• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 3,289 Views, 73 Comments

London Girl - LunaEclipsed15

While on a vacation across Europe during Winter Break with her parents, Twilight Sparkle bumps in a beautiful local. Now she can’t seem to get her out of her head.

  • ...

They Say Home Is Where The Heart Is

“We need to take a ride on your motorcycle sometime.”

Twilight perked up as she picked up a conversation happening a few feet away from her as she walked behind her parents, taking in the beautiful sights of London. Twilight looked over, watching a tall boy with dark green hair and pale tan skin walk next to a golden skinned shorter girl with red hair streaked through with yellow.

“Says the guy who’s constantly talking about his ‘kickass scooter’,” returned the girl, making air quotes with her fingers. As they laughed, the girl turned her head slightly in the direction of Twilight. Twilight almost stopped walking right there as she caught a glimpse of her smile.

After a short pause, Twilight shook her head and ran to catch up with her parents. She didn’t take her eyes off the couple as she walked. Soon though, their paths split and Twilight had to follow her parents towards the restaurant they had a dinner reservation at.

The next day and Twilight was leaving a small boutique where she had originally just been looking, but ended up buying more than she really had the money for, but her dad shouldn’t be too terribly mad at her for buying ‘souvenirs’ with her credit card. As she was exiting, she bumped into someone. He rbags went flying, scattering along the entryway. She ended up on the floor. She rubbed her head and adjusted her glasses, looking up to find a golden-colored hand reaching out for her.

“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going!”

There was that voice again. The same one from yesterday. She took the hand, following up her arm and up her blue coat to her face. Looking down at her was the prettiest set of turquoise eyes she had ever seen. Her face was angelic, framed by red and yellow wavy locks.

“It’s okay, I wasn’t watching ei-either,” Twilight stuttered. The girl helped her get up and then together they gathered her bags. “Thank you.” Twilight thanked her once everything was back in her arms.

“Of course.” If Twilight had blinked at that moment, she would have missed the wink the redhead sent her way as she walked off into the store. Twilight walked out, making it only a few feet from the door when she mentally kicked herself. She had forgotten to ask for the girl’s name.

If she went back in now she would look dumb. Twilight accepted her fate and walked off, knowing she would never see the pretty redhead again.

Okay, not the universe was just fucking with her.

Twilight was walking through a market with her family, shopping for a few essentials as they moved to a nicer hotel for the second half of their stay in London before they flew out to Paris for Christmas. She heard a laugh to her right and thought her eyes were deceiving her for a moment. A girl stood with her back to her, red and yellow hair falling loose down her back. She was closing an umbrella in the entryway. She was with that same boy, and Twilight could only assume that he was her boyfriend.

She grabbed a shopping basket, walking into the produce section of the market. She picked up an apple, looking at it with an emotion in her eyes Twilight couldn’t place. Against all her instincts, Twilight found her feet walking her over to the girl.

Next to the apples were the pears. Twilight picked one up.

“How good do you think pears are this time of year?” Twilight found herself trying to make stupid small talk.

The girl looked up from the apple, pulled from a trance-like lock.

“They were best in October,” she says. Twilight found herself hanging on every word she said. Her accent was beautiful, light and airy but mature at the same time. Twilight sets the pear down at the same time the girl sets the apple down.

“Hey, I ran into you yesterday!” she exclaimed, suddenly recognizing Twilight. The boy who came with her who was browsing the fresh vegetables looked up at her outburst.

“Oh yeah, we did? Small world I guess.” They laughed, and Twilight couldn’t think about how cute the girl’s giggle was.

“Are you on holiday?” she asked, looking Twilight up and down, studying her.

Twilight nodded. “My family is touring Europe for a few weeks.”

“It simply is just beautiful here. Especially this time of year. It’s always raining, but sometimes some of the rain turns into snow and they mix and it’s amazing,” the girl gushed, looking out the window.

“I never did get your name. I’m Twilight, by the way/” Twilight blushed at how awkward she was.

“Oh! I’m Sunset. Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset held out her hand and Twilight shook it. She was wearing mittens, but Twilight still managed to memorize every curve of her hand, from the way she held her fingers to the way she gently squeezed as she shook. Twilight never wanted the interaction to end.

“Sunset! Come on, we’ve got to hurry.” The boy came up to them, taking her arm and tugging gently. She rolled her eyes.

“Maybe I’ll see you around, Twilight.” She gave her a small wave before being whisked off.

“Yeah, see ya…”

It was the last day of Twilight’s stay in London. Twilight just wanted to see Sunset again, to take one last good look at her and say goodbye.

They were in the airport, getting ready to fly to France. Twilight knew she wouldn’t find her here, but her eyes couldn’t help from scanning the crowds. They were walking to their gate when she spotted her.

For some reason, she was here, and she was waiting at the gate next to Twilight’s. She was on her phone, texting.

She looked up, locking eyes with Twilight.

“Twilight?” Her voice carried across the terminal. She broke out into a smile. Twilight waved, beginning to walk over.

Sunset’s eyes widened and she reached into her pocket. She pulled out a blue sticky note, handing it to Twilight.

“I’m really sorry. I have to go, but call me some time.” There was that split second wink again. Twilight glanced down at the note. A number was written on it. She recognized it as having a California area code. As she turned to go, one of the questions rushing through Twilight’s mind slipped out.

“What are you doing here?”

Sunset looked back at her, a smirk on her face. In a American sounding voice Twilight had never expected to hear from the local, she said,

“Going home.”

Author's Note:

I've been on a Taylor Swift binge lately, letting my Alexa put all her songs on shuffle while I paint. London Boy quickly became one of my favorites from the Lover album, with Soon You'll Get Better and The Archer being close seconds. while I'm no 'Swiftie' I do enjoy her music quite a lot, so there may be more stories loosely inspired by her music in the future, or references to her stuff in my work!

