• Published 22nd Aug 2020
  • 2,672 Views, 561 Comments

The Odd One - theOwtcast

Made a friend? Check. Gotten permission to move in with the ponies? Check. Lived happily ever after? Well, uh...

  • ...

To Belong

A couple of days later, I returned to the castle from the city and made a quick detour to my room before going to look for Sunburst, only to find him about to knock on my door.

“Oh… hi,” he said. “Were you going somewhere? I can come back later…”

“No, come in,” I said, opening the door wider. “I was actually about to come to you.”

“You were? I mean, how can I help?”

“Believe it or not, there are days when I don’t need help with anything, and today happens to be one of those days.” I took the saddlebag off my back and gave it to him. “I wanted to return this. Thanks again for letting me use it for such a long time, and sorry if it isn’t in exactly the same condition as it was when you gave it to me!”

He frowned. “Don’t you need it anymore- Wait, you finally bought yourself a new one, didn’t you?”

I reached under the table where I’d stashed my newest purchase and brought it into view.

“Found it on a discount today. Pretty sweet, huh? I was going for a cheaper one, but this one is sturdier and I got it for only ten bits more than the one I originally wanted to buy would have cost.”

“It looks great! Do they still have any-”

A knock on the door frame interrupted him. Berry and Sentinel were standing in the hallway beyond the door that I’d forgotten to close behind Sunburst.

“Mind if we come in?” Sentinel asked.


They joined us, and Sentinel closed the door.

“Are we discussing saddlebags?” Berry asked eagerly. “Why wasn’t I invited?”

“I’m not sure if we were really discussing them,” I said. “I just bought one and returned Sunburst the one he’d lent me a while ago.”

“Hey, I’m teasing you! But that saddlebag does look good! May I?”


She examined it with gusto and seeped some warmth into her love aura.

“Where did you find it? The market?”


“Now you’ve given me the urge to go there myself-”

“Berry,” Sentinel interrupted her.

“Oh. Right.” She gave me back the saddlebag. “We’ve been looking for you guys.”

“Both of us?” Sunburst asked.

“Yes. You see… I’m not sure if you know, but Sentinel told me a few days ago that Trusty Shield’s birthday is on Monday…”

“...and we’re making him a surprise party,” Sentinel continued.

“Well, not just the two of us. There are a few others involved, too.”

“And we were wondering if you’d like to be on the guest list.”

I glanced at Sunburst and he nodded.

“You want me to be at his birthday party?” I asked the mares. “I mean, are you sure he’d want me?”

“You’re his friend!” Sentinel said. “Why wouldn’t he want you?”

“Well, he didn’t like me at first, and he was around mostly by duty…”

“So what? That doesn’t mean you can’t be friends!”

“I know… it’s just awkward…”

“There’s no reason for it to be awkward,” Sunburst interjected. “If I remember correctly, Trusty said he was sorry about the way he treated you and wanted to redeem himself.”

“He did say it, and we have been on friendly terms since, but I don’t see him that often anymore. I don’t want him to get the wrong idea if I show up out of the blue.”

“And by ‘wrong idea’, you mean what, exactly?”


Berry chuckled. “You don’t even know yourself. Okay, that settles it! You’re going!”

“And I’m coming either way,” Sunburst added. “We can go together if that’ll make it easier for you.”

“Okay,” I relented. “Anything I should know about in advance? As in, any specific rules of behavior or such things?”

“Nothing, just be yourself,” Berry said. “Except for all the worrying, that is. The point is to relax and have fun!”

“We mean it,” Sentinel added. “Everypony on the guest list has been screened for opinions on friendly changelings and they all passed.”

Sunburst nudged me. “See? They thought of everything!”

I smiled sheepishly.

“Okay, it’s settled. We’ve booked the Crystal Goblet for six o’clock on Monday.”

“Where’s that?” Sunburst and I asked in unison.

“Aquamarine Street, a little past the intersection with Aragonite,” Berry said. “You guys really need to get out more!”

Now we both smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

“Okay, see you there. Don’t be late!” they said and started to leave.

“Uh, Berry, Sentinel?” I asked. “Are we tasked with helping with the preparations for the party in any way?”

“No, we’ve got it all covered, unless you want to add any bits to cover the expenses of more cakes and drinks.”

I deflated at the thought of the sorry state of my pouch of bits after today’s trip to the market.

