• Published 29th Aug 2020
  • 1,015 Views, 3 Comments

Me and My Shadow - Holtinater

Stygian meets his Shadow.

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Stygian didn’t know where to go once his friends cast him out. They had been working together for so long, wherever they went together had felt like home. Going back to his old cottage felt… empty. He knew that something was missing, and worst of all, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to find it again.

And so he headed north. There wasn’t much up north, but it was better than staying where he knew he no longer belonged. He checked his map, and saw that there was a little town in a place called Hollow Shades. It was definitely farther than he wanted to go, but he didn’t want to see any of his… any of them ever again.

Though it had taken a week, he was glad to have finally made it. It was even smaller than what the map had suggested. Just a few houses surrounding a large well. Mindlessly, he wondered if there was an inn he could stay at for a while, though he quickly dismissed the thought as he walked into town. Far too small a village for non-necessary establishments.

There were only a few ponies out of their houses, all sporting rather grey colors (though Stygian wasn’t really one to talk). Nopony seemed to notice him enter. This seemed rather unusual behavior, as being this far away from everypony else would make visitors quite rare. Before interacting with any of these dreary ponies, he decided to take a quick look at the town’s well. It had been a long journey, and he was dying for a drink of fresh water.

As he approached the well, he felt himself suddenly grow drowsy. Next on the to-do list was definitely to find a place to rest for the day, if not a more permanent form or residence. But at the moment, all he could think about was that delicious… thirst quenching… water…

It was very dark when Stygian awoke. A thin strip of light from far above was the only way he could see anything, and it only illuminated so much. It seemed like a rather large room, from what he could tell, but anything else was lost to the darkness.

“Oh yesss… There is much turmoil in this one…”

Stygian froze up as he heard the quiet voice call out from somewhere in the room. “W-who’s t-there?! I d-don’t want t-to fight you!”

The voice laughed. “Fight? No… you were never one to fight. Never had the strength… like your friends.”

“They are not my friends!” Stygian was quick to retort. “At least, not anymore.” He tried to shuffle away from whoever was talking, but was wary to step too far into the shadows.

“Yesss… They are not your friends. They threw you out… when you only tried to help. And now, you come to me with… despair… and rage. You desire revenge.” The voice seemed to be getting closer, but the speaker was still shrouded by the darkness.

“Revenge? No! No, I don’t want that. I jus-”

“You cannot hide your true feelings from me, Stygian. You have been hurt by those fools… and you want… need... to hurt them as well.”

Stygian could tell that whoever was talking was directly in front of him, but still, he could not see them. A chill crawled up his spine as he replied, “What they did was wrong, but I do not wish harm to come to any of them.”

“A shame they do not feel the same way.” It moved swiftly to his left as it spoke, and Stygian tried to track it as it did, though it was impossible to track once it stopped talking.

“I-I’m sure they did not mean t-”

“You’re a smart stallion, Stygian. You know as well as I that intention does not change the action. They abandoned you, forced you away from your home. They have hurt you, and yet they have gone unpunished. Tell me, is that fair?”

Stygian felt adrenaline pump through his veins, and could have sworn that the light coming from far above wasn’t as strong as it used to be. “No, I guess it’s not. But I don’t want to punish them. And,” he added, “I couldn’t even if I wanted to. The Pillars have defeated dozens of beasts and villains far more powerful than an unpracticed magician.”

Even though whoever was in the shadows couldn’t be seen, it was obvious they were smiling. “And if you had power unlike this land had ever seen? One to surpass even the Pillars’ powers?”

Stygian found himself holding his breath. With that sort of power, he’d certainly be able to punish the Pillars, but he was wary of where that power would come from. “And I would assume that you might have something to do with this power?”

“But of course! I am able to give any creature who finds me near-unlimited power, if only they let me. And from what I’ve heard from you, poor Stygian, is that you need my strength more than any living soul in all of Equestria.”

Stygian stood up on all fours, and scrutinized the darkness. “That’s it, then? I accept your deal, and I’m able to make them feel the same way they made me feel?”

“You can say no… but you won’t.”

Stygian was taken aback by how sure of himself this powerful creature was. He was tempted to refuse just out of spite, though he liked to think he wasn’t the type of pony to go through with something without thinking through all of the options available to him. The options he had here were admittedly limited. He could say yes, or no.

Saying no was tricky. If this being was being honest, then Stygian would be free to go, no harm done. Now, he had no idea where he was, or where the way out was, so that might be tricky. But, what would be worse is if the being took offense to his refusal, and took it out on him. That would most certainly not be very good.

On the other hoof, if he said yes, he could get enough power to destroy the only friends he’d ever had, who have stuck with him through so many battles, listened as he planned strategy, and rejoiced once the fight was over.

Friends he no longer had. Battles he was no longer a part of. Feasts he was no longer welcome to attend.

He said yes.

Author's Note:

Most of the criticisms I received for this required pretty much an entire rewrite, so instead I gave it a slightly less rushed ending and called it a day. Might eventually revisit this and give it the proper amount of attention it needs, but it is not this day. Not my best work, but I've certainly done worse, especially given the timeframe.

Comments ( 3 )

First thing I think of when I see this is a game series called Persona. More specifically, Persona 4 Orignal/Golden.

It's short and simple. Well done for writing it during one of the Panic Fiction! contest. :pinkiehappy:

Stygian was one of the best villains in mlp.

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