• Published 18th Dec 2020
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Fallout Equestria: Wastelanders - Salted Pingas

Various stories by various authors all centered around the lives of wasteland ponies.

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"A Surprise For Tea" by Trooper

Title: A Surprise For Tea
Author: Trooper
“People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint – it’s more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly… time-y wimey… stuff.”- The 10th Doctor, Doctor Who

“You know, Ginger, I never did believe we would find this thing again,” the green zony with black stripes says to me.

I smile at him as I tell him, “I know, dear, but what really surprised me was that the bull that was to destroy it simply spun the control dials and cut the cables to the spark battery. But I guess that was enough to keep it from being used.”

Beside me, my half sister Epona snorts slightly and pushes her black mane from in front of her light tan, white freckled face. “You think you are surprised; how do you think I feel? I mean, I never thought I would get to go back to my home timeline.”

From slightly above me I hear, “Yeah, but Epona, who in their right mind would have expected it to be such a minor repair?” We all look up as we listen to the pure black pegasus, who is ironically named Sunny. Then he asks, “How much longer, Twinkles?”

I almost laugh as I see the pink unicorn mare blow a piece of her dark pink mane out of her face with an expression of frustration. She twists a few more dials, then writes down the settings in a notepad. Finally, she answers, “It should only be a few more minutes. Sorry, but I am only guessing at where the settings once were at this point."

“Take your time, Twinkle Hoofs. We do not want to rush this. Goddesses know where we might end up otherwise,” The owner of this voice is our team leader Choo Choo. She is a blue alicorn who used to be part of what she calls the goddess's alicorns. My fiancé Xochitl and I have known her since we were foals, before the former Co-op’s Expedition.

We first met Sunny on the same expedition and he is my second cousin through adoption. Twinkle Hooves is my best friend and has been since my school days.

Then I have to smile as I look over at the light green earth pony stallion with his yellow mane and tail that is our team's weapons tech. He is unusually quiet today, which has me worried so I ask, “Tater, you ok?”

I see him nod his head, “Yeah Ginger, I am fine. Sorry, just have a few things on my mind today.”

I watch as Epona goes over to him and puts a hoof on his shoulder and tells him, “It's alright, Tater. I understand how you feel, I am nervous about going back to that timeline too.”

I see him try to smile as he asks, “Is it that obvious?”

She nods her head, “Yes, it is, at least to me and Twinkles.”

I hear him sigh and he says, “Sorry, I just still remember what happened when we had to leave home Epona. Chain Lighting and Tail Spin have been great parents but I still miss my birth parents, too.”

She gives him a hug and tells him, “I do understand, I really do. Remember I had to get used to several ponies who were completely different from our side to this one.”

Tater smiles at this and laughs, “Yah, you're right. I really don’t think about how big a change it was for you too. I mean at least I did not have to adjust as much as you did. By the way, have you heard from your moms and dads lately?”

Epona smiles and tells him, “Yes, the Colonel is talking about retiring soon. But she is not ready yet. She has asked for me, Ginger and Xochitl to go with the rest of the family during her trade mission to Hoofington. She says they have tracked down papa Badger’s mother and are going to meet her while they are there.”

“That sounds interesting. I wonder what she will think of the size of his family?” Tater asks.

This time I answer him, “Tater, I am sure she will be amazed. First at how much he has changed since she last saw him, and secondly at the number of grandfoals he has given her.”

I hear Choo Choo snort and whiney a bit at that. Then she says, “He certainly is prolific,” then she turns towards the back of the railcar we are in and tells Twinkle Hooves, “Go ahead and begin to increase power, let us know when it is ready for us to go through.” She turns to the rest of us, “Okay it’s about time, saddle and gear up. I want all of you ready for a fight when we get to the other side. We go through as a team, remember, no pony left behind either.”

After she says this, the air vibrates inside the old railroad car with a loud humming sound. On the other end I can see what appears to be a doorway or mirror. In its center I see a pink cloud forming and begin to spin.

