• Published 1st Oct 2020
  • 3,658 Views, 55 Comments

Of Fire and Death - Puzzling Frost

When the skies turn black, and destruction reigns. Aid shall come from the most unlikely of places.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Dreams and Preperations


The Bewitching Bell glowed dimly, barely giving any light in the endless void.

Zu'u fen siiv hi tafiir


A heartbeat echoed through the silence, following in rhythm with the glow of the bell.

Hi nis iliis

“Stay back….”

The heartbeat quickened as the bell pulsed brighter.

Hi nis filok dii bah.


The beat grew louder, the bell glowed brighter.

Dii yolos

“Stay back….”

A sudden heat filled the air as the Bell pulsed faster and faster.

Fen drun hi gral

The light from the Bell illuminated the void. Its teal green light envelops all, revealing a large row of gigantic sharp teeth behind it. The heartbeat grew erratic.

Zu'u fen

The jaws of the unseen monster slowly opened, a low growl escaping them

Drun hi

The air grew hotter as the heartbeat raced.


The light of the bell became red, the fangs lunged forward in a roar.

“AHHH-” Cozy screamed, Tirek covered her mouth with his hand.

“Shh! You want to get us caught?” Tirek whispered. “At least you’re up, we’re almost there.” As Tirek let her go he noticed her panicked expression and rolled his eyes. “What’s the matter? Had a nightmare? Snap out of it, we need to get ready.” Cozy shook her head, getting her senses back.

The two villains poked out from their cover, a bundle of hay in a wagon. The sun had set and the Moon had started to rise. The road ahead was busy as ponies arrived at the city gates. Canterlot was abuzz with activity as the holiday festivities were underway. Their ride took a turn off the road to the side, and an earth pony mare unhooked herself from the wagon and made her way to the back. Making sure the coast was clear, the mare knocked on the wagon.

“Um, why are we stopping?” Cozy asked as Chrysalis’s disguise fell with emerald flames.

“There are too many creatures out there, and I’m tired of pulling your hefty behinds!” Chrysalis hissed.

“I’ll have you know that I am pure muscle!” Tirek shot back, poking his head out from the hay.

“Ugh, I hate traffic.” Cozy groaned, “It’ll take forever to get inside!”

“Agreed, I know a better way inside.” Chrysalis offered.

“Well let's go then!” Cozy huffed impatiently.

“If it means I can stretch my legs and get out of this hay, then I’m all for it,” Tirek said, brushing some straw off his body.

“Ugh, I still wish I had time to pack outfits for the festival.” Rarity sighed. She along with the others was sitting in one of the castle lounges. “Honestly, it’s not often that Canterlot gets to hold the Summer Sun Celebration.”

“It’s usually held elsewhere, but I think after Sombra’s return and siege on the city the Princesses wanted to boost morale.” Applejack remarked, leaning back in her chair. Fluttershy nodded in agreement.

“All of Canterlot was under his terrifying mind-control spell. I heard the local schools couldn’t open due to how scared foals and families were for a while,” Fluttershy said, “We were under his spell for only a few minutes and even I could hardly sleep for a week after that.”

“And that’s why they all needed a party!” Pinkie cheered before devouring a cake. “It’s just what they need to forget those bad memories and put a smile on everypony’s face!” She beamed.

“Right as always, Pinkie Pie!” Dash said relaxing on a sofa. “And with the preparations done, we can party all night long! I can’t wait to win some festival games.” She boasted.

“I’m just happy Braeburn managed to get some stalls reserved. Appaloosa has been bustling with tourism, and some share of some genuine Apple sweets ought to knock the hats off ponies here.” Applejack bragged.

“How is Braeburn doing by the way? Relations with Buffalo still doing well?” Rarity asked, sipping some tea.

