• Member Since 7th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen Nov 1st, 2023


Hello, Leon Davies here, also known as TheLeondude or just Leondude. Animator, voice actor, writer, autistic British egomaniac, Dark Lord of the Sith etc.


To the naked eye, Cozy is an ordinary 12-year-old girl that just so happens to be the cutest little thing anybody could ever lay their eyes on. And there’s nothing she could want more than to be friends with everyone she meets. And since she wants to make her own little “friendship network”, why wouldn’t anyone wanna be friends with her?

But there’s only one person that knows Cozy better than anyone else. Someone who knows Cozy’s true intentions. And she is the only thing standing in Cozy’s way.

Written for the Cozy Glow Short Story Contest:


Cover art is The Empress by Jon Fawkes

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

I should mention that entries to the contest have to between 5k & 10k words.

Don't worry. You already did. It's just I was too exhausted to get up to 5K words but I didn't want to let a perfectly good story go to waste.

I kinda hope my next entry, should I write it, would be longer.

A very interesting look at what makes Cozy tick, done in a way that makes her both sympathetic and scary at the same time.

Upvote from me.

Probably illegal acquisition of information? Blackmail? Threats of murder? Interesting...

I feel like you have the makings of a great story here, should you choose to continue. You've earned this like. 👍

Thank you. That's what I try to accomplish when writing Cozy. :twilightsmile:

And you very much succeeded. I'm planning on entering this contest myself.

Why did you only make this story one chapter long?

It was written for a short story contest. When it said "short story", I assumed it meant one-shot.

But if I ever make a sequel, I promise it will have more chapters.

I wish I could enter this contest, but I can't write a one-shot that's 5k... That's just too many words for a one-shot. I hate reading long one-shots, and hate writing them even more.

What prompt for the contest is this based on? You never said anywhere, and to be an entry it has to be at least 5k and be based on one of the prompts.

Well, that makes the two of us. But at least I tried and that's what counts.

Since the contest allows up to three entries per user, maybe I'll have better luck on my second entry, even though a lot of people are already liking this one. :twilightsmile:

A little too much edge.

But Cozy was not like the other girls, and she had dealt with things far more frightening than the dark.


Was quite shocked when cozy used a towards Sunset's leg then neck and I could already when a continuation of this story comes out cozy will try and ruin Sunset. And I hope this isn't like anonamiss all over again.

I went with this one:

Cozy’s got a secret! Whether or not it’s hers is for her to know and you to find out.

Bit of a loose interpretation of that prompt but I felt it was similar enough. And yes, I am aware that this story is shorter than required. Almost literally by a half.

Just a wee bit but at least it ain't grimdark.

Ah, of course.

you can’t make all those friends without making a few enemies

Excellent line. I enjoyed reading this one. Although it's too short for the contest, I'd say it's definitely worth revising, maybe getting some editors to look at it. Good work.

Glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

If it helps, I'm currently working on my second entry. Granted, it's not a sequel to this one but it is definitely longer (and kind of a sequel to another Cozy Glow fanfic I've been updating on a regular basis).

Good work, and if Sunset even think of saying anything, well... Who could think little Cozy Glow did it?

I think this needs a sequel. Also, if I was sunset I would talk to twilight and see what she could do about the little demon.

I thought this was going to be an alt universe In which Sunset decide to visit the school friendship during the Cozy revolution

But Cozy was not like the other girls,


Only thing I'd bring up is please try to split up the wall of texts. They can be really hard to read.

I found it interesting stumbling into this after I re-read one of my own contest entries for the same contest this was submitted for. I'd be interested in your opinion about my entry too if you're interested as well. In case you're curious, it is the following.

THere I Am
Trapped in stone, Cozy Glow contemplates her past and her first friend.
Scroll · 9.7k words  ·  81  3 · 3.3k views

The above didn't get even an honorable mention. Frankly, I'm not even certain it was read at all. I suspect that contest was rigged so that a certain participant would automatically win no matter what. That way no actual prize money had to be awarded. And the true motive for the contest? Create a bunch of fics with specific guild lines. Guide lines for fics the contest issuer wanted to read.

But my story won a greater prize anyway, for it is one of my most successful stories. The most liked and most read single chapter. I think it was even featured once. That was the real prize I was after; for the readers to enjoy it. I offer you this same opportunity.

Your story reminds me of another I wrote prior to the contest because I think your story entirely takes place in EqG. The mention of "cars", "computers", and "Sunset Shimmer" were big hints to that. That and the picture for your story. Anyway, what I am talking about is the following, which might also interest you since it follows Cozy Glow's story from the human world.

[Adult story embed hidden]

I am curious. Is this story supposed to allude to the fact that human Cozy Glow is the real culprit responsible for the Annon-a-Miss fiasco? Because, if so, this is the most realistic take I heard of it. The premise behind annon-a-miss is really hard to swallow, but this one puts a slightly more realistic twist to it.


I'll be sure to give your stories a read when I have the time.

Also, I agree the contest is rigged but congratulations on getting featured anyway. :raritywink:

Guide lines for fics the contest issuer wanted to read.

Heh. That reminds me of a different contest issued by a follower of mine. I wonder if it's still going since she never announced a date for when the contest ends.

Is this story supposed to allude to the fact that human Cozy Glow is the real culprit responsible for the Annon-a-Miss fiasco? Because, if so, this is the most realistic take I heard of it. The premise behind annon-a-miss is really hard to swallow, but this one puts a slightly more realistic twist to it.

I haven't read the Anon-a-Miss storyline from the comics but that's not a bad idea if I ever do write a sequel to this fic.

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