• Published 21st Aug 2020
  • 5,377 Views, 65 Comments

So Long Old Friend - Silver Butcher

The Immortal Main 6 Spend time with an old Spike

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Thank you Rar...

"I'm sure you just have a little cold, Spikey." Rarity assured a shivering Spike. She used her magic to slowly dress the large and frail dragon in a scarf, a big hat, and a huge blanket. She had made them all for him, new ones every year during the winter months, not that he ever remembered. That mattered little, her big old Spikey-Wikey deserved the best, as he had always helped her in her time of need. She would never forgive herself if Spike got sick simply because of something she could easily prevent, she even feared her own friends would fault her for it.

"Are you warm now, Darling?" Rarity asked sweetly. Spike opened his eyes and looked at her, he was still shivering, and it seemed to be getting worse. Rarity turned back around and looked around the room, then she saw them in a large pile, the blankets of the past. She used as many as she could to cover Spike, but once three of them were on him Spike moved in a flash and had torn off all the blankets.

"N..no. I d..d..don't wa..want them." he struggled to say, as he tore off both the hat and scarf and lie back down "I...It....it’s.....it’s time." he struggled to say. "I.....it’s so....so c.c.c.c.co..old, I Ju...ju...just want to go ba...ba...back ou....out...outside." He looked at Rarity, his body was failing him, but for the first time in thousands of years his mind was clear and concise. He knew where he was and what was happening, albeit that it would be the last time to happen again. "I..I...I wa..want to....to spe....spend my last.....last moments.... U...u...und....under… the....the....the sun...with my.....fr..fr...friends" he finished, struggling to breathe. Rarity approached her friend and tried to touch him, but jumped back, his scales were freezing. Quite a few of them actually had frost developing on them.

His time was up, his fire had finally burned out. He had only a few minutes left, before he too left.

Rarity, mustering all her might, surrounded herself and Spike in a magical aura. With a blinding flash they were teleported out of the cave and into the castle Courtyard. His entire body took up the crystal castles’ lawn, wrapping around the entire exterior, and the nearby town panicked. Spike just looked in awe at the setting sun, and tears came out of his eye's freezing before they left his head.

"It’s...it’s...it’s Beau...beautiful," He said as his voice began failing him, "Thank you Rar..." his voice trailed off and Rarity turned and looked at him, and as she looked at him she broke down into tears. Spike was looking at sunset with such joy in his eyes. As the light of the sun left his body so to did the light in his eyes, his life force had left him. Spike the Dragon’s time had finally come.

"Your welcome...my little Spikey...Wikey." Rarity choked out as she magically shut his eyes.