• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 2,852 Views, 84 Comments

Extradimensional Owl Quest - Thought Prism

To stop a grave threat from unleashing havoc upon all the realms, an infamous rogue warlock, the king of demons, and a student of a lost arcane art must embark on an epic quest to the most dangerous part of Equestria. Well, dramatically speaking.

  • ...

Hooty was getting lonely

"Do you really have to go? I mean, you just got here," Silverstream protested. "There's so much fun stuff here you haven't seen yet!"

"Letting a creature like you who vibes with everyone slip away just feels bad, you know? Are you sure you can't hang out for the rest of the day, at least?" Sandbar pleaded.

Luz sighed, unable to stop wearing her emotions on her sleeve. After their brief but joyous victory celebration had concluded, before anyone left the Sanctuary, Eda had announced her intent to return immediately, hence the reactions from Luz's fresh friends. Parting would definitely hurt, especially since it had been so hard for her to make friends at all until recently, but it had to be done. "Sorry, guys. We came here on a mission, and now that mission is over. Eda specifically needs to get back home soon, for her health."

"Really?" Yona questioned. "Owl Lady seems so strong; that not Yona's impression. Still, will believe Luz."

Gallus' bittersweet expression was probably a reflection of Luz's own as his beak stretched and tightened. "Well, Professor Pinkie's gonna be mad, but you gotta do what you gotta do, I guess."

"Honestly? A small part of me does want to stay," Luz admitted. "I could never abandon the amazing people I already have in my life, though." Here, she glanced over her shoulder at Eda, who stopped impatiently tapping her foot to smile in kind. "Still, assuming I'm not busy with studying and nothing else goes horribly wrong, I'll be sure to visit whenever I can!"

"That would be great," went Ocellus, brightening. "Maybe you could even bring your witch friends so we can meet them too!"

Now there's a nice thought, Luz mused. Judging by the renewed jubilant anticipation all around, she wasn't the only one excited. There was one exception not so enthusiastic about the prospect, however. "So now you'll have even less time to spend with me? Uuuuuugh," King whined.

Boy, he always knew just what to say, huh? Luz knelt down to match King's stature. "We've been over this before, remember? We're allowed to have more than one friend, King, you can't just hog me all to yourself."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," he huffed. "But nothing says I can't complain about it. Making friends is so hard. Like, I already gave you a multipurpose plush doll suitable for voodoo or cuddles, what more do you want from me, Bargax?"

"Heck, it's not that hard," Smolder piped in. "I thought we were already friends, King." At this, the other five nodded emphatically from their positions around her. Then, she continued. "You're basically a smaller, less violent version of my brother; feels like I've already known you for years."

"Really? Yes!" King fistpumped in satisfaction. "You can be my vizier, Smolder, wielding power second only to mine! Betray me at your own risk."

As Smolder let out a smoky snicker, Eda's patience ran out. "Okay, seriously, we need to skedaddle. If you like these bozos so much, I can get you some unripe beasties on the black market when we get back. Also the whole aforementioned 'I could be permanently crippled' thing," Eda casually added.

Luz decided to let that bit about the illegal pets slide, as it's the thought that counts, and Eda was trying, at least. Cocking her head, Luz hopped to her feet, facing the others. She'd sure remember their unnaturally colorful selves for a long while. "Well, you heard her. Afraid that's all the time we have, though what we got sure was eventful! In the words of my favorite immortal ten year old, I know we'll meet again someday."

"Oh, yeah, I'm definitely coming back," King agreed. "Once I finish subjugating the Isles, you're next. You'll all have no choice but to bake me pizza bagels and play board games with me whenever I ask!"

"Ha, sure thing little dude," Sandbar, with subdued amusement. "Bye, you guys."

Silverstream leapt into the air to ensure her frantic waving would be visible. "Bye Luz, bye King, bye Eda! Don't forget to carve! Er, wait, no, write, surface customs."

Yona stomped her hoof and struck a proud pose. "Legend of your bravery will live forever in yak hearts!"

