• Member Since 9th Oct, 2019
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WurkyWilk358 0w0

Just your average Brony here to read and write stories about the show the rest of us bronies and pegasisters have come to admire and still enjoy watching from time to time.

Comments ( 259 )

Y'know I'm not surprised. I've always seen Blueblood as a jerk that would probably end up dead at my hands for harming someone I care about.

I DON'T like this guy. it's NOT because he killed Blueblood. Blueblood probably or definitely DESERVE it. I just pissed that the guy is just standing there and taking those brutal beatings. Like a frickin punching bag. Why is he being a P**** and NOT trying to defend himself at least. Grow some spine you damn fool!

Plus, I'm mad on the Equestrians horrible mistreatment. I HOPE they F****** REGRET IT, when they find out that Blueblood was a Bad Guy all along, and could have killed Thousands to Millions of Innocents.

He probably killed Blueblood because he deserved it, but if he were to fight the guards he would just get in more trouble. It's better to not fight at all while maintaining the moral high ground than it is to lash out at a guard and end up with a higher sentence or possibly a death sentence.

Luna will obviously find and quickly and demands his release.


Well I don't like reading this, where he is just a punching bag. I hope Celestia, Mane Six, Shining, and the guards FRICKIN Regret and have Guilt for being heartless assholes. Since the Human Protagonist may have FRICKIN SAVE EQUESTRIA from Blueblood's evil plans.

Very interesting. Now his motivation for taking the beatings makes sense.


Which I find highly stupid, and should have defend himself at least.

“It was justified.” I replied.

Oh that's FUCKING BULSHIT! Sorry, but what he said makes me want to hit him.

“Justified? How in the name of my moon and stars was this justified?” Luna demands.

I agree.

“I said things to her that riled her up, and now I can barely move. A fair trade, if you ask me.”

No it's not. You sound like a idiot, and maybe suicidal, which is worse. 😨

“My word, these video games you speak of seem like a bad influence on humans.” Luna giggled.

Oh hell no it's not. It's just certain people take it too far when they lose. :twilightoops:
Like the Rage Quits, and destroying the game consoles. I may be upset if I lose. But I NEVER break my favourite stuff to pieces.

“Only to those who take them too damn seriously, that includes me.”

Agreed somewhat.

“But…you aren’t a criminal.”

“I killed Blueblood, so that justifies me being one.”

Dude, shut up before I punch you. 😡

“No.” Luna cut me off. “You didn’t kill him because you couldn’t even if you tried. You are as innocent as they come, I am the real criminal.”

“ I …killed Blueblood…”

Oh shit Luna! 😲 So he is taking the fall this whole time, and is Innocent 100%?! Damn! But, I still CAN'T accept him for having this mistreatment. I hope Luna finally tells the truth, and FRICKIN SLAP Celestia for being a Cruel Bitch to our Human Protagonist here. 😡

Okay dude you seriously need to have something in the background like Twilight searching for the true answers this cannot go on

Comment posted by The Warrior Of Darkness deleted Oct 1st, 2020

He probably will, unless he intends for a bad ending, I'm sure Blueblood's crimes (whatever they are) will be revealed and at the very least the treatment improves drastically.

Best ending: BB's crimes and plans are revealed, MC gets released and pardoned, Luna doesn't get punished.

Good ending: BB gets exposed, MC gets released and pardoned, Luna serves some kind of sentence.

Normal ending: BB gets exposed, MC doesn't get tortured anymore.

Bad ending: BB doesn't get exposed, MC keeps getting tortured.

Worst ending: BB doesn't get exposed, more than one death occurs.

How would you react if someone was gloating to you about killing one of your family members? Most people would want to burn alive said person.

Celestia's actions were indeed justified, claming is to be ¨FUCKING BULSHIT!¨ is the actual bullshit here.


Not to me it isn't. Plus, what if your family member was a evil douchebag, and was actually gonna kill a LOT of people. It's like defending a serial killer, or a terrorist. HOW can Celestia defend Blueblood being murdered was bad, IF she have learned the truth.

And how can it justified, if the guy DIDN'T do it anyway?! Since Luna shock us all, by being the one to do the killing. But, since Blueblood was trying to do something VERY EVIL, Luna was actually a hero in a sense.

You do the same error as you did on that other story.

You need to put yourself in the characters's perspectives.

Does Celestia knows any of that? No. For her, her innocent nephew was killed in cold blood, and the killer is gloating about it to her. Her actions are completely justified and any less from her would be immensely cold-hearted towards her family.


It wouldn't be "Justified" anyway if the Truth finally comes out in the open, now would it?! And she will be a sobbing mess by then, feeling guilty on hurting and torturing someone that DIDN'T do the deed in the first place.