“Why don’t we spare Thorax?” Sunburst suggested. “I haven’t seen him eat a single cookie ever since he came here and something tells me you won’t get him to start at the party, not to mention that the new saddlebag probably cleaned him out.”

Now Berry smiled sheepishly. “Right. Of course.”

“I’ll bring you my share of the money when I come to dinner,” he added. “How much did the others give?”

“We didn’t specify the recommended minimum price, but most of the donations were around fifty bits, some of them more.”

“Okay! See you at dinner!”

Fifty bits?!” I said after they left.

“You’re exempt from paying, in case you haven’t heard,” Sunburst reminded me.

“I know, but wow, parties are expensive!”

“Well, there’s the food and drinks - ponies do sometimes gorge themselves at parties - and the music if there are live performers, and the decorations, and the price of renting a venue unless the party is held at somepony’s home, maybe the cleaners depending on the situation… This is actually pretty cheap compared to some birthday parties I’ve heard of. Berry might have opted to take care of the food herself rather than to hire somepony to do it.”

“I really should have asked to help somehow! I can’t just barge in without having paid a single bit or lifted a hoof to help!”

“Why don’t you ask if they can find an assignment for you if it means that much? Or pay if you want. It doesn’t have to be fifty bits!”

“I’m down to my last seven,” I sighed. “And my next allowance isn’t due for another two weeks and I promised myself I wouldn’t beg for money even if Cadance or whoever I asked wouldn’t mind giving me some!”

Now Sunburst grimaced. “Yeah, you can’t even buy a passable birthday present with seven bits…”

Birthday present?! I slumped down and moaned.

“I can’t go to the party, Sunburst! I can’t just wash up there with nothing to offer! Do you think I can get the money back if I go to the market and return the saddlebag?”

“Probably, but then you’d be left without the saddlebag that you’ve been saving for for months, and you might not get the full refund, and even if you do, the saddlebag was on a discount today and might not be when you try to buy it again. You’re too tight with money to afford such unnecessary expenses.”

“How did I spend my entire life without money and not feel like I needed it until I got some for the first time? Why does money have to complicate life like that?”

“I’ll take that as a rhetorical question.” He adjusted his glasses. “I don’t think anypony will care if you show up without a birthday present, Trusty included, and nopony’s going to know that you weren’t expected to pay for the party expenses unless you tell them. Berry and Sentinel certainly won’t tell! They can be talkative at times, but they know which matters are not to be discussed.”

“Still, it’s incredibly awkward showing up without a present at least… Do you think I could sell something?”

“That depends on what you’re planning to sell and whether or not you can find a buyer within the next day or two. Do you have anything specific in mind?”

“Well, I could see if anypony wants a painting…”

“...or you could give Trusty a painting,” he suggested. “They’re certainly good enough!”

“If you say so…” I pondered this. “You know, that’s a pretty good idea! What would he like?”

“I’m not sure. I don’t know him that well, and I’ve never been to his house so I can’t guess what would fit in. Sentinel or some of the other guards might know better but I can’t promise that, either. Shall I look through some of your finished work to see if anything stands out?”

“Sure!” I went to the cupboard for the early ones, some of which were leftovers from the Crystal Faire, and a few others that I’d painted since. “You’ve seen most of the old ones already, but I’ve made some new ones too, only, I’m not sure if he’ll care for those.”

He sifted through the pile, quickly at first except when he came across ones that he liked, and eventually slowed down, taking a closer look at each one.

“I see you’ve gotten bolder with your expression,” he said in the end. “Visions of the future, I take it?”

“I hope so!”

“Any of them for sale?”

“Probably, but I haven’t made a definite decision yet. I do want ponies to know about them, but whether I’ll sell them or try to put them in a museum is anyone’s guess at this point. Why? Do you like them?”

“They’re a bit unconventional, I admit, but that’s the point of modern art, and I’m sure they’ll be popular! Also, I like the one with the changeling reading in a hammock.”

I found the one he’d referred to and pulled it out of the pile.

“You can have it,” I said.

“Oh no, I can’t take your painting just like that!”

“It’s a gift. You’ve done so much for me and I never returned the favor. This is the least I can do!”

“I don’t know, Thorax…”


“Can I buy it instead?”


