• Published 22nd Aug 2020
  • 448 Views, 6 Comments

Of Relationships and Reformations - Ceberus Night

When a threat emerges from another realm and the magic of friendship isn't as strong as it had been, the Tree-house of Harmony calls on none other that Starlight Glimmer to somehow fix everything.

  • ...


Long ago, in a land far from this one, two races lived, or rather, survived. The first race, the Ungulates, consisted of hooved creatures who walked on four legs and ate grass. Though this was where the similarities end for many of their kind, they were united regardless and content to share their pastures with those who wished to eat alongside them. They were even able to create a society of sorts, complete with infrastructure, economy, and an acceptable legal system.

The Ungulates were a peaceful race for the most part, though any creature who decided to cross them quickly learned that the Ungulates had been blessed by the lands they had hailed from. After all, their sharp horns, earth-shattering hooves, and whiplike limbs were not for show. Some Ungulates were even skilled in the arcane and were able to wield it in incredible ways.

However, this raises a very concerning question: what would have pushed the Ungulates to develop such powerful abilities? At first, a conflict between Ungulates of differing species may seem like the only plausible possibility, however, the manner in which they conducted combat was way too extravagant and oppressive to warrant use against another Ungulate (at least back then), or a herd of them for that matter. So there had to be something else... something vicious, evil, or both.

Enter the Predators.

The Predators were beasts in every sense of the word. They had fur like the Ungulates, but instead of hooves they walked with clawed toes and they feasted on meat instead of grass. At first, the Ungulates were able to tolerate their presence, as they were small and more of a nuisance than an actual threat.

But that didn't last. Where the Ungulates had been strengthened by their heritage and the lands they came from, the Predators received power from the night sky itself. The Predators were covered from head to toe by fur that looked and moved like the shadows which the beasts hunted in. Their eyes glowed a variety of colors (though red by default) and their sharp fangs were colored with a blood-red pigment that empowered their bites. Some even received mystic powers that served to enhance their feral style of fighting.

It was for the eternally hungry Predators that the Ungulates perfected their fighting abilities. At first, there were just a few skirmishes here and there, skirmishes that the Ungulates easily won. Unfortunately, the Predators' hunger compelled them to take desperate measures far earlier than the Ungulates were prepared for, and soon the two races had gone to war.

The war took many lives from both sides, though significantly more from the Ungulates than their predatorial enemies. Yet, when the dust cleared, the Ungulates were the victors. With the help of the fabled Horned Prophet, they were able to banish the Predators to The Hold where they'd remain imprisoned for the foreseeable future, ushering in an era of peace for the Ungulates.

But the story doesn't end there. The Predators said they'd have their revenge and they eventually escaped their interdimensional prison, albeit a bit weaker in terms of numbers and strength, ready to color the land red with the blood of the Ungulates...

Until they were absolutely destroyed by a group of Ungulates and promptly imprisoned once again.


They didn't even try to escape again after their humiliating defeat at the hands of the keyholders. Instead, they embraced their prison, slowly awaiting their inevitable extinction while comforting each other to take their minds off what was to come. Soon there were only six Predators left, their hearts kept beating by an intense hatred for their enemies, as well as the bonds they forged between each other.

However, sheer willpower could not fill aching bellies, and friendship could not fend off the cold grasp of death... could it?

Maybe not, maybe so, but the universe has an interesting way of handling its "problem children". After all, one world's Hold is another world's Limbo and it just so happens that one world opened its Limbo sometime ago to banish some evil shadow demon, allowing some uninvited guests to slink into their world.

But that was then and this is now! So what's up in the present? Well...

"That's it?" Starlight questioned as she shook the dusty book in the air, scanning it for any extra surprises that might be tucked between its pages "You've got to be kidding me!"

Starlight groaned as she levitated the book onto her desk before she fell back into her bed. It had been a long night and from the look of it, a fruitless one. She had wanted to find some amazing spell to master, just for the fun of it, but it seemed that her magic studies under Twilight had finally caught up with her. Even with the thousands of books scattered across the castle, not a single one contained a spell she hadn't already learned and perfected.