And making the "Same Error" in another Story? What's that supposed to mean? Were you also in the other Stories Comment's, on where I put in my Opinions about it?

*checks account* 2 stories on hiatus and 2 on incomplete, none finished. really doubt this will ever be completed. plz surprise me

Two words why that is: school and work. That’s life for you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Where are we in terms of the show's timeline? Like, are we in season one or past season four? If we are in season one, I understand why Twilight wouldn't be suspicious about Celestia's letter because of her blind worship. Although, some of the main 6 (Probably Pinkie or Fluttershy) should have concerns. And probably Applejack too, but I'm on the fence because she would avoid the MC like the plague, depending on the timeline.

You know. So much of these stories could be solved very, very easily if an iota of common sense was used.

Or if the main characters weren't such stupid, amoral martyrs that didn't have a single bad bone in their bodies.

Even in my country we know to hide a body if you kill someone, does the very notion not exist in this universe?

Bruh. I take it you haven't read much HIE stories?

Almost every one has the human getting abused, boosting the ponies to deity status and the human asking for more suffering.

I hope this one won't end that way, but hope is at such a short length these days.


Actually you got all wrong. I do in fact read Human In Equestria Stories. And what you said about them, is EXACTLY WHY I hate on what's happening to our Human here.

Plus the fact he is innocent the whole time, and is just defending Luna by taking the blame.

So many stories begin from some random idea that sounds good, but is impractical, at the least, on paper.

Take for example, why Luna couldn't just burn the body to ash.

Since she's a big pony she should have enough magic for that, the average unicorn could reduce a wooden chair to ashes in seconds, if my memory serves me right.

Spend a few minutes burning it to. Ash then use a wind draft to scatter them.

The floor is marble, just wipe the burn stain and you'll be fine.

Even then, there is no reason for him to do nothing or do ANYTHING for someone he has no relation and no favor to.

Until more information is presented that Enforces that he had 0% choice in the matter, he's just going to sound like an idiot with a martyr complex.


Good Points. And the fact I hate the Guy, because he is being a doormat and make stupid decisions to NOT tell the Ponies that Blueblood is a bad guy all along. And the fact he is a having a retarded martyr mindset like you said.

you know. If he have watch movies or shows where Killer Masterminds found ways to look innocent. Or played games like Hitman or Among Us. He will be a Perfect Assassin, Hitman, or Killer that DOESN'T get caught. And could have just make Blueblood's Murder an "Accident" or pin the blame on somepony else. :pinkiecrazy:

( For the Latter. That is if he is a little heartless, and have a Serial Killer or a Criminal Mastermind Mindset by blaming somepony else instead of him or Luna.).

I've read similar stories to this one, but this story takes the cake. Xd

He can't do anything about it, and he's already won. He knows he got what he wanted, and they can't take it away from him. Also, don't you think it would be kinda stupid to invite more suffering? This guy is sleep deprived, beaten, likely thin as hell, and has broken bones. If my guess is correct, these guards also have guard training. And outnumber him. And are actually fed. What training does he have? Not sure. Probably none.

well i was half right about Luna knowing. :derpyderp2: You know, if luna want to help . She can continue that investigation now Blueblood can't do nothing to stop her, with him dead she can secretly pile the evidence and anonymously spread it to news outlet.

I'm finding the commits entertaining.



Scrying spells. Mana signature tracing. Mind reading. Time travel. Magic in the MLP world is so broad, powerful, and unexplained that an author can basically make anything either possible or impossible by the world's logic. If Luna and Human didn't try to hide the body with an entire alicorn's magical strength on their side, then there's probably a good in-universe reason why they didn't that the author hasn't disclosed yet.

Celestia is acting just downright abusive here, one wonders what would happen should/when she ever finds out the whole truth.

Comment posted by Zephy deleted Oct 1st, 2020

That's a bit out of character here for Celestia. If she knows there's more to the murder, then she has more patience. Also, never start with the head. The victim gets all woozy, and they won't feel the next blow.

A mental breakdown is the most likely possibility. Finding out her nephew was planning mass genocide, treason, usurpation, intended to turn his own family into sex slaves, and attempted murder on the only human (technically another genocide), that would be hard enough for anyone to hear or believe, especially if they raised the criminal. Now add in that the "murder" was unintentional and in defense of another while an innocent gets beaten and starved for a long time for a crime that never happened because there wasn't enough evidence to prove the other crime(s) happened. She's going to be giving a lot of apologies as well as losing a lot of guards.

Comment posted by Avogadro deleted Oct 1st, 2020

Dang it, you beat me to the punch about the Joker reference!

Is Celestia stupid? Yes, but for different reasons. If she was truly trying to get information out of him, she would just use the truth spell...

The writing quality is high, but the premise of the story is a bit stupid.

