• Published 15th Oct 2020
  • 4,451 Views, 97 Comments

Time Enough - Shrink Laureate

Twilight Sparkle finds herself in a library. Luster Dawn says something she shouldn't.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Luster kept her head low and out of sight, listening to the Princess interviewing her younger self.

She didn’t want to move, lest she make a noise and draw the filly’s attention. But standing so close to them was dangerous. She couldn’t even breathe safely. Placing each hoof slowly and carefully, she turned to slip into another aisle – only to find herself face to face with a great white pony.

“Shhh,” whispered the white pony.

Luster gasped and took a step back, her backside colliding with a bookcase. She pressed her fetlock over her mouth to keep from making another sound.

“What was that noise?” they heard the filly say. Luster held her hoof over her mouth to avoid making even a peep. A few seconds later, the conversation seemed to move onto bookwyrms and libraries, and she allowed herself to breathe.

Luster turned back to the white pony, and her eyes widened. She was standing before the great Celestia herself. Rather than angry, the Princess seemed amused. She held a hoof gently over Luster’s mouth, while her horn lit up. A moment later, the sound of nearby conversation became muffled.

“A little sound-dampening spell, nothing more.” She nodded towards the pair of Twilights. “It seems we have something in common,” she said. “Watching Twilight Sparkle. Yours is bigger than mine, though, that’s not fair.”

Luster gulped. “Er…”

“Please relax. I’m not going to eat you, little one. I assume the two of you come from the future?”

“I, er, yes. Sorry, yes, Princess. We… weren’t supposed to meet anyone.”

“Yes, well, I have an alarm spell over this whole wing. It helps to know when intruders slip in – including a certain filly. It seems she’s not going to grow out of that habit any time soon.”

“She does still love to read.”

“It’s interesting to see she’s an alicorn. So there are three princesses in your future.”

“Four. Er… five, actually.”

“Impressive. After so long with just one princess, I wonder how Equestria will cope.”

“There’ve been some… changes. Mostly for the better. Not that I’m criticising your rule! I… should shut up now.”

“Don’t tell me anything else. I’ll just have to find out for myself in time.”

“How did you know we’re from the future? I thought time travel was… unknown.”

“Hardly. I’ve read almost every magical treatise in my time, and almost every story out there. Even if nopony’s achieved it yet, I can recognise the signs. An older Twilight Sparkle is hard to miss. And I don’t remember seeing you around Canterlot either. Are you her personal student?”

“Yes,” said Luster, still not quite believing it.

“It’s good to see her keeping up the tradition.”

“She does a lot of things in your hoofsteps.”

Celestia smiled. “The filly over there idolises me. I guess it’s comforting to know she’ll still respect me when she’s a princess.”

“Always. Nopony looks up to you more than her, I think.”

“You, on the other hoof, are surprisingly composed. You wouldn't believe how many ponies flatten themselves to the ground upon seeing me.”

“I met you once before, Princess.”

“You did?”

“When I was just a filly. That was a few months before your funer…al…”

Luster slammed her hoof over her mouth as she realised she’d said much, much too much.

Celestia for her part was taken aback. She turned away, taking time to collect her thoughts.

“I… Princess, I’m sorry, I…”

Celestia shushed the younger mare. “Shhh. You probably shouldn’t say any more than that, little one.”

She took a breath.

“You really are from the future, then?”

Luster didn’t trust herself to talk, so she simply nodded.

“Then you probably shouldn’t say anything else.

“I’ve faced any number of enemies who declared my imminent death. They each proved wrong, of course.” Celestia shook her head. “Never before has my end been prophesied in so kindly a manner. I find it carries a different weight.”

Luster gulped. She wished she could wipe the last few seconds away, go back to a time when history wasn’t in imminent danger.

“I’ve lived many years,” continued Celestia. “Enough for twenty lifetimes. Time enough to see countless ponies pass away: friends, enemies, lovers and rivals, students and teachers. I could spend weeks and moons simply remembering those gone.

