• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 25,063 Views, 1,583 Comments

"Little Pony" - ButterscotchFTW

Second chances are often times a rarity. Yet, when some higher power decides to bestow one upon you? You tend to make sure it isn't wasted.

  • ...

Chapter 64

Author's Note:

Rainbow's never been punched in the face before.

Alright, yes, Rainbow Dash was guilty of spying on the small brown foal in his own backyard, but it was at Twilight's behest! Honestly, she wasn’t even sure why Twilight was so obsessed with learning everything she could about this kid. It was also really weird that it was specifically a foal, and if she wasn’t her friend she would’ve definitely dropped even more suspicion onto her. But eventually, she got the egghead to explain to her that she was doing this at the very special request of the princess, which – was still weird, to be honest. But she really couldn’t argue against the princess, no pony in their right mind would go against the princess of all things.

So she caved when Twilight practically begged Rainbow Dash to help her where she couldn’t and to spy from the sky where she wasn’t capable of – stalking, it was practically stalking. But whatever, she was loyal to her friends and she would do whatever she could to help them out. And after all, things considered, she found out something absolutely mind-blowing, the kid knew Spitfire. The Captain Spitfire, of the Wonderbolts! Like, what the hell?

And after she had to practically bite into her own hoof to stifle her quickly growing sense of fan girling over the literal Captain of what she dreamed of becoming one day, and if it wasn’t obvious, she wanted to be a Wonderbolt. She watched with rapt attention how Spitfire interacted with the kid – Speckles, if she remembered right. She was really half and half when it came to listening to Twilight's briefing on the kid.

Spitfire also almost made her scream out in pure joy when she witnessed a trick that she’d never seen before coming from the Wonderbolt, the whole thing with the death-defying barrel rolls, the quick save when free falling – the bucking fire, it was awesome. So freaking awesome that she almost felt offended for Spitfire when her eyes trailed back to Speckles and just how bored he kind of looked watching her. He just sat on that pretty oversized - no, he’s just tiny. Like really tiny.

Anyways, he just sat on that large pillow of his almost looking like he was staring off into space as he blankly looked up and gingerly followed Spitfire's movements. And Rainbow Dash wasn’t even sure how the kid was keeping such a face when getting a private air show, right in his own backyard of all places!

“No expression at all… really?” Rainbow Dash muttered to herself as she leaned her head just a tad bit forward so that she got a better look at things. “It’s like that one guy when I… oh, there’s the reaction.” She interrupted herself as she noticed Speckles suddenly smiling and looking up at Spitfire as she landed and walked over to him.

The two exchanged words for a few moments before Spitfire quickly trotted off into the house, leaving Speckles by himself as he briefly stared at the door before looking back and grinning to himself. He then stood up and – wow, there was practically no height change from when he was sitting down to when he stood up. She stopped herself from snickering as he hopped off the pillow and walked his way to the center of the yard and looked down at his hooves with a pensive expression. And then he stood like that for what seemed like minutes, causing Rainbow Dash to grimace and prop her head up with her hooves as she stared down at him.

Yeesh, this was boring. What did the princess see in this little foal? Because all that Rainbow Dash saw was nothing all that special about him, sure, he had the interesting thing of knowing Captain Spitfire. But she chalked that up to him being some sort of relative of hers, or she was dating somepony and this was just their kid that Spitfire was entertaining. Hm, Spitfire never really let it known that she was dating any pony, so she wonder- oh, he’s moving.

She broke out of her thoughts and focused back down on Speckles as he shook his head and grinned once again before looking straight up at the sky, causing Rainbow Dash to pull her head back just a bit so that she wasn’t visible but could still see. He took in a deep breath before shouting something that she could just barely make out from where she was hovering above, and it caused her to squint as he just shouted the most random amalgamation of words out to the sky. What was it? Fus ro dah? Weird.

And he looked disappointed as if he was expecting something to happen when he shouted that. Letting out a sigh before ultimately shrugging his shoulders and turned around, almost looking as if he was about to retreat back into the house before he stopped midstep. He stood there for a few minutes, probably thinking to himself before he turned back around and stared up at the sky.

Though she wasn’t prepared for what came next, one moment she was watching him with increasing boredom as he went to presumably shout at the sky once again, and the next she was almost deafened by the loudest noise she’d ever heard. And that wasn’t the worst part of it, it was when a huge ass whirlwind formed from out of nowhere and completely threw her around, leaving her struggling to hold onto her cloud as she was spun around before ultimately getting pushed back. And it left her with widened eyes as she finally regained control of her senses and fixed her position on the cloud, letting out a few pants as she looked over the cloud.

Speckles was standing in a large dent in the grass with a happy face as he hopped around with excitement, causing Rainbow Dash even more confusion, that came from the kid? That huge whirlwind that almost threw her entirely off course came from that small little foal? What in the actual buck?