There's no reason for any of this to happen. Luna is a supreme diarch. Her word is basically law. She doesn't need protection. All that he's protecting her from is popular opinion...and given that Blueblood doesn't seem particularly well liked here, probably not even very much of that. Meanwhile, Luna surely knows that Celestia has the means to extract the truth if she wants to use it...so she has to know that the secret will eventually come out. Mr. Human can't keep the secret he's suffering to protect, and all that's going to be accomplished by doing it this way is for Luna to look even worse once the truth come out, because she let an innocent be tortured and starved in order to maintain public appearances for just a little longer, despite the fact that apparently she didn't even commit the murder in question. Made worse by the fact that by lying, they're indirectly covering up for what is apparently a grand conspiracy to commit regicide. Blueblood had other ponies working with him, and they now have all the time in the world to cover their tracks while Mr. Human is falsely taking the blame for all this.

At the same time, it looks like the overall message here is, "look at the noble honorable human suffer for no reason, gee aren't the ponise awful, horrible creatures!"

Care has been taken to paint the ponies as bad. The guards are beating him. Celestia is beating and starving him...and for no reason, apparently, given that truth-telilng magic has already been brougth to bear. Shining Armor, described as the "most decent" stallion, knows full well his guards are beating him, but allows it to continue. Made all the worse by the fact that apparantly Shining suspects the guy isn't even guilty of the crime, but even still...he allows the beatings to continue. And Luna is worse than any of them. The random guards at least think he's guilty of senseless murder. What's Luna's excuse? She knows he's innocent, but is allowing all of this to happen to him just to avoid looking bad while the investigation happens.

All of the ponies in this story are awful. And the grand payoff for all this seems to be "look at how noble I am, suffering for no good reason, even though it won't actually protect the pony I'm allegedly protecting and it took all the way until chapter 3 for me to spill the beans so that you horrible, horrible ponies can know how horrible you are while I die the honored martyr."

That's not a compelling story premise, and it is only held together by the insistent idiocy of the main character and Luna refusing to talk, under the thin veneer of protecting someone who doesn't need protecting over a murder she didn't commit.


"this trope is a term for a Plot that hangs together only because the main characters behave like idiots. A single intelligent move or question by any of the characters, and all problems would be resolved. It's not so bad if the characters are supposed to be acting like idiots, but it's very bad if the Idiot Plot depends on a character picking up the Idiot Ball for the plot to work.

She can just use Truth spell herself...:facehoof:



.... Man...



He's a masochist.

The main character is a masochist.

You cannot explain this level of idiocy with any other reasoning.

The other characters are 2 dimensional idiots with no sense, for all Shine knew, that was just a contrived story to gain sympathy, and even with that story it still has a shit ton of holes in it,

For example,

Why didn't he keep the fabric of the collars or the letter?

Why did Luna not vanish the body and mystic clean with one of those low magic spells Rarity, an average unicorn, uses?

Why is the human so antagonistic towards Celestia, despite the fact that until his imprisonment, no negative action was performed to him?

This is the story that is just Human Relations, but with less sense and more Martyr Complex.

This, this is trash plot.

The writing may be decent, good, even.

But if I use a single cell of my brain to decipher what the fuck is going on, I will have an anneurism because it'll be the equivalent of inhaling jenkum and enduring a sebsequent stroke from the newly forming plot holes in my cranium.

There are no good or bad ideas, only lackluster executions.

I love thee and aspire to reach thine level of critique, vocabulary and example use.


You made an excellent point. This makes me so mad, that I want to beat up Celestia, and the horrible guards to a bloody pulp for the Abuse, OOC, and Torture. Heck, I even punch the guy in the face as well. Because he is being a Doormat P****, and having a Retarded Martyr Mindset.

That's NOT how being a Martyr works, in a sense. It works in a War, or sacrifice yourself against a powerful Enemy or Villain. Not with this going on.

I hope Luna FINALLY does something and KNOCK some sense to Celestia. And even SLAP the Human Protagonist for being a idiot. And having a Suicidal Death Wish. :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof:


Hot damn! You also made Good Points. You know what, I'm starting to feel less on NOT defending the guy much. Like you said, his IQ is decreasing. And the fact his reasoning is trying to be a Martyr, which sounds HIGHLY Unnecessary and probably a excuse to be a punching bag for the Jerkass Ponies. And worse case, acting Suicidal because he is obsessed of being a "Martyr".

I honestly find the MC's reason for being a punching bag/doormat is utterly stupid.

Oh man this is crazy! Theres no way Luna will let him take the fall, unless shining finds that evidence I dont see a good ending for everyone. :raritydespair:

WAIT!!! what about the collars? They might be ripped up but they should still have traces of the magic that was in them, not to mention the words on them.

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