There's a lot of little references in this story, see if you can find them all!

Comments ( 73 )

(because just imagine sunset with a Brittish accent.)

as yes.... French sunset.....

Technically English Sunset, but still equal parts hot and adorable.

Which English accent? There are several. I'm not sure whether to imagine Sunset as having a Home Counties or Cockney accent (or, if we're really obscure, a Hertfordshire burr).

yes...... YES! Y E S!
*talks in cockney accent* oi! This be me accent!

Or how about Yorkshire Sunset? That'd be hilarious.

Not really sure what the difference is :rainbowlaugh: I'm an American who doesn't travel, and in this story, she's technically American too and hard a fake accent, so or a lot something like who would just around the UK? Idk. Geography isn't y thing.

Scottish Applejack.

even better. XD

American trying to do British accent.

Bert the Chimneysweep it is then.

Where would RD be from? Cloudsdale's to the north, so I reckon either Newcastle or Carlisle.

I guess she kinda sounds like Millie Bobby Brown's regular voice. Somewhere they could be considered in the middle, but leaning more towards British.

Fluttershy's a little more challenging.

So I'll suggest Manchester.

what about rarity?

What type of sauce? Is it BBQ?

Outer Home Counties (Buckinghamshire and similar).

10364122 Nah. A lovely white roux with a little Parmesan cheese added for saltiness.

10364073 I... I'm not sure what's happening here...


Somewhere they could be considered in the middle, but leaning more towards British.

Right, but all native accents in Britain are British, so I'm not sure what 'leaning more towards British' means?

Let's be real here. If someone from outside the UK is talking about British accents, you almost certainly mean RP, a neutral, middle-class accent centred on the home counties around London. Sometimes called BBC English, as that's what anyone with a regional accent would have to convert to to be allowed on television.

Talking about England/Britain in terms of geographical location isn't so good for averages, because so much of the population and influence is based around the South East. Almost all the films, TV and exported material you'll have heard from the UK will have come exclusively from the bottom third and eastern half of the country. James Bond, Sherlock, Doctor Who, you name it, they're almost all from there. So when you say around the middle, you get Birmingham, which you've probably not heard internationally outside of Ozzy Osbourne.

Just say Sunset sounds like Emma Watson. Can't see it, personally, but sure.

10364124 Mid-Atlantic. It sounds British to American ears, and American to British ears, because it's an artificial construct somewhere between the two.

Or the West Country, famous for its cider.

The fact Sweetie Belle hasn't got said accent is further evidence Rarity is putting on an accent to create a specific impression.

Will there be a sequel?

And since Twi is American, it would sound English to her. Whilst laughably bad to UK ears, Dick van Dyke's cockney accent in Mary Poppins would sound English to an American.

You're right Twiggels, the universe is messing with you. Because the universe is cruel like that.

Also, smooth Sunny. Really smooth move there at the end.

10364365 I've been thinking about this since this morning, and I can't think of a single passable British accent from a US actor. Can you?

There are a few the other way around, I think. Hugh Laurie in House is a good example, I think, since I get the impression a lot of people don't realise he's British.

None come to mind. Curiously, Canadians can do convincing British accents a lot better than Americans; Stephen Blum comes to mind.

I know Rarity was made Russian from a story called Code Lyoko: EG

Indeed it did since it was an AU story like this one.

Is there going to be more to this? It's marked as complete, but the way it ended made it seem like it was setting up more chapters.

Wasn't sure I'd enjoy this at first but I ended enjoying it

I don't plan on writing more, but I guess I could in the future. What happens to Twi and Sunset is kinda just meant to be up to the reader.

The next day and Twilight was leaving a small boutique where she had originally just been looking, but ended up buying more than she really had the money for, but her dad shouldn’t be too terribly mad at her for buying ‘souvenirs’ with her credit card. As she was exiting, she bumped into someone. He rbags went flying, scattering along the entryway. She ended up on the floor. She rubbed her head and adjusted her glasses, looking up to find a golden-colored hand reaching out for her.

Her bags.

Sunset la miró con una sonrisa en su rostro. Con una voz que sonaba estadounidense, Twilight nunca había esperado escuchar del local, dijo:

Oww me encantó muchísimo!! Excelente fic

See a few people asking for sequels. Honestly I’m a bit more interested in a prequel. Not even all that much on the whole anon-a-mis bit either more of sunset pulling out of the us and setting herself up in England

I love that idea! In the two year gap between her moving out there and this story, I feel like a lot could happen I didn't actually put much thought into other than a half-assed backstory for why Pony Sunset was in London, but there could be a lot more to expand on. Maybe I'll work on that soon!

Honestly I would love tos we more of this sunset and her story

I would too! I'm going to work on another AU and the seventh chapter if Love Story tonight, but hopefully I can do that next week sometime!

Ah yes, my finger slipped when I was adding this to all the groups I normally put my stuff in :rainbowlaugh: I'm glad you liked it anyway!!

Mildly disappointing. The story started and ended and aside from a few minor interactions, nothing happened.

The whole point was that Twilight was falling in love with a stranger. It was meant to be taken in snapshots of their interactions. It wasn't supposed to have a larger plot. It was just supposed to be Twilight falling in live with a girl she thought she could never have, but in the end, there's a possibility she could.

I've written one story about them, yes! They aren't my favorite ship, but if done right I can enjoy it.

I wouldn't mind seeing a part 2 to this. Like a afterwards of what happened and twilight finding out why the girl was in London.
3$ say it was tardis related.

Why didn't Sunset recognize Sci-Twi as the Human Twilight?

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