Just hold on a moment. She had to completely shake her frazzled mane out of her face and shake away the feeling of her brain being jumbled around in her skull as she realized what exactly happened. Did he just shout a whirlwind into the air? Was that magic? It had to be magic. Twilight is going to go crazy over – no, absolutely ballistic trying to figure out if Rainbow Dash is telling the truth or telling a complete lie.

“Though, when doesn’t she ever not go ballistic over something stupid?” she said in realization to herself. Just last week she was going crazy over not being able to tell whether or not the sun and moon were raised by Princess Celestia, something about her looking over ancient philosopher theories of the planet revolving around the sun. It made her shake her head at even questioning it, everypony knew that the sun revolved around the planet because of Princess Celestia.

Ugh. All that egghead stuff was causing her even more confusion, so she cleared those thoughts out of her head before dropping both hooves onto the cloud and moving her body so that she could peek over again. She wanted to see if Speckles was doing any more of those physically impossible things that a pegasus couldn’t do. Though what she didn’t expect to see when she peeked over the edge, was a pink pegasus glaring daggers up at her.

“Woah!” Rainbow Dash cried out in shock as she recoiled backward, the pegasus flying up and– wow, her wings were huge!

“Just what do you think you’re doing?” was the question thrown towards her as she gathered her bearings, trying to push herself back to get some space but the mare quickly inched forwards with crossed hooves. If looks could kill, she’d definitely already murdered Rainbow Dash with those eyes.

“Uh... nothing?” Damn it, Dash.

She didn’t seem to like that answer, her eyes narrowing further. “I’ll tell you what you were doing, you were watching my son. You damn creep!” her anger caused the cyan pegasus to back up just a few inches as she brought her hooves up and shook them. Rainbow Dash sputtered because she was absolutely right, she was freaking watching a foal in their own backyard from a cloud. If that wasn’t the definition of creeping, then she had absolutely no idea what was.

“I– listen, I wasn’t watching your so-” her ears folded back as she internally winced at her own rebuttal and was instantly interrupted by the angry mother of the foal she was watching – for Twilight, she was watching them for Twilight.

“Then what the hell were you doing, sitting up on this cloud that’s sitting right above my backyard in clear sight of my backyard? And you better give me a damn good answer, because nothing is going to save you from me busting your ass,” she said as she leaned even further. To the point where the two of them were a nose hair away from each other.

Rainbow Dash gulped, feeling the intensity of the pink pegasus's glare. She knew she had to choose her words carefully if she wanted to diffuse the situation.

And Rainbow was never really good with her words, so she did the only thing that she could think that she could do to escape the wrath of Speckle’s mom. And that was absolutely booking it away from this house and losing the pink pegasus with her superior speed because, with wings like those, she doubted she could catch her. So doing what she did best when dealing with a situation like this, she ran.

“Uh…” she said in distraction as she tried to lift up a hoof as subtly as possible. She literally felt the heat of her stare trying to melt off her fur as she felt sweat drip from her brow before she caved and dropped her hoof down hard. The cloud split in half and dropped Rainbow Dash out of the bottom, sending her into a brief free fall before she quickly barrel-rolled and shot out her wings. She let out a powerful flap of her wings and shot off in the opposite direction of the house, the surprised and outraged voice of the pink pegasus behind her as she did so.

Or at least, that’s what she thought would happen. The last thing she ever expected to happen was to feel herself literally get tackled out of the air, the loud sound of the air whizzing past them as she craned her head and looked up with wide eyes at the pink pegasus holding her with a death grip. They were sent into a free fall as she struggled and squirmed against the larger mare's grip, Rainbow Dash found it basically impossible to break out of her grip as the mare shouted obscenities at her.

And just as she thought that she was going to get spiked into the ground by an angry mother, she felt some relief as she opened up her large wings and stopped them just a couple of inches from smashing into the ground. The grip loosened and she was dropped onto the floor, getting a mouthful of grass in the process, she shook her head and spit it out as she spun around to face the pegasus.

“Did you really think you could just up and fly away from this? I told you that nothing was going to save you from this beating that I am going to lay on you!” she shouted at Rainbow Dash before the latter let out a frightened noise and dove out of the way of her lunge. As her chest hit the floor, she scrambled up onto her hooves with widened eyes as she quickly unfurled her wings and tried to take off again.

‘This mare is going to kill me!’ Rainbow Dash screamed to herself as she just barely lifted off into the air before being once again tackled by her, the force causing a noise to come out of her as she fell with the added weight of a fully grown pegasus on her back. She squirmed and struggled against her greater strength, being able to roll over onto her back and suddenly blinked as she felt herself get struck across the face. The feeling so new to her that she had to take a few seconds to process the fact that there was a growing pain all over her face before she instinctively threw her hooves up and started blocked the incoming blows.