The doorway is completely covered inside by the swirling mist and I hear Twinkles call out, “It’s ready, Choo Choo.

Choo Choo looks from her to us and calls out above the noise, “Ok, locked and loaded, let’s do this my little ponies,” as she leads us to the doorway and we follow her into the mist.


As I step out of the mist the first thing I notice is that we are in a library. Goddesses how mama Magpie would love this place! I think to myself.

I look slightly to the side and notice a window framed with crystals set in a stone wall as well as a couple of tables and chairs set amongst the book shelves. There is a very peaceful feeling in here, as well as it being nice and warm. I then notice a very surprised looking lilac coated unicorn mare with a purple and teal mane and tail. She turns to look at us and I see her cutie mark of a purple and white star with two blue glimmering streams. Then she says, “Uh, you’re not Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunny from above laughs lightly with a hoof in front of his muzzle and says, “No, but I am Sunset Water.”

She looks from him, to me, then the others and finally her eyes go wide when she sees Choo Choo and I watch as she begins to kneel and I hear her say, “Princess, I am sorry I did not see you there.”

Choo Choo replies, “Please get up, I am not a princess.”

“But, but you’re an alicorn.” Starlight tells her.

Choo Choo nods her head and says, “That is true, but I was not born this way. And please, call me Choo Choo.”

Starlight nods her head and brushes her hoof across her face nervously and then says, “Oh, okay, Choo Choo,” Then she turns her head and when I follow her gaze, I see a short purple dragon with green spike ridges on his back and along his head. He also has a tannish belly. I have to smile at his surprised expression and the small wave he gives us.

“Spike, could you let Twilight know that we, uh, we have visitors?” She asks him.

“Uh, yeah sure Starlight, I know she was expecting Sunset, but who are these ponies?” he responds to her.

“Spike, I am not sure, but I am sure the princess will want to meet them.”

The members of our team begin to all look at each other in surprise and I look at Xochitl and asks, “Did she say princess?”

“Yes, I did say princess. You know, as in Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.”

Choo Choo sits down hard and asks, “Don't you mean Twilight Sparkle as in the Ministry Mare?”

This time Starlight shakes her head and asks, “Who or what are the Ministry Mares?”

“They are the mares that ran Equestria for the Princesses during the Great War, you know before the final day and the megaspell and balefire bomb exchange,” Choo Choo says.

I see the unicorn mares’ eyes go wide and she asks excitedly, “What is a megaspell? Where can I learn how to cast them?”

About that time, I hear a new voice say, “That is a good question Starlight, but first, who are these ponies?”

This time I see Choo Choo look surprised as she asks, “Twilight Sparkle?”

I turn and see an alicorn that looks fairly similar to the painting of the old Ministry Mare of Arcane Science I once saw when we were at Tenpony Tower. The purple alicorn smiles and with a slight turn of her head asks “Yes, now who are you? I thought I knew all of the alicorns.”

Starlight Glimmer then interrupts briefly with, “Twilight, they came through the mirror.”

Twilight turns her head, then we all look back at what is obviously a very heavily modified mirror in which the center is still a swirling pink. I see her purse her lips and squint at it. “You did not come in through the Canterlot High portal, then?”

I shake my head as Choo Choo responds with, “Where? I never heard of that school when I lived in Canterlot.” Choo Choo then tells her, “Princess, we came through a portable portal. I know it is on a different timeline, but I have to ask, “How did the war with the Zebras end?”

I see a complete look of confusion on Twilight’s face as she asks, “War with the zebras? What war with the zebras?”

Then it dawns on me, we now are on a timeline line that never had it occur, but in that case, why is Starlight Glimmer still so young?

Then Choo Choo asks, “Princess, how long has Luna been the ruler?”

Twilight cocks her head back and asks, “What do you mean how long has she been the ruler? Celestia is the ruler, Luna only helps her. Besides she has only been back from the moon for a few years.”

Choo Choo looks dumbfounded and says, “Team, this time line seems to be either progressing at a slower rate, or we not only jumped timelines, but back in time. My Goddesses.”