"Don't be gone too long, ya hear?" insisted Smolder. "Or I'll get upset. You know what they say about dragons and wanting more of things, including time. 'S why we live so long."

Gallus chuckled at that. "Me too. The sentiment part, not the age part. As the princess always says, you can never have too many friends." He waved with a wing, all feathers but the largest two curled. "See you three later."

"Thanks again for the help, and take care," said Ocellus, genuinely.

Riding high on success and acceptance, Luz didn't protest as Eda opened the portal briefcase and ushered her and King through. That didn't stop her from walking backwards and waving herself, snapping a quick pic on her phone for posterity. Even with all that madness at its source, this experience was one definitely worth saving.

Luz's shoes met the floor with soft thuds of rubber on wood, back where they started in Bonesborough at last. The familiar ambient sounds of gargling and shrieking echoed from outside like always. It felt like way more than a few hours had passed to her, but that was par for the course, to use golf jargon. Life was just so much more fulfilling for Luz now than it had been before this summer. By her side, Eda and King also reaccumulated themselves, the former seemingly looking better already, more of Eda's trademark mischief shining through her exhaustion. Luz probably would've been more tired after their ordeal with Fell Perdition too, if she was that old.

King squared his stance, hands on his hips as he breathed deeply. "Ah, home sour home. Hooray."

"Ha," went Luz. She'd have to remember that one. "Though specifically we're in Willow's place."

At the sound of her name, or maybe just them talking to begin with, Willow rushed over to greet them. "You're back! Thank the Titan you're all in one piece."

"As if there was ever any doubt. I left as an outlaw and have returned as a champion! Who is also still an outlaw," Eda quipped, riding high and eager to flaunt it. She even used the realm door she'd just closed back up as a platform for one foot to pose. But when her flamboyant entrance garnered no verbal counter-barb, she peered this way and that throughout the house, confused. It was largely empty. "Wait, where'd Lilith and her cronies slither off to?"

Luz did her own quick examination of the building, even peeking out the windows to confirm that, yep, the Emperor's Coven enforcers were nowhere to be found, just that slime man with the visible brain running errands again. That was a load off. Any more eventful happenings today and she wouldn't be able to sleep! Exhaling, Luz peered back at Willow, waiting.

"Oh, everybody except your sister left a while ago," she explained to Eda. "She stayed to watch the giraffe, and then the battle, with me and my dads though. You only just missed her. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was concerned." Then, Willow bounced over to Luz so quickly her glasses nearly flew off her face, grasping Luz's hands in hers. "By the way, that was amazing, Luz! I was so worried at first - that giraffe was creepy - but your magic is really getting better. I shouldn't have doubted."

"Aww, thanks," Luz replied. "Your encouragement is what drives my progress. That, and how totally flippin' cool magic is."

Both girls shared a giggle at that. King gagged at them, but also shuffled a tad closer.

"All's well that ends well," said Eda, scratching her head. Eyeing Luz, her sly smirk softened. "Even for a kid, you are surprisingly resilient. Got guts. If you hadn't already, you would've earned a place in the House today."

Did her ears deceive her? Open praise, offered without snark? Luz twirled in delight. "Aww, she does love me!"

"Like a baby sister," Eda insisted. "Or a niece, probably. You know I'm not mom material. Those bats..." she trailed off, shuddering, before clearing her throat and continuing. "Plus, you already have a perfectly good one."

At this, Willow's brow creased slightly. "Should, should I go? I feel like this is a personal conversation."

"Willow, this is your house. Unless you still wanna feed us, we're going," King said. Then, his stomach rumbled aggressively. "After we eat, though. Is the food still warm?"

"Sure is!" Willow chirped, ushering them into the kitchen. "Come on, the table's set. Luz, I'm quite curious about the, erm, 'deets'. For starters, where'd you find those monster-people?"

Willow was coming out of her shell more and more around her, less hesitant. The least Luz could do was oblige, and gladly so. Storytelling was always fun. "Alright, I'll give you the whole rundown."

