• Published 9th Sep 2020
  • 1,132 Views, 106 Comments

Rising Star - Argonaut44

Starlight Glimmer, after running away from her old life, must confront some old wounds when the past catches up to her.

  • ...

Chapter Two: Anywhere But Here

Trotting through the white streets of Canterlot, Twilight shielded her eyes from the sun, not having been outside in months. It took an entire day of convincing for Spike to get her to join the others and board the train from Ponyville. She hadn’t said a word to anypony all day, and was dragging her hooves a few feet behind the group, head cast down to the ground. As they moved through the city, several ponies stopped and stared at the well-recognizable princess, some even trying to get her attention, though none succeeded. There was a dark cloud over Twilight’s head, that made her heart heavy with glumness. Ahead, Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity had long given up on trying to cheer Twilight up. Twilight simply ignored them all, remaining in her own headspace, where it was safe.

“Spike, do you even know what this is all about?” Applejack asked.

Spike thought about it, and then shrugged.

“Whatever it is, it’s important enough for us all to be here,” he said.

The group eventually made it to the royal palace, where a small entourage of soldiers was waiting for them. Their leader removed his shiny golden helmet, revealing a wavy blue mane and a pure white face. Shining Armor smiled and approached the group, a big-hearted smile on his face.

“Hey guys! Celestia’s been waiting for you,” he said, jovially.

“She called you here too?” asked Spike.

“Me and Cadance, yeah. She’s already up there, but I’d thought I’d give you all a royal welcome.”

His attention shifted to the back of the group, where his sister was standing, disinterested in the world around her.

“Twilight!” he yelled. Rarity shot Applejack a look, knowing Shining Armor was bound to be disappointed in his sister’s shape.

Shining Armor jogged past Pinkie and Rainbow and embraced Twilight, though she gave nothing in return. Shining Armor noticed how cold and stiff she was, and backed away, hesitantly.

“How’re you doing?”

Twilight took a deep breath.

“It’s good to see you,” she managed to say, though it didn’t sound like she meant it. Shining Armor turned back to the others in confusion. Applejack motioned that they continue, Shining Armor nodding slowly in response, unsure what was going on.

“Alright, let’s get a move on. Don’t want to keep the princess waiting.”

They progressed up through the palace, eventually arriving at the mighty doors to Celestia and Luna’s thrones.

Inside, Twilight saw the other three princesses, all with distraught expressions on their faces. Then she saw somepony else, a small foal, brown in color. The kid seemed shook up.

“Twilight, thank you and your friends for coming. I do apologize for the suddenness of this all…”

“It’s no problem, Princess,” said Twilight, softly. She rarely spoke these days. Everytime she did, the others would react with surprise. Twilight led the group to join the princesses and the foal at the end of the hall. The large room was bathed in the white light from its tall windows, shining upon splendorous golden fixtures. Twilight dug her hooves into the ruby-red carpet on the floor, preparing herself for whatever was so urgent.

“Twilight, I understand that this may be a...touchy subject matter, but...I believe this situation involving your...former student requires our...intervention.”

Twilight’s eye twitched, and her body shook at the very mention of Starlight, her greatest failure.

“I don’t quite know what you mean,” she said, coldly.

Celestia hesitated to speak, Luna deciding to take over.

“Twilight, for months now, there have been reports of a unicorn...matching the description of Starlight Glimmer to a tee...who has been terrorizing the countryside of Equestria. Just after we sent your summons, this colt arrived at our doorstep, yammering on about the destruction she caused...and the lives she took.”

Twilight glanced at the colt, who had been traumatized by yesterday’s events.

“She’s not capable of that,” Twilight retorted, defensively. Behind her, Rainbow and Applejack both produced a heavy sigh, sensing Twilight would undoubtedly get worked up by the topic of conversation.

Somepony is. Whether it’s Starlight or...somepony else playing some kind of masquerade...as far as any of us should be concerned, this pony needs to be brought in...alive,” said Luna.