“Because you’re down to seven bits and I’m really not comfortable with accepting gifts from people with hardly any money!” When I didn’t say anything, he continued, “Look, Thorax, I’m not doing it out of pity or a sense of obligation or whatever it looks like on your end. I really like the painting, but I also want its creator to benefit from the effort he put in it. There’s nothing wrong with that, even if the benefit may come in a different form than the one you had in mind when you painted the thing. Just because you did this to promote the idea of interspecies friendship doesn’t mean you can’t accept some cash!”

“Ugh, fine,” I relented. “But next time, it’ll be a gift and that’s non-negotiable!”

“Good. How much do you want for this one?”

That caught me unprepared. “I dunno… five bits?”

He raised an eyebrow at me.



“Too much?”

“What is wrong with you? The canvas and watercolors alone had to have cost more than that! And don’t start with all that ‘I can’t demand money from you’ thing because I’m tired of hearing it!”

I hung my head. “I’m sorry…”

“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped like that. Why don’t you mull it over and tell me the price when you decide on it?”

“I’m not sure I can decide. Can you use your best judgment?”

“Yes.” He took the painting and the old saddlebag and left.

He was back about an hour later with what looked like a pouch of bits.

“Here’s the money for your painting,” he said. “And I came to tell you earlier but got distracted and forgot. Princess Celestia is coming next Friday unless the weather delays her. There’s a snowstorm brewing again, and though it doesn’t look to be as strong as the last one, you never know for sure around here. Anyway, she read your letter and said to tell you that there aren’t any special arrangements that she’ll be expecting from you and to loosen up a little. You didn’t plead guilty to genocide and beg for a quick death, did you?”

“What?! No! I simply expressed the highest respects to royalty!”

“Knowing your criteria, I better not ask what that entailed,” he groaned with a facehoof.

“Is something wrong?”

“Celestia is as friendly and easy-going as Cadance and doesn’t normally need to tell people to loosen up, and she’s used to freakouts after being Twilight’s mentor. If she had to tell you to take it easy-”

“Okay, I get it. But I really can’t think of anything in my letter that could have made her think I needed to calm down… Should I apologize?” Was I sensing signs of rapidly-rising panic in his love aura?

“No! Uh, I mean, I’m sure it won’t be necessary. Look, I gotta go or I’ll miss dinner. See you tomorrow?”

“Sure, enjoy your meal!”

When he left, I opened the pouch he’d left behind. Sure enough, there was money in it. I counted two hundred bits.

Two hundred?! No, it couldn’t be!

I counted again. I hadn’t made a mistake; there were two hundred bits there alright. Feeling bad about the idea of taking that much, I set ten bits aside and went to return the remaining one hundred and ninety into the pouch and sneak it back into Sunburst’s room while he was away, but then I noticed a piece of paper in the pouch. I took it out and unfolded it.

I’m pretty sure I can guess what you intend to do with this, buddy, and let me warn you that I’ve inventorized my whole room and counted all the money I have. If at any point in the future I find one single bit more than I’m supposed to have after giving you this, or any unexplained object that proves itself not to be a disguised changeling, I’ll get the whole city to stop talking to you and that’s a promise!


On Monday afternoon, Sunburst and I arrived at the Crystal Goblet with gifts in tow. Sentinel stood at the entrance, attempting to look casual, but her military training seeped through the façade, and if this were my first time seeing her, I would know right away that she was a Royal Guard even though she wasn’t armored up at the moment.

“Good, you’re here,” she said. “I was starting to wonder!”

“Why?” Sunburst asked. “We said we were coming!”

“I know, it’s just that Galea is due to bring Trusty any second now!”

“Oh, right. That would have been awkward,” he chuckled.

“Why?” I asked. “Doesn’t Trusty know he’s having a birthday party?”

“It’s a surprise party, silly!”

“But it’s his birthday! If you’re luring him to a place where people go to have fun, won’t he guess what you’re up to?”

“Yes, that often happens,” Sentinel agreed.

“So why call it a surprise party?”

“Because the pony whose birthday it is wasn’t the one who organized the party and might not have even intended to have a party at all. His or her friends organize the party instead as a sign of affection. Besides, sometimes it really is a surprise.”

“Oh. Heh. Interesting.”

“I take it you’ve never been to- Get in! They’re coming!”

She held the door open for us and we stumbled into a room so full of ponies that I thought for a moment the whole city had been invited! They stopped chatting momentarily and I felt a brief pang of instinct warning me to disguise myself as all eyes were on me. Involuntary flames engulfed me as I cowered and took a reflexive step back.

Sentinel nudged me forward, coming inside and shutting the door.

