• Member Since 29th Jan, 2020
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Kind of new to this community, only started watching when all seasons were out but better late than never. I have several story ideas and I try to share as many with you as I can.

Comments ( 222 )

Welp that chapter was... hectic.

"Hello, every... um... pony?" he finally managed to say.

Yeah no, no one would every come to the conclusion to use that nonsense word.

Everything needs to slow down, this whole chapter felt like people rambling at each other without taking a breath.

Are you going to finish the story

Not sure what you mean by that. I mean there will be an end eventually.

My favourite part of this chapter is Spikes' "Figures...", I chuckled at that one.

Are you aware that there are far too many "," in this chapter?

To be honest, not really. I always forgot that in English there aren't many "," needed. I'll remove some unnecessary ones.

"So far there weren't any accidents or other problems. When it hits our clothes, we barely feel it, hitting a skin isn't painful either. I guess, if it'd hit our eyes, that'd cause some inconvenience but the chance to hit it with this is small." Lacy explains to them.

so the ponies shouldn't play this game
cuz they have B I G eyes

I’m liking this story so far

Thanks again T-G for another awesome chapter. Love all the dialog between Twi and Lacy and hope we see more of the flashbacks/talks between the two. Good luck with your next chapter, and as always have fun writing.

You could try apples to apples. it's a similar game to Card's Against humanity, but it's meant for family/ kids.

plus itll be applejack approved

Never heard of it, I'll look it up. Also I have another card game, that'll be in the story, probably a few chapters later, you'll see.


And let me guess: He's best friends with two boys named Raj and Clam.

Great chapters keep them up!

"But what about the break a leg part? It doesn't sound very nice, why would you wish somepony something like this?" the purple unicorn asked.

I call bull. Ponies know this expression. I refuse to believe Twilight hasn't read a book about showbusiness.

"I guess, I can understand your point." the farm mare admitted. "But I still think, that you're trouble."

"Twilight told me, that I shouldn't judge you for what you did in a different world, and I have to agree with her. How about we start anew? I'm Applejack! Welcome to Ponyville, the friendliest place in Equestria! You are welcome to come to my family's farm at any time!" she offered her hoof.

Um. She still thinks he's trouble but wants to start anew. You don't see how those two contradict each other. At the very least it's a slap in the face. I still think you're trouble, but let's start over. She can't have it both ways and Lacy is an idiot for accepting it without calling her out on it.

And judging him based on a few facts without the whole story wasn't very nice. Applejack is very stubborn about admitting that she was wrong and takes the lesson to heart. Considering the disasters she caused because she couldn't handle the farm by herself she only gave in when she had no choice. She hated to listen to Buffalo about their home.

This is a Great chapter


I get your point, but I plan to bring back this conflict, hopefully with a little better writing... (and of course bs-ing to explain what happened here :raritywink:)

I am in support of that actually. I mean their feud came seemingly out of nowhere and seeing it get quickly resolved made it kind of pointless. My hope is you have Lacy and her actually come to some agreement on their own, instead of having Twilight do it behind the scenes. Also properly call Applejack out on her foolish stubborn behavior.

Yeah, I get your point. However, it won't come up in the next chapter probably because that will focus on another thing. I also plan to change the PoW sometimes, because I can see, that this won't work only in Lacy's perspective in the long run.

this was a intresting chapter

I think he should have forced twilight to see what she was doing. Spike was afraid of being replaced and went all out to convince her to keep him and she didn't appreciate him and blame him for almost getting hurt when it was the owl fault and even when told that she still didn't say sorry.

Ok this is another run of the mill HiE story however I can’t find enjoyment in it cause hot dang buddy your pacing is so fast I can barley find immersion in it. I hope you rewrite this story at some point an slow it down to a turtles pace cause as of right now it’s a cheetah going so fast it just has no flavor or actual story to it just point A to B in 10 seconds flat. So again I hope ya rewrite it as some point but tell then good luck.


Maybe, but Lazlo is not exactly that type of character, at least not in this case. And the apology took place in the most dramatic place: Off-script :raritywink:


Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it! Is it really that fast? Urgh... I thought I got better at this after the first few chapters, but I’ll try better. The rewrite will be only later probably, because if I do, I wanna expand it as well, adding a few scenes and expanding the current ones.

I guess but it feels pointless having him knowing all this stuff and not doing anything to help.

That kind of role usually goes to the kind old grandparents and 1000+ princesses :trollestia:
Plus he can’t always make the best decisions, I try not to make him be too Gary Stu, though I think I’m pretty bad at it right now, though I have a for the near future (in chapters, at my currents writing speed, you’ll see it at the end of the year...)

But maybe helping them a little bit won't hurt much. Considering how much could it hurt to applejack actually accept help sooner than later. Or fluttershy to understand that being brave isn't not being scared its going forward despite fear.

There will be many more chapters in the future.

I’d appreciate that gives more story to the world if ya did an with that it’s also probably slow it down as well.

Applejack has really got to get over him lying to his mom. Considering she wasn't always honest applejack a almost got her brother hurt physically because of her lies which is a lot worse than lying in order to choose your destiny. You don't see her family holding Grudges over her mistakes.

1. If you use Google drive, it backs it up before deleting any of it. Even when you close tabs.
2. Great chapter; keep it up!!!
3. Pineapples.