This fact was only worsened by the fact she was only 4 days into the summer break period for the School of Friendship. She'd made the mistake of optimizing her summer experience and ended up knocking out all and any work she had as well as do any fun thing worth doing twice now!

Starlight stared at the ceiling, her eyes filled with irritation. Maybe if she waited long enough something interesting would happen to her. She'd kill for the world to be in danger again. Well not really, but she wouldn't be totally against another high-stakes adventure.

Maybe she could cause something herself? Nothing too big, just a minor disruption to shake up the status quo. An itsy-bitsy Parasprite never hurt anyone, right? If she looked hard enough she could probably dig up an "Unstone" spell for-

"That will not be necessary."

Starlight blinked groggily as she turned her head to where the voice had come from. Standing in front of her doorway was none other than Twilight Sparkle herself, except not really. This one was much smaller than the Twilight she knew, or at least, the one she knew now. This Twilight looked like how Twilight used to look, before her coronation.

Also, they were glowing, so that meant...

"The Tree of Harmony," Starlight yawned as she scratched her back, "Or is the Tree-House of Harmony now? Wait, don't answer that. To what do I owe this, er, dream visit?"

"That," Tree Twilight replied as it approached Starlight, "Is a bit more complicated than I am able to explain."

"Well, you could try," Starlight said as she looked over Tree Twilight, "...I'm not sure if this is the fatigue speaking, but you seem sorta unstable. Is that normal? I'm pretty sure that isn't normal."

Tree Twilight glanced down at her legs which were starting to distort before returning her focus to Starlight, "The corruption is spreading faster then. Time is of the essence."

That snapped Starlight of her sleepy stupor, "Wait, did you say corruption? Is this like the Everfree forest again or-"

"No, I'm afraid it's much worse than that," Tree Twilight winced as the corruption began to spread to her upper body "Something is tampering with this world's connection to the Elements. I fear that something, or someone, may want to use their power for evil purposes."

"But weren't the Elements destroyed?" Starlight asked as Tree Twilight fell to the ground, alarming her. "Woah! Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine. My magic is just being spread quite thin right now," Tree Twilight coughed out as she pushed herself onto her feet again. "I don't have much time left and I don't know the next time I'll be able to contact you, Starlight Glimmer, so listen carefully."

Starlight nodded as she sat in front of Tree Twilight, her ears twitching in Tree Twilight's direction.

Tree Twilight gave a small smile as she took in a breath, "When the magic of friendship washed over Equestria all those years ago, many thought that a new era of peace would permanently be ushered into our world. However, there are those who never truly embraced the harmony that has graced our world and actively work to undo it.

"Up until now these "elements of disharmony" have always failed, however, something dangerous is taking root in Equestria. I have been unable to identify exactly what it is or where it came from, but I do know this. They crave our destruction and will stop at nothing to achieve it."

Tree Twilight paused allowing Starlight to process the information she had given her. "May I continue?"

"...Yep," Starlight nodded, as her face contorted into one of worry.

Tree Twilight took in another breath, "It is for this reason I give you these missions. First, rekindle and strengthen the friendships that once protected Equestria from danger. I do not believe they are as damaged as they could be, but I do sense some complications I hope you can correct.

"Second, you need to find, defeat, and if possible, reform, the bearers of the disharmonious elements. I can't sense where they are, nor who they might be, but I believe that you'll be able to track them down before things get out of hand."

Tree Twilight turned to face Starlight, revealing the so-called corruption had already reached her face, twisting it into an unrecognizable mess. "Can I trust you with this?"

Starlight paused as she thought things over. On one hoof Starlight could already tell this was shaping up to be something bad, and not the fun kind either. This sounded serious. One wrong move and the world would end... Ok, maybe not that serious, but somewhat close to that. On the other hoof-

"Yes!" Starlight answered quickly as every bored feeling in her body was expelled before she realized the gravity of the situation. "Uh, I mean, yes, do not worry, I will handle it."

Tree Twilight smiled - if you could call that a smile - before she disappeared in a flash of light. Starlight herself smiled as she climbed back into bed waiting for her dream to end.

"...I was never really sleeping was I?" Starlight groaned as she pulled her covers over her, "I'll just sleep for a few more hours. Yawn. I can tell everyone the news in the morning."