And sweet Celestia, this mare had to be a fighter or something because they hurt like Tartarus, and she been in fights with other pegasi before – the punches and bucks felt absolutely nothing like the treatment she was getting as she tried to kick her off. Her words were practically unheard against the angered curses and grunts coming from Speckle’s angry mom.

But all she knew that she was getting her ass kicked and she couldn’t do anything about it!

Hazel got tired of the cyan stalker blocking all of her punches to her face and grit her teeth as she brought a hoof up and instead drove it down harshly into her stomach, causing an immediate reaction. She wheezed out as her hooves flew down to cover her stomach, leaving a perfect opening to her face as she spaced out in an attempt to try and regain all of the air that she’d knocked out her. Hazel didn’t hear the voice calling out her name as she was too busy trying to rationalize whether or not she would get in all that much trouble because this mare was guilty of watching her baby – she was also trespassing. This beating was one hundred percent justified!

“Hazel, stop!” her honed in sense of anger came to a pause as she raised her hoof up and went to drive it down again but was unable to as she felt a hoof wrap around hers. She momentarily pulled her attention away from the wheezing creep and looked up to see Spitfire looking down at her with a concerned expression. And she was also gritting her teeth slightly as she pulled against the strength of hoof trying to drive itself into the cyan ponies face again.

“Stop, please,” she said as the two stared at each other for a few tense seconds. Hazel looked from Spitfire down at the downed pegasus who had finally caught her breath and was looking up between the two of them with a mix of shock and fear on her face.

“Why?” she said defensively. “Have you forgotten everyone who’s tried to steal my baby from me?”

Spitfire sighed but didn’t let go of her hoof, “because I know who this is – and she's a friend of mine. She's Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty. And stupid.. Very, very stupid."

Hazel's grip loosened slightly, but her expression remained skeptical. "And why was she watching my son?"

Rainbow Dash, still recovering from the beating, managed to catch her breath and spoke up. "I was...uh...helping Twilight with her task from Princess Celestia. She wanted to know more about Speckles, and I was just...um...gathering information from the sky."

Hazel raised an eyebrow, not fully convinced. "Twilight Sparkle?" Hazel said with some confusion as she didn’t recognize the name, tilting her head at Spitfire who shook her head.

“Twilight’s the Princesses student, she gets up to stupid things like this all the time..”

Rainbow Dash nodded quickly. "Yes, that's right! It was all at Twilight's request. She thought there might be something special about Speckles, and she wanted me to keep an eye on him. I didn't mean any harm, I swear!"

Hazel's expression softened a little as she looked at Rainbow Dash, considering her words. Spitfire spoke up again, trying to diffuse the tension further. "Hazel, I vouch for Rainbow Dash.. If she says she was helping Twilight, then I believe her."

“But that doesn’t ju–” Hazel said with some frustration in her voice before being interrupted by Spitfire who let her hoof go and nodded her head, “look – I know, I know. Just let me talk to her, go back inside with Speckles.”

Hazel glanced between the two pegasi, still unsure. "Fine," she finally said, releasing her grip on Rainbow Dash. "But if I catch you spying on my son again, there won't be any mercy."

Rainbow Dash quickly got up, rubbing her sore stomach and wincing. "No worries! I won't be watching him anymore, I promise." Rainbow Dash flinched backwards as Hazel took a mock step forwards, seeming satisfied with herself at the reaction before turning and walking off towards the house.

Hazel fought the urge to snap back around and give that mare one last punch before her shoulders drooped and she quickly opened and closed the door behind her, taking a moment to calm herself before turning to look at the most important thing in her life. Her baby took a moment before hopping down from the kitchen counter and looked over at her with his big blue eyes. And she felt her anger fizzle out as she smiled.

She walked over to him and knelt down, wrapping a wing around him protectively. "Are you okay, Speckles?"

Speckles nodded, his eyes still wide with the excitement of watching his mom beat the crap out of someone. "Yeah, Mom. I'm fine. But who was that mare?"

Hazel glanced out the window to where Spitfire was talking to Rainbow Dash. "Just someone who made a mistake, but she won't bother us anymore. Let's go play, okay?"

“Are you okay?” he said with concern, the ever perceptive foal that he was. She couldn’t help but coo down at him as he smiled up at her, picking him up in her arms and cuddling him close. “I am now, sweetie.”

Spitfire was good at keeping the annoyance out of her voice as she spoke.

“So the Princess sent Twilight to spy on Speckles because he has something ‘special’ about him?” Spitfire asked as she turned back to look at Rainbow Dash. The cyan pegasus was still wincing to herself as she tried to soothe the pain of the beating she’d gotten from Hazel, one her eyes blackened from that first blow as she looked up at the Captain of the Wonderbolts. “Why don’t you explain that to me?”