“I knew that would be my lot. From the moment I took this mantle I carry, I knew that it would preserve my life until I was ready to pass it on. And I’ve tried, really I have. I haven’t kept it to myself purely out of greed, like a great wyrm curled around his hoard. I’ve trained students, raised statesmen and adventurers and magicians and bureaucrats, searching for a pony I could trust with this burden. So many times I thought I might finally have found them.

“But every time I thought I’d found a pony I could trust to take it from me, something prevented it. Either they turned away from harmony, or they found something else to live for. I was starting to think it was my instruction at fault. Or that I was just too picky.

“I rejoiced when news reached me of young Cadance’s ascension. A new alicorn! I was sure that she would finally be the one.”

She turned to look through a gap in the bookshelves, to where Twilight was interviewing herself. Luster followed her eyes.

“But it seems that I will soon find such a pony – that I have already found her.” She looked back down at Luster. “And perhaps she’s already found the same thing.”

“What?” blurted out Luster. “Me? No no no, I could never–”

“You could never follow in her hoofsteps? Never be as great and noble and wise as she?”

Luster nodded.

“Believe it or not, I said the same thing once, long ago. And I was right, I had no idea how to run a country, and I made a lot of mistakes. But I figured it out eventually.

“You see that filly over there?” Celestia nodded through the rows where slivers of the two Twilights could be seen through gaps in the shelves. “She’s impulsive, excitable, secretive, obsessive, self-centred… the idea of leaving my kingdom in her hooves is terrifying. But seeing the princess she’ll become gives me hope. The ones we raise can never have the same understanding as us, but we have to trust them anyway. In time, they’ll find wisdom of their own.

“Perhaps I simply needed to see her to know that.”

“But Princess, aren’t you… afraid? Of dying, I mean.”

Celestia hesitated. “I would be lying if I said death had no sting. Even after a thousand years, I have no more idea what lies beyond the veil than any other pony, whatever some of them might think.”

She took a deep breath. “But I’ve had time enough to do nearly everything I might want to do with my life – save for passing my legacy on to somepony. There’s nothing else holding me here.”

“No!” interjected Luster.

“I beg your pardon?”

Luster carefully lowered her voice. “I’m sorry, Princess, but that’s not true. There is something for you to do. In the future. Something to live for. I… probably shouldn’t tell you what it is, but it’s the most important thing.”

“Some great villain for me to defeat? Some terrible danger to my ponies?”

“No. Well, yes, several,” corrected Luster, recalling the many stories she’d heard of the Princess’s adventures, and a few of her own. “But they’re not important. I meant something important to you. Something… I really can’t say any more. Just… don’t give up? Please, Princess?”

Celestia found she had been slouching, and stood a little straighter. “Don’t tell me. I can guess what you might be talking about. And even if I’m misinterpreting your words, the hope is… I had almost given up, but this will buoy me. Thank you.

“It looks like your Twilight might be nearly done. I assume you have something to achieve here, beyond cheering up an old lady?”

“Oh! Yes.” Luster carefully levitated the scroll out of her saddlebag. It had been artificially aged, which among other things made it artificially fragile. “I need to hide this where she can find it. Um… can you do me a favour, Princess?”


“If Twilight Sparkle asks you about this scroll, it’s been here all along. Okay?”

“That sounds fair. What is it?”

“It’s the time travel spell that Star Swirl never wrote. And I think it goes…” She counted shelves, settling on a spot among the jumble. “Here.”

“Careful,” cautioned Celestia, pulling the scroll back in her own aura.

“What is it?”

“You nearly disturbed a bookwyrm.” She levitated the miniature dragon out of his nest among the books, and placed him gently in the golden cup of her hoof. His warm, parchment-coloured scales shone in the candlelight as he slowly woke up, yawning deeply.

“Aww. I’m sorry, little guy.”

“Let me go put him somewhere safe.” She carried the little wyrm carefully toward the door.

“Psst!” Princess Twilight whispered from the corner behind Luster. “Are you ready?”

Luster pushed the scroll into place, then nodded. “Yep. Are you?”

Twilight’s eyes strayed to the retreating sight of Celestia pushing the door open and disappearing. She closed her eyes and nodded. “Let’s go.”

Twilight’s horn lit up, and a moment later they were swallowed by a whirlpool of twisting space.