“Quit hogging the door, will ya?” she hissed. “And why did you decide to look like Sunburst all of a sudden?”

I got out of the way and reverted into myself. “Sorry.”

“Come on, let’s join the crowd,” Sunburst said.

We did. “What do we do now?” I asked.

“We wait.”

The wait wasn’t long, and everypony shouted “Surprise!” when Trusty trotted in.

“Why didn’t you tell me to shout ‘Surprise!’ when he enters?” I whispered to Sunburst.

“I thought you knew,” he whispered back. “You’re right, I should have figured you wouldn’t if you’ve never been to a surprise party before!”

Meanwhile, music had started in the background, colorful flashing lights came to life, Trusty had gone through the motions of displaying due exaltation at what had been set up for him, and Galea levitated a party hat onto his head. Ponies went back to mingling and Trusty joined one of the groups. They hugged him and gave him presents.

“Wanna go to him now or later?” Sunburst asked me.

“I don’t know. Will he come to us? I don’t want to interrupt him if he’s in the middle of something…”

“Gee, Celestia was right. You really do need to loosen up!”

“What do you mean?”

“This is a party, not a court of law. See all the ponies around you? At least half of them are Royal Guards! If they can set their discipline aside, so can you! It’s normal here to go a little crazy!”

I looked around. Okay, ponies were talking and dancing and eating cupcakes or drinking stuff. Maybe I should try something similar? At the very least, it might help me stop feeling out of place!

“Here, let’s set these presents aside for now,” Sunburst continued, levitating them off our backs and placing them under a nearby table. “How about a dance?”

“Are you sure? I’ve never danced! I’d look ridiculous!”

“So what? There’s a first time for everything, and the only thing that matters here is to have fun!”


He started dancing. I watched him for a moment, then tried to mimic his moves. It was a bit awkward at first, but I caught on eventually, and even tried to add some moves I’d seen with the others.

“That’s the spirit!” Sunburst exclaimed. “Told you you can do it!”

“Huh, I guess I can. You’re right, this is fun!”

We danced on. More ponies joined us, and somehow, it got more fun with every new pony! And the longer the party went on, the brighter the love aura around us grew, which in turn brightened my mood even more, and before I knew it, I was dancing so hard that I couldn’t stop!

But then I did stop, and rather abruptly, as I caught sight of Cadance and Shining watching me perform some crazy spins on a tabletop.

“Uh…” I said, buzzing myself down to the floor.

“Aw, why did you stop?” Shining protested. “That was the best thing I’ve seen all month!”

“I… I’m not even sure how I got up there…”

“What does it matter?” Cadence asked. “You were enjoying the party! It was such a relief to see you spontaneously happy for once!”

“You mean, you don’t mind me acting like that?”

“Not during a party, though it might be a good idea to stay off the tabletops on a regular day.”

“Uh, sure. I was going to.”

“Well then. We won’t bother you anymore. Have fun!”

“What are they doing here?” I asked Sunburst when they went to mingle with a group of ponies a little away.

“They were invited. Didn’t you know?”

“I guess I didn’t… and they actually showed up…”

“Why wouldn’t they? Just because they’re royalty doesn’t mean they’re above partying with their subjects! Sure, you won’t be likely to see them dancing on tabletops, but that’s not stopping them from having a good time!”

“Good point.”

“Now, wanna dance some more?”

“I don’t know… I think I’ve embarrassed myself enough for one night…”

“Okay, that would you like to do?”

“I’m not sure. What else do ponies do at parties?”

Trusty Shield joined us before Sunburst could answer.

“Hey guys! I didn’t expect to see you here!” he said, looking at me.

“Uh… are you okay with me being here? I can leave if you don’t want me around…”

“Nonsense! Why wouldn’t I want you around? I got past that months ago, remember? You’re my friend now and you belong here just like the rest of ‘em!”

You belong here. For some reason, those words filled my heart with so much warmth that it flooded my eyes with tears!

Trusty and Sunburst chuckled at that and I wiped my eyes. Just then, Paladin showed up out of nowhere and snapped a camera in my face. The flash startled me and I fell on my rump and blinked a few times as if that would clear my vision.

“Sorry, buddy,” he said. “You okay?”

“Yeah… I think so…”

“I didn’t realize you’d get startled so easily!”

“Neither did I… I guess I’m just overwhelmed. I’ve never done this before.”

“But that didn’t stop you from showing off some dance skills,” he said with a smirk.

