• Published 21st Sep 2020
  • 570 Views, 37 Comments

A Collection of Unfinished Stories - LunaEclipsed15

This is a collection of all of my unfinished MLP stories. Feel free to use these as ideas for your own stories or finish them however you like.

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Swimming and Sinking (M)

Author's Note:

Twilight keeps Sunset afloat. When she leaves, Sunset starts to sink.

Sunset’s mind was hazy. Her brain was already starting to block out what had just happened to her. She was trying to remember, but struggled to do so.

She knew that someone had thrown a glass at the wall and it shattered. She thought that it might have been her. The glass had definitely cut her and her cheek was bleeding. She hadn’t bothered to clean it. She remembered yelling. She wasn’t sure if she was the one doing the yelling. Twilight had been there, and then she was gone. She had been mad when normally she was comforting.

Sunset didn’t know when she would come back. She wasn’t quite sure she would be back. The thought hurt her, and she tried to block it out.

She fell asleep to the sound of her own crying, blood mixing with tears.

She dreamt of what started this all.

It was Anon-a-Miss. The internet profile that had slandered her good reputation and made all her friends leave her. When the Princess of Friendship had found out how she had been treated, she got really mad. She screamed, yelled at, and criticized her friends. Then, she had taken Sunset back to her apartment and held her and let her cry. It had felt nice.

She started coming through the portal a lot after Sunset confessed to having suicidal thoughts. She had ever found it in herself to forgive her friends and during winter break she hadn’t seen them for two weeks.

Life moved on, but she didn’t. She went to school, she went home, she cried a few times over the course of the day, repeat.

Twilight spent at very least a few hours with her every two or threes days, sometime smor often if she could manage it. It was just enough to keep them awake.

Her dream became a nightmare as she was shown what she was pretty sure was the fight she had just had with Twilight.

“I don’t wanna keep going,” sunset heard her own voice. It sounded pitiful. She was staring at the switched off TV blankly.

“You have to, Sunny. I wish I could be here more, I really do. But that’s not a reason to hurt yourself.” Twilight wrapped her arms around Sunset. Sunset shoved them off her.

“Who are you to tell me how to feel,” she snapped back, now more alert.

“I wasn’t…” Twilight had a look on her face Sunset couldn’t quite place.

Sunset reached for the glass of water on the table. She chucked it at Twilight. She didn’t know why she was so angry. Everything just hurt and she didn’t know why Twilight wasn’t helping like she normally did.

Twilight sputtered, covered in water. She grabbed the glass and tossed it into Sunset’s lap. Sunset grabbed it back up and chuck it at the nearby wall. It shattered and a single piece of sharp glass flew past her and cut her cheek. Twilight gasped.

“Sunset, you’re bleeding,” she said. Sunset just let out a low growl.

“Sunset, please. We can work through this. You just need to calm down.” Twilight reached out for her and Sunset screamed, jerking away from Twilight. “Fine. Be that way. I’m leaving. Write to me when you’re ready to talk.” And then she left. Twilight walked out, leaving a wet spot on the couch and a hole in Sunset’s heart.

Sunset startled awake. She felt terrible. Physically, emotionally, and mentally, everything hurt. Her cheek throbbed, her heart felt heavy, and her mind was filled with thoughts that scared her.

She grabbed the cheap unicorn plush she kept on her bed. Twilight had won it for her in a claw game. It helped calm her down. She hugged it tightly to her chest, trying to slow her breathing. She started the exercise Twilight had taught her.

Five things she could see. She looked around her apartment. The Christmas lights wrapped around her bed, her blankets were rumpled, her alarm clock showed the time as 2:16 am, her closet door was cracked, and there was a t-shirt laying on the floor of her loft.

Four things she could feel: The tears on her cheeks, the pounding in her head, the pillow behind her, and the soft fur of her blush unicorn.

Three things she could hear: the whirl of the fan on her desk below her, the soft hum of her refrigerator, and the ringing of her phone.

Two things she could smell: Her own lemonberry shampoo and the cherry candle burning in her small living room still.

One thing she could taste: the blood falling over her lips from where the blood had run down her cheek. It was crusted over and gross, but it was something to ground her nonetheless.

Wait, the ringing of her phone? Sunset reached over to grab it. She didn’t recognize the number. Dumb telemarketer. She threw it down onto her bed before taking a deep breath, trying to remain calm and not get angry.

It had been a month since Anon-a-Miss. A month since her life fell apart for the third time in her twenty years. Even if she looked like a teenager, she still had all those years she spent in Equestria inside of her, and all they seemed to do was hurt.

She glanced over the railing of her loft to see her journal sitting on the ground. Hery eyes began to water up, but she pushed the tears away. She wasn’t going to cry again.

Reasonably, Sunset knew she should go back to bed, but her mind was racing too fast. She had school the next day.