“For too long we’ve let Starlight roam freely around Equestria…wreaking havoc and so forth.” said Celestia.

“The search for Starlight went dry weeks ago,” said Twilight, bitterly, “for all we know, she’s dead, or has left Equestria completely. And what about Chrysalis?...Surely, she’s a larger threat. She could be anywhere. There’s no trail to begin with.”

“We’ll be tripling our efforts to locate both of them. We know Starlight’s the one behind all of this mayhem, in the southwest...Twilight, Cadance, I want both of you to begin there. Search for this menace, and bring her to justice,” commanded Luna.

Cadance nodded in compliance, while Twilight remained defiant.

“Starlight would never do the things you’re accusing her of!”

“Twilight, she’d been locked in Chrysalis’ lair for weeks...certainly, it’s possible that she’s been...corrupted, or something to that extent,” said Luna.

“I won’t believe that...it’s sure as anything, to me, that it’s Chrysalis behind all of this violence and destruction, posing as Starlight to trick us into going easy on her.”

“Regardless of who it really is, they need to be brought in.”

“And while I’m searching for Chrysalis, what about the real Starlight?”

Celestia and Luna glanced at each other.

“What would you have us do, Twilight? It’s like you said, that trail went cold,” said Celestia.

“Then try harder! She’s out there, somewhere, I know she is! Every city from coast to coast should know her face! Then if she’s spotted, we’ll find her.”

Celestia exhaled, deep in thought.

“Fine, Twilight. I will alert the municipalities to lead search parties, and spread awareness regarding your...friend. But if you’re wrong, and she is the one behind all this death and destruction, then I hope you realize...she may not be the pony you once cared for...and more drastic measures may need to be taken.”

Spike and the others all looked over at Twilight, who was more determined now than ever.


“Good. Now, you, and Cadance, and Shining Armor, and your friends, if they’d like, go now, and good luck.”

Twilight nodded, and turned to leave. There was a visible hatred on her face, a long-toiled over hatred, for the one behind all of this misery, and the ruining of her friend’s life. Queen Chrysalis. Twilight’s deepest regret was not killing that monstrous demon when she had the chance.

This time, she knew better.

In the center of the San Palomino Desert, was a small outpost-town, built far from any other form of civilization. The laws of Equestria had little bearing on the type of folks who would pass through. Bluntly put, it was a hideaway for ponies on the wrong side of the law.

On one morning in this dusty, sun-baked town, a new face made her way into town. And more, she was a unicorn, a rare sight that was sure to draw attention. She had a pink coat that was dusted with sand blown at her from the howling desert winds, and a purple mane with teal streaks, her horn poking out from her wavy locks. She paid no notice to the unwelcoming stares of the locals. She hated them more than they could ever hate her, after all. She wanted to be out of here as fast as possible, but first, she had to get what she came for.

Strutting through town, she stopped at one building, made of wood, as most of the buildings were. This was the bar, where the worst creatures in town would dwell. The unicorn had a feeling she’d fit right in. Stepping past the swinging doors, she stood still as nearly everypony inside stopped and shot her a menacing glare. She watched as one pony, a large, gruff stallion with a hole where his eye used to be, got up from his seat, his eyes locked onto the unicorn.

“That mare’s with me,” said a voice from a faraway shadowy corner of the room, “Sit down and mind your business.”

The gruff stallion’s eyes widened in fear at the command, and decided to do as he was asked, sitting right back down in his seat.

The unicorn smirked and trotted over to the shadowy corner, an open seat waiting for her.

“Always one for an entrance, I take it, your highness,” the voice said again. The unicorn sat down, smiling politely.

“Sawtooth, I don’t think your friends like me,” she said, grabbing a mug of cider that was also waiting for her from the table. The voice in the shadows scoffed.

“Oh Chrysalis, friends? Definitely not...and neither are we, so don’t expect my help anymore once you leave this cow sty.”

“After today, you’ll never see me again.”

