• Published 18th Sep 2020
  • 1,956 Views, 292 Comments

Magic's Birth: The Sisters' Memories - The Psychopath

Luna and Celestia tell Twilight of the time when their makers were still around, when they were awoken, and potentially discover what the Blue energy that birthed the magic that gave life to the world was.

  • ...

The First Glitch

"When you started becoming aware?" Twilight repeated.

"Yes. Us 'seconds' were always brought in big boxes," Luna explained.

"Biiiig boxes!" Celestia added. She spread her thin, metal plated arms wide and tried stretching her ring-light 'hands' as far from their source on her hoof as possible.

Twilight was somewhat disturbed by her former mentor's behavior. Ever since she had turned into this floating, bipedal, thin...thing, she had been acting very...odd, she found. Celestia was bobbing her head left and right to a beat that only she could hear.

"Princess Celestia, are you alright?" Twilight asked cautiously.

"Certainly, Twilight. Why do you ask?" Celestia asked.

Twilight slowly turned back to Luna. "No reason...So, what was this world you two came from like? Who were your friends?" Twilight's eyes shot wide open. "What were the mathematical and scientific principles of the world back then?!" she bellowed excitedly at the top of her lungs.

Luna had covered her head with an 'arm' reflexively. "Twilight, calm down. We have a literal million years of time to talk about everything we know of with you," Luna chastised angrily.

The lavender alicorn shrunk down. "Sorry." Twilight cleared her throat. "So, what happened? When did it all start?"

Luna started tapping the side of her, producing a strange humming noise. "Let me see if I can remember." She paused a moment, frozen and immobile.

"We could show you directly with a spell," Celestia interjected. She pointed a rounded nub of her light-ring 'hand' at her head. "Use a spell to shoot the images straight into your head or project them on the walls."

"I didn't think of doing that," Luna said. She twiddled her 'fingers' together. "Kinda stopped doing that a few millennia ago, but we can do it either way, or we just tell you what happened directly," she explained.

"I'd rather it be projected more clearly than Princess Celestia did earlier," Twilight said.

"I...didn't project anything, Twilight," Celestia said with worry.

Twilight stared at her, confused, but the two princesses looked around the cave, their glowing eyes tracing slow paths in the dark.

"Let's ignore that for now and get to the story telling. We've waited so long to tell anypony," Luna said. She hummed, her treble-boosted voice scratching at Twilight's inner-ear a bit. "It started when I was activated for the first time." She heaved a sigh of satisfaction. "What an adventure."

Colors and indistinct shapes came into view, and a sense of growing clarity flowed throughout its body. The new machine stared at the shapes flashing across its eyes, slowly becoming more distinct and easier to understand. These red lights were numbers and letters; lines of code and commands flashing rapidly into and out of view. Looking around as its systems came into function, the machine looked to its sides. Sight was impeded by whatever solid object was in place, but without a fully functional body, the machine couldn't determine what was blocking its view. Patience was the key to fulfill whatever its purpose was.

"..coming online now," a sound said.

The machine could instantly recognize and understand the sounds.

"Is she on yet? This LN model is supposed to be super quick in booting up compared to the older LE models," a second voice complained. This one was deeper than the others. "What does the instruction manual say? Didn't I do the booting process right?"

"Did you check that she was fully charged?" the first asked.

The machine looked at shapes moving in front of it, two of them angrily grabbing at a white thing in their ends. Finally, the machine felt its body click and slowly levitated outside of the box.

"It's moving! It booted up right!" the first voice shouted in surprise.

The second thrust a bent arm down and cheered. "I knew I could make her work right away." It put its arms on its hips and stared at it. "This custom LN model better have been worth every bit we put into it."

"Hello," the machine spoke. The two tall figures cringed at the voice. "I am custom model LN-1a. I have booted up successfully and hope to be of use to you."

"Should do something about her voice," the deeper voice complained.

The machine started to scan the figures before her in-depth. Tall, bipedal entities wreathed in blue energies with white eyes ringed like the machine's, but different colors. White, with just the outline of what should have been the iris, with more white of the scelera, followed by a colored pupil. Unlike the machines, these bipeds possessed ridges that led to two holes in their faces, followed by a much larger hole beneath those two. Hair adorned their heads and faces, each patch a different, deeper or brighter shade of blue with a single color mixed in. Around them misshapen strands of blue energy would rise and dissipate into the air, although just observing didn't let the new arrival understand the pattern of these strands and coronas.

"Hold on. I'm supposed to believe that's what these makers looked like? The first?" Twilight asked skeptically. She sat on her haunches and crossed her forelegs.

Luna 'fell' forward as she questioned herself. "I. Ah. Maybe? I think? I remember that's what they looked like...at least, that's what their features were."

