• Published 24th Sep 2020
  • 3,383 Views, 65 Comments

A Silver Lining after a Storm - Juke Denton

A young Floridian boy is whisked away to Mount Aris, home of the hippogriffs, and is found by Silverstream. The two go on adventures while also searching for the boy's missing father.

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Chapter 4

The sound of a growl came from the human as the boy clutched himself while squinting his eyes.

“Kyle! What’s wrong?!?” Silverstream asked, worried she did something to hurt him.

“Ugghh...it’s my stomach...needs food...” Kyle answered back, trying to ignore the hunger pangs that were kicking in.

“Oh you’re hungry? Well let’s head to my house! It’s just d-“

“NO!” The human yelled.

The interruption caused the hippogriff to jump slightly before she asked, “What do you mean no? I just want to help you.”

“I don’t fully trust you...or your people...” Kyle said as starvation was really taking effect.

“Please!” Silverstream said as she clasped her talons together and gave the human an imploring look. “What can I do to earn your trust?”

“Bring something edible...like fruit...but bring no one...!” Kyle responded in a weaker tone.

“Okay, I’ll be quick!”

After Silverstream flew away, Kyle hid himself in the same bush as before and tried to think about other things besides food.

‘Please hurry...’

Silverstream landed at the doorstep of her house, entered in and quickly made her way inside towards the kitchen. The hippogriff didn’t have to search long and hard to find a bowl of fruit sitting on the table. She was about to grab the bowl until she heard from the entryway, “Silverstream? Are you here?”

‘Oh shoot!’ The young hippogriff thought to herself as she went to see Sky Beak standing at the door. She thought quickly of what to say to him.

“Dad! Did you find the creature?” Silverstream asked in a fake, hopeful tone.

“Unfortunately no.” The older hippogriff said as he went to sit down on the couch. “I’ve had soldiers searching everywhere and we still can’t find our young friend. Have you already sent word in Seaquestria?”

“Yes, mom helped me with warning the citizens.”

“That’s good.” Sky Beak said with a sigh. “I just don’t understand how it could’ve just disappeared. It must have some kind of magical ability if it’s able to hide or escape.”

Of course only Silverstream knew otherwise.

“I need a moment before I continue the search. But, do you want to accompany me afterwards to help find our young friend?”

“No thanks Dad.” The younger hippogriff answered as she looked back at the kitchen as she waited for the right opportunity to grab the fruit and get back to Kyle.

“Are you sure?” Sky Beak asked.

“Yes, I’m sure. I just want to be alone right now.”

“Listen,” Said Sky Beak as he rose from the couch and put a talon on his daughter. “If it’s because you’re feeling guilty about our friend running away, it’s okay. I still love you.”

“No, it’s not that.” Silverstream responded with her patience being tried, while shouting in her mind, ‘Hurry up and leave! Kyle needs me back!’

“It’s not about our conversation from last night then, is it?” The older hippogriff asked. “Please I just want to know i-“

“I’M FINE!” Silverstream blurted out in frustration, slapped away her father’s talon and gave him an angry look. “I just want to be left alone, okay?!?”

The sudden outburst from his daughter left Sky Beak shocked for a moment before he had a sad look on his face.

“I’m...sorry Silverstream...” The father said in a sorrowful tone. “I'll continue the search and you can have some time to yourself.”

Sky Beak then went to the door and opened it. Before heading out though, he looked back at the younger hippogriff and said, “I was only trying to help...that’s all.”

With that, Sky Beak closed the door and left Silverstream all alone. The latter had a look of regret written all over her. She hated how she snapped at her father and promised herself she would make it up later, but right now the human was a bigger priority. The young hippogriff grabbed the bowl of fruit from the kitchen, opened the front door, and carefully looked around to make sure her father and other soldiers weren’t watching her. When she was sure it was clear, Silverstream shut the door, and quickly flew back toward Kyle’s hiding spot.

‘Don’t worry! I’m on my way!’

To say the human was hungry was an understatement. It felt like forever since he last ate something and was on the verge of going mad.

‘Mmmpphhh! Where is she?!? I can’t take this anymore!’ The boy said silently in his head. Every passing second felt like several minutes as Kyle couldn’t handle the distress much longer. He closed his eyes tightly and began to pray in a whispered tone.

As more time passed by, the boy was on the verge of screaming, until...

“Kyle? Are you still here? I brought some fruit from my house.”