“You saw that?!”

“The whole crowd saw it!”

I let out a whimper.

“C’mon Thorax, it wasn’t nearly as bad as you think! You looked really happy there and that’s the only thing that matters!”

“Thanks, but can we talk about something else now?”

“Okay. Trusty, did you know we had two Sunbursts here just before you walked in?”

“No way! You were that drunk already?”

“Very funny!” He nudged him playfully. “Someling just forgot himself, is all. Or maybe he wanted to confuse you.”

“I’ll bet ten cupcakes that he wanted to confuse you!”

“Uh…” I muttered, then leaned in to Sunburst. “Do they even have cupcakes here?” I whispered to him.

“Yep! Berry made plenty.”

“Speaking of which, where are those cupcakes?” Trusty asked. “I’m getting hungry!”

“I’ll get them,” I offered. “Um, where should I look?”

“I saw some at the bar,” Paladin said.

“Okay. ...where’s the bar?”

He pointed to the far end of the room.

“Okay, be right back!”

I trotted over to the bar, happy to be of use and also to have gotten a moment to catch my breath. I liked those guys and it was great to be in a crowd that didn’t want to kill me, but there was so much going on that I found it hard to keep up! I wondered if it would be a good idea to leave early; after all, I was due to foalsit Flurry tomorrow! Would Trusty be offended if I excused myself before the party was over? Or should I wait and try to get used to all the bustle?

I found the bar easily and, sure enough, there were several trays of cupcakes there. I grabbed the nearest one and headed back to where I’d left my friends. I was almost there when a dancing somepony made an unexpected move and knocked me out of balance, sending the tray and the cupcakes flying in all directions! As if that wasn’t enough, Paladin had decided to take another snapshot of me and caught the exact moment of collision!

Great. My every blunder of the night, immortalized! At least Sunburst caught the cupcakes in his magic…

“You okay?” All three trotted over to me and helped me get back up on my hooves.

“Yeah, thanks. I think I’ll fly with the next tray.”

We returned to the table we’d occupied earlier and the three ponies got right to eating as they chatted. I watched them, rarely saying something, especially after more ponies joined in the conversation, but it was okay. I didn’t mind being the silent one in the group and simply observing their interactions; every word and every laughter came bundled with an outpouring of love, and some of that love flowed in my direction even though I wasn’t actively participating in the conversation. I savored it, knowing it would have been impossible only a few months ago!

Eventually, Berry found us and deposited a large cake on the table that we all cleared hurriedly to make space for the newly-arrived delicacy. It looked to be rich in chocolate and there was ‘Happy Birthday, Trusty Shield!’ written on top. A crowd gathered around almost immediately, and I assumed they’d been drawn by the inscription on the cake. Unless they were simply hungry?

Somepony levitated a small candle and stuck it into the center of the cake, then lit it up. The crowd cheered, Trusty made an exaggerated thinking gesture, and a few seconds later, he blew out the candle while Paladin snapped pictures.

Berry showed up again, this time with a knife, and I braced myself to flee momentarily until I remembered she needed it for the cake. Sunburst noticed my moment of apprehension and chuckled.

“You thought the knife was for you, didn’t you?” he asked.

“I admit, it caught me unprepared. But I know better!”

“Yeah… but I gotta ask: you’ve been a little jumpier over the last few days than what was looking to be the start of a relaxed trend over the past month. Is something wrong?”

“Not really. I think it’s just this business of getting more proactive about my plans to introduce friendship to my kind. Like I already told Cadance and Shining, it could easily attract Chrysalis to me and then I’d be in big trouble, so I guess that’s what’s making me nervous, but I’ll probably relax a little once I get used to the extra visibility. I mean, why should I be worried? I used to be alone against her and now I have friends to back me up! That’s got to count for something, right?”

“More than you think! I’m sure Twilight and her friends can tell you plenty of stories about how friendship saved the day on their adventures!”

Trusty joined us, carrying a plate with a half-eaten slice of cake.

“Have you guys tried the cake yet?” he asked. “It’s to die for!”

“No, not yet,” Sunburst said. “Still waiting for my turn.”

“You, Thorax?”

“No, I don’t eat cakes, but thanks for offering!”

“Oh come on, you won’t even try out of curiosity? I’m telling you, it’s amazing! I don’t know who baked it, but they’ve outdone themselves!”