“Good. You’ve been stirring up such a storm across Equestria, word’s even reached here. I’m surprised nopony’s recognized you yet. Entire villages destroyed, they say! You certainly don’t try to keep a low profile.”

“I’ve just killed at least eight hundred ponies myself in the past few months. If that doesn’t get Canterlot’s attention, I don’t know what will,” said the unicorn.

“You’re in luck. I’ve caught wind of something else, that might just peak your interest. The Crystal Empire princess, and her mate, and the other princess from Ponyville, they’ve been sent after you.”

“Ponyville? You mean, Twilight Sparkle?”

“That’s the one.”

The unicorn’s careless demeanor faded, replaced by a slight concern. The Princess of Friendship was one of the few ponies she feared. Sawtooth carried on.

“I’m going to have to remember that...it only takes a few hundred corpses and a couple burnt cities to convince our dearest royalty to step in.”

“Aside from that. Do you have what I need?”

The source of the voice leaned in from the shadows, revealing a reptilian snout and yellow, devilish eyes. He was a dragon, red-orange in color, twice as large as a pony.

“Aye, Chrysalis, I’ve got what you need.”

Chrysalis, disguised as Starlight Glimmer, was delighted. Things were going perfectly.

“From what I’ve gathered, that gemstone you’re looking for is buried somewhere in this very desert...heading east from here.”

“How far?”

“I can’t say...few creatures have ever laid eyes on it. They say it looks like a tomb, in the middle of the desert, just lying there.”

“Can I get inside without a key?”

“I think so. The trouble is finding it, Chrysalis, worry about that first.”

“Very well. While our Princesses are on their wild goose chase for Starlight, I’ll be securing the means to destroy them, once and for all.”

Sawtooth the dragon smirked and nodded to her, leaning back into the shadows.

“You enjoy yourself now, your highness.”

Chrysalis nodded and stood up, exiting the bar and facing the endless desert at the edge of town. The heat may kill her, so may the dehydration, but no matter what, she was going to succeed. After so many losses, at last she would have her greatest triumph.

Oblivious to all of the destruction done by Chrysalis in her name, the real Starlight was heading home from Jackpot’s house, having spent the night there.

“Thanks again, see you next week?”

“You bet. If I’m around.”

“You’re always around,” Dust Bunny said, wrestling into her coat as she left with Starlight, who was wearing one of her comfy sweaters. The two set out from Jackpot’s apartment near the docks, braving the light snow that melted into the sea. The docks were largely open space, as opposed to the claustrophobic tight riverways in the main part of the city. Starlight liked to spend time here occasionally, as it made her feel free.

“I’m serious about coming over to the Magnates’ to help you. I know those two foals can be a handful.”

“Oh, that’s alright. I was just stressed last night. I can handle it,” Dust replied, putting on a white mob cap that nestled itself around her wavy black hair.

“It’s just...they barely ever show me any thanks, or, or kindness, you know? And they make me wear that stupid outfit, and the kids! Don’t even get me started! I just...I want to get out of there, so bad sometimes, you know? I feel like I’m being held back...I just got to pay off all those school debts, and then I’m out of here. Out of this town, see the world. Anywhere but here.”

Starlight didn’t answer, slightly hurt, taking it as though their friendship would end as soon as that happened. Dust noticed this, and immediately regretted getting so talkative.

“Hey, I didn’t mean that I don’t like this town, or you…”

“I know, I just, I guess I just...don’t want you to leave,” Starlight said, half-embarrassed to be so open with her emotions.

“Starlight, you’re the best friend I could’ve ever asked for, and let me tell you, if I hadn’t met you, I’d be a lot more miserable.”

“Thanks,” said Starlight, laughing, “You’re really going to leave when you get the chance?”

Dust hesitated to answer.

“I don’t know, maybe for a little while...I guess I was just saying all that...the job just makes me feel that way..I love this place, and you, really. But I’ve spent my whole life here! I’ve always wanted to see the rest of Equestria! Deserts, and sunny beaches, and forests...that’s only ever been in stories for me.”