1. Yeah, I could and probably should use something that constantly saves my work.
2. Thanks!!!
3. Umm... I’ve got nothing.

As a bit of criticism, I've gotta say that you used commas WAY too much in this. Like using them every 4 or 5 words makes it feel like my brain is stuttering. Many of the commas used in this are wholly unnecessary and a simple space would suffice with it. For an example,

That still doesn’t give you the right to say things, like that. I told all of you, that my mom wanted to force me into a future, I didn’t want, and thus I had to do something. I told her multiple times, what I wanted, but it was pointless. And yes, I lied to her, deceived her, and all of my family, because I didn’t want them to even accidentally mention it to her. And guess what! She deserved to be lied to! I apologized to her and explained why I did, what I did. I apologized to everyone, whom I lied to. They forgave me in time, but my mother never did, because she believed, that I wanted to humiliate her and I played her trust. But in reality, it wasn’t her trust, that I lost, because she took it for granted, that I will do as she says.”

This was simply difficult to read with all the breaks so close to one another The reader instinctually hitches, making the whole paragraph feel stuttery. So as an example of a, in my view, better way to write it,

That still doesn’t give you the right to say things like that. I told all of you, that my mom wanted to force me into a future I didn’t want, and thus I had to do something. I told her multiple times what I wanted, but it was pointless. And yes, I lied to her, deceived her, and all of my family because I didn’t want them to even accidentally mention it to her. And guess what! She deserved to be lied to! I apologized to her and explained why I did what I did. I apologized to everyone whom I lied to. They forgave me in time, but my mother never did, because she believed that I wanted to humiliate her and I played her trust. But in reality, it wasn’t her trust that I lost, because she took it for granted that I will do as she says.”

It feels to me like it's much easier to read, and flows much more smoothly from one part to the next. Just one of many examples in this and something to keep in mind.

Aside from that, really enjoying the story so far, though I really hope AJ gets that metal pole out of her plot sometime soon.......

“Twilight told me, that she wants you to remember us as friends. She wants you to have pleasant memories of us, when you get home, or be there for you if you are stuck here.” Lazlo couldn’t be angry at Twilight, but he felt that it was really unnecessary to ask this kind of thing from anyone. “I agreed with her, and I really hope you get home to your family, even if they don’t deserve you.”

So she wasn't being completely honest to her friend. She wants to do the promise without really doing it. Even then she failed since by revealing this to the one she's supposed to start over with how could lacy have pleasant memories from her? No matter how you slice it she lied to Twilight and completely shattered any attempt at achieving the promise, until she is actually being genuine about it. Never thought I could be more annoyed with Applejack here. I can only hope when she sees the error the her ways she has to pay hard to make up for them.


Commas... my worst enemy! Its usage is one of the things I don’t understand in English grammar, though I’m pretty sure it’s not that complex or hard to understand. I use Grammarly, which often shows me if a comma is unnecessary (yes, I put even more into the text...) but it’s probably not enough.

Thanks for pointing this out, it really helps me to improve myself. And I’m also glad that you enjoy my story. I hope I can keep it up.

Can't wait for next chapter 😊!

Applejack was quite happy to hear this. This meant, that he will soon leave. Not like, she hated him but they weren’t best buddies. She always felt that he was trouble in some way. And while she could respect a few of his traits, she still couldn’t accept, how cruel he was towards his mother. Yes, she did lie to her parents and other family members on rare occasions, but she always felt bad about it and apologized. Lazlo however seemed to be proud of what he did and didn’t show even a little bit of remorse. That being said, she was also happy, that those humans, who were close to the man will be seeing him again.

Jeez Applejack, I know you like Honesty, I do too, but that's kinda harsh. It ain't your business when it comes to someone else with family issues, nor SHOULD it be. So quit judging him. Sure he did lie, but SO DID YOU (At least later on), despite your remorse. No one is perfect, and I can accept that without being critical and leery towards those with their personal issues.

Makes me wonder how she would take it with the fact that Lazlo comes back next chapter.

“I’m glad that you are here, though, because I have news to tell you. The research about getting you home is finished.” as Celestia finished this, all of the eyes were on her in an instant and all of their minds began to concentrate on what will happen?

“I’m sorry, but we can not send you home. You will have to live the rest of your life here.”

okay,Ceslestia is a Troll :trollestia:

love it, keep up the great writing and happy holidays

Gonna be interesting to see Applejack's reaction. Laz is already on her shit list. Of course, maybe she'll soften up some. Who knows (besides the author)?

Well, I quite enjoy playing a little ping-pong with their behavior towards each other, but you’ll see. :raritywink:

Why is Laz still on her shit list? I thought they reconciled?

The thing is she is being two-faced about it. Apparently, she only agreed with whatever twilight told her offscreen to only make up, to have him have pleasant memories during, at the time thought to be temporary stay. Of course, she ruins it by telling him that is what she is doing straight to his face and not acting friendly towards him. The writer seems to me have written himself in a corner with it. Their feud despite one minor hint when he was telling them his life, still managed to come from nowhere, since there is no progression of Applejack's annoyance when learning of his actions, to learning she dislikes him at Appleloosa. Then it seemed to get resolved not long after that, not by them talking things out on their own, but by Twilight playing the deus ex machina peacekeeper. I guess the writer realized this and decided to continue the feud with a flimsy reason that doesn't really add up to have it be so.

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