“Thanks, Trusty, but if it’s that good, then I don’t want to deprive the ponies of it. I’m getting plenty of love from them already and it’s wonderful!”

“Figures, since you’re in the Crystal Empire. Love’s gotta be the gift that keeps on giving around here, ain’t it?”


“Oh! Almost forgot! Sunburst and I brought you presents!”

“Right… um... “ Sunburst fumbled with the slice of cake that he’d acquired in the meantime. “One moment. Where did we put them, again?”

“You shoved them under the table soon after we arrived.”

“Oh.” He found them and levitated them to ourselves, then gave his to Trusty. “Happy birthday!”

“Aw guys, you shouldn’t have! But thanks!”

“Well, open it!”

He did. Inside was a box that looked like it could be anything.

“Spit Shine’s Class A Armor Polish…” he muttered. “Really, Sunburst! That thing’s expensive! Did you sell half the Crystal Empire library on the black market to buy this one bottle?”

“C’mon Trusty, it’s not that expensive!”

“Yeah, sure it isn’t.”

“...okay, I miiiiight have dabbled with the alchemical portions of the recipe of another of Spit Shine’s inventions at some point when I had too much time on my hooves and found a way to improve it, or better said to save it from being dismissed as a failure, and I suggested it to Spit Shine, and she maaaaay have remembered the favor now and given me a discount…”

“It better have been a hefty discount, then!”

“I’m not saying another word… um, Thorax, you wanted to give a gift to Trusty too, didn’t you?”


“Don’t change the subject!” Trusty said, feigning annoyance at Sunburst. It was to little avail, though; Sunburst had already pushed me towards the pegasus.

“Oh… um… I’ve… I’ve made something for you… it’s not much but… well, I hope you’ll like it… or I can make something else if you don’t…”



“Why are you acting like I’m still being a jerk to you?”

“Sorry, it’s just… I’ve been trying something recently but I’m not sure if it’s appropriate or if you even want that kind of thing…”

He tilted his head at me. “Okay, now I’m not sure whether whatever you brought is genuinely that bad or if it’s just your usual insecurity-driven caution. Why don’t you just skip it and show me? I promise, whatever it is, I won’t take offense or yell at you or whatever else you’re afraid of!”

“Your outward reaction isn’t the problem, Trusty. I know you’ll at least make an effort to be polite! I just want you to genuinely like the gift, and I’ll know if you don’t no matter what you do or say!” I gave him the gift. “Let’s just get it over with, I guess.”

He unwrapped the paper and looked at the painting I’d made. It was a landscape of one of the Crystal Empire streets, but with a twist: though most of the houses were entirely crystally, some featured dark, hole-riddled spires similar in appearance to the changeling hive, a few had hive-like sections as part of the lower levels, one or two had several such parts, and I’d even included a couple of little hives that had no crystally elements at all. Changelings and ponies both lived in these houses, some of them sharing a dwelling or living in a home more characteristic of the other species, and there were mixed groups in the streets and in the sky, talking, playing, flying, doing things together with genuine smiles on their faces, seeing no differences between themselves and accepting one another as true friends. If Trusty were a changeling, he would have sensed the love I’d imbued in every painted figure, pony and changeling alike, and in the ripples of Crystal Heart’s magic painted onto the sky.

He kept looking at it for a long time, so long that nearby ponies caught on that something unusual was up and came to take a look themselves, and I could sense Trusty’s love aura warming slowly but steadily with every passing moment.

“Wow,” he said eventually. “It’s your vision of the perfect future, isn’t it?”

“Um, yes, and I’m hoping it’ll become reality one day, though I don’t think I’ll live to see it. Are you okay with getting such a thing as a birthday present?”

“Believe it or not, yes, I am,” he said. “It’s a bit… unconventional, I admit, and if somepony had shown it to me a few months ago, I’d have sent them to a mental hospital because I’d have thought they weren’t quite right in the head if they expect that ponies would ever agree to live with changelings, let alone be happy about it… but being around you really made me think and reconsider some things I thought were a given, and so have others if you standing here like an equal to any of us is any indication. Somehow, this future you painted doesn’t seem so crazy and impossible after all, and I never thought I’d say it, but I’d really like to see it happen!”

Affirmative murmurs spread through the crowd, and more ponies craned their necks to see the painting. Trusty noticed it at last and flew up above them, holding the painting in front of himself so everypony could see it, and see it they did! If any were still confused, they shook it off quickly, and another wave of wows and woahs filled the room.