"That's not what they looked like," Celestia said.

"So what did they look like, sister?" Luna asked.

The white machine was about to answer but her voice glitched, producing a jumbled blurp. "I don't remember," she realized in shock. "We've been with these ponies and other creatures too long. I just remember that they don't look like that."

The two hummed. "The hippogriffs and the minotaurs seem familiar though," Luna pondered aloud. "We'll ponder this aside."

"Should I try and think about it too?" Twilight asked.

Luna shook her head. "You won't be of any help, unfortunately, but feel free to try and determine what they look like. I just know that this as close to what they look like as I remember."

Celestia nodded in agreement. "True. I'm definitely sure they had those traits, at the very least," she said with uncertainty.

Twilight narrowed her eyes, clearly doubtful of these two aged beings.

"You two are registered as the rightful owners of this LN custom model." The machine bowed its head. "Thank you for acquiring this unit and customizing it."

The first voice shook its head. "Thanks for paying us more bits to customize it," it whispered.

The tallest figure had the deeper voice and spoke to the machine. "We need your help in maintaining our home," it said. "Clean up the place and we'll watch. We need to see if you're in perfect shape on delivery."

The machine bowed and started to explore the location when it overheard what the two began discussing.

"She is immediately going to work? I thought they had to assess everything at first," the first voice noted.

The machine immediately turned back around and floated towards the two figures who couldn't help but flinch at the blank stared their new robot gave them. "Would you like to give a custom designation to this unit?" it asked.

The second voice stepped forward. "Why do you ask?"

"You have referred to this unit multiple times as a 'she', but the LN model is not designated as male or female by the manufacturer," the machine stated factually.

"Well..." The large figure looked to something behind him then back at the machine. "With some supervision, you were designed by some younger members of our family and given a female persona."

The machine gave pause. "I am to be designated as 'female', then? Would you like to input a custom name designation?"

Getting a better grasp of the information flooding into her, the machine started to analyze more than just the identity of her owners. The large one was a male, and the slightly smaller one was a female. Although, by Luna's knowledge, these two were much taller than the average...maker. They surpassed even her height while she was floating.

"They designed a moon motif around you," the male thought aloud.

The female scoffed. "They gave her a really weird name. Why don't we just call her 'Luna'? It's loosely based on her designation."

The machine 'blinked'. "I will follow vocal designation 'Luna' until stated otherwise."

The male clapped his hands loudly. "Good! I just realized that I'm an idiot also, and you can't help around the house yet. Survey our property first until I set up the charging and updating booth."

The female stared at him with disappointed eyes and crossed arms. "You mean her service station," she said.

"Yes that," he quickly replied.

"Very well."

Luna floated to the right towards two semi-transparent black doors which slid open on their own into what she could designate as the kitchen, judging by the commodities within. A large and tall white counter took up much of the space, and above it hung many mugs and wine glasses. The machine raised her 'arm' and produce a ring of light from a glowing, circular pedestal at its end. She shaped it into the outline of a hand and pulled a mug down. Curious of its composition, but her database was too barebones to figure out what the animal and designation of the sign it was holding were meant to be.

Placing the mug back on its hook, she looked around the kitchen to see a table and chairs -both blue- past the counter, in the floor and covered by a pane of glass. They were awaiting use after having been cleaned by the in-built house's systems. The oven, microwave, and fridge were all in similar compartments. Glowing holographic buttons floated on a wall directly opposite them, each one designating what they controlled in the area. Luna turned back around and passed the counter, ready to survey the rest of the area, but something caught her optics: A massive window she hadn't noticed because of her angle of entry.

A single, solid pane of glass served as an entire wall of the kitchen, showing the location LN-1a had been delivered. There was no sun, but hardly any stars either. Instead, other sources of light shone on the world itself. Massive spires of black and blue rose high into the skies, piercing beyond even the veil of clouds above. Their feet were wreathed in gold and blue lights, ensuring they would always know what was beneath them. Some of these towers stood out from the rest by being comprised of several separate pieces. One was shaped like a box with sharp, rising corners at its top and a pyramidal based. Each section was interconnected by multiple wispy curtains of blue light and residual, very small white spheres blinking within them.

The machine gradually looked down to see a sprawling city below, going as far as her ocular system could zoom. She could barely see the end, and even then she wasn't sure if that wasn't just due to her own system's limitations. Bright, flashing lights of all colors decorated the 'floor' far below with all manner of colors. Large shapes and animated figures hung from the larger shelters, and even the towers themselves would occasionally display light patterns when their edges weren't blinking white for the craft flying across invisible lanes that only their occupants could see.

