• Published 22nd Aug 2020
  • 1,537 Views, 16 Comments

The Reluctant Mistress - Marezinger Z

Yona is just too sweet and innocent for some things.

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The Reluctant Mistress

It is Hearts and Hooves Day, this year made extra special as it is the first to be shared fully by Sandbar and Yona; the pair just coming off the first anniversary of when they officially started dating. Sandbar was eager to celebrate with her and got her a special gift which would hopefully bump things between them up to the next level. With his mother and father out enjoying a Hearts and Hooves Day dinner, he invited Yona over to spend the rest of the holiday with him. A door buckling knock came in the mid afternoon and Sandbar opened up to find his beloved Yak smiling down at him.

“Happy Heart and Hoof Day!” Yona shouted, scooping him up and squeezing him fiercely.

“Ha ha… happy Hearts and Hooves Day to you too, Yona.” He wrapped his hooves around her neck

“Yona so excited to celebrate with Sandbar,” Yona noted as she carried him back into his home. “This Yona’s first time celebrating with actual boyfriend.” She set Sandbar down on the couch and plopped down before him. ”So, what couples do on Heart and Hoof Day?”

“Well, that’s going to be up to you.” Sandbar hopped off the couch and motioned for the stairs. “Come on.”

“Ok,” Yona squeezed herself onto the staircase and followed him up to his room. Once she managed the get through the door, she noticed Sandbar with a heart shaped box in his mouth. “Oh! Present for Yona?!”

“Mm hm,” He muttered through the box.

“Yay!” Yona chomped down on it, setting it down and rending the bow before nudging it open with her nose. Inside she found a square of red paper with a heart drawn on it; within the heart read the words, ‘on this Hearts and Hooves Day, Sandbar agrees to be Yona’s love slave’. She looked at it curiously and then back up at her blushing boyfriend. “Love slave… what that?” She asked innocently.

“Well, that means that today…. I’m all yours, I’ll do whatever you want.” He shyly explained. “Nothing is off limits.”

Yona pursed her lips and looked down at him unsurely. “Princess Twilight say slavery is wrong,” She shook her head. “Yona not take part in creature trafficking.”

“Huh?” Sandbar crinkled his nose. “Uh… no, not that kind of slavery.” He assured.

“There different kind of slavery?” Yona asked.

“Well, okay, maybe that isn’t the best choice of words.” He admitted. “All I’m saying is that tonight you can make me do anything you want to you,” He tossed his head towards the bed. “You know, things a couple might do in the bedroom?”

Yona’s eyes went from the bed to Sandbar, then back to the bed and then back to Sandbar; she smiled and slowly nodded. “Oh, Yona get it.”

“Alright,” Sandbar sat on his bed.

“So, Sandbar do anything Yona want?”

“Anything, babe.” He coolly assured. “Order away.”

Yona walked over to the edge of the bed. “Well then, Yona order Sandbar to give Yona big kiss.”

Sandbar deflated a little at the timid request. “Uh… just a kiss? You don’t think that’s a little… tame?”

“But… Yona like Sandbar kisses.” She noted with doe eyes.

Sandbar reached up and took her cheeks. “Sorry, I like Yona kisses too.” He gave her a big smack on the lips. “But seriously, this is your night to take full advantage; you’re like thee times bigger than me, you could literally make me do anything and there wouldn’t be a thing I could do to stop you.” He detailed, growing very excited at the idea of her just taking him as she pleased. "Don't be afraid to get rough."

“Yona gentle with Sandbar,” She reminded, nuzzling his cheek. “Yona no want hurt Sandbar.”

“It’s okay, it’s like a game… just pretend to hurt me.” He encouraged. “Think of it like pretending to smash something.”

“Oh no no no no,” Yona toned. “Yaks no fake smashing, Yaks take smashing very seriously… faking smashing punishable offence in Yakyakistan.”

Sandbar sighed at her inability to grasp what he was trying to get across. “Maybe this wasn’t such a hot idea.”

Yona saw his disappointment and frowned. “Yona sorry, Yona think she not doing this right.”

He looked up at her with a smile. “It’s okay, I guess this just isn’t your type of thing.” He stood on the bed and look into her eyes. “Tell you what, my mom and dad are celebrating over dinner; how about we do that? We can make whatever we want.”

“Ooh, that sound nice,” Yona beamed. “Can Yona make cookies?”

“We’ll make whatever you want.” Sandbar promised with another kiss.

Far from professional chefs, the pair worked over the kitchen as they spent the next hour and a half making a mess of the room and each other. While not quite the night he anticipated, the laughter and time they shared was just as satisfying. Soon enough, the pair lay before the fireplace with plates of cookies, three bean salad, oven roasted fruit and a big bowl of instant mix punch. They took turns feeding one another, snuggled up before the warm fire as content and two creatures could be.

“This best Heart and Hoof Day ever,” Yona said as she dropped another cookie into Sandbar’s mouth. “Yona feel lucky to have boyfriend like Sandbar.”

“Feelings a hundred percent mutual,” He settled against her side. “Hey, do you remember the night I asked you to be my girlfriend?”

“Uh huh,” Yona nodded. “Sandbar was all red and sweaty.”

“Ha ha… yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous before in my life.” He confessed.


“Well yeah, I was so sure you were going to shoot me down.” He thought back. “But I really lucked out; the last year has been amazing Yona.”

“That true,” She concurred, looking around at their dwindling food. “So, Sandbar want Yona try and order him around again?”

“That’s okay,” He waved the idea off. “It’ll happen when it’s supposed to happen; I’m just happy to be with you right now. I’m not going anywhere and I hope you aren’t either.”

“Nuh uh!” Yona shook her head firmly, her eyes growing tender. “Yona… love Sandbar; Yona want be with Sandbar forever.”

Sandbar’s heart swelled at the sentiment; he reached up and held her chin with a soft smile. “Sandbar love Yona too.”

Her heavy head came down and the two lost themselves in a deep kiss; their silhouettes molding into one before the light of the fire.

Author's Note:

Just another student 6 quickie I had rolling around in the back of my head. Less bittersweet than the last and more just plain sweet.

Comments ( 16 )

:rainbowlaugh: short but funny.
I could imagine some things I getting lost in translation between pony and yak culture.... like this!

Like the Rom-Com of any of the Student 6.

“Anything, babe.” He coolly assured. “Order away.”

Oh be careful What you say bro you're might get it lol

Oh wow sandbar I never thought you will like to do those kind of things dang But this was nice and pretty funny story

I think that's one of the strongest aspects of a relationship between them; so much culture difference to play with and explore.

Classic death by "snu snu". :rainbowlaugh:

Always a good place for sweetness and laughs.

Cute, but I think the innuendo disqualifies it as an E for everyone story XD.

“Oh no no no no,” Yona toned. “Yaks no fake smashing, Yaks take smashing very seriously… faking smashing punishable offence in Yakyakistan.”

Ah, a solid and rational legal system, I knew there was a reason I liked yaks.

Cute and funny.

Whew, I'm so glad that Yona inadvertently stopped Sanbar from doing THINGS, you know? Also, cute!

Sometimes a little naivety goes a long way. :rainbowlaugh:

I think you dodged needing a hip replacement, my dude.

Oh, you silly kids...

And before I forget, this is Featured in February for No Author Left Unnoticed!

Really? What an awesome surprise to hear. 😁

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