Starlight nodded, understanding Dust’s desire.

They continued together until they reached the Magnates’ house, the wealthiest house in town, at the upper end that overlooked the edge of the mountain shore.

“Well, I’ll see you sometime next week, okay?”

“Okay, yeah.”

Dust waved one last time before trotting up the stairs to the mansion-like house and disappearing inside.

Left alone in the cold, Starlight began to head back into town. It was morning, which meant most ponies were at work, and the wooden sidewalks were far more empty. She thought about what Dust said, about leaving and seeing the world. She wondered if Equestria had changed at all since she’d been gone, or if her disappearance was entirely inconsequential. She supposed few ponies were important to warrant that much significant change by leaving, but still, a part of her wanted to know. Did anypony miss her? Care that she was gone? A part of her wanted to believe they did, and that by leaving she was punishing all of them. However, she knew it was wrong to want that. She sincerely hoped her old friends were all happy, and had moved on from her. She thoroughly believed her presence had only ever caused trouble, and that now that she was gone, their lives would only improve. But, naturally, everypony wants to be missed.

Lost in her thoughts, Starlight’s hoof caught itself on a warped floorboard in the sidewalk, causing her to trip, slamming right on her face. She groaned in bitter pain, and picked herself up. Glancing around, she was relieved to see that nopony was around to see that. Whilst dusting some snow off from her sweater, something caught her attention. Several yards straight ahead of her, was a strange boat parked right outside from where she lived. She blinked a few times to make sure she was seeing it right. It was an expensive boat, uncommon for this middle-class part of town. She knew everypony in her apartment complex, and none of them were planning on getting a new boat. She remembered what she had seen yesterday, those two ponies in the Captain’s Daughter tavern, who were both staring at her. She feared the worst, that these two strange occurrences might be related. She bit her lip anxiously, and prepared herself.

Starlight slowly approached her on the staircase that led up to her front door. She peeked around the corner and saw nopony. She proceeded, cautiously, to walk up the stairs and towards her front door. Her horn began to glow a preemptive blue, as she reached the top and extended one hoof for the doorknob.

After a brief moment taken to work up the courage, she flung the door open. Inside, her house appeared to be empty. There was nopony waiting for her with a weapon drawn, as she had expected. She gave a sigh of relief and stepped inside, closing the door and moving to the kitchen to make some breakfast. A smile returned to her face as she began making some pancakes, with fresh blueberries from the local greenhouse garden. Her smile faded when she noticed a single, white piece of paper, left on her kitchen counter. She picked it up and examined it. On it were written just two words, though that was enough to turn Starlight as white as the snow outside.

Come Quietly.
At first she didn’t know what to make of it. She turned around and checked every room for any intruders, but found nothing. No sign of anypony being in her house, except for this strange note, with an even stranger message. Without a doubt, somepony was after her. But who? It couldn’t be Twilight, she would never do something like this, but what about Chrysalis?

‘It’s not her hoofwriting,’ Starlight recalled, having spent enough time with Chrysalis to know.

Starlight was absolutely aloof, but she was sure of one thing, that she didn’t feel safe in her own home.

Jackpot was chewing on an especially flavorful stick of gum, as he carved a small block of wood with his knife. It was a hobby of his, making tiny wooden sculptures. They weren’t very impressive, but he enjoyed doing it. There was an old record spinning on his record player, that filled the silence in his one-story apartment by the docks. Curiously, a knock came from the door, something that rarely ever happened. He got up and reached for the old crossbow he kept on his couch-side shelf. He sauntered over to the door, muttering every curse in the book for the nerve of whoever this pony was, to disturb his peace this early in the morning. When he opened the door, he was blinded by the bright sun that reflected off of the white snow outside. It took a few moments for his eyes to adjust and see who had come knocking.


“Hey, can I come in?”

“Good Celestia, was breakfast not enough? You want lunch now too? This isn’t a supermarket you know.”