“Yeah! Great in fact! Appaloosa’s become a great mixture of pony and buffalo culture. Ponies teaching the Buffalo some agricultural and building techniques, and the Buffalo showing the ponies how to connect with the land.” Applejack beamed. “Heck, I heard Little Strongheart has been taking foals out on field trips.”

“That’s lovely to hear Applejack! Maybe I could go out and help with some of them.” Fluttershy said. Suddenly the doors opened up as Twilight and Spike walked in.

“Oh, there you are darlings! We were wondering when you would show up.” Rarity inquired, her demeanor changed as she noticed Twilight and Spike’s slightly nervous expressions. “Oh, is there something the matter?”

“Well, there’s been a few changes of plans.” Twilight began.

“Oh don’t tell me there’s more work to do! I wanted to go enjoy the festivities.” Rainbow groaned.

“Only a few quick minor ones, but I’ve got some important news from Celestia and Luna,” Twilight said, closing the door behind her. “In light of Sombra’s attack, Tirek’s and Cozy’s disappearance from Tartarus, the princesses have decided to hold off on their retirement.” The girls were shocked at that.

“Does this mean you’re not going to become the new ruler of Equestria?” Fluttershy asked.

“No, I’m still going to become the new ruler, Celestia and Luna just want to remain until Cozy and Tirek are found.” Twilight explained.

“And Chrysalis,” Spike added. “They want to be advisors for Twilight and us for when we take the role.”

“Well, that makes sense. Then again I’m surprised they didn’t do that in the first place.” Applejack commented.

“That’s because they want things to play out all boring like.” A voice echoed around them. The seven of them were suddenly teleported to the grand hallway. There they saw Discord adding a mustache and sombrero to the portrait of Sombra. “So silly to think they can control everything.”

“Hello, Discord,” Twilight said, rolling her eyes. “Changing the murals again I see?”

“I figured it would help the citizens make light of the past. What better way to get over an attack on the capital than with some light comedy?” Discord joked donning a poncho and shaking some maracas, Pinkie and Dash laughed at the mural while the others chuckled. “Anywho weren’t you getting to the part where this was the last Summer Sun situation or whatever?”

“Yes I was just getting to that, thank you Discord.” Twilight sighed.

“The last Summer Sun Celebration? But it's my fifth favorite holiday!” Pinkie exclaimed in shock.

“Fifth? What’s the first?” Rainbow asked, Pinkie looked from side to side before pulling her close.

“My parent’s birthday! But you didn’t hear it from me.” She whispered before giggling.

“Getting back on topic, it’s the last Summer Sun Celebration?” Applejack said with concern.

“Yes, that’s what they said. They don’t see a need for it after they step down from the throne,” Twilight stated, pulling out a sun and moon ornate amulet. “They even want me to raise the Sun when the festival ends. But I don’t think the festival has to end as they think.”

“Ooh? What’s this?” Discord exclaimed, popping next to Twilight. “Little miss, do everything the princess asks, ignoring their wishes? How scandalous!” He mocked, summoning a t-shirt with the words ‘Rebel Princess’ on it.

“Not like that Discord,” Twilight explained. “They are right about the holiday not being needed once they leave,” She insisted, giving Spike a knowing grin.

“Instead of celebrating Celestia’s defeat of Nightmare Moon and Luna’s reunion with her, it will be a holiday about how much everypony cares about them!” Spike declared with a smile.

“How lovely, but what will it be called?” Fluttershy asked. Twilight and Spike shared a glance. Twilight lit up her horn and conjured an image of Celestia and Luna behind them.

“The Festival of the Two Sisters!” They cheered in unison, doing a little pose. The girls giggled at the sibling’s antics and applauded them.

“That sounds lovely darlings! Absolutely lovely! I’m sure this surprise will move the Princesses!” Rarity said cheerfully.

“Yeah so long as no one tells them before hoof. Right, you two?” Applejack probed, giving a glance at Pinkie and Discord. Pinkie was shaking in place in excitement while Discord whistled innocently.

