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Asteroid Tom

This is an alt-account. So I will not be liking, favouriting or commenting on your stories. This account is purely for posting stories. I will however answer to comments on my own stories.

Comments ( 46 )
Comment posted by SweetBanana deleted Jan 7th, 2021

I don't think this fic is promoting anything. If you're saying that the story should have a dubcon content warning, fair enough, but there's no need to bash the story just because you don't like the subject matter.

Kinky! Really liking the first submission! Hope to see more in the series!

Thank you, there is more coming.:twilightsmile:

Oh this was a fun read, I can't wait to see why a stallion would be proud of becoming a gelding, what benefit to they get from that in society , and not just be resigned a gender? I wonder why a stallion would feel pressured to become a gelding still? Looking forward to see more of this story.

I'm sorry you didn't like it. In the first draft there was a scene where the nurse sent the marefriend out to have a private chat with the patient first. If this comes across as dubcon I can see that cutting it out, if you excuse the pun, was a mistake.

Though what part of it is unethical?

Thanks for the feedback and I'll strive to improve in the following chapters.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Well, I hate to be cryptic* but you'll just have to wait for future chapters to find out. :trollestia:

*That's a lie. I love being cryptic.

Just bumping in here. After re-reading it, I think it's made clear that the stallion gives his consent. Now, you could argue that he was a little bit pressured by his marefriend, but that's part of what makes the story fun. I don't see any need t add more content warnings but that's just me.

Not a fan of the lack of anasthetic, but I he asked for it.

Always interested in those little background details, like geldings being able to charge more money as servants.

Oh this was a fun chapter loved that he was doing this for the money for noble and I did love that he was refereed to as an 'it' I can't wait to see what more we will see about gelding's lives after they are castrated, I wonder if any of them would go as far as to actually want to get their dick cut off. I wonder if their are other benefits of becoming a gelding or special places in society for it? Keep it up

I think you're going to love the next few chapters I have lined up then, and thank you for the comment.

I was a bit dubious on that one too but I wanted to have at least one just to try it.

Thanks, i felt there needed to be more reasons why geldings are part of the society.

Another great chapter! I really enjoyed the unique angle, of having an older pony give them up, not for sexual reasons or relationship reasons, but career related once. That’s a pragmatic pony! Very well written as always.

Not sure I agree with well written, spotted several mistakes after posting and am working on editing it. Not sure where to take this story but the input is welcome.

So, any update on when we are getting another chapter?

I plan to have the next chapter and a bonus out by the end of December.

maybe a spinn off for the first pair? :3

Hopefully, I've done spinoffs to some of the later chapters, but I want to release them in order.

Soooo decembwr is almost over... New chapter... Maybe? :33

So, at least some geldings become more feminine

I think my main comment about this chapter is we don't get to see why Cobalt Wave is getting gelded. Presumably some navy stuff that will be revealed next chapter?

Loving the stories so far <3 keep it up!

Thank you. More is in the works.

I have an idea for a chapter or maybe just an offshoot. Some jerk comes in to the clinic, hits on and trys to solicit sex from a unicorn nurse. He won't stop and even signs up for castration just to try to get his way.
She finally gives in and gives him a blowjob, but somehow she secretly castrates him, maybe blindfolding and deafening him with magic while numbing up his balls and replaces his nuts with fakes. The guy walks away never knowing until later that it happened and he can't complain because he signed up for it.

Maybe something like that will happen. I try to make this story in particular big on consent. I have less consensual stuff planned.
Have you read LD's stories on the site? Sounds like they'd be right up your alley.

Damn I missed the update, sorry. Really good chapter loved that they guy lost his chance to still have a lineage going after his gelding. I wonder why the Navy want him gelded or why he chose to do so because of the navy, was there extra benefits for him to do so, was it because he was afraid of doing gay sex on ship that he really didn't want to ? I loved the appearance of Fleet Foot and finding out the she was originally a stallion, did she she do it to become more arrow dynamic for becoming a Wonderbolt or was it something she wanted all along for herself personally? What is the relationship between the two, will there be some weird romance of relationship between the two that doesn't actually necessitate sex for it to happen?

looking forward to the other chapters of this.

Let me apologize first of all for this extremely late review. I read this ages ago, loved it, and was sure I had dropped a comment. But apparently not! Anyway, this is a delightfully twisted, oddly cute, somewhat sad but very enjoyable little story and I simply can't wait for the next part! It did hit on many gelding themes I absolutely adore; a shy guy about to willingly give up his family jewels, a female crush of his, a clinic setting and the poor dude inadvertently giving up his chance of passing on his genes.

I found myself wondering throughout the whole thing why he decided to get himself snipped, but I'm sure that will be revealed. And as for the wasted jizz thing, a really funny idea and I love it. I suppose he simply could have come back another time but I suppose that didn't cross his mind!

Really loved the late introduction of Fleetfoot. I love how he just proudly flaunts his new much smoother crotch. Seems like he got completely nullified too - maybe that's something our main character might consider as well?

Anyway, really loved it!

Another idea if you want it, a mare takes a potion that turns her futa because she thinks her coltfriend will like it but he really doesn't. So she comes in and asks for the whole penis to be removed.

I like the idea of a Mare to Gelding, but that probably would be too complex for the clinic.