The answer to his prayer had arrived as the starving human looked to see the hippogriff standing nearby with said fruit. He quickly left his hiding spot and went over to the bowl of delicious looking produce. He picked one out of random, bit hard into it and chewed long and hard; enjoying the flavor in the process as he felt at peace for the first time since waking up in the strange, new world.

Silverstream watched in curiosity as the human continued to devour the fruit with juice running down from his mouth.

‘Do humans usually eat like this? I’ll have to ask when he’s done.’

After finishing the fruit, Kyle looked at the hippogriff and said, “Thank you Silverstream...sorry for not saying anything earlier, but it feels like forever since I last ate anything.”

“It’s okay. I figured that was the reason. But can I ask you more questions now? Pleeeeeease?” Silverstream asked giving the boy deer-like eyes that would make anyone nearly die of adorabetes.

Kyle couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight and said, “Sure. But I still need more to eat. So ask your questions and I’ll answer them in between bites.”

“Okay! So is this how you usually eat?”

The boy looked at the hippogriff with a confused look and asked, “I don’t think I understand what you’re asking.”

“I mean do you eat all food with those claws?” Silverstream asked, pointing to the limbs that were holding the fruit.

“Oh!” The boy said as he was finishing chewing a bite of fruit before swallowing and saying, “No, not for all. There’s some food humans eat with utensils like a fork, knife or spoon. Where I’m from it’s considered civil to eat using a plate with said utensils, usually at a table. It depends on who you ask because some people have a preferred way of eating. And by the way, these ‘claws’ are called hands and each of the five digits are called fingers.”

The human showed the hippogriff one of his hands as he wiggled his fingers. Silverstream watched on in amazement.

“That is so cool! It’s almost like our talons!” The energetic hippogriff declared as she showed Kyle one of her own forelimbs to him. “So aside from fruits, what else do humans eat?”


Kyle thought carefully about how to answer that one. He wondered if it would be best if he lied a little about his diet so she wouldn’t worry about what he usually ate. But after considering it, he decided to be honest with his answer.

“Humans are omnivores. Meaning we eat meat and vegetables.”

Silverstream’s eyes widened and began to worry if maybe she made a mistake trying to befriend the human. As the human took another bite of fruit, she asked in a nervous tone, “Umm...you don’t happen to eat creatures like ponies...do you?”

Kyle immediately stopped chewing and gave Silverstream a look like she was out of her mind. He quickly finished what was in his mouth before responding.

“I don’t know why you’d think that Silverstream, but the thought of a human eating a pony or a horse is disgusting! Why would you think I’d eat something like that?”

The young hippogriff let out a sigh of relief and said, “Oh...thank goodness. I was worried because I have good friends that are ponies and wouldn’t want to see them on some-creature’s menu.”

“You have friends...that are ponies?” The boy asked, giving her a deer headlight look.

“Mmhmm! They are so friendly and nice! There’s Sandbar who’s pretty chill and fun to talk to! There’s also the professors at the school I go to and *GASP*, you absolutely have to meet Headmare Twilight! She would absolutely love to meet you!”

‘Yep, I’m definitely far away from home.’ The boy said to himself silently whilst taking another bite.

“Do you have friends who are ponies where you come from?”

“Not really.” Kyle answered back. “I don’t see many ponies and horses in the area of Florida I live in as they aren’t very common. And while they can make good companions for humans, they never talk.”

“Wait!” Silverstream replied in an over-the-top emotional tone. “Ponies in your home world don’t talk?!?”

“Umm...no.” Kyle said before chewing more fruit.

“That’s horrible!!!” The hippogriff cried out. “I suppose next you’ll tell me that your world doesn’t have magic!”

“Umm...no it doesn’t. Magic is merely something that exists only in stories.” Kyle replied in a matter of fact tone.

Silverstream let out a dramatic gasp before asking in a worried tone, “Then how do the sun and moon move in your world?!?”

“The sun doesn’t move. The Earth orbits around it by gravitational force the same way the moon orbits the Earth. Pretty obvious.” The boy answered as he was finishing another fruit. “Why? Does the sun and moon here move differently?”

“Yep!” Silverstream replied with a grin. “The rulers of Equestria are the ones who raise and lower them each day!”

Kyle stared at Silverstream for a good moment before he asked, “How do you mean they ‘raise’ and ‘lower’ them?”

“Easy! Princess Celestia uses magic to raise the sun each and every morning while Princess Luna does the same for the moon!”

“That’s impossible.” Said Kyle thinking that this had to be some sick joke.

“But it’s true! They’ve been doing it for over a thousand years!”