“My lips are sealed!” Pinkie grinned before zipping up her mouth.

“I would never dream of such a thing!” Discord mocked, placing a paw on his chest and raising his claw. “Draconequus honor!” Fluttershy glanced over and saw his tail paw (Hand? Magical tufts of fur?) cross its fingers.

“Discord…” She said with a knowing tone.

“Oh fine, whatever. But how exactly are you going to pull this off?” Discord asked curiously. “A long list of overly complicated tasks for your friends to do and eventually freak out when we can’t get it done in time?”

“Actually Mr. Knowitall, I haven’t,” Twilight said smugly, summoning a few notecards for them, minus Discord to his annoyance.

“This is it? I was actually with Discord on this one.” Rainbow said, surprised.

“No more crazy lists, no more freaking out. With your help, I know we’ve got this.” Twilight declared.

“Ugh, character growth is so boring. Do I at least get my own notecard?” Discord teased. Twilight rolled her eyes in amusement before conjuring up another card for him.

“Now I need to go rewrite my speech, if you all look at your cards you’ll see-”

“Can’t talk now, have so much to get done before sunrise.” Discord interrupted teleporting them all away. Twilight chuckled before trotting off. As she did she suddenly felt a chill down her spine, but she couldn’t put her hoof on why.

In the city, the streets were abuzz with life as ponies started to celebrate the holiday. Everypony was so occupied no one noticed three figures hiding in a dark alleyway.

“When you said you had another way inside the city, I didn’t think you meant the sewers!” Cozy huffed as she dried off her soaked bow.

“Oh I’m sorry, would you have preferred to be flown in on a royal chariot?” Chrysalis mocked.

“Would you two be quiet! We’ll be caught at this rate.” Tirek shushed them as they peeked out the alley, ducking down as a group of partying foals passed by. “I knew Canterlot would be crowded but this is ridiculous! Why are so many ponies up in the middle of the night?”

“Oh darn it! It’s that stupid sun holiday! I knew I was forgetting something!” Cozy face hoofed.

“Just how many holidays do you ponies have?” Chrysalis groaned. “No matter, getting into the castle won’t be a problem.”

“Are you sure about that?” Tirek said, pointing to large fans on top of the castle’s roofs. A few birds flew by and were flung away by the power of the fans, one sent careening into Tirek’s chest. He plucked it off him and let it fly off dizzily.

“Oh, well those are new,” Chrysalis remarked. “But even so…” with a burst of flames, she transformed into a guard. “..no place is secure enough to keep me out.” She chuckled before trotting off.

“Well, I suppose we’ll just wait here then.” Tirek huffed as sat down. He turned and watched Cozy as she started trotting in place. Giving glances toward the sky in worry. “Alright, what’s going on with you?” He questioned.

“I’m worried we’ll be caught, that's what! I do not want to go back to Tartarus for the rest of my life.” Cozy retorted, before jumping at the sound of a falling can. The two turned and saw a cat knocking it around. It hissed when it noticed them before running off, Cozy sighed in relief while Tirek raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t buy it.” He inquired, “You have been acting strange the entire trip. So either explain or snap out of it. I won’t let whatever’s going on ruin this mission or I swear to Cerberus I will fling you back to the lair myself!” Tirek huffed, giving Cozy a stern look.
“Oh alright fine!” Cozy relented. “I’ve been having…nightmares recently.” She admitted.

“I’ve noticed.” Tirek deadpanned. “So what has that moon alicorn been punishing you or did Grogar’s wrath finally scare you?”

“Neither of those you dummy! If Luna was ‘punishing’ me with nightmares, she would be doing the same thing to you.” Cozy said, sticking her tongue out. “And Grogar doesn’t scare me!.... At least not directly.”

“Beg your pardon?” Tirek questioned.

“Ugh, ever since we left Mount Everhoof with the Bell I’ve been having weird dreams. But only recently have they started to get scary.” Cozy groaned.