Well, first of all I do apologise for the lack of updates lately. 2021 has really kicked my ass in a way last year didn't even manage to do. For over a month K didn't manage to write a single word and it sucked, because I was missing it, but real world stuff...
Anyway secondly, thank you all for the lovely comments. I did not expect this story to be so well received, but thank you. You have reminded me why K loved writing this story in the first place and I have gotten back on it. Updates will follow, and hopefully more frequently.

Complex yeah, and not exactly in the line with Redheart's clinic. Though definitely an interesting idea and maybe something that needs to be explored later.

I do like ideas, this does sound somewhat akin to a later chapter I have planned, stay tuned.

Nothing to apologise for, I'm just glad you liked it. I did try to get a new angle with a chapter written from the perspective of the patient and I'm glad it seems to have worked out.
And yes, he will probably feel pretty foolish if somepony were to point out that he could just have come back another day. :raritywink:

Probably not, but I hope the Fleetfoot chapter will be of some satisfaction.

Thank you, that means a lot for me to hear, read, well you get what I mean, thanks.

Now a romance between them... Nice Idea, I'll keep it in mind. There definitely needs to be more gelding romance at some point.

Looking forward to seeing it. Also what are your thoughts on Sveengallop as a gelding?

Oooh I love it! :pinkiehappy:

Did you have any particular scenario in mind?

well I have a thing for characters in being coerced into getting gelded, so maybe he could pressure one of his assistance to get gelded if he hopes to keep his job. For Sveen himself well I could see it as a reason why he wears pants. For the reason of him being gelded I could guess that he found out he was gay and was stupid thought to think that he could 'cured' of if he got gelded, and sense he didn't think he would ever want to get foals either way in his reasoning. I see him as pony who has very sick twisted mind with a lot of neurosis with sadistic tendencies. But, in the end it didn't cure his gayness, but he discovered that he likes collecting his male assistances balls, he get his kicks frown owning their masculinity. He probably in first name basis with Red Heart and he always coming in at the clinic to witness the process himself each time. I would say it's one of those cases , with the promise of a massive pay raise, he targets stallion who are just starting out, strapped for bits, in the business and pants are popular in his work places.

It would be one of those cases where gelding made a pony worst.


Woah, that internalized homophobia gelding conversion idea you got there is all sorts of yikes. Not shaming you or anything, but tackling those themes in a way that makes sense and is respectful is gonna be a pretty big writing project, and nothing that lends itself to happy snipping fantasies exactly. I wonder if Redheart would even consider gelding a stallion for that reason.

That said, the idea of a stallion gelding himself in a way to deal with his own masculinity, and finding that he can be masculine without his balls, and on top of that getting a taste for it to the point where he wants to open his own clinic, could be interesting.

I do share your liking for coerced geldings abd there certainly are ponies in this universe who gets a power trip from goading somepony else to give up their jewels.

And I really like both your ideas of there being an employer who is on first name basis with the local gelding doctor and a pony who went full villain after a bad gelding.

However I think Zinemzinem put it well here:

Redheart would not be okay with gelding someone against their will and would most likely kick you out of her clinic and call the guards on you for even suggesting it. In fact, the very reason she started her own clinic was that she felt many gelding clinics didn't press hard enough on consent and that stallions and geldings alike were taken advantage of. I have some side stories in mind that will explore the greater picture. Also not saying that Redheart doesn't get a kick out of her job either, just that she puts the patient's needs and concerns first.

Ooh, I do love that second idea though. I'd love to read about his story and clinic.

Okay well too bad, I hope you will reconsider it in the future.

I will, something like it is already touched upon in the second chapter. I might very well publish his side story if anyone would like to read it.

Oh I know, maybe there is regrowth potion or salve that make balls grow larger then before but the catch is the old ones need to be removed first, like how a broken bone becomes stronger after it mends.
Plus it allows for repeat customers that might rethink the choice down the line.

I'm afraid we won't see anything like that in this story. A readily available "undo" button would lessen the impact of the choice and sacrifice these geldings go through.

There is a chapter planned where a regretful gelding discusses it's options though.

To be fair, ready doesn't mean accessible. Think about the alicorn transformation. Can anyone technically become an alicorn? Yes. Is it easily available for anyone besides a very rare selection of people? Nope. That's really all you have to do. You obviously don't have to include it, it's your story, but if you want to make it still have impact but be a possibility, maybe do something like an intensely rare magical plant that only grows once every blah blah blah period, and the character has to contend with the fact that he might be the only person to be able to do that for a while, and it's kinda selfish to do so. Other ideas too, I'm just throwin that one out there.

That is a very fair point. I'll think about it.

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I don't know what that means, but thank you for taking nthe time to comment.

Very good story(s) thank you for keeping them appropriate. I've seen gelding story's that were totally inappropriate and a sadists fantasy, where the premise is usually a dumb law or edict was passed mandating the gelding of all the lands males and the poor non consenting guy pleads for his balls as they're taken from him your stories were much better being dine by their own will for their own reasons the first (domestic bliss) being out of love because they wanted to fuck without consequence the second (to protect and serve) being out of greed who had a bitchy ex wife. The first story actually made me laugh because it seems reminiscent of the nirvana song smells like teen spirit because he seemed to think it'd fun to loose and to pretend his mate seemed over board and self assured the way he seemed to want to keep it a secret yet still wanted to fuck his mate consequence free was reminiscent of the line with the lights out and less dangerous the way he didn't want anyone to know itself was like the last line of the song when Kurt repeats a denial over and over

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