Sunny slowly walks next to her, “Choo, are you sure?”

Choo Choo nods her head and says, “Yes, I am sure. I wondered what all those dials meant that Twinkle Hooves used.”

I turn my head back to her when I hear Twilight Sparkle say, “What? You mean your portal has dials to control it?”

Choo Choo nods her head and tells her, “Yes, I guess that is why we are able to come here instead of the doorway we were expecting to go through. Huh, I never expected that.”

“You never expected that? And you still came through? What did you expect?” I hear the purple alicorn ask in an excitable tone of voice.

Beside her I see the young dragon has appeared again. He taps her on the side and I hear him say, “Calm down, Twilight.”

Then I see him burp and to my astonishment a scroll comes out of his mouth. Beside me I hear Xochitl snicker some.

I catch myself shooting my future husband a dirty look and I then hear Twilight say, “If you have a bit of time, we have an additional guest coming who would like to meet you and to find out more about where you come from.”

I see Choo Choo look at Sunny and she tells him, “If you could, go back through the doorway and check on how Twinkle Hoofs is doing and to see if we have time. Then return and let me know.”

Sunny sketches her a rough salute and I watch as he flies back through what we now know is a portal.

After he departs Twilight introduces herself first to Choo Choo, then the rest of us. As she shakes our hooves, we each tell her our name. When she gets to me, she notices that I am wearing a PipBuck on my foreleg and she tilts her head and asks, “What is that you are wearing?”

I smile at her and I lift it and show her the display and I tell her, “Oh, this is called a PipBuck. It is a computer you can wear on your hoof that serves several functions. Everything from monitoring your health, communications, storing music files, keeping track of what you are carrying and it even helps in detecting hostile forces and assisting in targeting them with weapons.”

I see her eyes open wide at this, “Oh, sort of like the computers in the library on the human world I saw. A bit bigger than the phones they carry, though,” I see her purse her lips and rub her chin with a hoof, then she asks, “Do these have cameras, too?”

Choo Choo lifts her head at that and says, “No, they don’t have cameras, Princess,” She puts a hoof under her chin in thought and continues, “I am not sure how you could put a camera in a PipBuck or a phone even? Besides, we don’t have many stores of the chemicals for developing pictures from what I understand, so photos and cameras are not used much.”

“Hmmm, interesting. Well while we are waiting, why don’t we all sit down and have some tea.” Twilight says, and I see Spike and Starlight leave the room that is the library.

Epona and I turn to each other and smile deeply. We have always enjoyed sitting and having tea. We often share it back home with our mothers as well as our friends. Behind me I hear Sunny as he returns say, “Actually, do you have any Sparkle Cola?”

Again, I see a look of confusion on their faces as Twilight asks, “Uh, what is Sparkle Cola?”

I see Choo Choo laugh into her hoof and then she says, “Sunny, I guess that is a no. By the way I want my report on what is going on the other side.”

He stands straighter and replies, “Sorry Ma’am, Twinkle Hooves says everything is holding steady and should be ok for at least a couple of hours. She also says thank you for making sure that the railroad car was out from under the mountain when we started it. Finally, she sent me back with the team camera, she says it didn’t happen if no pictures.”

Choo Choo nods her head, “Anything else, Sunny?”

He laughs and says, “Yeah, I almost forgot. We checked my pipbuck and time passes here minutely slower. That would explain the time difference in years.”

I see the interest in Twilight Sparkle’s eyes and she says, “Now that is fascinating, I wonder why?” she pauses and then smiles as she says, “Sorry, I forgot my manners, please have a seat and get comfortable.”

We all remove our helmets and gear and put them in a pile next to our chairs. Soon we begin to chat a bit as Starlight Glimmer pours us tea and Spike first provides us all with some snacks then joins us.

Off to the right side I see Sunny sitting next to Tater. On my left I am seated next to Xochitl, with Epona on his far side and Choo Choo closest to Twilight.

