• Published 1st Oct 2020
  • 621 Views, 2 Comments

Always. Forever. - Minty Sundae

There's no better feeling than spending the day with the pony you love.

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The last vestiges of the dream faded away and I groggily returned to consciousness. I blinked my eyes a few times, letting them acclimate to the light of morning. I didn’t want to get up. I was comfortable, underneath the comforter and tucked up against Cloudy, her foreleg wrapped around my barrel. If only we could spend the whole day cuddling, it would make waking up worth it. It’s a Saturday and we both have off work. Maybe… maybe we can. I felt Cloudy’s hot breath tickle my ear.

“Finally awake, sleepyhead?” Cloudy kissed my cheek. “Love you, sis.”

“Love you too, Cloudy.”

Cloudchaser had probably woken at first light, as she did on the days she was scheduled with the Wonderbolts. Old habits die hard, especially those drilled into you by Spitfire. She’d stayed in bed, snuggling me anyway. She’s the best sister ever!

I made no move to get up, and neither did Cloudy. I could feel the soft hairs of her coat against my back. Part of me wanted to get out of bed and make new memories with Cloudy. But deep in my heart I realized that staying in bed being cuddled by Cloudy was the best memory we could make.

She rubbed a hoof on my barrel and nibbled my ear, playfully. Oh Cloudy. The bond between us is unbreakable. You’re my sister, my twin, my protector, my best friend, my lover, my soulmate, my other half, my everything. You don’t know how much I love you. Nopony in Equestria could feel as strongly about another pony as I feel for you. It just isn’t possible. There aren’t words that can describe a feeling so strong.

I untucked my tail from between us, and wrapped it around her flank, pulling her tighter against me. I caught a whiff of her scent, and it made my heart beat faster. She was partial to lavender body wash that never quite masked her natural scent, a heady aroma of soggy clouds and perspiration born of days training in the wild blue yonder.

I heard Cloudy’s belly gurgling behind me, but she made no move to break our embrace, and I certainly wasn’t about to. Sooner or later we’re going to have to get up, and I’ll make her waffles. I bet she didn’t even notice the blueberries I picked up on my home from work yesterday. There should still be enough whipped cream left for breakfast. Though perhaps that would best be saved for dessert later. I grinned mischievously. It’s a good thing you can’t see my face right now, Cloudy.

I was so comfortable in Cloudy’s embrace that I started nodding off. Ever since I was a filly, I’d enjoyed being cuddled. It had started one day after I’d had a nightmare. Cloudy let me slip into her bed, and she cuddled me close under the covers. It had continued, at first only when I had bad dreams, but eventually we realized we both liked snuggling up with one another. I always slept better with her holding me, and even though I knew she’d never admit it, she always slept better holding me. That led to some awkward moments with our parents, but that was why we’d moved out on our own. Our love only blossomed from there.

I shifted ever so slowly, gradually rolling onto my other side so I could face Cloudy. I nuzzled her and peppered her with kisses, then I traced a hoof along the familiar shooting star cutie mark adorning her flank. I only had Cloudy for the weekend, and I wanted to savor every last second I could. Love is when you desire nothing more than hold your soulmate close and just gaze into her eyes, because there’s nothing on Equus more important or more beautiful.

Oh Cloudy, you’re my whole world. But that’s too cheesy to say out loud. Cloudy’s always been a tomboy to my girly girl, so I turned down the sappiness for her. I wrapped my hind leg around her thigh, entwining us. She wrapped a wing around me, trying to press our bodies together as one. Her lithe, muscular frame melted into the soft curve of my flank as she held me as tightly as possible, big spoon to my little spoon.

But all good things must eventually come to an end, and I felt Cloudy stir behind me. She kissed me and said, “You stay here all snuggly, and I’ll go grab us some breakfast.”

Not on my watch, you won’t!

I zipped out of the bed and slipped on the Kiss the Cook apron that accentuated my flank in just the right way. Cloudy set the table while I made us breakfast… I looked at the clock. Make that a mid-afternoon brunch. Danishes, waffles, some blueberries, and orange juice: it was a simple meal, but it was also Cloudy’s favorite. Nothing’s too good for my Cloudy! Preparation was easy – I’d already picked up the pastries and fruit from the market, so all I needed to make was the waffles.