“A thousand years? Who are they then? Are they goddesses of some sort?” The human asked, grabbing another fruit to eat.

“No, they’re alicorns. A mix of pegasi and unicorn with unimaginable powers who live in Canterlot.”

“I don’t believe you.” The boy said, garnering a horrified gasp from the hippogriff. “Not unless I see the proof with my own eyes.”

Silverstream let out a disappointed sigh as she swore in her head that she would introduce the boy to the Royal Sisters. She then saw something from before that caught her eye and asked, “Say, what’s that thing you’re wearing around your hand?”

“Oh this?” Kyle said, bringing up his right wrist up and showing the gizmo to the ever inquisitive hippogriff. “It’s a watch. It’s a device that tells time.”

“Oooh!” Said Silverstream as she stared in awe. “I’ve seen ponies carry them but never have I seen one like this before. Usually the ones I’ve seen have these little needles going in a circle.”

“Well this watch is very different from those other ones. This one is digital, has a stopwatch function and morning alarm system built into it and it’s waterproof.”

Silverstream took in every word the boy said, but it was when he mentioned that it was water resistant where she couldn’t contain her excitement.

“That! Is! AMAZING! Having a way to tell time, especially underwater?!? IT HAS TO BE ONE OF THE GREATEST IDEAS I-”

“Hey!” Kyle interrupted Silverstream’s thoughts. “Not so loud. Don’t forget our earlier deal.”

“Oh...right. Sorry.” The hippogriff said with a sheepish look that made Kyle forgive Silverstream for her recent outburst. “But still, it's incredible to have a watch that actually works in water! Human technology must be pretty awesome back where you come from!”

“You have no idea.” The boy said in a tone suggesting both good and bad implications. “And before you ask, it would take several hours to explain my world’s technology to you so let’s save that discussion for another time.”

“Okay! But speaking of water, are you good at swimming?”

Kyle noticed how much more curious Silverstream looked when she asked that question, but didn’t faze him from answering with, “Well...I wouldn’t consider myself to be the best swimmer, but I can stay afloat as long as I’m not in the middle of an ocean. Though, why do you ask?”

“When I found you washed up on the shore, you were wearing a life vest of sorts. I didn’t know if maybe your species was capable of it or not.”

“Oh we are. Some people are better swimmers than others. But I was wearing it because my father and I were out taking a boat ride in the ocean and…”

Kyle suddenly remembered something important that was amiss.

“DAD! I almost forgot about him! Quick Silverstream, you didn’t happen to see another human who looks older than me, have you?”

“No, I haven’t. Sorry Kyle.” The hippogriff said, shaking her head disappointingly until an idea went off in her head. “But I know! We could look for him together! My own father can help us look f-“

“Out of the question!” Kyle interjected Silverstream’s suggestion. “I told you, no one else!”

“Kyle please!” The young hippogriff folded her talons imploringly at the human. “My father is kind and he would do anything to help you! Why won’t you take my word for it?”

“I still don’t fully trust anyone. I’m very grateful for the fruit Silverstream, but I can’t take any chances right now. Besides, there are others of your kind still looking for me and from what I heard come from their beaks, their reception would be less than welcoming.”

“But...how will you survive on your own?” Silverstream asked, catching the boy off guard. Up till now, Kyle hadn’t thought about long term plans and knew full well he couldn’t keep hiding where he was and relying on Silverstream to consistently sneak food to him. At the same time though, he was in a foreign land with creatures he knew little to nothing about that could potentially spell trouble for him if he wasn’t careful.

“I don’t know…” The human finally responded. “...but I’ll find a way.”

“Will you at least give my dad a chance?” Silverstream asked calmly. “He never once hurt you and will certainly help you find your own father.”

Kyle thought back to when he first woke up in Mount Aris and his encounter with Silverstream and her father at their home. He vaguely recalled how the older hippogriff seemed to have a reasonable demeanor about him and how he scolded Silverstream when she got too excited. The boy felt like he was at a crossroad and had a choice to make.

“Please? Will you let him help you?” Silverstream begged as the boy gave out a sigh.

“Very well…”

The hippogriff was about to jump for joy until the human spoke up again.

“BUT! Only him! Don’t bring anyone else! Understand?”

“I understand.” Said Silverstream as she prepared her wings for takeoff. “And you have my word that it’ll only be my father and I who’ll return!”

Just as quick as she made her promise, the energetic hippogriff flew away once again leaving the human to himself. Kyle decided to return to his previous hiding place and took the bowl of fruit with him. All he could do at this point was trust that Silverstream would indeed remain true to her word.