“And this relates to Grogar, how?” Tirek asked, stroking his beard.

“I don’t know! At first, the dreams were random nonsense, blurry images, and strange noises. I felt like I was in somepony else’s body. As time went on the dreams became more lucid. I started to see places I had never been to or heard voices of creatures I had never met. And every dang time that stupid Bell was there, just out of reach and ringing very creepy-like.” Cozy huffed, Tirek paused as he mulled over her words.

“Hmm, this sounds eerily like how my former mentor described his visions. Blurs of strange events that became clearer over time, yet never quite made sense.” Tirek said, looking down at the filly. “Was there anything odd about where you found the Bell in that cave?”

“Well, it was glowing and stuck inside the mouth of a statue of some monster? Although I didn’t bother to look at it too closely. I felt a headache when I grabbed the bell and it stopped glowing when I got out.” Cozy said, trying to remember.

“Hmm, perhaps some last defense mechanism left in place by that Gusty the Great? Grogar did mention she was a somewhat powerful mage, she may have left a curse on it.” Tirek theorized.

“YOU MEAN I’M CUR-!” Cozy gasped loudly before Tirek clamped her mouth shut.

“Would you keep it down! Yes, you could be cursed or maybe it's just some minor spell to try and encourage you to return the bell. You haven’t displayed any life-threatening symptoms as far as I’ve seen. Just irregular dreams and nightmares trying to keep you from using the bell.” Tirek hushed as Cozy pushed his hand away.

“Yeah well, what if the nightmares are just the start? What if I turn to stone or something?!” Cozy shot back.

“Well then I’ll make sure to put you up on my mantle piece once I’ve conquered Equestria, you’ll get a front-row seat to my victory,” Tirek taunted.

“And if this curse spreads to you? What then?” Cozy huffed.

“Please no mere curse can hold me back. You on the other hand?” Tirek teased.

“Why you annoying-” Cozy growled, leaping up at the centaur. Tirek grabbed her by the neck and held her like a tiny kitten chuckling at her failing attempt to attack him. Until she bit his hand.

“GAH! Why you little brat!” He yelped dropping her, his magic pulsed with anger as Cozy stared him down with a glare.

“I leave for five minutes and you two are already at each other’s throats!” Chrysalis interrupted as she flew back into the alley. “Knock it off the both of you! We have a situation!” She hissed, and the two stuck their noses in the air in annoyance.

“They’ve increased security into the castle. This is going to be more challenging than I thought.” Chrysalis sighed, before she could explain a sudden pop got their attention. Hiding quickly they turned to see Discord and the others.

“Could you not go popping us all over the place, please?!” Rainbow huffed.

“Time is of the essence.” Discord said ignoring Rainbow Dash, “Let's go, team!” Discord cheered with a flash of light changing into a cheerleader outfit.

“We need to know what we're doing before we go and do it.” Fluttershy cautioned.

“Pinkie, you and I are givin' Braeburn and the Appleloosan ponies some adjustments to the menu.” Applejack mused, Pinkie hopped with glee as she pulled out a chef’s hat from her mane.

“Fluttershy and I are meeting the Pegasi from Cloudsdale to give them changes to the weather,” Rainbow boasted, Fluttershy nodded in agreement.

“Spike, we're going to update the Flaming Sky Firework Unicorn Troupe with Twilight's new vision.” Rarity said, Spike gave her a thumbs up.

“And I'm supposed to…?” Discord questioned reading his card, a pair of glasses appearing on his snout. " ‘Make sure Discord doesn't do anything 'Discord-y?’ Well, that's annoyingly specific!” Discord huffed in annoyance.

“Well try to enjoy the festivities instead of Discord, maybe you’ll make a new friend!” Spike suggested.

“Oh, find a new pal?” Discord said with an intrigued look. “Why not? I’ve wanted to meet some new people.” After the group walked off to do their tasks, Tirek groaned in annoyance.