Epona then politely asks, “Do you have any milk to go in the tea?”

Twilight scrunches up her face and asks, “Milk? Why would anypony put milk in their tea?”

I see Epona sigh a little, then she says, “Sorry Princess, back home in Manesville we tend to drink it with honey and milk. The milk is a hold over to our ancestors’ days in the Stable there. Ours was one of the rare ones that ponies shared with cattle.”

Again, a look of confusion on Princess Twilight's face as well as Spike and Starlight Glimmer’s, as Twilight asks, “What do you mean by Stables?”

I see Choo Choo take a deep breath, then she says, “Your highness, on our time line there was a great war between Equestria and the Zebra Nation. It became so large the other nations of Equus were pretty much forced to take sides. It lasted for over twenty years.”

I see a look of horror on those whose world we are visiting when they hear this. Quietly Starlight Glimmer asks, “How, how did it end?” then she closes her eyes and gulps.

I see Choo Choo start to have tears form in her eyes. She hesitates in answering, so Epona tells them, “It ended in less than one day. Equestria and the forces of the Zebra Caesar had an exchange of megaspells and balefire bombs. It destroyed most of Equestria and probably Equus as well. After the destruction of Cloudsdale the Grand Pegasus Enclave closed the skies, and for almost two hundred years, those below lived in near constant darkness. Most of those who survived were in the Stables.”

I see a look of both horror and confusion on their faces when she tells them this. Then Twilight asks, “So these Stables were some kind of shelter then?”

Epona nods her head and says, “Yes, they were underground shelters built by Stable-Tec.” I see her think for a bit, then she looks around the room and says, “Princess, I can see you are like one of my adopted mothers Magpie. You have a love of books and knowledge; I have a book with me that tells the story of one of the stable dwellers and her experiences. It also gives a bit of a history as to what happened on our side. Consider it a cautionary tale of what could have happened here in your world.”

I watch as she goes over and reaches into her saddlebag and carries the book to her in her muzzle. Once close enough Twilight looks at the cover and excitedly reads out loud, “The Book of Little Pip.”

I snap my head around and tell Epona, “Epona, you know you aren’t supposed to risk bringing that book to other timelines.”

“Why not? Tell me you don’t have a copy of the Book of Daisy Jo in your saddlebags, tell me!”

I can’t because she is right, instead I tell her, “That is different. You know it.”

“Oh, don’t get all high and mighty on me! Just because you and Ma both practice the cattle religion more than I do, Remember I am a goddess parent to both of Buttermilk's calves.”

From across the table I hear Starlight Glimmer say in a questioning tone, “Cattle religion? Ponies practicing it? A pony, a goddess parent to cattle?”

I turn and look at her and tell her, “Yes, the cattle religion worships both of the Goddesses Celestia and Luna as well as the all mother Sweet Cream.”

I see Starlight scrunch up her face, “Twilight did you know about a cattle religion?” Then I see a look of surprise on her face as she looks over my shoulder.

“I have never heard of it before, Starlight,” Twilight replies.

Then from the doorway I hear another voice. This one is very smooth and gentle and says, “I have, Twilight. A long time ago, but I will say I have never heard of any of my ponies following it.”

As I turn and look at the source of the voice my jaw drops open and I am full on gobsmacked. There before us stands Princes Celestia, accompanied by her sister. I have seen the pictures of them and the paintings, but I had not realized how beautiful they truly were, nor the size difference between the two of them. I look quickly at Choo Choo and almost laugh as she is prostrate on the floor, but I also notice she is the right size, and her coat almost matches Luna’s except for no black on her flank or the moon cutie mark.

I hear Choo Choo say, “Your royal highnesses. I am not worthy of your attention.”

“Please arise and tell me your name and why you have come here.” Celestia tells Choo Choo.

“Princess, I am but a humble servant of yours from another world, and time,” Choo Choo says to her.

I watch as Celestia turns her head slightly, closes her eyes suspiciously and asks, “May I ask, how you became an alicorn if you are but my humble servant?”

