• Published 30th Sep 2020
  • 1,210 Views, 6 Comments

Rumors - skan089

Rumors get out of hoof for a certain secret relationship.

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Chapter 4

Twilight Sparkle laid motionless on the edge of the bed. Her brother and sister-in-law had told her what they had been doing since they all had found out Twilight was pregnant. She had just finished the hayburger and fries and now she was fighting off fatigue that comes after a big meal and the fatigue that the long day had had on her. Cadance had joined her husband on the bed. The married couple was pensive. They were looking at Twilight, who had been silent while she was eating. They weren’t sure how she was going to react to their plan and her silence was worrying.

“You let it out?” After a few minutes of quiet, she finally spoke. She didn’t sound upset, just confused. “You started the rumors to… trick everypony into being ok with it?”

“It was Cadance’s idea!” Shining Armor blurted out, before covering his mouth with his hooves.

Both mares glared at the stallion. “Ohh thanks for that my loving husband. Ahem. Yes, it was my idea, and Shining Armor went along with it. In fact, it was his idea not to tell you. He thought that it might have been too much for you to handle. Not that that matters now,” She sent one more glare at Shining Armor. “We were planning on telling you when we knew for sure it was working.”

“And it is working! None of the rumors are in bad faith, no pony has been giving us dirty looks or treating any of us with disrespect. The two guards I spoke with today said that they’ll support us, no matter what. I’m sorry you had to find out this way, but I believe it’s going to work out for us, Twily. I really do.”

“This is…” She pauses shaking her head. “It’s just a lot to take in right now,” She picked up her head, looking at Cadance. “This spell you’re using—”

“It’s not even really a spell, Twilight. I can’t force anypony into love with any other pony or thing. What I can do is help them see the love that’s already inside them. Or the love that’s inside another pony. It’s so obvious to me that you and Shining are madly in love, Twilight. My goal is to help every other pony see that as well. I agree with Shining, this is going to work out, Twilight. We deserve to be a family. We’ll do everything we can to make sure we can be,” She turned to her husband a big smile on her face. “Right Shining?”

“There’s no doubt in my mind. We’ll be together no matter what, I promise.” Shining Armor smiled at his wife and then at his sister.

Twilight got up and rushed to hug the two. She pulled them in tight with her wings and hooves. “I love you guys so much!”

“We love you too, Twily.”

“We love you too, Twilight.” They answered at the same time, hugging Twilight back.

Twilight pulled away from the hug suddenly, a serious look on her face. “Ok, I’m not sure if I would have agreed with this plan from the beginning, but now that its already in motion I think I can make it work,” Twilight jumped off the bed and started pacing around the room, the whole time thinking out loud new ideas for the plan. Shining Armor and Cadance’s eyes followed Twilight around the room.

“I think Twilight’s going to be ok, Shining.” Cadance giggled as Twilight started rummaging through Shining Armors desk looking for paper and pen.

“We should have let her make the plan from the beginning.” Shining watched as Twilight continued talking to herself a thousand words a minute.

“Yes, I think that would have worked out much better. At least she’s a part of it now. This day is going to be a distant memory soon.”

Twilight stopped her pacing and faced the couple. “You guys stay right here; I’m going to go get the chalkboard from my room.” She disappeared in a blast of magic.

“She’s going to have this whole thing planned out. We worked for months on this and she’s going to figure it all out down to the day she gives birth in an hour!” Shining was stunned.

“I told you she can take care of herself, didn’t I?” Cadence looked at her husband and they shared a smile.

Comments ( 4 )

As a very amateur author, this is a huge compliment. Thank you.

A couple of slips here and there, but not bad. I do think Twi probably would have been upset longer, but planning soothes her.

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