• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 480 Views, 0 Comments

Equestrian Phantom: Fragments of Fractured Time - vortex123

Starlight has become too powerful for even Clockwork to stop, and has completely destroyed her previous timeline. The only way to beat her is to defeat the Starlight from the new timeline, with the help of Danny and Vlad from the current timeline.

  • ...

Déjà vu


"kidkid…kid." I hear a strangely familiar voice say as I wake up.

"Ugh…" I groan, waiting for my eyes to adjust. When they did, I looked at whoever was talk.

"You alright kid?" I look at the source to find a girl. She's fairly young, at least in her 20s, as far as I could tell. She had light blue skin, rainbow hair, and purple eyes. She was wearing a blue tank top, blue shorts, and blue running shoes. I also noticed she has an athletic build, not like a jock, but more like a runner's. And for some reason, something about her looked…wrong. "Uh…what's with that look?" She suddenly asked, bringing me out of my train of thought.

"Sorry!" I say, a little embarrassed. "It's just that, well, have we met before? Because you seem familiar."

"Well that makes sense, I am the town hero after all." She says with a grin, which turned into a frown. "Though you do look familiar…eh whatever."

I'm a little surprised she was so quick to brush it off, but for some reason, it felt normal for her to do so.

“So, uh…you gonna get up or…?” She questioned, causing me to realize I was still laying on the ground. With no reason to stay like that, I quickly got up, brushing dirt off my outfit. The outfit was a white T-shirt with a thin red collar, red cuffs, and a red oval in the middle, light blue jeans, and red-and-white sneakers. I then proceeded to fix my hair, as I noticed the black strands all over the place.

“Hehe.” I just chuckle nervously. “Well anyway, nice to meet you, I’m Danny.” I say, holding out my hand. For some reason, the name "Danny" seemed to stick out, so I went with it. Though I couldn’t help but feel like it was wrong.

“Rainbow Dash.” She says, shaking my hand. “Well I’d love to stay and chat, but I gotta be somewhere. See ya.” She then sprints a few feet away, before jumping 10 feet in the air. As she was going further away, I noticed she had a pair of light blue wings on her back, which unfolded and started flapping. And even though they didn’t look to be in the right spot to support her properly, she was able to fly with little effort.

“…huh.” Was all I could say as I watch her fly away. Not sure what to do next, I walk aimlessly around a familiar looking town, trying to recall how I got here.

As I was walking, I took in the view. I saw two little girls, one with cute glasses, and the other with a tiara. They seem to be laughing about something. I then noticed they were talking to another little girl. She had red hair and a big cute bow. For some reason, she was glaring at the first two girls.

A little curious, I decided to check out what was going on, so I walked closer. As I got closer, I was able to catch the end of what one of them was saying.

“-you talentless loser!” Says the one with the tiara. The two then laugh at what she had said.

“Well at least I don’t spent my time bullying people just to-.” The one with the bow started to say, but the one with the tiara cut her off.

“That’s because you’re a loser who doesn’t have anything to gloat about. While we both have special talents, and come for rich families. So of course you don’t do what we do, you literally can’t!” She says with a smug smile.

“Uh…” I say, gaining their attention. “What’s going on here?” The one with the tiara looks at her friend, who shrugs in return.

“Well if you must know, we were here a talk about social standings, and she got needlessly upset.” The tiara one said.

“You said mah family was just meant to do the things “important rich people” shouldn’t have to deal with. Even though last time I checked, your dad has a nice relationship with Sweet Apple Acres.” The one with the bow deadpans.

“No one ever shares their real thoughts and opinions in business. They just put on a mask to get whatever deal they want made.” The one with the tiara says with an eye roll, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Well it doesn’t matter, common Silver, we have places to be.” She says, walking away, “Silver” follows with a smile.

“Why does someone as rotten as her, get to be rich?” The one with the bow grumbled, then looks to me. “I’ve never seen you around here? I’m Applebloom.” She says with a smile.

“I’m Danny, nice to meet you.” I say with a smile of my own, then frown. “Hey, can I ask you a few things?”

“I don’t see why not, though I got to get home soon, so we’d have to walk and talk if you don’t mind.” Applebloom says with a smile.

“Sure, lead the way.” And with, we talked as we headed for Applebloom’s home.

Manehattan-abandoned building-POV change-first person

"God, I could use a drink.” I groan, rubbing my face, as rain pours outside (like it has been since I got here). I then walked to a mirror I “borrowed” from some twin pricks dressed like barbers who ran some kinda circus. They tried to sell me something that was made using someone else’s product. Well they were apparently ratted out by one of their previous customers, and jumped us the moment the two showed “their” goods. Thankfully their main focus were on the twins, so I got out unharmed, I even got my hands on their admittedly nice looking mirror.

I look myself over in the mirror, checking to make sure everything was as it should be. I was wearing a black suit with a red handkerchief in my left chest pocket and a matching red bolo tie. The suit has three rows of white buttons, a total of six. I'm also wearing a white undershirt and black pointed shoes.

Whenever I look at this outfit, the name “Vlad” always came to mind, which I had decided to call myself for the time being.

After a few moments, I'm completely satisfied with my looks. But I don't decide to go out yet, instead, I go to the enchanted journal I keep on "my" nightstand. It wasn't anything to write home about (at least in this world). It just had water and fire proof enchantments, nothing special.

I open the journal to see my last written message, a message I hadn’t reread in years.

So apparently this world also has mafia, great, just great. I'm surprised it took me this long to find that out. And not only that, but Manehattan apparently has one of the most dangerous mafia organizations in this country. It's fine, I just need enough "bits" (the currency of this world) to get a ticket out of here.

‘That’s right, I almost forgot about that. I should have enough to afford a ticket. And if I can get to the train station before nighttime, I should be able to get a ride before any cleaners come out. I know I could handle them should they pick a fight with me, but that might throw a wrench in my plans down the line.’ Not wanting to waste any time, I head out, making sure to put anything I might need in a backpack.