Choo Choo is standing up now, but still will not make eye contact with her as she says, “On the Last Day I was forced into a vat of chemicals and changed from a unicorn to what you see before you. I am over 270 years old and have had this form for 210 of them.”

“What is this last day you mention? You say it as if it was a momentous day that all should know.” Luna inquires.

Choo Choo looks at her and again bows low then stands back up as she tells them, “My apologies, your majesty. The Last Day on our time line ended a twenty-year war between Equestria and the Zebra’s Caesar. Unfortunately, that end involved a full exchange of Mega-spells and Balefire bombs. Most of those who had not been either in a stable when it happened or converted like I was were killed that day or died soon afterwards.”

Sunny then says, “But what about the ghouls, Choo?”

Choo Choo shakes her head and says, “Sunset Water, you have talked to enough of them that you should know by now that most of them feel that their bodies are already dead and that they were rejected from Elysium.”

Then Epona adds, “Come on Sunny, how many times have you heard the Colonel talk about that with them. I know she still feels she was, too.”

I see a look of surprise come over their faces and Celestia asks, “What are ghouls and why would this Colonel feel that way?”

Choo Choo answers this, “The Colonel they refer to is one of Ginger Snaps and Epona’s adopted mothers, as well as Sunny’s distant cousin. She technically died but was brought back to life and since then I have been present several times when ghouls have first met her and could tell that she too had been dead and returned.”

“This all seems fascinating but again, you have not explained what a ghoul is, or who you all are.”

I see a light go on in Epona’s face, “Your highnesses, please forgive us, but many of the questions you seek to answer are in the book that I have given to Princess Twilight Sparkle. As for us, well, the New Canterlot Republic uses us to go and fix situations. In this case we were planning on going to mine and Sweet Potato’s home timeline which we escaped from as little more than foals.” We all see a look of confusion come over their faces as at the term New Canterlot republic.

Then Luna asks, “So you two are not really sisters?”

Epona looks at me with my red coat and bay markings, smiles and says, “Princess Luna, the answer to this is very complicated. The two of us before you, were born on different timelines, but on each timeline, we were the other’s half sibling. When I came over, I was adopted by the same mare that adopted Ginger after her mother was killed,” She shrugs her shoulders and says, “So, yes and no.”

I also notice my fiancé smirking as he bows slightly and says, “That would be a yes your majesty, even if they came from different timelines, they are most certainly sisters. My parents have even commented on this to me a time or two, as have their moms and dads, much to their chagrin.”

I notice Starlight Glimmer is looking rather confused and I see her mouth the words “Moms and dads?”

I then turn toward Spike, and I see him giggle lightly and then tap on Twilight’s shoulder and say, “I really wish we had some popcorn to go with this show.”

I see Twilight smirk and blush as she tells him, “Not now, Spike.” I also notice she has still been paging through the Book of Little Pip. Then I hear her say in a questioning almost breathless tone, “Stable 2 and Sweet Apple Acres? Raiders in Ponyville. In my library.” and I watch as she puts a hoof over her muzzle and I see a tear in her eye for a history that is not hers.

Spike then turns to her and asks, “Pretty interesting reading, Twilight?”

She nods her head and tells him in a choking up voice, “Yes and I am so thankful that it is not our history, just after the little bit I have glanced at.”

As she is talking, I notice Luna and Celestia sit at the table with us, closer to Twilight Sparkle and also Choo Choo, who they begin to question about her powers and I even hear them discussing something Choo Choo calls Unity.

It is during this time I also notice that several of the royal guards are in the hallway outside. I look at their armor and weapons and think of how quaint they are compared to what we have brought with us. It amazes me to think that when the great war started that this was all the Equestrian Army had.

Suddenly I hear Princess Luna ask, “So which one of you is technically the older sister?”

Epona answers it for us before I can by telling her, “Well technically, Ginger is by a couple of days.”

“I see and you both have the same parents on both time lines?”

I smile at this and tell her, “On both timelines we had different mothers, but shared the same father.”