“Jackpot, can I just come in?”

Again, Jackpot noticed how serious she was. Starlight seemed jittery and on guard, making Jackpot a little nervous.

“Alright, alright, for Luna’s sake, be my guest.”

He moved out of the way, Starlight scampering inside.

“Sorry, I just...” Starlight began, unsure what to say. The truth was, she felt safer with a friend than alone in her house.

Jackpot barely heard her, as he was too busy clearing off his table of his wood chippings. When he was finished, he sat down across from her, on the couch. He waited for her to say something, though she was stone silent.

“Starlight, would you just tell me what’s going on?” he said, annoyed with all of this strange behavior.

“I...There’s….if I...you know what, forget it,” she sputtered.

“Do you trust me? Just talk to me. I want to help,” Jackpot said, earnestly.

Starlight took a deep breath, and opened her mouth to speak. She was cut off by the doorbell ringing again. Jackpot flashed with fury.

“And who is that?!”

Starlight didn’t answer, though she did know who it was.

Jackpot stared at her, discontent, and went back to the door.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

It was Dust Bunny who was standing in the door frame, who looked about as thrilled about coming back here as Jackpot was about being a host.

“Okay, what is going on? Did you two coordinate this just to ruin my day off?” Jackpot said.

“Don’t look at me! Mr. Magnate gave me a letter from Starlight, telling me to come here on my noon break!”

Jackpot stared at her, beside himself, and turned back to Starlight, who was still sitting on the couch.

“You can’t just invite ponies to my house, you crazy bitch!”

“Jackpot!” Dust Bunny yelled, smacking him in the face. She stepped inside, Jackpot slamming the door closed.

“I’m sorry, I should’ve told you...I just...I wanted to talk to you...Both of you.”

Jackpot glanced at Dust, who was just as confused.

“Well go on then, you’ve certainly got my attention.”

Starlight nodded, nervously.

“I haven’t been completely honest with you…”

Dust and Jackpot loosened up, noticing how serious and scared Starlight was.

“Last night? Why I wanted to stay over? I saw these two ponies at the bar, they were staring at me...for a while...I wanted to think it was nothing, but...I thought it was weird, so I didn’t want to be alone.”

Her friends stared at her, relieved it was nothing too serious.

“Was that it? Come on, Starlight, you could’ve told us. We would’ve done it for you anyway,” said Dust.

“That’s not all...I went home today, and...somepony was in my house...and I think whoever was after me last night, is still after me.”

“After you? Why would anypony be after you?” Dust asked.

Starlight hesitated. Her hoof instinctively reached to rub the scar that ran along her eye, as she prepared to relive some painful memories.

“This scar, and the limp, and the bruises, and all that. I used to be...friends, sort of, with Twilight Sparkle...the alicorn Princess in Ponyville. I had done a lot of bad things, and she...she took me in. As a kind of student...to learn about friendship. But the ponies in that town, and her friends, and Twilight too, they never quite accepted me. I was always the...the dangerous threat they had been told I was. I...I wanted to be better, but nothing I did ever seemed to change anypony’s minds. And I couldn’t admit that they were just using me...until….well you see, Twilight Sparkle had a lot of enemies, and one of them, a changeling, the queen of the changelings...C-Chrysalis. One day, me and a friend were heading home from a trip, and she...she kidnapped us both. She had my friend hostage, and my father, and a bunch of other friends too, and she made me...suffer, for her amusement, and if I didn’t do what she wanted, she’d hurt or kill them...Twilight came looking for me, and eventually we all got out. But I couldn’t go back...I just didn't want that life anymore. Risking all my friends’ lives because of my...selfishness. I was unfulfilled...just a...plaything for the good and the bad to use against each other. So I left. As far I could go, which was here. Then I met you guys, and...you’ve both helped me start a new life. But, the problem is...I think those ponies I saw yesterday...the ones who broke into my house...they’re going to take me back...and I...I can’t go back…”

Starlight struggled to hold back the tears, while Dust and Jackpot stared at her in utter shock.