It was a hearty meal, and with a little luck it would sate our appetites for the rest of the day. At least until much later. Hunched over the stove, with my back to my sister, I grinned again. No whipped cream with the waffles, Cloudy. I’m saving that for later.

After we ate, we cuddled together on the loveseat. Tucked under a thick wool blanket, we kept each other warm on the cold January afternoon. I’d picked up a romance novel at the bookstore, and I turned the pages so we could both read it together. I didn’t know we’d be reading this together, or I would’ve picked a book more suited to Cloudy’s tastes. Something with more action and adventure…

She didn’t complain about it. She never complains. That’s because she’s the best sister, ever.

The book was dull in comparison to the amazing mare cuddled next to me. Maybe if I’d read it by myself I might’ve enjoyed it more, but I couldn’t care less about the love interest’s ‘bulging muscles’. Give me a lithe, nicely toned mare like Cloudy any day. No, check that. Give me Cloudy any day, and only Cloudy. I accept no substitutes!

I read the book absentmindedly. My mind was on Cloudy, and not the words on the page. I read them, but didn’t register them. They were mere background noise in my brain, clutter to be ignored in favor of focusing on my sister. What does the author know about love? Could he possibly have experienced a love like ours? Of course not! There’s no love in Equestria as deep as my love for Cloudy, and her love for me. Feeling my sister inhale and exhale, and adjusting my own breathing to match hers, was way more important than reading about some silly prefabricated love between fictional characters.

When we reached the end of the book, we cuddled for a while, nuzzling one another and trading kisses like silly fillies on Hearts and Hooves Day. I laid there with my head resting on Cloudy’s barrel as she stroked my mane. Life is good. Only one thing could make it better… But it would require getting up. Maybe later.

Much later I finally broke our embrace to make the dessert I’d been eagerly anticipating all day. Cloudy’s gonna love it! Vanilla and raspberry ice cream, topped with lots of whipped cream, then drizzled with chocolate syrup and caramel both. Rainbow sprinkles and a fresh raspberry completed the edible masterpieces.

There was just one last thing to take care of before she started digging into it. I squirted the remaining whipped cream on Cloudy’s muzzle and my own, and we took turns licking it off each other’s faces. Whipped cream always tastes better when it’s been flavored with the faintest trace of Cloudy.

Once we’d finished dessert I tossed the dirty dishes in the sink and led my sister to my bedroom. I’ll deal with that distraction on Monday. Right now, I’ve got more important things to do. She laid down on the bed and I crawled on top of her, nuzzling her briefly and kissing her. Then I sat up and rolled her onto her stomach. “Relax, Cloudy. Let your head go limp.” I took her head in my hooves, moving it around, left and right, up and down. Then, once I could tell she’d fully relaxed, I gave her head a quick jerk to the left and heard a satisfying crack as the tension in her neck released. I jerked her head to the right to relieve as much of the remaining stress as possible. Just like Aloe and Lotus taught me. Cloudy trains so hard. The Wonderbolts should really get a massage therapist on staff. Next time we have a weekend out, I’m dragging her to the spa with me. I know the twins can accommodate us, together. The masseuses understand us better than anypony.

I sat on her rump as I moved my hooves further down, massaging her shoulders and withers. When I reached her wings, Cloudy unfurled them. I quivered at the sight of her magnificent wingspan. Oh Cloudy, I’ll never get tired of seeing your wings in all their glory! I nuzzled her and gently rubbed the knots out of her flight muscles. My efforts were rewarded when she melted into the mattress. Once I’d massaged away her tension to the best of my abilities I snuggled in next to her. She rolled on her side and pulled me close. It must have taken all her strength to do so, because her gentle snores filled the room only seconds later.

Lying in my sister’s embrace, I didn’t have a care in the world. Stress faded away, and I felt content. It wouldn’t be long before the warmth of her body and the rhythm of her breathing lulled me to sleep. I love you, Cloudy. Always, with all my heart, forever.