“Fillies and gentlecolts!” he spoke out loudly. “If I may have a few words here. I know I see a lot of you every day and spend so much time around you that one would think I’ve had enough of you all by now, but they’d be wrong because I’m glad you made it to the party! Whoever organized it has outdone themselves - thanks for that, too - and I received so many wonderful gifts that I don’t know how I’ll carry them all home! Now, I like all the gifts you gave me, but I’d like to show you one I got from someone you’ve all gotten to know to some degree, or at the very least you know who he is if you haven’t gotten a chance to talk to him yet. This painting may be his gift for me personally, but it isn’t just any painting; it’s a representation of the vision of what he wants to give to all of us: a better future, one where our enemies have become our friends and allies! If one changeling could do it, it’s only a matter of time before more figure out that they’d be better off like that, and I don’t know about the other guards here, but if you ask me, I’d welcome the day when I have one less enemy to be on the lookout for! Now let’s give Thorax one big thank-you hug for everything he’s trying to do!”

The crowd closed in on me and embraced me in a group hug full of love and high spirits, so full that I felt almost intoxicated at the outburst of it, and I could swear it would have triggered an outburst from the Crystal Heart if we were anywhere on the crystally roads that could channel that energy to the artifact! The aura of everypony around me was so bright and warm that it felt like my head was spinning! This was what I’d always wanted: this was friendship in its purest form, this was the magic that could thaw the coldest of hearts and welcome everyone to its blessing! This was my life’s dream, and here, among these ponies, was the fertile ground in which I could plant that dream and let it grow and flourish and spread into the hearts of my kind!

I’d searched for love, and for friendship, and for acceptance. I’d found it all. It had taken guts and persistence and patience and a lot of pain, but it had been worth it!

This was Friendship. This was Love. This was Happiness. And they were all mine, at last, against all odds! They were mine, in spite of everything I’d been raised to believe!

They were mine, and I would defend them to my last breath.

Here, in this home away from what I’d used to call home, I had friends. I was loved. I was happy. And try as she might, there was nothing Chrysalis could do about it.

If only Pharynx could see me now!

Author's Note:

Be careful what you wish for, Thorax, you might just get it.

The next day will become the last day of Thorax’s life in the Crystal Empire. During the course of the morning, while the changeling is watching over Flurry Heart, Paladin will have the photos of the party developed and deliver a set to Sunburst, who will add them to his photo album. That same evening, a team of changelings led by Pharynx will infiltrate the Crystal Empire on the mission to replace the Royal Family, only to be spotted by Thorax and Sunburst, upon which Thorax will leave for Ponyville hoping to get help from Twilight and her friends. Sunburst, concerned for Thorax’s safety, will meanwhile attempt to hide as much evidence of his friend’s existence in the Crystal Empire as possible before the invaders can get to it, only to be caught in the act and captured by Pharynx, who will then see the photos of Thorax and the paintings he made, and come to realize that he himself is in danger from Chrysalis’ wrath.

Unbeknownst to Pharynx, his team, the citizens of the Crystal Empire, and Chrysalis herself, Thorax will soon find himself with no choice but to undergo a rescue attempt personally, along with a few unlikely teammates, which will, against all odds, result in the fulfillment of his lifelong dream.

These events are covered in my other stories, Winds of Change and Blood Thicker Than Venom, which will soon be followed by a sequel. I'll give myself a break until roughly the end of the year before I start publishing that one. As things stand now, it'll be the final part of the series, though I am considering a spiritual successor, in case any of you will still be interested to read it by the time the Walk Where There Is No Path series is finished.

In the meantime, feel free to read the other stories if you haven't already... or re-read them, if you need a reminder of what's going to happen before tackling the upcoming story.

Comments ( 25 )

“I’m down to my last seven,” I sighed. “And my next allowance isn’t due for another two weeks and I promised myself I wouldn’t beg for money even if Cadance or whoever I asked wouldn’t mind giving me some!”

Hmm boy that sounds like my childhood allowance lol

“How did I spend my entire life without money and not feel like I needed it until I got some for the first time? Why does money have to complicate life like that?”

Lol Story of My Life thorax

I counted again. I hadn’t made a mistake; there were two hundred bits there alright. Feeling bad about the idea of taking that much, I set ten bits aside and went to return the remaining one hundred and ninety into the pouch and sneak it back into Sunburst’s room while he was away, but then I noticed a piece of paper in the pouch. I took it out and unfolded it.