“Hey! What did you mean by…” Filly Twilight trotted around the corner then stopped when she saw the empty aisle. “Where did she go?”

She moved on to check the next aisle, then turned back with a frown. A scroll was poking awkwardly out of the shelf. She pushed it back into place, nodded to herself with a satisfied “Hmmf,” and trotted on.

Comments ( 91 )

Well... That got weird real fast. Stupid paradox. They always do that. Not sure why you had to have Celestia be dead in the future though.

Can I ask you to add spoiler tags? People do read comments before the story sometimes.
Edit: Thanks.

“When I was just a filly. That was a few months before your funer…al…”

alicorns are immortal
and don't give me that tired bullpucky about how their lifeforce is tied to their status or whatever cockamamey excuse you jackoffs use

“Four. Er… five, actually.”

So few? :duck:

The inter-Twilight interaction's quite fun, but the real meat of the story is the interplay between grandteacher and grandstudent. Luster as a rambling oracle is a delight, to say nothing of Celestia taking the news very well. I can't say I'm thrilled with the concepts behind said news, but I do appreciate their dramatic heft here.

I also love how Twilight has some lessons based on what Celestia did wrong. "Poetry doesn't equate to wisdom" is ironically both poetic and wise. And it shows how Twilight grew to perceive her predecessor's hooves of clay while still honoring her legacy. There's a lot left unsaid in this one, and not just to preserve the timeline. Very nice work indeed. Best of luck in the judging.

Hey, remember that silly little thing about how fanfiction isn't canon?
You didn't write the story, you have no say in what the author chooses to make in their own little pocket of reality. The wonderful thing about fiction is that it can be whatever your heart desires. If you don't want Celestia to die, I suggest you create your own little reality for yourself, rather than ridiculing someone else's joy.
In all these years, you have still not managed to understand the message of this universe we enjoy. In a world of friendship and happiness, where does hatred such as yours find its home? A heart imprisoned in stone, left to rot, unable to experience joy of any kind. I pity you, for whether you realize it or not, this is the fate you have condemned yourself to.

I have to admit I'm not entirely sure what happened.

Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff, that's what.

(BTW, nice work, Shrink!)

Ahh, a Doctor Who fan!

Not really, I'm afraid. I just remembered that quote out of the blue, that's all.

Ah, OK. It originates in the 2007 episode Blink.

Love the little Bookwyrm.

Damn dude, chill. It's fanfiction for a reason

Please enjoy this statistically accurate, sad fact: the average North American person dies within 5 years after retirement.

I think perhaps my young friend. It may be time for you to back up, and take a break from the site and the fandom. You clearly have a lot of personal emotion tied up in this, and it is causing you to lash out in a inappropriate way.

Perhaps spend some time reading books, going outside, making friends.


Who hurt you, dude? Every time I've seen you make a comment on a story, it's negative. Do you need a hug?

This was a really well done story. You packed a lot into a little over 3K words. Very nice work! :twilightsmile:

i'll help you simpletons who're replying to me and failing to understand why i made the comment in the first place by reiterating a comment i left on another fanfic with a similar idea in it:

"Well, we're not immortal anymore," replied Celestia. "After we fused our crowns, we gave all our power to Twilight, remember? Now we'll be aging like normal ponies should."

this headcanon is eternally retarded
they're the deities of sun and moon, they don't suddenly become mortal because they gave up their crowns
it might work for cadance and twilight, because they're ascended and not natural alicorns, but here's a more logical headcanon: they'll visibly age normally now. it's all cosmetic, though their voices will change as well. and when they reach a certain visible age, they will either ascend to merge with their respective celestial bodies or be reborn much like a phoenix
note how my headcanon makes more sense than "lol their power is tied to their jewelry" i mean ffs, if i can mock it by merely simplifying it, it's fucking retarded


Perhaps spend some time reading books, going outside, making friends.

i do those things already, changes nothing about the factuality of my statement

you must not have seen my expansive favorites collection, and the bevy of positive comments i've left on those stories
in short: think before you speak, punkass


That answers my question. Well, the second one, at least.


