying for so long to recruit me into your little club."

"But then I realized you don't give two bits about your homeworld and you would gladly bail out on us and leave us to rot while you live merrily in the human world." Insurgency Sunset narrowed her eyes.

"I may have been born here, but the human world is my homeworld."

"Oh, yeah?" Insurgency Sombra asked bitterly. "Then why didn't you go back there right away when you were freed?" Silence hung in the air around them for a few seconds, before Insurgency Sunset locked eyes with Insurgency Sombra, her own eyes practically blazing.

"I have a bone to pick with them first."

Author's Note:

Wow! This chapter got way longer than I expected. But I hope you enjoy it nevertheless.

Next time we'll be joining Shining Armor and the other insurgents to pick up Celestia's anti alicorn device, but of course, it won't be a walk in the park, or should I say, forest.

Stay tuned. 😉