I’m pretty sure I can guess what you intend to do with this, buddy, and let me warn you that I’ve inventorized my whole room and counted all the money I have. If at any point in the future I find one single bit more than I’m supposed to have after giving you this, or any unexplained object that proves itself not to be a disguised changeling, I’ll get the whole city to stop talking to you and that’s a promise!


Now how in the heck did he know you know what he probably knows him pretty well by now lol

Well, this is it. This is the end… for now, I’m assuming.

…that last line caught me off guard.

“Aw, why did you stop?” Shining protested. “That was the best thing I’ve seen all month!”

I still think Twilight has the best dancing move ever

I’m pretty sure I can guess what you intend to do with this, buddy, and let me warn you that I’ve inventorized my whole room and counted all the money I have. If at any point in the future I find one single bit more than I’m supposed to have after giving you this, or any unexplained object that proves itself not to be a disguised changeling, I’ll get the whole city to stop talking to you and that’s a promise!


Outplayed. Sunburst is too used to Thorax's stunts by now.

But then I did stop, and rather abruptly, as I caught sight of Cadance and Shining watching me perform some crazy spins on a tabletop.

Hah. You rock Thorax.

And so it ends. It was a good story, I enjoyed reading it. Cinnabug still needs more hugs, but I doubt that will ever change. Can't wait for the sequel.

I'm sad this story is over but I look forward to the sequel

Wow that was pretty something else and what a way to end a story and despite everything that thorax been going through especially from the earlier chapter there was some ups and downs mostly downs but despite all that he finally made it everybody in the Crystal Empire accepted him it's still going to take a while for Equestria to accept it but it will be worth the wait until season 6 finale but until then that is another story this was a pretty good story I've always wanted to know how is he been doing ever since that episode he made his first appearances this was very good keep up the good work

Neat little ending that flows perfectly into its sequel.

I guess sine this was the last night in the Empire, those 200 bits were left behind. I wonder if Sunburst makes fun of Thorax for that.

such a amazing story, and this hole series just fits together so good.
i will be keeping a eye open for the new story.

Aw, it's over? Darn...looking forward to the last installment though!!! And the spiritual successor!!!

Well this was a nice end to this story. Can't wait to read the finale story.

These has been the best series I've read amongst my top favourite fimfiction stories! May not have been at the adventure level of Kkat's Fallout or Prey crossovers, but your series bring a familiar level of love in them.

Thanks for the adventure!

Heh :rainbowlaugh:

The quantity of hugs cinnabug needs/deserves is exponentially greater than the quantity of hugs he's able to physically get even with 24/7 application of hugs :fluttershysad: However, that's no reason to call it a futile task and give up, and I encourage everyone to make their ample contribution :twilightsheepish:

He might come back for them eventually...

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Thanks! I'll do my best to not disappoint :twilightsheepish:

I'm sure it'll be awesome

Guess we better keep an eye out for the next installment. Whatever it’ll be about.

It feels weird that I've been reading a prequel all this time. I think I'm okay with it. I probably won't read the adventure stories, already read too many, but I'm glad this story is here. :3

Honestly, it could just be because I haven’t forgiven him like Thorax has, given all the crap he’s put him through when he was trying to make some friends. I guess you could say he wasn’t as bad as Shining, but yeah.

I have read Walk Where There is No Path and Blood Thicker than Venom. They were both excellent stories. And so was this one. You captured Thorax's psyche beautifully. I cried several times reading this. I too have fears of being hurt or being misunderstood. It was a wonderful read. I am reading Winds of Change next.

Brace yourself, it'll be a while

I’m pretty sure I can guess what you intend to do with this, buddy, and let me warn you that I’ve inventorized my whole room and counted all the money I have. If at any point in the future I find one single bit more than I’m supposed to have after giving you this, or any unexplained object that proves itself not to be a disguised changeling, I’ll get the whole city to stop talking to you and that’s a promise!

This is gold. 🤣

Been a while, but what I think past-me meant was Rhonno and Bambi (not really stags :rainbowlaugh:) and/or the fight we get with The Great Prince and the hunting dogs.

God, Bambi II is so inspirational for anything King Thorax related.

I just binge read all this!! And can't wait to read more of your stories, but now I gotta ask!!!

Do thorax and grand pear ever meet again in the future???? Omg I'd love to read that

I could tell you, but it's more fun if you find out for yourself :raritywink:

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