“Increased security on a crowded holiday with Twilight and her friends bumbling around? This is impossible.” Tirek huffed, however, Chrysalis smiled as a scheme crossed her mind.

“Oh, no. This is perfect. We need a distraction, and those ridiculous ponies just gave it to us. Now, do exactly as I tell you.” Chrysalis said as she laid out her plan.

Somewhere above the lands of Equestria, Ember and Smolder glide through the evening sky. Passing valleys, canyons, rivers, and mountains as they head toward Canterlot. Flying for nearly two days, only taking breaks to eat and sleep. The two dragons are a bit weary from the journey, but their destination is almost in sight.

“Ugh, Ember can we please take a break?” Smolder groaned.

“We’re almost there, I can see the mountain from here.” Ember snapped back, she gripped the scepter tightly. Her gaze flickered between her destination and the scepter itself. It had seemed to grow warmer as time went on, one more thing to add to her growing concerns.

Smolder had been annoyed most of the trip, having missed the chance to catch up with her brother and parents. But she knew the situation in the Dragon Lands was serious, and she could tell it was taking a toll on her leader.

“Ember, everything will be fine! Princess Twilight is the best when it comes to these things.” Smolder said, flying closer to speak with Ember directly. “Just a few months ago she stopped that Sombra guy from taking over Equestria!”

“That’s just it Smolder, I’m worried if these events are connected.” Ember sighed. “First an evil the ponies defeated returns and destroys that special tree you told me about.”

“Which, me and my friends repaired and turned into the Treehouse of Harmony,” Smolder butted in, hoping to cheer her up.

“Yes you did, and you did great with that,” Ember replied with a small smile. “But then I get word from Twilight that two of their other villains from Tartarus escaped.” She then held up the Bloodstone Scepter, the gem lightly glowing red as they got closer to Canterlot. “And then our home starts to go crazy and we learn this thing starts acting up for the first time in history!” She groaned, rubbing her temple in distress. Smolder placed a claw on her shoulder in reassurance.

“Hey, we’re not alone in this. Thanks to you we’ve got friends who know a thing or two about magic to help us!” Smolder stated, “They helped us back during the hatching season, and they’ll help us now! Because that’s what friends do.”

Ember chuckled at Smolder’s confidence. “You have been learning stuff from that Friendship School. Thank you, Smolder.” She replied, her spirit lifted a bit. They pass by a mountain and see the heart of Equestria. The last rays of sunlight glide over Ponyville. Twilight’s castle shimmered in colorful hues as the sun's rays hit the crystal exterior. Smolder smiled as she spotted Sandbar and Yona trotting to Sandbar’s home. Ember noticed Smolder’s sudden cheery demeanor, she chuckled to herself. She was happy Smolder was making new friends.

Her attention was drawn toward the north, there towering over the valley was the Canterlot Mountain range. Even from a distance, the Dragon Lord could tell that the capital was booming with activity. Ember gulped as she stared at the city, “I hope our arrival doesn’t pose an issue for Twilight and the others. Hopefully, we can keep this under wraps. Hopefully.

The pale light of the moon glimmered in the night, and the beautiful craftsmanship of Luna’s decorated stars swam through the sky. One would be forgiven for not paying any mind to unnatural quiet. The creatures of the night felt a disturbance in the air, a presence that brought fear and terror into their short mortal lives.

A gigantic figure glided through the clouds, pushing them back with a wave of its massive wings. Its golden slit eyes glowed ominously as they scanned the landscape searching for its prey. It growled as the scent it had been following grew stronger.

Beside the beast, a glowing green mist flew close to its face, and the voice of Gusty echoed in its mind.

So we are close then? Good, the sooner we find this filly the sooner we find the bell and prevent disaster.” The beast snorted in annoyance. “Oh don’t you blame me for this! Not my fault the mountain got an infestation. Besides if the bell is in the hooves of a foal then I can coax them into giving the bell away, it's the other two beings I’m wondering about.”