“Wow,” Dust said.

Jackpot began chuckling, trying to calm Starlight down.

“You know, I always thought it’d be a crazy story, but I mean, wow.”

“Starlight, however you need us to help you, we’ll do it.”

“There’s only two of ‘em, right? No bigee,” said Jackpot.

Starlight wiped her eyes and smiled.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to tell you all that.”

“Look, I couldn’t possibly know what any of that was like, but...we’re your friends now too, and we’re not going to let anything happen to you. Right?” Dust said, nudging Jackpot.

“Right,” he said, albeit with slight hesitation. Changelings and alicorns were no small problems.

“Thanks, guys, sorry about everything...I just really wanted to-”

The sound of the door slamming open cut Starlight’s sentence short. Jackpot and Dust both jumped to their hooves and turned around.

“Hey! You son of a bitch! That was my door!” Jackpot exclaimed.

The door to Jackpot’s house had been kicked down to the floor. In stepped three ponies, all male, all physically imposing, and all armed with bladed clubs and bats.

“Mister Jackpot, pleasure to….oh no,” said the leader, caught off guard as soon as he saw Starlight sitting on the couch.

“She’s supposed to be at home!” said another.

Before any of the three could raise their weapons any higher, Starlight’s horn fired three blasts of magic, freezing each of the intruders in three large individual blocks of ice. Jackpot and Dust both yelled in surprise and back away.

“Sweet Luna on the moon! You-! Good Celestia! Are they dead?” Jackpot sputtered, loudly.

Starlight stood up and walked beside the other two.

“No...B-but we need to go.”

“Celestia save me! How am I gonna explain this to the cops, Starlight?!” Jackpot yelled.

“Uh, Starlight, are we in danger?” asked Dust, nervously

Starlight had a million thoughts on her mind, blinking hard to concentrate.

“You heard them, they didn’t come for me, they came for him,” she responded, motioning towards Jackpot, “Which means...yeah, you might be in danger.”

“Starlight, what the hell have you gotten me into?” Jackpot said, desolately.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t know this would happen!” Starlight said, panicking.

“Starlight! Listen to me, it’s okay! We’re in this together now!” Dust said, trying to calm them all down.

“Three frozen bastards who came here to kill me, or worse! The price for friendship with Starlight Glimmer!” Jackpot continued.

“Jackpot, even if they were just after her, would you just leave her alone?” Dust asked, angry at Jackpot’s hopelessness.

Jackpot sighed.

“No, you’re right...I’m sorry, this is just...a lot is happening at once.”

“It’s okay, we just need to leave town for a little while...Jackpot, can we use one of your fishing boats?” Starlight asked.

Jackpot shook his head.

“Boats are all out. I’m one of the only ones left, today was my day off. And what a day it’s been.”

“There’s no boats left?” Dust asked, doubtful.

“Only private ones, and I don’t think any of them are gonna even consider lending us a hoof.”

Starlight was exhilarated. She hadn’t used magic outside of her home in so long.

“Come on, don’t you have a friend, whose boat we can borrow?” Dust asked.

Jackpot thought about the question, and then began nodding.



“Windward. He’s got a boat we can use.”

“Okay, let’s get out of here, and I’ll figure out a way to get both of you out of this.”

The other two stopped and stared at her.

“Starlight, we’re in this with you. We’re not letting them hurt you,” Dust said, putting her hoof on Starlight’s shoulder. Starlight glanced at Jackpot, who was reasonably stressed. He hesitated, but eventually broke into a smile.

“Over my dead body, is any son of a bitch laying their filthy hooves on you, Glimmer,” he said.

Starlight smiled and hugged both of them together.

“Okay, let’s get out of here.”

Jackpot went to fill a bag with the essentials: bottled cider, his crossbow, playing cards, and his three favorite records. With that, the trio exited his house, leaving the three frozen intruders inside, where they would likely take days to thaw out.