Rainbow Dash was silent for a few moments as she tried to not freak out and make an idiot of herself – well, more of an idiot than she’d already made herself out to be. But the Captain of the Wonderbolts knew who she was.

“It’s like I told you before, Spitfire,” she said with a sigh. “All Twilight told me was what Princess Celestia told her in the letter she sent her to watch him because he was special, and that’s pretty much all the letter said.”

“And yet she told me that she wasn’t..” Spitfire muttered to herself before looking up, “And how long has this investigation been going on?”

“Uh, I only started helping Twilight a few days ago, and I think I first heard about this a week ago.” Rainbow Dash said truthfully, though with some nervousness as she was literally talking to her idol.

She then shook her head, “all right, here’s what’s going to happen.” She said as her voice slipped from the casual one she was using and into a more authoritative tone, much like she used whenever dealing with Wonderbolt business.

“I am overriding that order from Princess Celesti-” this caused Rainbow Dash to widen her eyes as she looked up at Spitfire as if she hadn’t heard her right.

“Y-you can do that?” the surprise was evident.

“Normally, no,” Spitfire shook her head. “But this situation is a whole lot bigger than you think, Dash, and it falls under the specific clause that allows me to override the authority of the Princess.”

“But you can’t just not do what the Princess tells you to do – it’s unheard of,” Rainbow said with even more confusion in her tone.

“Well, we’re lucky Commander Hurricane made sure that was possible,” Spitfire simply said in response before moving back to what she was going to say originally. “Now, like I said before, this whole order given to you by Twilight who was told by the Princess? It’s now null.” She said with finality in her voice.

“Oh.. uh,” Dash rubbed the back of her neck, she didn’t even know that was possible.

“I’ll explain everything in full later when I tell both you and Twilight the terms of this nullification,” she added in before letting the sterness fall from her voice. The casualness slipped back in as she gave Rainbow Dash a look. "You really know how to get yourself into trouble, don't you?"

Rainbow Dash blinked in confusion, “you know about me?”

“I know all about you and your friends, it comes with the job,” Spitfire simply said with a small shrug of her shoulders.

“Oh, wow..”

Spitfire sighed. "Look – next time something like this happens, maybe think twice before spying on foals in their own backyard."

Rainbow Dash nodded, still feeling a bit sore from the encounter. "Lesson learned, Spitfire. Lesson learned."

Rainbow Dash had quickly flown away after her talk with Spitfire, still reeling from bruises and the idea of Spitfire completely halting one of the Princess's missions for Twilight. She didn't think it was possible, but apparently it was. What kind of rank did Captain of the Wonderbolts translate to anyways for that kind of power? She'd have to ask Twilight later, right after she explained why she looked like she got run over by a carriage and how they were no longer going to be able to help Celestia with her request. She landed down in front of Twilight's library and knocked on the door, instead of going through the window like she usually does.

Twilight Sparkle opened the door, her expression changing from surprise to concern as she saw Rainbow Dash's battered appearance. "Rainbow Dash, what happened? Are you okay?" she asked, stepping aside to let her friend inside.

Rainbow Dash winced as she entered the library. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine," she muttered, rubbing at her face. "But we've got a problem. A big one."

Twilight closed the door behind them and led Rainbow Dash to the living room, motioning for her to take a seat. "What happened? And why do you look like you've been in a fight?"

Rainbow Dash sighed and recounted the events that had transpired, starting from her spying on Speckles in his backyard, witnessing whatever that magical whirlwind was, and eventually being confronted and beat up by Hazel, Speckles' mother. She emphasized the intervention of Spitfire, and how she’d stopped Hazel from going farther than bruising her body. She'd probably have broken some bones if Spitfire didn't stop her.

Twilight listened attentively, her expression growing more serious as Rainbow Dash spoke. "So, Spitfire put a halt to the investigation?" she asked, concern evident in her voice. She didn't think a Wonderbolt had that much authority, she'd have to look into that.

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah, she stepped in and stopped Hazel before things got even worse. And she recognized me too, Twilight! She knows who I am. I didn't know she had any connections to the princess or anything like that."

Twilight sighed, running a hoof through her mane. "I don't have all the answers, Rainbow Dash. I have to write a let–”

“Well, about that.” Rainbow Dash said with a sheepish grin.

“What?” Twilight said in confusion.

“Spitfire kinda told me not to let you send any more letters until after she got here and explained everything to the both of us,” this caused Twilight to stand up. “You means she’s coming here?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash nodded.

“When?” she said with worry.

“I have no idea, Twi.” She shrugged her shoulders, causing Twilight’s eye to twitch.

“By the way, you got an ice pack or something? I’m hurting everywhere.”