The dragon growled as his ears caught a sound. The sound of festivities, as he flew over another cloud he could see the lights of Canterlot in the distance. The dragon’s voice spoke, its voice booming in Gusty’s head.

Sahlon raak til.”

Gusty’s mist form seemed to trip over itself at that. “It’s coming from there? I can’t sense the bell. Are you sure?” The voice asked, and the drake glared at the mist. “Okay fine, that’s fine I can find the foal from here.” The drake growled at that.

“Tol fen kuz wah lingrah, Zu'u fen ni saraan.”

No I don’t want you to tear the city apart to find the foal, I don’t want you killing any creature.” Gusty shot back, the drake huffed in annoyance. “We are the guardians of the bell, but we’re no killers.

“Boziik rot nol zoklot riil ah do diist bok. Kolosro hin kendov zii? ”

This is a different age, we don’t know what has changed. But I highly doubt the inhabitants would like you destroying their city looking for one foal.” Gusty sighed, “Look let me go in first, I’ll find her, and then we’ll find the bell deal?” The dragon said nothing as he stared down at the glimmering city of Canterlot. His eyes narrowed as he noticed some storm clouds beginning to form above it.

“Hi lost gein omaar, ni jazbaar zos.”

With that, the two split off. The scaled terror flew toward the snowy peak of Canterlot Mountain. Landing with surprising grace for a creature of his size the drake perched himself, near a cliff. Just far enough to not be seen but within earshot of the Capitol. Smaug sighed as he lay down, his flame-fueled body melting the nearby snow. A slight fog of steam filled the air, the beast chuckled at his self-made sauna. It had been so long since he had flown through the air. However, it was annoying that he had to waste his first time out of his den on important business. But it was for the Bewitching Bell, and he knew the terrors it could bring.

“Neh ontzos.”

Author's Note:

Hi sorry for the wait, life got hectic for me. I hope you'll enjoy the chapter.

Here's the translation for the dragon speech:

I will find you, thief.

You cannot hide.

You cannot escape my wrath.

My flame will bring you ruin.

I will bring you Death.

The scent leads there.

That will take too long, I will not wait.

Bold words from the greatest monster hunter of the first age. Where's your warrior spirit?

You have one hour, not a minute more.

Never again.

Comments ( 14 )

was a neat chapter, hope to see Smaug in action soon. Good chap, keep it up.

Great chapter please do more

i have not seen this fanfic in a while and damn is it good to see again!!!

also just asking but is it possible if you could tell me why the chapter took almost a year to post? (i just wanna know since i completely forgot about this story after like april so ya just wanted to know)

Nice update after so long. Also how big is this Smaug? Cause im positive Tolkien dragons never stop growing.

Nice to see an update! Is the draconian speech a form of Black speech?

Actually, I'm using the dragon language from Skyrim. Here's the website I use for rough translations:

Awesome chapter can't wait for the next one

Considering he is into the size of canterlot mountain itself he's not as big as the biggest dragon in talking mythology but I bet he's at least 50% bigger than he was at the end of his life in Middle Earth. if you wondering why I'm estimating only 50% indeterminate growth slows with age they still grow it's just they grow so slow that it's hardly noticeable after reaching maturity since Smag is a physical and biological immortal, which was proven when he was killed by The Black arrow he will never age and can't die from disease meaning he will keep growing but it will be slow it still noticeable due to his long life though. The biggest talking dragon was actually the size of a mountain range by the way it was something something the black I don't remember his full name I haven't read the Silmarillion in a while so I forgotten his full name I do remember that he was one of the last great wyrms though

His name was Ancalagon the Black

Is the story dead?

This is some good shit I love it

is there gonna be an update on this story?? not tryna push if the author's been harassed about it, just wondering cause im absoloutely loving this story! plus it has Smaug in it. who wouldn't love a story with a dragon?? LMAO

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