• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen February 2nd

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

Comments ( 19 )

Well, this is nice to see.

cover art?

The problem is, I don't know what the source is, and even then I'm not sure I'm allowed to link it.

There's sadly very little Non-Binary Rep on this site, and by the same coin, very little good Transgender related porn so...

2457114 on derpi

Making a shapeshifter non-binary is something of a no-brainer. The Norse certainly noticed, what with Loki being both a mother and a father at various points.

There's some *fascinating* scholarship on Woden along those lines too.

But that's completely aside from the daww that was this story. ^^

See, I didn't know this. Can you give me a cliff's notes version?

And also, glad you liked it. I was worried Clypeus might come off as creepy or controlling, even if they just wanted to be sweet to their wife, but cute was the intention really.

Cliff's Notes version: Quite a bit of modern scholarship indicates that the Norse mystical tradition, the seidr, was primarily reserved for women. If a man were to use it? It was considered the height of "unmanliness," even though women could achieve great deals of respect through their mastery of the art. And yet, Woden was one of the primary practitioners, along with his wife (Freya) and the Norns.

There's more about this in The Viking Spirit, though most of my info comes from a theologian friend of mine who proves that degree doesn't just mean Christians. (He's actually a practicing priest of Mercury, with further "dabbling" in other traditions and overall a very, very scary person if he ever wanted to be!)

Interesting... Also, I had to look Woden up, didn't realize who we were talking about until I did. I don't see him/her/them being referred to with that name often.

Heh - sorry, matter of which circles, I suppose (occultists - give us something obscure to use instead of what everybody knows, and we're on it like ham on rye.)

Okay, lelt's see. The story contains:

1. Vanilla. Good, I'll bite.
2. Romantic dialogue from Star Wars Episode 3. :rainbowhuh: Well, ponies make almost everything better, and there's nothing wrong with adding something funny into clop.
3. Underplayed Flutterbat. She has so little screentime and there's so little detail I can't help but wonder: why include her at all in this story?
4. Narration breaking the fourth wall and addressing the audience.

This was actually how their relationship had gotten started, believe it or not. You see,

This might work in comedy. Really not sure about clop.
5. Interruptions in a form of infodump, because Clypeus has a backstory. Eh? There is time and place for that, you know? I might be wrong, but a middle of sex scene seems like a bad moment for it. Not to mention that we learn nothing interesting about the changeling.

There was a time for reminiscing, and a time for pleasing one’s wife

You think? :applejackconfused:
6. Sorry if I'm being harsh, but what would actually change if you labeled Clypeus as a male? If characters themselves care so little about Clypeus' situation, why the audience should? This is really similiar to your use of Flutterbat. As it is, your use of pronouns appears to be more of a gimmick than anything else, and annoying one at that. Was your marketing department so insistent that this is a good idea? If Fluttershy gets some dick and it's attached to a non-male, I think it's natural to assume you would play with the concept somehow within the story, like authors of stories featuring futa-characters do sometimes.
7. I saved the worst for last. Sorry if this comes off as rude or hostile, but I think this is important. So, some ponies were afraid of Clypeus. Because changelings. Makes sense. What doesn't make sense is Fluttershy's uninspired, cookie-cutter, out-of-character speech.

Fluttershy is an element of kindness. She's also a pony who knows from experience what fear is and what it can do. We also know that she doesn't like conflicts at all. Yet, from all of the reactions possible you chose the 'how dare you to be bigots' outrage. Was that supposed to be endearing? It's not. Yelling at people who are scared usually doesn't help them to not be scared. Claiming moral high ground and talking down to people isn't very good persuasion tactic, even if you sure you're in the right. It's unwaranted, and Fluttershy would certaninly be a pony who knows that. It's a clishe one can encounter in way too many stories featuring related themes.

Can this little speech of hers be justified, because Flutters is emotionally compromised by finding her 'one and only'? Yes, it can. It still sucks, though. Worst of all: it's totally unnecessary. It comes out of nowhere in the middle of lovemaking, whan you decide to give us generic backstory of Clypeus. Fluttershy has a lover. Who is a Changeling. They have fun. That's pretty much all we need to know for this kind of story. You can tell us the rest through character interactions.

I'm afraid Fluttershy not being Fluttershy when it matters the most is the biggest dissapointment this story could provide. :applecry:


3. Underplayed Flutterbat. She has so little screentime and there's so little detail I can't help but wonder: why include her at all in this story?

It's called a Vampirism fetish, it's not meant to be a major plot point. It's only meant to be 'sexy'.

4. Narration breaking the fourth wall and addressing the audience.

This was actually how their relationship had gotten started, believe it or not. You see,

This might work in comedy. Really not sure about clop.

...what, I'm not to allowed to have a mix of funny and a bit of sexy? It's a joke, no need to overthink it.

6. Sorry if I'm being harsh, but what would actually change if you labeled Clypeus as a male? If characters themselves care so little about Clypeus' situation, why the audience should? This is really similiar to your use of Flutterbat. As it is, your use of pronouns appears to be more of a gimmick than anything else, and annoying one at that. Was your marketing department so insistent that this is a good idea? If Fluttershy gets some dick and it's attached to a non-male, I think it's natural to assume you would play with the concept somehow within the story, like authors of stories featuring futa-characters do sometimes.

It is being harsh, actually. It's not a 'gimmick', it's meant to increase the amount of proper Trans rep on the site. It's not perfect, I admit, but I liked the idea. Shapechangers are natural picks for Non-Binary characters. And there was no 'marketing department', it was just several friends suggesting that I should go for it.

I'm afraid Fluttershy not being Fluttershy when it matters the most is the biggest dissapointment this story could provide. :applecry:

Not going to bother to quote that whole paragraph and a half, but it wasn't claiming the moral high ground. It was a passionate plea to Ponyville's better nature, something she knows the town possesses.

Changelings are hilariously non-gender-divergent in appearance, anyway, aside from the three queens (i.e. Chrysalis, Thorax, and Pharynx).

Who downvotes a comment like this one? Seriously, the hate is so transparent.

“Apologies, sorry sorry!” Clypeus said, looking tired and beat up. Downing a potion, their weariness seemed to vanish, and he smiled seeing their mate. “I just had some things to get out of the way before we got down to business.”

Accidentally used the wrong pronoun here.

Damn, I thought we'd caught all of those. Thanks muchly.

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