I see Luna raise an eyebrow at this and I all but hear Spike excitedly tell Twilight Sparkle, “See this is what I am talking about, Twilight, you can read later, you really need to hear this.”

Beside them I see Starlight Glimmers eyes are opened wide, her ears forward and her mouth is in the shape of an o. I look at her smile and shrug as I tell her, “Sorry Starlight, I guess dad was a bit of a rouge.”

Then Sunny says, “Yeah, almost as bad as your Papa Badger.”

At this I simply look down and giggle mildly before taking another sip of my tea. Then I say, “True Sunny, but overall, he is a good buck.”

When she hears this Luna asks, “Who is this Papa Badger?”

I sigh and I watch Epona blush as I tell the princess, “Your highness, he is one of our adopted fathers,” I pause and I blush as I say, “We also have a second adopted father and four adopted mothers as well. But that becomes even more complicated for Epona because of Papa Badger and Mama Sumac. Sumac was her grandmother on both sides, sooo…”

I see Luna tilt her head as if waiting for more. I see Celestia beside her turn her full attention upon me and she seems almost amused by this. Across the table I can hear Spike outright laughing as he tells Twilight, “I can’t wait to tell the guys about this at the next O and O night. Even Discord is not going to believe this one.”

I notice as he says this that Starlight Glimmer slowly takes another sip of tea but has a smile on her muzzle as well as a raised eyebrow.

Then I hear Sunny say, “Excuse me Choo Choo, but I do have the team camera with me, remember, no pictures it didn’t happen.”

I see Choo Choo sigh then smile sheepishly as she asks, “Princesses, would you mind us taking your photos?”

Celestia smiles widely, “No, not at all Choo Choo, please, do.”

We do take several photos. Including one where we end up using the timer so we can all be in it. Finally, Choo Choo blushing asks, “Princess Luna, may I, may I ask that I be allowed a photo with just you?”

I see Luna look at her suspiciously and hear her ask, “May I ask why?”

Choo Choo looks down at the ground, then back up at her, “Because you were always my favorite princess. Ever since your return. I even disguise myself and paint your cutie mark on me on me for Nightmare Night for the foals and calves around the Manesville area, when we are home.”

I see Celestia is slightly perturbed at hearing this, but Luna smiles widely and a blush comes over her cheeks, “So even in such a world as you come from, you still remember me favorably? Then I would be honored Choo Choo.”

After the picture is taken, we all see it occur. We see a bright flash and suddenly upon Choo Choo’s flanks we see Luna's cutie mark appear, but superimposed upon it is a locomotive as if traveling under its moonlight.

I see the stunned expression on Choo Choo’s face and both Celestia and Luna look at each other. Then Celestia says, “I had not noticed you had not had a cutie mark; this is most; unusual.”

Choo Choo now smiling proudly tells her, “Your majesty, I lost my cutie mark, which was just the steam engine when I became an alicorn. I did not know we could get them back.”

“And now with my darkness and crescent moon, what do you think that means?” Luna asks.

Choo Choo smiles, “As an engineer on the railroad I took those in my care from place to place. I guess now I do so through the darkness but with your guidance and hopefully your goodwill.”

I watch as both of the sisters nod to her, and Luna places a hoof on her shoulder, “That you have Choo Choo, that you have. Now it is best that you depart before you are unable to do so. Farewell, Choo Choo.”

As we finish putting back on our kits and head for the doorway I look back and see them all watching us. Finally, Starlight Glimmer asks, “You said when you arrived that your group's job is to fix situations, what are you?”

Tater then smiles at her and says, “Ma’am, I guess you could just call us repair ponies.” And with that Choo Choo leads us back through the doorway and we find ourselves back in the railcar. I see Twinkle Hoofs and Cowlick both looking at us expectantly and Twinkles asks, “So anything interesting happen?”

We all look at each other and smile, then I can tell when Twinkle Hoofs sees Choo Choo’s new Cutie Mark and I hear her say, “Okay, you better have pictures.”