And so, Luz sat down for a nice dinner with those she cherished, old faces and new, under the amber glow of a bronze candelabra chandelier. Willow's parents formally introduced themselves as they carried over laden dishes to the circular table. Eda lounged cross-legged in her seat after fetching a box (without asking, because Eda) to elevate King's, who protested despite the fact that he always used a high chair at meals. Said protests died as his plate was filled, and the chewing commenced. Eating at a more reasonable pace, Peyote initiated a discussion with Eda about her taste in jewelry.

Luz, meanwhile, happily began her retelling of the events that transpired in Equestria for Willow with only minimal embellishments, squishing her mashed bog-tatoes into various shapes as visual aides. She was intact, content, and free from any worries of rampaging demon giraffes crashing the party since she'd helped stop the last one. Yep, life didn't get much better than this.

It took a while, but once Amity had been sufficiently inundated with his brilliant advice and about ten pounds of dark chocolate molded into shapes beyond mortal comprehension, Discord made his triumphant way back home. However, when he poofed into Fluttershy's living room with a smile and a burst of foam packing peanuts, in an effort to surprise and delight his best friend, her reaction gave him pause.

Fluttershy sat with her legs crossed, Lyra style, on the couch, levelling an aggravated stare (no, not that one) at him. She took a long, silent sip from her teacup before setting it down on the table in front of her.

Why, she wasn't amused at all! Worried, he tentatively asked "My dear? What's wrong? Did I miss something?"

Shutting her weary eyes, her hooves thumped right up into her forehead. "Remember the Storm King? And how you were a complete no-show?"

Discord cringed so hard all his teeth exploded when they met. "Really, again? Uh... oops?"

Comments ( 8 )

Needs a sequel... just so I can have more Amity on this site

This was a pretty good story. Well done.

its amusing the chapters title says Hooty was Lonely yet hes never mentioned in it XD. Also i feel if Discord mentioned he was out of the universe at the moment helping someone, he MIGHT be let off the hook with Fluttershy

In the words of my favorite immortal ten year old, I know we'll meet again someday.

Goodness, this is a bit like letting a whole Pokémon team go at once, isn't it?

Fluttershy sat with her legs crossed, Lyra style, on the couch, levelling an aggravated stare (no, not that one) at him.

She'd actually gone to the human world for a few weeks to train herself to master the pose, knowing it'd come in handy sooner rather than later.

In any case, delightful stuff from start to finish. I really do need to get into The Owl House. Everything I've seen from and about it has been great.

All that's missing is the show's awesome credits theme. Damn, way to call out Discord being absent during the MLP movie. I was expecting Amity doing some kind of outlandish preparation for when she feels the need to show her feelings for Luz.

Nice story overall!

Luz decided to let that bit about the illegal pets slide, as it's the thought that counts, and Eda was trying, at least. Cocking her head, Luz hopped to her feet, facing the others. She'd sure remember their unnaturally colorful selves for a long while. "Well, you heard her. Afraid that's all the time we have, though what we got sure was eventful! In the words of my favorite immortal ten year old, I know we'll meet again someday."

Somewhere in the universe, Ash Ketchum smiled for no apparent reason

"Like a baby sister ," Eda insisted. "Or a niece, probably. You know I'm not mom material. Those bats..." she trailed off, shuddering, before clearing her throat and continuing. "Plus, you already have a perfectly good one."

Eda's best Owl mom, whether she knows it or not.

Great job on this story! Commenting on the previous chapter, you did a good job depicting the fight like it would be on The Owl House, and everyone played a part in it. Hopefully Perdition enjoys Earth. Loved the bits with Amity and Discord too.

Since I didn't want spoilers I watched the entirety of season 1(now that it's on disney+) of owl house before reading. The owl house left me with such a cliffhanger and this was a good story to get some more owl house fix.


"I had that class, huge waste of time," Eda interjected. "They just hooked everybody up to a mind-melder squid, the effects either wore off immediately afterwards or you went insane. It's a moot point now, 'cause the squids unionized."

Well Eda. The magic of friendship is only possible from a strong bond of friendship.
You need friendship in your heart and the people around you to make it happen.

The stronger the friendship, stronger the magic.



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