hug me, please
believe it or not it'd be rather nice rn

Sadly my young friend. Your view is not only wrong, but unsupported. Faust herself stated quite a few times that Alicorns are not immortal and that twilight would not outlive her friends.
You have chosen to be rude, arrogant and contrary. It shows you really don't have a grasp on the show, the fandom, or its ideals.
I again suggest you may need to step back and evaluate why you feel the need to attack others. Especially when your own stance is counter to the shows writers and creators.

i attack others because they're fucking morons
and yes, i do understand the morals of the show. i'm just not going to waste them on jackasses who likely hate me back
also, word of god only means more than jack shit when said god is still part of the crew behind the show
anything she had to say about the show's canon stopped being wholly canon after she left us
she jumped ship, she doesn't get to say which direction it goes

Congratulations on getting in the featured box!

Dang that's harsh. I've personally always believed Celestia and Luna can die, with their mantles over Sun and Moon passing on to others (because otherwise nobody can control them) but it's no less disappointing to hear them actually die in a story. Not a bad thing of course, just sad.

On another note. Tiny dragons nesting among books? Adorable.

My theory is that celestia chose to die.

Really great story idea! I'm digging what you have going on.


i attack others because they're fucking morons

Incorrect. You attacked me on one of my stories admittedly without reading it because you have a hateboner for the ship I used and then you tried to blame it on being autistic or something, which is a piss-poor excuse in the first place. However, the actual reason, I would assume, is you have so little going on in your personal life you have to take your boredom and personal frustrations out on those you disagree with. It's your right to do so, but my right to call you out on it.

Or perhaps it's due to your total lack of self-esteem. You type away the petty frustrations of your own pathetic existence, toward which you put no effort to improve, in order to bring others down to your level. Do you truly have nothing better to do with your time, and efforts than this? Quite ironic for one so apparently fond of The Element of Kindness to be such a cruel, vindictive, and pathetic little creature.

on behalf of all autists everywhere we don't claim him :facehoof: I said this on Famous's fic but it's really annoying when I see people acting like dicks and then using their disability as an excuse - like no m8 that ain't kosher, it just knocks the rest of us down by several pegs and it's the reason why so many people have trouble talking about their disabilities

I get that people are going a bit stir crazy in this pandemic but this ain't it chief

now watch as he bails on the thread like an absolute fucking coward

but anyway good story m8 I felt a pang in my heart at almost 3 in the morning

We know. We fellow autists stand united against the pretenders who besmirch our good name


i do those things already, changes nothing about the factuality of my statement

It doesn't on a factual level.

But the fact you are acting like an complete and utter asshole over a headcanon that in no way hurts you, shows that you are WAY to emotionally tied to the show, like an unhealthy level.
Get over yourself and accept that people have headcanons that doesn't align with the canon-show.

Possible, and it seemed implied as such, but I was mostly just saying "yeah I believe they can die, they're simply ageless"

you can't find any faults with my arguments, so you attack me
fuckin sick, bros
maybe try actually debating, dudes

10483418 rly? this old shit again? dose it rly maters if they are imortal or not? their imortality is tied how much their images sell merch>>> merch sell very badly or even stops booom they die or are revamped and your debate wont change a thing.
for gods sake look at comics before supermans death comic book heroes died relativly permament deaths when his time was writer/publisher/investors fucked around since he is so valuable and he got healing coma and and that retarded trend of coomick book heroes get resurections left and right was started.
MLP alicorns are in same shit their image sell vell they live their death sell beter they die rinse and repeat to infinite idioticy and you rageing like spoiled man child WONT CHANGE A FUCKING THING so calm your tits and be civil.
if you still want to debate that povide forum link wher evryone can debate that and not in coment secition of storys

>Calling people simpletons and idiots for not agreeing with you.
>Getting assmad about a writer not writing your 'factual statement' in a fanfiction with 'fanon' in it.
>Thinking you're the gold standard when every time you comment on a story not one thing is positive.

Pick a struggle, please.

Well, I suppose I can put in my own two cents then, since you're offering.