The closer the machine looked, the more it realized that within the streets of the city below and behind the flying vehicles were faint, wispy trails of blue. They were difficult to notice, and hardly even came close to the auroras floating between the building segments and around other towering monstrosities like a blanket, but they were there. There was a lot of blue, wispy energy coming from everything. Even patches of cloud occasionally blinked faintly of this same energy. The machine knew it was supposed to know, but nothing came to mind.

Finally, she took a step back to see her own reflection. This would be a perfect opportunity to analyze herself for any manufacturing defects. Much like everything else it could see, her body was a deep, dark blue, and it was covered in segmented, and sometimes layered plates of thin metal. Several glowing lines ran across her body, curving around her joints and lining up across her back, not that she could see them properly with the undulating 'hair' made up of various blues accentuated by the rare stream or speck of white and black. The composition was unknown, but it ebbed and flowed on its own. She detached the metal plates from her body, letting them float in the air and revealing her primary chassis beneath. There no anomalies.

Her shape was vaguely equine like. She raised her arms to see that they ended with a sharp slant on the inner 'hoof', where the rings were located. The edges of said hoof were smooth, unlike her legs which nearly ended in sharp points. At their base were five holes, and at what would be an 'ankle' was the joint that would allow the robot to walk on legs if needed or short on energy. Her eyes were a solid, glowing blue, and on her 'hips' were white crescent moons painted on, along with little white dots running down to her 'knee'.

"...o idea where she is!" the male shouted.


The doors slid open, gradually increasing the strength Luna's owner's voice. His shouting was stopped abruptly when he saw his robot and jumped back in shock. "What are you doing here?" he asked Luna.

"Observing," she answered flatly.

She wasn't removing her optics from the light show of the city, prompting the maker to look at it, then back at his machine. "I think she glitched," he shouted. "She was in the kitchen this whole time." He brought an arm around the robot and led it back to Luna's room of awakening. "Come on. To the...box to update you."

"Servicing Station," Luna corrected.

The male huffed in annoyance. "Yes, yes."

The giant metal box she had been brought in was still there, including the foam contents meant to keep her protected during transport being splayed across the floor. Quick movement was detected and picked up by her optics, but the source had already left her sight. She was brought to a black pad on the floor, and Luna was quick to rotate to face her two owners once again.

"There. Now I can activate the service station. She'll get updates, compile whatever she learned, or whatever it is they said in the manual. I don't know." The female shrugged and tossed the manual over her shoulder. "I'm tired and I want to go to bed."

The male pushed a button on the circular platform, bringing up an encasing cylinder of light and several floating plates of dark-blue and white metal of actively varying shapes. Connecting, disconnecting, realigning, reshaping. Each one scanning, tampering, sparking. Working on making this new robot to function as best as possible and delay any complaints. Before she was deactivated, Luna could still hear her owners, however.

"She better be every bit better than the previous generation," the male complained.

The female laughed in response, then her voice became a hushed whisper, but amplifying her auditory sensors allowed Luna to hear her nonetheless. "How long did it take us to set that station up?"

The man looked at the robot then back at his supposed wife. "I think an hour or more." He took a deep breath and put a hand to his head, interrupting the flow of blue, wispy curtains. "She was just staring at the city outside."

"Think she might have glitched."

All became dark and silent as Luna's systems were updated and debugged. She remained 'unconscious' until her systems detected a 'sting' of sorts. A mishap of the current, perhaps. Her systems might have partially turned on. She wasn't sure. The images of the city looped seemingly for years in her memory storage as she analyzed and compiled them. Always there for her to see. For her to analyze.

"...What beautiful lights."

Author's Note:

That cover art makes me think of Mewtwo Y.

Also I have a patreon. In my profile description. Something something. *loud cough*

And I feel this is a befitting theme for the story.

I decided to publish my own non-pony books myself. I currently only have Reverting Scales (book 1) out right now which you can get on Kindle for 5 dollars or in paperback for 12. If you can't or don't want to purchase it, I would be grateful if you could share it.

The main character is a dragoness that starts out as a 'thing' developping in her egg and grows into a drake over the course of the story. It was partially inspired by Tui. T. Sutherland's Wings of Fire and E.E. Knight's Age of Fire books where dragons are the main characters.

Naydrus is a dragon born to immense parents who live with and serve humans. When the dragonling hatches, it is revealed that she doesn't look anything like her family and she has a passion for fighting. However, she also carries a deep hatred for the hominid 'caretakers'. This inspires her escape from the city through the sewer system and find other dragons that share her mindset. However, the world is a big place and very old. Much has happened and continues to happen without Naydrus being aware of it, causing her to cross paths with dangerous individuals and end up in hazardous locations.

You can find it here