• Published 17th Sep 2020
  • 2,543 Views, 20 Comments

A God Amongst Insects - Nightflight406

Displaced in Equestria, a brother and sister have to survive in a world of acist ponies.

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Chapter One

Today was the day! After waiting all week, our order has arrived! But first let me introduce myself, my name is Eric Carter, I live in a small apartment in Tennessee with my sister. You see six months ago our parents split, so she came to live with me until she got use to it.

We were supposed to go to Comic-Con this year, but after Covid welllllll. Let's just say all our work was for not. However Emma (my sister) wanted to finish our costumes, she would be going as Mystique, and I would be going as Magneto. We had created our own costumes, except for Mystique's yellow eyes and Magneto's helmet, well that's a lie. We built a Magneto's helmet, but it was shit, so we ordered one instead.

Well back to the present, Emma had gotten to the door first and grabbed the package. Quickly opening it she pulled out her contacts before handing the box to me. I reached in and pulled out my helmet. Ohhhhh what a helmet it was, curved on the sides it looked like the one from the original movie (And in this day and age, it's hard find one of those) it caught the light perfectly, and when I tried it on, it fit perfectly.

"Come on! Let's go try on the full costumes!" Emma said, dragging me behind her. I chuckled, even though she was seventeen, her inner child had never changed. She pulled me over to the closet where our masterpieces waited to be finished. Emma's was a skin tight body suit I had drawn little scale like patterns on. I was a bit of a crafter, and I didn't think it looked to bad. Mine, however, was a work of art, the gray uniform, with high, military dress style boots, the leather gloves, and a gray cape with a red inside.

Emma had pulled her costume out and ran to the bathroom to change, while I quickly slipped into my room. A few minutes later, I was in my costume (minus the helmet) waiting for Emma to come out.

"How do I look?" Emma asked, walking out of the bathroom.

"Great," I answered, "Me?"

"Amazing," Emma said, "Now for the finishing touches." She ran toward the dinning room kitchen, where we had set up what looked like a movie star's makeup trailer.

Quickly sitting in the chair, my sister exclaimed, "Me first! Me first!" Chuckling, I started on her makeup. Now, I know what you thinking, 'Me? A guy? Doing makeup?' Well, yes, yes, and yes, see I always wanted to work in show business as an actor, but if not I figured I could get close enough as a costume designer or makeup artist. Also it never hurts to have that talent when you want to go as Harvey Dent to Comic-Con. I had also started teaching Emma how to as well.

With an ease I had picked up over the years, I expertly colored her face, hands, and feet a deep navy blue, before putting darker spots on her forehead. I didn't need to dye her hair, as we had done that a few hours ago, hers a crimson red, while mine was a light gray. It took an hour and a half, but I was done. Now it was my turn.

Switching places, I now sat in the chair, as Emma did my makeup, well not full makeup, just darkening some wrinkle lines, making me look older, It only took half an hour for mine to be done. Grabbing a handheld mirror, I praised Emma's work, she had done well.

Suddenly, my fingers slipped, and the mirror fell to the floor and broke into a million pieces.

'I broke a mirror. Seven years bad luck. Eh, that's just a myth.'

After cleaning up the broken glass, We got ready for the piece-de-la-resistance. I put my helmet on after helping Emma put her contacts in ever-so-carefully. I must say, I think we look great. Emma wanted to take a picture, to show her friends, but as I reached for my cellphone, which was on the counter, I began to feel light-headed. I put my hand to my temple and closed my eyes.

"Eric." Turning, I saw Emma looking woozy as well. Before I could tell her to sit down, she passed out and fell to the floor. That was the last thing I saw, before I passed out, well besides the floor coming up to meet me.

* * *

Celestia was sitting on her throne, signing paperwork, when she felt a magic surge come from the Everfree Forest. Quickly, she handed (Hoofed? Levitated?) the paperwork to her assistant, Raven Inkwell, before quickly writing a letter to her student in Ponyville.

Her sister had just been returned to her, so what could it be? Not Discord, he was still in stone. Not Terik, he would have had to get past Cerberus, not an easy task. Not Sombra, as it's way too south for him. She just hoped whatever it was, it was friendly.

* * *

I groaned as I came to. My head was spinning, and I couldn't remember a thing.

'I'm not drunk. I haven't touched a drop of alcohol since . . . let's not go there. I shuddered, remembering the 'Hose and Duck Incident' as my friends called it.

Looking at my hand I saw it was gloved, suddenly it all came flooding back to me, The costumes, the makeup, the package, and finally fainting.

Lifting my head, I saw Emma, still out cold, sleeping on a bed of grass.

Well, at least she's . . . wait A BED OF GRASS! Jerking my head around, I realized we were in some kind of forest, that didn't worry me, I grew up in Camden, what worried me was how we got here. That and if there were any poisonous snakes around here.

Suddenly, I smelled something. Looking around I deduced where the smell was coming from (my nose works like that) It was coming from everywhere. Which either meant, we were the cause of the smell, unlikely, or we were surrounded by whatever was making that smell.

That's when I saw the eyes, glowing green, about a half dozen surrounding us. Then one of the pairs of eyes came out of the shadows, to revel, a Timberwolf! And not when a southerner says timberwolf, I meant a real timberwolf! made completely out of wood.

'Impossible! Timberwolves only live in . . .' It all clicked, many fanfictions I had read, shady site that has stuff no one else has, 'I'm in Equestria!'

Now normally, I would be thrilled, ending up in Equestria is a brony's best dream (Which me and Emma are) but when your surrounded by Timberwolves, you don't really feel the excitement. Then I remembered.

'I'm Magneto! Master of Magnetism! This shouldn't be a challange.' slowly, dramatically I lifted my hands, will all pieces of metal nearby to rise.

Only for nothing to happen.

Then I remembered. No metal in the Everfree.