First, it's important to note that there has been no indication that alicorns are immortal. They may be ageless or just incredibly long-lived given Celestia and Luna's history in the show, but that doesn't discount the possibility that other things can kill them such as combat or even simple accidents.

Second, headcanons are exactly that, personal interpretations about the show's lore. I'll agree that the idea of the princess' crowns holding their eternal youth is a bit far-fetched, but it is often the presentation of such a headcanon that makes it bad rather than the headcanon itself. Execution of an idea is far more important than the idea itself.

That all said, it pays to recognize how much more aggressive you are compared to the majory of this comment section, Late_Night. People have spoken against you with the intent of being rude and hateful, but your own comments show that the backlash wasn't wholly unwarranted.

Spitting hate and vitriol at each other isn't okay, even if it feels good, and it certainly isn't what the show -or this site- is about. So this goes for everyone, including those who have casted an insult at Late_Night: there are much better ways to deal with people, even those you dislike; I've seen it and I bet everyone else reading this has seen it, too. Please, be kind.

i can barely read this, try learning proper english


Well, I suppose I can put in my own two cents then, since you're offering.

finally, someone who actually wants to talk

First, it's important to note that there has been no indication that alicorns are immortal. They may be ageless or just incredibly long-lived given Celestia and Luna's history in the show, but that doesn't discount the possibility that other things can kill them such as combat or even simple accidents.

a fair point, but not what i'm talking about

Second, headcanons are exactly that, personal interpretations about the show's lore. I'll agree that the idea of the princess' crowns holding their eternal youth is a bit far-fetched, but it is often the presentation of such a headcanon that makes it bad rather than the headcanon itself. Execution of an idea is far more important than the idea itself.

it's not "a bit far-fetched", it's completely absurd
and what of ideas that can't be properly executed at all?
and the authors who can't execute certain ideas at all?

That all said, it pays to recognize how much more aggressive you are compared to the majority of this comment section, Late_Night. People have spoken against you with the intent of being rude and hateful, but your own comments show that the backlash wasn't wholly unwarranted.

to the former point: i'm rather aggressive about defending my ideas, for reasons i don't wish to elaborate upon
to the latter: i disagree. they could have directed their vitriol at my arguments, but they chose to direct it at me instead. i'd understand the former, but the latter is childish

Spitting hate and vitriol at each other isn't okay, even if it feels good, and it certainly isn't what the show -or this site- is about. So this goes for everyone, including those who have cast insults at Late_Night: there are much better ways to deal with people, even those you dislike; I've seen it and I bet everyone else reading this has seen it, too. Please, be kind.

i appreciate the effort, but you're talking to a brick wall there. they've decided i'm an acceptable target, therefore they'll just keep attacking me until i submit to their ways or quit the site entirely
this is how it goes. even in this fandom, it's an inescapable machination

For those who've been debating with Late_Night, I'm not sure if your arguments will get thru. But its important to remember that, when debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the looser.

As for the story...its great. Excellente. I'm working on another Alicorn twilight fic of my own. As well as other things. I applaud your skill.

Aww, man this was so cute. Very nicely done, and Celestia’s role was o so bittersweet but I think fit Perfectly with the story. You can tell this is a much younger but yet much lonelier Celestia to the one we’re used to seeing

Denying Celestia's immortality was primarily to highlight the fact that you made a kneejerk reaction to what was -for all intents and purposes- an offhand mention of her death with no real indication of how she died.

You assumed Celestia was immortal and that the author was disregarding that fact, then proceeded to make a clearly hateful comment on it which seemed to be directed at some group of people who make similar assumptions on Celestia's mortality.

It was aggressive and -as far as I can tell- unprovoked, not to mention the reason that everyone else started dogpiling on you. I don't claim to know what state of mind you're in, nor what life you have, but if you're hurt in any fashion then lashing out will only provide reason for others to try and hurt you more.

In such cases, simply asking about this Celestia's death, clarifying the means by which she died -if the author had even came up with one, and then expressing any remaining disagreement would result in a lot less heartache and anger for everyone involved. It's difficult to find the will to do so now, I'm sure, emotions have already broiled over here, but I urge you and everyone else to make the attempt next time a situation such as this occurs.

Because you may believe that I'm talking to a brickwall, but I don't. Everyone can be kind, they just have to be set right sometimes.

Anyone else who tries to continue fighting with Late_Night, just stop. Break the cycle, however you can, even if you just need to tell yourself he isn't worth the effort.

see, thing is i want them to debate me, but they don't like the fact that i'm not willing to blindly accept their views
they think they can just tell me to follow them and i will, but i'm not a fucking idiot

I believe you've made that clear. The socratic warning was for all of you involved.

Also. From my, mostly, objective POV, it seems more like you are making kneejerk reactions and not allowing debate. More "Haha yer dumb....."

But that's what it looks like, and looks can be deceiving.

Zobeid #46 · Oct 16th, 2020 · · 1 ·

"alicorns are immortal" Well, that’s your assertion. I don’t see you providing any evidence or rationale to support it. It seems just be something you have imagined, an assumption you have jumped to, and suddenly it became real to you (well, we all have our headcanon) — and you expect it to be just as real to everyone else, too (but headcanon doesn’t work that way). What do we really know? We really know that Celestia has lived for a long time, in excess of a thousand years without aging and dying in the normal way that we would expect. That’s it. Maybe she’s an immortal deity. Maybe alicorns are just non-deific, non-immortal beings who happen to not age like normal ponies. Maybe she does age normally, but also has mastered age spells to keep herself rejuvenated. Maybe the Tree of Harmony has suspended her aging until she can fulfill her destiny. Maybe it’s something else I haven’t even thought of. Equestria is a land of great magic. Anything is possible. (And that goes double for fanfiction scenarios, where the imagination truly runs wild.)

"and don't give me that tired bullpucky about how their lifeforce is tied to their status" I’ve never even heard that one before.

"or whatever cockamamey excuse you jackoffs use" Aha. Now we see your true colors. You are happy to spout your views on this subject, but you’ve already rejected any possible dissenting views before hearing them. It’s funny how you gripe about nobody wanting to “debate” you, and nobody accepting your headcanon, while also declaring that you don’t want to hear back from any morons/jackoffs/simpletons/etc who might possibly disagree with you on anything whatsoever.

Oh you mean like when I pointed out Faust and other writer/VA/editors have all said Alicorns are not immortal and that it has been said many times twilight won't outlive her friends. You blew it off and ignored it because it didn't fit your view?

You can't accept the fact you are wrong in your view to the point of attacking others and throwing slurs. Then you try to excuse your un-brony like conduct with "i am autistic" like it is a crutch. There are a lot of autistic brony in the fandom. However you don't see any of them being absolutely toxic in threads and stories do you?

So I end with what I said first. Perhaps it is time my young friend to step back. Spend some time away from the site and get some perspective. Come back at it from the point of the fandom, that is friendship, kindness, and accepting views not your own.

Welp, it's official. Bookwyrms are canon. LET IT BE SO!:moustache:

I really liked this story. Celestia being in the archives made sense given why filly Twilight was there. Meanwhile, Tia's talk with Luster Dawn felt really natural. It was actually pretty funny that she was kind of playing along with everything, even after the huge bomb drop.

If I had to give any criticism, it'd be Twilight's talk with, well, Twilight. Both of them were still in character, and I don't think there was a better way to write the scene, it was great! It just felt awkward in some way. I can't really place why. Oh well, it's more a nitpick than anything and even then it might just be my opinion.

I hope you keep on writing, fellow writer!

I think you've made it clear that you don't want a debate, you just want someone to pat your ass and tell you how special you are and that you're always right

being a cynic can only get you so far m8, maybe work on fixing yourself and your attitude first before trying to fix everything else - I get it, we're jaded and depressed motherfuckers but dragging everyone else down to your level won't solve anything

everyone has their own headcanon, if you want to share yours then write a story for yourself instead of forcing it upon authors because you don't like the way theirs went - and don't give me that guilt-tripping bollocks about how "everyone hates me and they'll hate my stories because they hate me", that's just a cockamamie deflecting demotivational excuse of your own

you don't need to be a professional writer to write a story, if you have an idea, put it to work and see where it goes

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